The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 12, 1961, Image 3

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    uw ro Wha
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~ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hessler, Trucks-
ville, will leave for St. Petersburg,
Fla., the end of the month to spend
the winter.
-Mrs. Frank Harvey, Woodlawn
Drive, left this week to spend some
time with her daughter, Romayne
Oney and family in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Weyand,
‘Knob Hill, Trucksville, celebrated
To fortieth wedding anniversary
Wodneslay: October 11.
and Mrs. Robert A. Bulford,
errs Highway, Trucksville, an-
nounce the birth of a daughter at
General Hospital on October 10.
Capt. Harold C. W. Birth, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Birth, Trucks-
ville has arrived in England. His
wife and children will join him
Cards and letters have been re-
ceived from the Buddie Rathers,
who recently moved to Miami, Fla.,
saying they're all brown as berries
already and love their new home,
school, neighbors and tropical fruit
{ Betty Sutton, Johnson City, N, Y.,
Robert Sutton, Herbert Sutton, Ves-
tal, N. Y., spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Sutton at Troxell Switch.
George Shupp who has been con-
fined to his home for the past two
Weks with a virus is able to be out
Joe Peterson, Norton Avenue, left
Sunday for New York City where.
he has taken a’ position with the
Columbia Broadcasting Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Ma-
:ell Avenue, are spending the week’
in ' the New England States cele-
brating their wedding anniversary.
Bruce R. Zeiser and his grand-
daughter, Cathy Zeiser, Providence,
R..1, will spend the weekend visit-
ing his mother, Mrs. H. H. Zeiser, |
Huntsville Road, Dallas, Mrs. Leigh-
ton R. Scott, Easton, spent -last
weekend with her mother.
- Grace Ann Bachman, member of
the Sophomore Class, Pennsylvania
State University, spent the weekend
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Rabert Bachman, Demunds Road.
Her mother drove her back.
Mrs. Cletus Holcomb Sr. and Mrs.
Albert Wallace, spending Sunday at
Orangeville, brought Mrs. Edith
Ward back with them to Sweet
Valley for a few days visit.
Book Club To Hear
Talk On Archaeology
‘Robert Ruspar, president of ‘the
nces Dorrance Chapter, Pennsyl-
vania Society for Archaeology, will
sak on the Indian Village ‘ex-
Boatod near Sans Sousi Park at the
October meeting of Back Mountain
Library Book Club Monday at. 2 p.m.
The program, a combination of film
and lecture, was arranged by Miss
Visitors are welcome, A very
cordial invitation is extended to all
men of the community.
Eastern Star Plans
Fall Rummage Sale
Fall Housecleaning becomes the
preparation time for Dallas Chap-
ter #396 Order of the Eastern
Star's “RUMMAGE SALE”, Lare’s
‘Building, Luzerne, October 26, 27,
and 28. Mrs! Betty Makar and Mrs.
Alice Adams are co-chairmen.
Mrs. Mildred Garinger, Worthy
Matron, announces these members
“Mo will serve on this committee:
Anna Alt, Mary Ora Bean, Mary
Frances Dendler, Myrtle Rineman,
Elma Price, and Evelyn Smith.
To Attend State-Army
Football Game Saturday
A number of local families will go
#0 University Park on Saturday to
see the Penn State Army football
game. They are Mr, and Mrs. Don-
ald D. Smith and Donna, Mr. and
Mrs. Fay Hopkins and Barbara and
Bruce, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Davis Jr.
and Bruce III, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Garris and Chuck, Dr. and Mrs.
Carleton Davies, Linda, Mark and
Diane and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moen,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bachman =
with their son ‘Sumner.
* 7’
bin Lynn Gansel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gansel, Falls
announce the
birth of a daughter, Robin Lynn, at
Arlington Community Hospital on
10. She weighed six
Church, Virginia,
pounds and four ounces.
Mrs. Gansel is the formet Marlyn |:
Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Spencer of Idetown. Mr,
Gansel is son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Gansel, Claude Street, Dallas.
Daniel Kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. David Kitchen, De- |!
munds Road, announce the birth
of a son, Daniel William, October
'6 in Nesbitt Hospital. He weighed
8 pound-5 ounces.
Mrs. Kitchen is the former Doris
daughter of Mrs. Leona
"Wandell and the late William Wan-
‘dell of Fernbrook.
Mr. Kitchen is the son of Mr.
End David Kitchen, RD 3, Dal-
ie Daniel has two sisters, Emma :
fou, age 11 and Susie, age 8.
For Engraved and Printed
igh bolo Jews And
otes Of Personal Interest
‘Our Lady of Mount Carmel R. C.
Church, Lake Sifkworth, was the
setting Saturday, October 7 at 9 a.m.
for the ceremony at which Alice
Bonning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Bonning, Lake Silkworth, be-
i came the bride of Bernard Michael
Janusz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
Janusz, Nanticoke.
The Nuptial Mass and ceremony
was performed by Rev. S. F. Banan,
Pastor. Junior Choir of the church
sang. :
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore floor length gown
of silk organza, styled with fitted
bodice, jeweled Sabrina neckline,
short sleeves and short train. Her
veil of French illusion fell from a
crown of rhinestones. She carried
a bouquet of white carnations cent-
ered with an orchid.
Mary Keating, Kingston, was mat-
ron of honor, and Betty Mae Hut-
Miss Alice Bonning Becomes
Bride: Of Bernard M. Janusz
chins, Falls Church, Va. bridesmaid.
Both chose blue full length gowns,
fashioned with scoop neckline, fit-
ted bodice, and full skirt. They wore
matching crowns with profile veils
and carried bouquets of blue carna-
Jack Karpinski, Alden Mountain,
was best man, and Walter Glogowski,
Shavertown, usher.
A reception was held at 5 p.m. at
St. Joseph's Hall, Nanticoke, after
which the couple left for a trip to
the Poconos and New York City.
The bride is a graduate of Lake-
Lehman School and until last week
was employed at General Cigar Co.,
Nanticoke. Mr. Janusz is a gradu-
ate of Nanticoke High School, and
Penn State University. He is em-
ployed as Draftsman with the Bell
Telephone Laboratories in Whippney,
N.J., where the couple will reside.
Minstrel, Dance
First fall meeting of Dallas Junior
Woman’s Club was held at Prince
of [Peace, Parrish Hall when plans
were outlined for a ministrel show
and, a Thanksgiving Dance at the
Country Club, November 25. Enter-
tainment was furnished by Mrs. Jane,
Schooley and Mrs. H.. Rymer with
dried flower arrangements. .
Business covered installation of
officers, Mrs. Evan Bonawitz as cor-
responding secretary, Mrs. Fred
Templin, assistant; announcement of
plans’ for: a bridge group to be
Annex; report. of Auction ‘candy:
sale, $563.82; appointment of Mrs.
Milton Evans and Mrs, Roger Culp
to the Luzerne County Convention.
Refreshments were served. by
Mesdames Robert Moore, William
Berti, Harold Brobst, Edwin De-
laney, Robert Rave; door prizes
organized Monday, at. the “Library |
:chak, John Porter,
Dallas Junior Women Plan
For Fall Season
were won by Mesdames Edwin De-
laney, Evan Bonawitz and Robert
Present, Mesdames: C. Edward
Johnson, David ‘Alderson, = Evan
Bonawitz, Robert Lewis, C. K; Park-
er, Thomas Reese, Walter Kozem-
Robert F. Moore,
Edwin Delaney, Harold Brobst, Wil-
liam Berti, Robert Rave, Joseph
Katyl, Stanley Hozempa, James Be-
secker, Jr., Fred Templin, Edward
Jackson, Janice Rice, Robert Ste- |
phenson, Charles Smith, James
Gardiner, Paul Hiller, Royal Culp, |
David Corey, Clifford Boyer, Milton
Evans, John (Culp, Jr, ‘Bernard
Rogers, Donald Frannon, Ned Hart-
man, James Huston, Jr., Thomas
Moore, Robert Brown, Wilson
Maury, H. H. Rymer, J. B. Schooley,
John Diffendafer, Joseph Borton,
Harveys Lake Club Plans
Busy Autumn Season.
- Harveys Lake Women’s, Service
Club, at: its monthly - ‘meeting on
October ‘5, adopted several projects,
some promoted, in he Federation
program. ;
Seven nurses’ in the Club: will ‘act
as ‘a committee for the “Conquer
Uterine Cancer” campaign. Mrs.
Mildred Scruitsky, Home Ec. teacher
at the Lake building, has agreed. to
| enter some of her students, spon-
sored by the Club, in the Vogue
Sewing Contest. The Club is trying
to set up a Scholarship Fund for
two local worthy students.: A: Hal-
loween Dance will be held October
28 at O’'Connells Twin Lakes. Names
of prospective. members will be pre-
sented to’ the Executive Board: on
October 16. The Initiation Dinner
for new members is scheduled for.
November, |
‘ [Present at -the rieting: Mes-
son, Roland Ritts, Lee Bicking, Al-
bert . Armitage, Theodore Heness,
Howard [E. Jones, Francis: Schuler,
Grace L. Martin, Harvey Kitchen,
Clarence Oberst, R. Dale. Wagner,
George Searfoss, Raymond Garinger,
Charles 'S. Williams, Ora M. Bean,
Elvin Bean, George C, Bray, Clar-
ence 'L. Swire, Ivan Steinruck, Earl
Payne, Joseph Elgaway, Howard L.
Piatt, John P. Cooney, Carl T.
Swanson, Carrie Rood, John Zorzi,
Jr., Miss Treva Traver, and Miss
Pauline Davis, ’
Discussion Group
The Great Books Discussion Group
will meet tonight at 7:30 at the
‘Osterhout Library. For further in-
dames: Wilfred Ide, Malcolm Nel-
ence Moledor, Arthur Darnell, Clar-:
Girl Scout Troop 27
Plans Busy Fall Season
{Girl Scout Troop 27 elected Suridy
Tait and Linda Howell as patrol
leaders, Ruth Higgins and Janet
Balshaw, Juliette Low Representa-
tives, Donna Smith, scribe, Debbie
Savickas, treasurer, Pattie Larson
and’ Donna Priebe, flag bearers,
Nancy Covert and Leis Frantz,
color guards, Karen Fisk, librarian
and Janet Balshaw, ‘scrapbook; sec-
retary ‘at their meeting yesterday.
Plans were made for a Hallowe’en
party and court of awards, ‘for a
Mother Daughter dinner in Decem-
ber and for sale of Girl Scout’ calen-
dars. Scouts are now working on a
Home Nurse Badge under the direc-
tion of Mrs, Fay Hopkins. =
Recently they learned how to:lash
a table with Mrs. Russell Lawry as
teacher and hiked to the fire tower
for lunch with Mrs. Donald D.
Smith, leader and Mrs. Alan Covert,
They brought back pine cones for
their holiday decorations.
rsa Singer of 235 East |i
Market . Street, .and Cornelius F.
Miller of ‘81 Hutson Street, Wilkes-
Barre, announce the engagement |
and ‘approaching marriage. of their |
Saughter ‘Lois’ Ann. Miller; to Rafael |
R. Rodrigues. He .is a son of Mr.
‘ Rafael Rodrigues of R. D. 5,
Shaverown: >
The; “brideselect:
nurse; ; was, radunted from GAR |
Valley: Hospital ‘School of Nursing |
in 1959. For the past two years she
{'has been employed at the Institute
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilita- |
tion in New York City. Mr. Rodri- |
guez is a 1956 graduate of Lehman |
Twp. High School and Pennsylvania |
| State University, Class of 1961. He
| is associated with his father and
| brother in the operation of a farm
“registered i
wedding will take
High School ' in. 1956 and Wyoming | October 28.
Base, Maine.
York City.
Blbert Sweitzers Are
Wed Twenty-Five Years
Mr. and Mrs, Albert H. Sweitzer
Sr., Dallas R.D, 1, will observe
their silver wedding anniversary on
Saturday, October 14.
Mrs, Sweitzer is daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Zielinski, Scureman
Street, Lyndwood. Mr. Sweitzer is
| son of the late Henry and Elizabeth
Sweitzer, Blackman Street, Wilkes
The couple was married in
St. Mary’s Church, Plymouth, by
the late Rev. S. A, Drier.
There is one child, A/2C Albert
H. Sweitzer Jr. serving with the
US. Air Force at Loring Air Force
Nancy Mullaney Takes
Dairy Council Post
Succeeding Jeanne Clark as exec-
utive director of Dairy Council of
Scranton-Wilkes-Barre i
| Nancy Mullaney of Scranton,
took office October 1. She holds
a degree from Marywood College,
and served her dietetic interneship
at Cornell Medical Center,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Major, Leh-
Wednesday evening when a number
of friends and relatives helped them
celebrate their twenty eighth wed-
ding anniversary with a party in
Church, They received lovely gifts.
Present were Mildred London;
Mina London, Marion London, Fred-
die London, Doris Bulicre, Edith |
{ Hoover, Sandra Hoover, Elizabeth |
{ Milbroadt, Tera Milbroadt, Mr. and !
man, were pleasantly surprised on |
the parsonage of Free Methodist |
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Major Are
Surprised On 28th Anniversary
Mrs, William Sorber, Laura Kocher,
Neta Kocher, Dolores Kocher, Mr.
| and Mrs. John Sutton, Mr. and Mrs,
| Elmer Major, Vivian Moyer, Beverly
| and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs, Homer
Major, Janet, Mr. and Mrs, Sam
Travor, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
{ Hoover, Rev. and Mrs. Emery
| Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Major,
Arthur Gosart, Barbara Gosart, Mr.
{and Mrs. Warren Major, Larry,
| Joyce Stokes, Nancy Stokes and
| Bonnie Milbroadt.
Joy Harris Celebrates
Her Ninth Birthday
Joy Harris celebrated her ninth
birthday anniversary with a party | Evans, Libby Edwards, Her parents
at her home on Claude Street, Dal- | Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Harris, brother
las, Tuesday, October 3. Games were | Gary Harris and Joy Darlene Har-
played and prizes won by Libby | ris.
Edwards, Debbie Drake and Cale]
The party table was decorated in |
pink, blue and yellow with pink |
cake as center piece. She received the thirteenth.
| lovely gifts.
Present were: Judy Blase, Sally
{ Lancio, Carole Hozempa, Elaine
| Kuehn, Debbie Drake, Barbara Con-
inolly, Roslyn Fredrereci, Romana
Friday The Thirteenth
Watch it tomorrow. It's Friday
Marion Louise Cooney To Marry
Louis Wagner Jr. On October 21
Mr Sand Mrs. “John B. Cooney, | is: employed by Fowler Dick and |
Hunloek: Creek R.D:1, ‘announce the | Walker, Mr. Wagner was graduated
approaching ‘marriage of their daugh- | from Forty Fort High [School and
is employed by Stull Brothers in
ter, + Marion Louise, to . Louis. G. |
Wagner. Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis .G. Wagner Sr.,.- 96 Dana
et, "Forty ' Fort. Rev. Francis |
Kang will perform the double ring
ceremony in Gate of Heaven Church
Saturday, October 21 at 10 a.m.
The bride will ‘be. given in mar-
riage’ by her father. Mary Cummings
of Trucksville will be maid of honor
and: Thomas Nice, Kingston, best
a Hseption wilt be held at the
home: of ithe bride ‘immediately fol-
lowing the ceremony.
Miss Cooney is a graduate of West
Central. Catholic High iSchool. She
Lunar Honeymoon
Want ‘to go to the moon for your
honey-moon? Aireraft and Space
engineers “think "it could be done
for around $900, including tips,
when nuclear propulsion is worked
Sa SS SS Maen
“The Bést in Food and. Service Always”
® Chinese Foods
® [talian Foods ® Chops
All Kinds of Sea Foods
The Whole Family Enjoys ‘Our Delicious Food
Reservations for Fall Parties and Christmas Taken Now
Open Sunday 12 to 8—Weekdays 4:30 to 11
BU 7-9408 ® BU 8-0456
® Steaks
formation call Mrs. M. Slater at TURN RIGHT OFF UNION ST. AT THE TRACKS
ORchard 5-1614. ee
Watch For
Ann's Apparel
(new location)
95 Main Street ;
Oct. 20
| Oct. 21
The sey: will reside on Dana
Street, Forty Fort.
: If a diamond commands an inferior
price, it is usually because it is an inferior gem. The
best way to be sure of honest value for your diamond dollar
is to select your jeweler carefully. We know and guarantee
the quality and value of each diamond in our store.
63 South Main Street
ad Jr
0 oN
% «
Cy, c Tre ow
Cap Qev Ss
to you . .
“see your dealer”
A forthright challenge 2 everyone
who plans to buy a luxury car this year
In a few days, you will receive a personal invitation to drive a 1962 Imperial.
Not the usual vague
compare your own car with the best Imperial we’ve ever built.
At your convenience, a dealer in your area will defiver a 1962 Imperial
. for a thorough comparison-tour that you conduct by yourself.
We believe anyone planning to invest from five to seven thousand dollars
in an automobile is entitled to the unembroidered facts right from the car itself.
Nattrally, our dealers explain the advantages of torsion-bar suspension . . .
tell you how the alternator supplies current even while the engine idles . . .
quote engineering data on the superior performance of our new transmission
. and answer any other question you ask about Imperial.
But you can find out only so much about Imperial by mere listening.
To give the facts substance and meaning you must drive and compare.
So, when our invitation arrives, take us up on it. It obligates you not
at all. And whether you eventually buy an Imperial or not, you'll mever
forget that once you drove a car which handled and accelerated and thrilled
as a great car is supposed to.
RSYV.D. Even though our invitation may somehow miss you, an Imperial corm
parison-tour may easily be arranged by writing on your letterhead to: Genengl
Manager, Imperial Division, 12200 East Jefferson, Detroit, Michigan.
. . . but a specific challenge to