SECTION C— PAGE 2 Census Starts Nov. 20 Shoots Wild Turkey Hank Shupp, Kunkle, was lucky enough to kill his Thanksgiving turkey, a twelve pounder, while hunting alone on South Mountain on Thursday. This is his second, he got one last year too! The US Census Bureau will con- duct a survey of private household workers in connection with the Current Population Survey, begin- ning November 20. The survey will cover both employers and employ- ees, and questions will include quer- ies ‘on wages, hours, kind of work Wedding Invitations done, and related items. Tru The Post [US mE SEEN SE ENN ES Ey For Engraved and Printed | Voters of Lehman Twp. | THANK YOU | For Your Support In Last Week’s Election Campaign Robert Michael Go THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1961 Dallas Senior ‘High School News BACKWARD GIRLS? If anybody has been told that there are backward girls at Dal- las Senior High School, please don’t believe it! Actually, they only seem backward. If it weren’t for the junior and sen- ior Keyette members our- school’s halls would be perfectly normal. But, also, last week Key~ ette initiation was held and all of the little sophomores had to do as they were told by the junior and senior members. Therefore, girls in dresses, stock- ing, and flats were seen walk- ing backwards with books on their heads; turning circles as they walked down the hall; clearing scads of trays off of the lunch tables, and, they were even heard singing “Jesus Loves Me” and “Yankee Doodle”. Quite religions and patriotic, don’t you agree? SPORTS lish class, you can tell which sports are coming into season—basketball and wrestling. This year our basketball JV's are under the capable management of Mr. George McCutcheon, our guid- ance counselor. The varsity is being coached by Mr. Clint Brobst, our boys’ phys. ed. instructor. The wrestling team has a little workout room right next to the boiler room and I'm told that you can lose quite a bit of weight due to the terrific heat. The squad is under the expert coaching of Mr. [Alan Husband and Mr. Louis Palermo, both biology teachers. Mr. Husband was the head coach at Kingston High School last year. We wish both teams a good seas- on. EDUCATION WEEK On Friday afternoon a special program was held for the parents in conjunction with National Educa- | tion Week. They were given the As themes are turned in, in Eng- opportunity to visit classrooms and VOTERS OF DALLAS TOWNSHIP Thank You . . . for your overwhelming support in the recent campaign for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE THOMAS B. ROBINSON if you purchase any one of these famous brand DRYERS mn GAS APPLIANCE DEALERS during Campaign! *0M GAS LIKES OF PG & W. PENNSYLVANIA GAS and YVIATER Company ® i learn what is being accomplished in each subject. At 2 p.m. parents and teachers assembled in the cafe- teria for tea and cookies. The stu- dents were in the auditorium at this time, where a movie was shown. "GOOD FOOD We think that it is time that the 3 which is eye-appealing, as well. That | kitchen staff be commended for the | is why we would like the cooks and | delicious food they have been pre- | everyone else concerned to know we paring. It isn’t an easy job to pre- really appreciate the good meals pare food which must supply, not they have been turning out. tasty, the menus appetizing wit much variety. It is vitually import- | ant for us, as growing teen-agers, | being held at the home of Agnes to have a nutricious meal and one |' by all students. The food has been | last week. The Good News Club which is rchick is open now for any one wanting to attend, under leadership | of Audrey Edwards and assistant Alice Whitesell. The following at- tended: Marcia Sorchick, Dawn Cov- ert, Donna Wesley, Kent Whitesell, | Janet Whitesell, Alice Whitesell, D. | DALLAS, PUNNSYLVANIA schools. Much work must be done to | ores Garahan was omitted from the Betty Lou Trota, Beverly McRoy insure satisfaction and acceptance | list of names present at W.S.C.S. | Tommy Piatt, Edward Darnell, Virg- | inia Piatt, Ernie Biddings, Bernadine: | Darnell, Linda Darnell. Meetings are held every Wednesday from. 4 pet [to 5 p.m. Landis Scores In Chemistry Tests Lake-Lehman Schools have been notified by Pennsylvania State Univ- only our school, but all the district MA ASSEMBLY Awards were given in assembly to those two students who sold the highest number of Christmas Cards during the sales campaign, conducted by the Athletic Associ- ation to raise money and. at the same time aid more students to attend home athletic contests. Passes were given as prizes. If you sold two boxes you could win a season WSs to either all home wrestling meets or all basketball games. If you sold four boxes, you won a season pass to both; and if you sold six boxes you won season passes to all home wrestling meets, basketball and football games. Awards were also given to home room captains. Awards were made by Mr. Testor Association. Following this, next year told of their exciting mom- ents, and what the sport has meant to them. Each boy had encourage- ment to those who are just be- ginning and told how football has developed them physically and ment- ally. EDUCATION WEEK Many compliments were given FT.A. members who helped during National Education Week activities. Some were at the Tea at Lake and some were guides at Lehman. Bulletin Boards also earned many compliments; each displayed in out- line pictures from the first schools to the proposed new building. These interesting Bulletin Boards boosted both students’ and parents’ morale. FOOTBALL BANQUET The football season is over! We Wheeler's Cafe | NOXEN ROAD HARVEYS LAKE . 1/2 Spring Chicken LOBSTER TAIL / PLATTER EVERY SAT. NIGHT EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES DR. l BERGER OPTOMETRIST 27 Machell Ave., Dallas Phone OR 4-4921 DALLAS ORchard 5-1176 Centermoreland FEderal 38-4500 B. Squire in behalf of the Athletic varsity football | players who will not .be playing | Lake-Lehman High School By RY ANN LASKOWSKI weren't the top team but all are proud of our record. As a reward, the Football Moth- er’'s Association is giving the team a turkey dinner Saturday evening at 6 in Lehman Fire Hall. Along with this, Senior: players will receive football jackets. WELCOME BACK The students and faculty want to welcome back Mrs. Ruth Stolar- ick. We all will miss the friendly face of Mrs. William Cooper who substituted for Mrs. Stolarick. We hope that she enjoyed her stay. Loyalville Official Board of Loyalville Meth- odist Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Darnell. Dec- ember 17th was chfsen for the Christmas party, 8 p.m. Present Rev. James Garahan, Wilfred Ide, Cora Dougal, Jane Dougal, Mary Ann Swire, Martha Steinruck, Josie Hum- mel, Diane Wegner and hostess Mildred Darnell. Luncheon was served. Next meeting will be held | at the home of Mrs. Mary Nienius on Dcember 5. Pfc. Edwin Winkley called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckerd on his way | to Camp Fort Dix, N. J. He spent some time with his wife, the former Ada Eckerd who is mow living with | his people at Middle Fort, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson, formerly of here, now of West Nan- ticoke, rejoice over the birth of a son, William James, Jr. She is the former Josephine Eckerd. They have two other children, a boy and a girl. : Mrs. Sophia Minor accompanied Mrs. Jane Taylor on a trip to visit her mother, Mrs. Ann Rusonis, who underwent surgery in DuBois Hos- pital. They also will visit Mrs. Bea- trice LaBenne, mother of Mrs. Betty Rusonis of here. Saturday hunters at the Luther Hummel place were Jack Skrip, Jim Caverly, Fred Valania of Alden; | Blyn Grey of Nanticoke; Leland Grey of Outlet; and Robert Lutz of Ide- town. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boston of Berwick spent some time with her sister Mrs. Edith Steltz and other relatives recently. Happy birthdays were sung to Arthur Darnell and a belated one to Josie Hummel, Sunday morning, Dol- WITCHCRAFT? No! No! No! SPOTS and STAINS | VANISH |B Before your EYES from | Table Tops | and Furniture OR 4-0744 EVENINGS @® Furniture Repair ® Cabinet Work ® Antique Refinishing STEFAN HELLERSPERK WEST DALLAS | CALL | TAKE THAT WEIGHT OFF YOUR BACK You can avoid much of the burdensome worry of home ownership by get- ting one of our convenient “package” policies. Just one policy protects you against financial loss from marty, many perils includ- ing fire, theft, and your personal liability. HAROLD E. FLACK INSURANCE AGENCY Brooks Bldg. VA 3-2189 ys Home of the N. Y. Yankees & Giants = opposite Yankee Stadium. [5 minutes from Times Square, 5 minutes from St. Barnabas Hospital and George Washington Bridge. Easily reached via Major Deegan & New York State Thru= way (write for driving details). Newly remodeled with central air- conditioning & television, Garage Parking. Singles = Doubles = 1,2, 3, 4 Room Apts. NEAR FREED OMLAND GRAND CoNdouRse AT 161ST STREET Petree —— A ——— | Wesley, Michael Trota, Joan Taylor, Edwards, Brenda Edwards, Nancy |ersity that John N. Landis, son of Piatt, Fred Whitesell, Mildred Grey, | Mr. and Mrs. John Landis, Oak Stanley Minor, George Bidding, Vicky | Hill, is one of 400 out of 2,000 stu- Pilosi, Marsha Grey, Cathy Pilosi, | dents passing beginning chemistry Evelyn McRoy, Floyd McRoy, Jane | tests with such high marks that Grey, V. Pilosi, Jane Taylor, Walter | he has been allowed to proceed directly to the second course. ANOTHER FIRST... AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK! College Education Plan information is available at College Misericordia, Wilkes College, Kings College, Pennsylvania State University (Wilkes Barre Center), Wyoming Seminary, Wilkes Barre Business College or any office of The First National Bank. If you wish, see your high school guidance counselor, or mail the coupon below. | hd tt fg Be Ne ni Xr A otc elearning bh | “MAIL THIS HANDY COUPON! : Mail to: College Plan . : i The First National Bank of Wilkes-Barre 1 _ I Please send me full details on your new College 1 Assured Plan. ! i . i Name. ; : . Address : City. Phone. tL J 11 W. MARKET STREET 5 Other Convenient Offices: PUBLIC SQUARE « KINGSTON « PLAINS « CROSSROADS . FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS MEMBER F. D. I. C. fuunf Dumyd - a awe AAR CHU VE co a