The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 09, 1961, Image 9

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Sweet Valley
We attended the Ross Elementary
School party Tuesday afternoon.
Parents and friends assembled in
the school auditorium where each
grade took a turn entertaining. Be-
bind each ‘mask, anxious eyes
searched the auditorium for thei
own’ special audience. Before us
paraded every type of character
from dainty ballerinas, to a pillow
stuffed child who wore a sign beg-
ging for a good diet. From among
the many ghosts, one proclaimed he
was a gentleman in life, and sc
atop his ghostly attire, he wore a
top hat. Mr. Myron Moss, princ
ipal, announced that since it would
be too great to judge the masquer-
aders, all would be given a treat.
Before returning to their class.
rooms, the children entertained with
a number of Hallowe'en songs.
Church Party
At the Church of Christ, where
Rev. William G. Hughes is pastor.
the following were picked from the
grand march and awarded prizes
Prettiest, Mrs. Robert Andrews and
Helen Wesley; Ed Piper proved to,
be the funniest, the most origina
were Lois and Mary Claire Wesley.
Charlene Shinder, and Coleen Wan-
dell. ;
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire
Department had a fine turn out at
their party where they were kept |
busy serving doughnuts and cider,
Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Har-
old Briggs and Mrs. Connie And-
rews, sisters, who dressed as twins;
and Linda Lanning, prettiest; Bob
Andrews, Jr. and Margaret Lanning,
Oak Hill, were the most original,
Five-year old David Cragle, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cragle, Jr. left
no doubt that he was the funniest
scarecrow in our town. The Bart-
leson baby girl, less than two
years old, was adorable in her
bridal outfit.
The young people of First Christ-
ian Church had a fine time at their
party, with prizes being awarded but
at this writing names were not
available. Rev. B. Kirby Jones is
Sweet Valley Volunteer Fire
Department will meet tonight
at 8 at the Fire Hall. Men of
the community are reminded
of the importance of these meet-
ings and are urged to attend.
The Ladies Auxiliary met last
week, with Mrs. Delbert Meade,
president, presiding. Shirley
Major, Jean Holcomb, and Bet-
ty Kunkle comprise the nomin-
ating committee, who will pre-
sent a slate of officers at the
December meeting. All members
are asked to attend this impor-
tant election meeting. Those in
attendance were Dolores Trum-
bower Levena Briggs, Connie
‘Andrews, Gladys Piper, Mary
Maransky, Emogene Davenport
and Mrs. Meade.
‘Mr. and Mrs. Ord Trumbower had
~ as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs, Edward Trumbower and daugh-
ters, Carol and Elaine, Shavertown.
and Mrs. Mary Craig. Courtdale.
Noug Trumbower, student at Penn
State spent the week-end at home.
Mrs. Caroline Ferry, has returned
home after spending the past two
weeks in Binghamton as the guest
Margaret Aton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Naugle,
¢ children. Jerry Jr. and Sherry have
. moved into a mobile home at Pikes
~ Creek.
Cathv Sayre. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rohert Savre. Pikes Creek,
. celebrated her first birthday Oct-
- ober 31.
Manle Grove Methodist Church
W.S.C.S. will make Pasties in
the Church Hall Thursday, Nov-
ember 16. until 5. Orders mav
he vlaced bv calling Frieda
Graham, Eleanor Bronson or
‘the Parsonage.
Randv Kevin Ray. is observing
his eighth birthday today. A stu-
dent at Ross Elementarv school. he
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
L. Ray.
Donna Broms~n. dauchter of Mr,
and Mrs. Hale Bronson was thir-
teen. on November 3. She is in
eighth grade at Lake-Lehman.
Rev. C. B. Klinetob remains a
natient at Robert Packer Hospital,
Sayre. His sister. Bess Klinetoh.
Sweet Vallev and his son Rev. Huch
Klinetob. Nanticoke, snent a day
last week with Rev. and Mrs. Kline-
tob at the hosnital. The dav marked
Rev. Hugh Klinetob’s birthday.
Ross Elementary School
Notes:- The Ross Committee
met in the, school auditorium,
Monday evening, October 20. A -
Variety Show, will he held in
the near future. Members are
soliciting talent for this show.
(If vou can dance. sing, play {
an instrument, recite. or enter- /
tain in any way, lend vour
talent and help ‘the Variety
show to be a success. Persons
interested should contact Mrs.
Robert Walsh, Main Road. !
Recently organized, Ross Com-
mittee is commrised of parents of
all children attending Ross Elemen-
tary School. Those who have not
vet attended are asked to do so.
Meetings are held the fourth Mon-
day. Officers are
‘president: Dylis ‘Culver. correspond-
ing secretary; Phvllis Wolfe, record- \
ing secretary and Myron Moss, treas-
* Linda Hushes, daughter of Rev. |
and Mrs. William G. Hughes, has
returned after spending a few days
with her grandmother, Mrs, Thomas
here. ( i )
Elwyn Cragle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Cragle, was feted
Saturday night at
Robert Walsh. |
Ashley. Mrs. Hughes re- |
~ turned with Linda and spent a ‘day
a going-away :
« party at Sweet Valley Fire ‘Hall. |
Plans Ahead For Dental
Post-Graduate Courses
University this week, taking a spec-
ise of the high speed drill.
During February he will take more
»ostgraduate work in diseases of the
sums at the University of Pennsyl-
ania, and next May he will enroll
‘or a postgraduate course at Temple
n the making of dentures, to keep
wbreast with the latest development.
Mills High School and was em-
loyed for five years at Natona
fills, left Monday for the Army,
Cynthia Kipp, daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Joseph G. Kipp spent a
veek-end recently with her grand-
»arents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Koz-
“mchak, Plains.
The Union Thanksgiving Eve serv-
ce will be held at the Church of
Christ, November 22 with members
f congregations of both the Church
of Christ and First Christian Church
Class of 1946, Lehman Town-
ship High School will hold its
fifteenth reunion on November
25, at Castle Inn. Members of
the committee have been un-
able to contact Ann Husted,
Joseph Yablonski and Rosalyn
Barnowski. If you can supply
this information, contact Doro-
thy Cooper, 133 Eley Street,
Forty Fort.
and Mrs. Robert Sayre, Pikes Creek,
‘who suffered burns about the hands
and face on October 31, is feeling
much better. Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Sayre, Trenton, spent last week-
Young folks of Sweet Valley are
forming an organization which will
meet at Bloomingdale Grange every
Saturday night. There will be a
speaker each week, a movie, music,
and specials of songs, and instru-
mentals. After the program there
will be an hour of discussion and
refreshments. Any one interested
may contact Gloria Long.
‘Dr. David Kunkle is at Temple
al course in Orthodontics During |
December he will take a course in |
Christine ‘Sayre, daughter of Mr.
end visiting relatives in this area. |
"018 Ladies Home vite Yon To
Hnnual Donation Day November 17
by Mrs. James B. Robinson
| The Old Ladies Home, 450 Carey
| Ave. Wilkes-Barre, will hold its an-
(nual Donation Day Tea from 2 to
'5' p.m. Friday November 17. The
| guests and members of the Board
| of Directors are looking forward to
| welcoming those who have been
interested in the Home in the past
and urge each of them to bring a
friend or friends with them.
It's almost a certainty that if one
visits the Home one comes away
with the feeling that the guests are
happy and contented and really
| fortunate to be living in such
| pleasant surroundings and receiv-
ing such excellent care.
Former Back Mountain residents
who are now guests at the Home
‘are Mrs. Grace Anderson, Shrine
| View; Miss Emily Avery, aunt of
our former Librarian, Miss Miriam
Lathrop; Miss Elizabeth Parks, Ide-
town, and Mrs. Mary Jepson,
‘While visiting at the Home some
of the guests urged me to tell you
about the party given every sum-
mer by Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Banks at
their home at Harveys’ Lake.
| About twenty-five or thirty guests
attend the party. A Martz bus is
sent by Wilkes-Barre Lions Club in
the early afternoon to pick them up
and return them to the Home in
the evening. The women take pleas-
ure in walking around the grounds,
| playing bingo and other games, and
then enjoy a wonderful chicken
and dumpling diner served by Mrs.
Banks and a number of her friends.
{ The guests and members of the
' Board wish to thank every one who
helps make this annual party such
{a happy day.
Summer residents of Back Moun-
| tain who are Board Members are
| Mrs, Malcolm Burnside, President;
Mrs. Arthur James, Mrs. Andrew
| Sordoni, Mrs. T. Thoburna Arm-
‘strong, all of Harveys Laké; Miss
Anne Kutzner, Idetown, and Mrs.
— Ultra clean! Burns clean, heats
clean... lets you enjoy the very
Sa finest automatic heat comfort.
Gup): First premium heating
oil at regular price.
Order from us today!
| William H. Conyngham, Hillside
Farm. Those who live here all year
are Mrs. Mae Townend, Mrs. Wil-
liam F. Newberry, Mrs. R. S. Fergu-
son, Miss Margaret Wood and Mrs.
James B. Robinson, any one of
whom will be happy to take your
donations to the tea or you can
send them to the Home. Donations
of fruit, canned goods, coal, linens
or any household necessity, which
we all know includes money, are
very welcome.
Guests have worked throughout
the year making things to sell at
the Bazaar which is set up very at-
tractively in the living room.
Come buy your Christmas presents
early. Remember the date-Friday
November 17th.
With 52nd Artillery
U.S, Forces, Germany (AHTNC)-
Army 2d Lt. Joseph J. Checkon,
22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G.
Checkon, Hillcrest Drive, Dallas, is.
assigned to the 52nd Artillery in
Lieutenant Checkon, a fire con-
trol platoon leader in the artillery’s
Battery CC, arrived overseas last
The lieutenant is a 1956 graduate
of St. Mary’s High School, Wilkes-
Barre, and a 1960 graduate of the
University of Scranton,
Hello everybody:
So happy to be back.
hear folks miss our news items.
My daughter and I wish to thank |
| friend of Barbara's.
Glad to |
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr.! and Mrs. Bud Lubinski, were
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane, Ber-
‘all who sent cards and prayed for | Wick son Merle who spent a day
‘her to get well. Mrs. J. W. Allen hunting; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gensel,
II of Plymouth N. C. is now recu- | Son William, Shickshinny.. Mr. and
perating at her home,
mother-in-law taking over the
house hold duties. Mr. Hummel and
‘1 had the, privilege of visiting our
with her Mrs. Richard Wimans and daugh-
ters, Virginia, Mary, Mrs. Paul
| Fahringer and husband, Harrisburg.
Paul Knecht spent two days hunt-
|grandson J. W. Allen III at the | ing from West Wyoming.
| State University of Raleigh, N. uk Recent visitors at the home of
|'We enjoyed the harvesting
late for cotton and tobacco.
of | Rose Lubinsk were her son, John,
| peanuts and soy bean, but were
| daughter, Mrs. Julie Skrip, Alden,
South River, N, J. her grand
| So nice to see the walls of our great grandson and daughter Fran-
| church newly ‘painted, a new cor- kie and Sonjewadas, Nanticoke.
‘nice over the picture of Jesus. The |
goes to our choir under
leadership of Jane Dougal. Thomas
Swire did the woork.
| Base N. H., her Aunt Mrs.
Visitors at the home of Mary
Nienius her son S/SGT, William.
He is stationed at Pease Air Force
Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. | Winesky of Wilkes Barre.
Leona McHugh and families in loss |
{of her husband, to Mary Bowman
iand relatives in loss of her sister
! Lillian Hirlinger, Jack Covert and
families in loss of his sister Mrs.
[are Michaels of Boundbrook,
N. J.
Week end visitors:
I". At the
Mrs. Martha Mensch, Philadelphia,
her aunts Mrs. Rose Oliver Plains,
“Mrs. Catherine Williams’ Naticoke
"also Marion = Jolly, Courtdale, a
WATCH ™seecins
During Grand
Opening Week
Stop in and see the modern
equipment that makes the ULTIMATE
in ‘Dry Cleaning possible!
In The New Shopping Center — Dallas, Pa.
home of Mr. and Mrs, |
| Perry Hoover III was her mother, |
Mildred Darnell and Josie Hum- |
mel made a visit to the Nesbitt
Hospital to see Joan Rogowski who
is a patient from Pikes Creek.
The W.S.CS. met at the home
of Cora Dougal at Hunlock Creek
recently. Plans were, made for a
vacuum drys
’ ’
Top Quality! Modest Price!
Gets dirt other cleaners can’t get be-
cause it beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans.
Gentle vibration brings deep imbedded
dirt to the surface, where it's swept up
and carried into the over-sized Throw-
away Bag. It saves carpets — saves
time — saves work, because it rolls
easily on wheels.
® Triple action cleaning.
® Rug thickness adjust-
® Jumbo Throw-away
social get together on November
18th and a trip to Wilkes Barre
We ladies are invited to be guest:
of Meeker W.S.CS. on Novembe:
| 21. A get well card was signed b:
{all members and sent to Mrs. J. W
Allen II, Plymouth, N.C. who was
under an emergency operation
She is the former Josephine Hum
mel. The following present were
served a luncheon; Addie Payne
Virgie Wolfe, Waneta Hoppes, Mar
tha Stienruck, Martha Swire, Mary-
ann Swire, Dianna Wegner, Mil
dred Darnell, Emily Lord, Bes:
Klinetoh, Arline Stuart, Doris Stu
art, Thelma Leach, Jane, Sharor
and Cora Dougal. Next meeting tr
be held at the home of Martha
Stienruck, November 22nd.
Congratulations go to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack White on the arrival o
a daughter. They also have a son
She is the former Naney Boston.
Diana Wegner and Mildred Dar
nell spent Tuesday at Huntingtor
Mills visiting their sister, Mrs. Don-
ald E. McDermott and family.
Mrs, Marshall Dunham and
daughter Alice, Apalachin, N. Y.
visited her father, Fred Marth and
friends. She was the former Myrtle
Mrs. W. Dobson spent a week
with daughters and the families
® Two-speed motor gives
50% more suction for
the tools, which are
optional extras.
The portable cleaner
that goes every-
where dirt
$ $39.95 Value
Mrs. Bud Hactre and Mrs. Alfred
Zordon, Milan, N. Y. d
Mr. and Mrs. Budlubinski and
‘amily spent the week end with
her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jameron Faux, Strawberry R py
Happy birthday goes to S/SGT,
%. J. Szymanski, husband of Patsy
Hummel, who will soon be return-
ng from Philippines, they have
been, away 2 years. ’
Tome-Makers Holiday
Jpen House On Tuesday
Back Mountain Home-Makers
Tloliday YWCA classes were can-
celled on Tuesday because’ of Elec-
sion Day. Classes for this fall seas-
on will hold the final sessions next
Tuesday, November 14, with an
open house for guests, Women who
ire interested in classes during the
winter are urge to attend, to see
vhat is being done. x
New classes will begin Tuesday,
November 21. Anyone wishing to
register may do so on that date.
With expenses what they are
oday, people who save for a rainy
lay can only hope it will be a
rery light shower. :
sO 58s
The famous cleaner
that “Walks
on Air”
g$ sss
Savings 1 00. 00
3 Regular is 5299. 50 Regular Price $339. 50
| | Savings ; 1 00.00
Sale Price I 99. 50 Sale Price 239. 50
As Low As *1.50 per week
and WATER Company {
Partner's Choice ?