has been and children, Richard, James, NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver CHASE, Mrs. William Hughes MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert ~ IDETOWN. Bess Cooke NE 9-8522 NE 9-3930 OR 4-5460 OR 4-2782 GR 7-2784 Harding 388-2270 NE 9-3187 TRUCKSVILLE Auxiliary History “Back in the early 1940's a need was felt for an auxiliary to aid the fire company. The first meeting, held in the 100F Hall, Carverton Road, Wednesday night, September. 17, 1941, Mrs. Neual Kester served as the group's first president, She was followed by Mesdames Vincent Mc- Quire, William Robbins, Samuel Mil- ler, Harold Yorks, N. L. Silverman, Earl Gregory, Jr., Anthony Bogdon, and George Liddicote. ! ‘John Anderson, Sr., Meadowcrest, readmitted to Wilkes- ~ Barre veterans Hospital, - Mrs. Robert Singer entertained ~ fifteen members of her card club Wednesday night. Tables were decor- ated with asters and mums. Mrs. Frederick Andrews and Mrs. Harry ~~ Millman won prizes, ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spry and children, Albany, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Head- man over the week end. ‘Mrs, Harold Griffiths Entertains Mrs. Harold Griffiths, Mt. Green- wood, entertained at dinner {for her ea mother Tuesday night. Mrs. Sarah 5 Woodson celebrated her eighty-third birthday. Attending were Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hussman, Mr. and Mrs. John Husband, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Neual Jor- den, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Sanders, Hubert Emerson. ~ Mr. and Mrs Richard Houghwout and Linda, Mercersville, N. J, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ~ Anderson and family. ! Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Robinson have purchased the former Gerald Stout home at Holcombs Grove. ~ With their two sons they have been living at Meadowcrest. : Mrs. Norman Stookey, Holly Street, has returned from General x Hospital. ba ». and Mrs. Harry Gilbert vis- ited relatives in Binghamton over the week end. Birthday greetings this week to Mrs. [Betty Reese; Mrs. Clyde. Birth, Mrs. Joan Coolbaugh Britt, Mrs. C. S. Hemmenway, Mrs. Thomas Kreidler, Mrs. Richard Rees, Mrs. Kenneth Woolbert, Cedric Griffiths, John Throwbridge; Wilbur Morgan, Frank Hoffman, William Palmer, Herbert Spencer, Jr,, Dorman Schooley, R. Newton Davenport, Eugene DeVin- centis, Judith A. Roushey, Gretchen Finney, Marion Shovlin, and Joyce Ellsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wadsworth and daughter, Emma, are home after several days in New York City. Louis Achuff has returned after visiting ‘his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sterling Achuff in Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scott and children, Marion, Ethel, and Walton of Endwell, N. Y. were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snyder of \W. Main’ Street. Entertains Card Club 5 Neighborhood [Card Club at with Mrs. Harry D. Owens «Wednesday night. Mrs, Earl Gregory, Jr. and Mrs. Ogdon Palmer won prizes. At- tending were: ~~ Mesdames: Donald Anderson, Harold Croom, Earl Greg- ory, Jr. Sheldon Hoover, Richard Mathers, Robert Mathers, Ogdon Palmer, William Lohman. Mrs, Theodore Andrews, Mrs. Her- man Shovlin, Mrs. Harry: Bryant, and Mrs. Willard Springer spent the week end in Pittsburgh, where they visited Mrs. Alexander Wesley. All are alumnae of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allabaugh and sons, Elmer and Henry, Jr., have returned to East Orange, N. J, after spending several days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hender- son. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stanford, Jud- ith and Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Shel- don Winters, Evelyn and Harry, On the Gridiron or Main St. Teamwork pays off ‘BOTANY 500 First in Fine Clothes SANITONE First in Fine says Johnny Unitas star quarterback of the Baltimore Colts { He’s so right! Sanitone Dry Cleaning really does bring back that ‘like-new’ drape and texture to fabrics. Our Sanitone process i3 recommended by leading clothing makers as the one method for keeping your clothes fresh and bright as the day you bought them. Call, or stop by for better Sanitone Dry Cleaning . today! service . . "BOTANY 500 Sanitone Dry Cleaning AAT APPROVED SERVICE » As advertised in Sports Illustrated ~~ O’'MALIA Laundry & Dry Cleaning Luzerne - Dallas Highway "Enterprise 1 Clething Care 0843 TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin , SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Vernon Ash LEHMAN, Barbara Simms SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Bay Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell, Jack and Robert, Jr, attended a family picnic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Walker in Berwick. Mr. and Mrs. M, Hagaman, Ar- lington, Va., were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S, D. Finney, Carver- ton Road. Mr. Hagaman is a brother of Mrs Finney. Mrs. Esther Thomas has returned to Binghamton, after several, weeks with her sister, Mrs, Florie Daniels. , Mrs, Frank Mathers, Sr., visited friends and relatives in Plainsfield, N. J. last week. Mrs, Dennis Llewellyn and infant son are home from General Hosp- ital. William Strange is back from a Canadian fishing trip. Mrs, Thomas Vernon and child- ren, Highland Avenue, spent several weeks at Center County Grange Encampment while Mr. Vernon at- tended University of West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Andrews will spend the week end with relatives in. Rochester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lawson, Carv- erton Road, recently spent a week end “with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Knorr and family in New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Marshell and children, Jay and = Helen, Morris Plains, N. J. visited her father, Mr, Theodore Stanley of Harris Hill Road recently. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butler, former residents of Carverton Road, spent the past week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Unger and family of Edgewood Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kusek and family. and Mrs. Edith Putro of Philadelphia = visited Mrs. Joanne Rydjewski of Staub Road. Mrs. Rydjewski recently ‘was in Atlantic City with daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maxwell. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Williams have returned from Kenwood, N. Y., where they visited Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Watkins, former residents of Trucks- ville Gardens. = + Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Jones will spend the week end in Jersey City, N. J, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Harding. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Harding are alumnae of University of Scranton, Mrs. Arthur Marth, Carverton Road, is chairman of Christmas cookie sales for Dorcas Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jones, Jr., and son of Virginia visited her mother, Mrs. J. B. Schooley recent- ly- Donna Sherry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sherry, Spring Garden Street, has returned from Nesbitt Hospital where she was a surgical patient. Loyalville CUT IN ACCIDENT We were sorry to hear of the accident that eleven-year-old Rodney Sorber had with his bicycle in front of the Avis Kocher home Tuesday evening. He suffered bruises and cuts to his face and lip requiring su- tures. Due to infection may . have to have plastic surgery, Rodney is the son of|Mr. and Mrs. Phillip gorher, Loyalville. * * Mrs. Nivian EL hd her aunt, Virgie Wolfe, for the weekend. They enjoyed a day at Lake Jean and Ricketts Glen. With them were daughters Debra, Janice and a friend, Melvin Condon. spend a week with daughter, Rebec- ca, husband, John, children Terry, Mark, Jennifer and Bryan, He, will also visit Mr. and Mrs. Jay Boone and family, Townawanda, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boone of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Shultz, Jr., daughter Dawn, son Lester 111, Clifton, N.- J., with his sister, Mrs. Russell Scott II and family. Her brother, Harry Shultz, of Dallas, called on them, Shirley Denmon is recuperating from her recent illness, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott. Mary Nienius Hostess South District Democratic Women met at the home of Mary- Nienius, Loyalville. Martha Hoover pr esided, Luncheon was served to the follow- ing: Martha Hoover, Veronica Mich- navich, ‘Mary Mihalishin, Virginia Gennetts, Ann Kyttle, Florence mel, Elsie Paniczko, Deloris Sorber and Dianne Wegner. Next meeting Iwill be held with Mary Mihalishin on October 2. Walter Wesley, Jr., was given a surprise 7th birthday party by his parents, Present were his parents, sister Donna, brother Jeffrey, grand- ma Stevens, aunt June, nels Earl and Sandy King. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christ, and Debbie, Melbourn, Florida, spent vacation with Walter and Marcia Allen, Loyalville, and her mother, | Mary LaBar of Shavertown. 3 |. Norman Relyea, Martha Eckerd, | son Curtis, Medina, N. 'Y;, spent the | weekend with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Peter Eckerd and family. Pete | | has been ill for some time, Get well wishes go out to him. over the weekend’ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peterman and family, Their | son, Guy, Jett for. pullin, service Luther Hummel left for Buffalo tor spent the weekend |’ Wesley, Mildred Darnell, Josie Hum- and grandma Agnes Sorchik, brother Mr. and Mrs. George Steltz visited THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 199 NE 9-6531 OR 4-2748 NE 9-2544 OR 65-1872 OR 4-3391 GR 7-2072 September 12. They also called on Mrs. Forrest Peterman at Blooms- burg Hospital. She has a 9 Ib. 12 oz. baby girl, Happy birthday to Lois and Joyce Delkanic = who celebrated on the same day, September 14, but they are 8 years apart.’ Lois is student teacher at Berwick. She attends Bloomsburg State Teachers College. Sweet Valley Phillip Farber. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Farber. A graduate of Kings College, he is enrolled at Catholic University in Washington, doing graduate work in Biology. Mrs. Richard Davenport, Sr. had as week-end guests her grandchil- dren, Richard and Dottie Jean, chil- dren ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davenport, Jr., Beach Haven. Sweet Valley Volunteer Fire. Co. extends an invitation to all adults to attend its meetings The firemen meet the second Thursday. Officers are Russell L. Major, President; Loren Cragle, Jr., Vice President; Michael Nemchik, Financial Secretary; George H. Bronson, Corresponding Secretary; Carl D. Rood, Treasurer; Sherman W. Kunkle, Chief. Trustees are Clarence W. Doberstein, Joseph G. Kipp and Ord Trumbower. Ladies Auxiliary meets the first Thursday. Officer's are, Mrs. Del- bert Meade, President; Mrs. Michael Maransky, Vice President; Mrs. Ord Trumbower, Treasurer; Mrs. Harold Briggs, Secretary; and Mrs. Richard Davenport, Sr. Financial Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes, Ashley, spent two days as guests of Rev. and Mrs. William Hughes. Mrs. David Evans, Sr. is in Nut- ley, N.J. as the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Leonard Macheska. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre, Deb- bie, Karen and Tommy; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sayre, Christine and Kathy spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sayre of Trenton, N.J. and recently became parents of twins, Merrill: Francis and Jacque- line Ann. Mrs. David Evans, Jr entertained at a Stork Shower honoring Mrs. George Mortimer. Centerpiece was a small bassinet holding an infant. Favors were tiny diapers filled with candy. Attending were Mrs. Daniel Kosek, Mrs. Robert Sommers; Mrs. Fran Sterl; Mrs. Clyde Sampson; Mrs. David Evans, Sr.; Mrs. Ord Trumbower-. Calling “on Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case ‘Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Applegate, Sugarloaf; Dr. and Mrs. William Bradbury, Billy and Karen; Mrs. LeRoy Wolfe, Mrs. Bertha Supulski and children Cindy, Bertha, and Jeffrey, Trucksville. Mrs. B. C. Moore, will return to San- ford, Florida after spending several weeks with her sister Mrs. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Rarick and Alice Boyle, Berwick, were guests of Bess Klinetob Sunday. Rev. C. B. Klinetob, who has been spending two weeks with his son, Rev. Hugh Klinetob, Nanticoke, was admitted to the Sayre Hospital Monday, where he will undergo observation. Meeker W.S.C.S. met at the church Tues- day’ evening. Present were: Edna Karschner, Letha Wolfe, Marie ‘Wolfe, Ruth Rogers, Edna W. Reben- nack, Mae King, Dolores Garrahan, Edna King Louise King, Esther Alles; Linda Rogowski, Edna B. Rebennack, Addie Kyttle, Glendoris Shilanski, Viola Hoover and Hazel Winter. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Ernest Daily and family, Hemlock, N. C. and Ms. Claudine Daily, Loyalville, visited Mrs. Annie Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winter and David on Thursday. The Dailys returned to N. €. on Monday. Jeffy Josuweit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Josuweit recently re- he was treated for bee stings. Ruggles Mr. ‘and Mrs. George Dendler entertained at a family dinner on Sunday for their grand-daughter and family who left on Monday for their home in Denver Colo, Present: Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Debbie, Lila and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steltz, Elmer Jr., and Virginia, Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dendler, Bethlehem; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frantz, Beau- mont, Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Derham- ‘mer, Judy, Sandy and Linda of Little Meadows, Mrs. Stedinger, Charles Jr., Harold, Nor- man, Nancy and Larry, Beaumont. Ruggles W.S.C.S. will meet at the Chur on on Thursday evening, 8 p.m. Don’t forget the Rummage Sale to be held in the Church basement on Saturday September 23 begin- ning at 10 a.m. Adult class will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kitchen on Saturday evening, 7:30. A family dinner was Sunday in"honor of Mrs. Lela Ko- cher’s birthday anniversary. The following children and their famil- ies were there, Mr. and Mrs. Eugerre Reynolds, Swoyerville; Mrs. Edward Kondracki and Eddie Jr. Jean and Tony, Plymouth, Mrs. Na- dine ‘Hoover and Theresa. _ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Loomis who are the proud gE furned from Nesbitt Hospital where Charles} hod: on | Gloria | THESE WOMEN! ("By dAlessio “I can’t make him out. He says he’s mad about me, can’t’ live without me . . . And this is what I look lib to him!” grandparents of a baby girl born to their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Race. This is the couples first child and the first grand child for the: Loomises. Mr. | and Mrs. Race live in Wallingford, Conn., Mrs. Loomis left on Satur- day to spend a few days with the Races. The baby was born on Fri- day September 15th. Noxen Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fish and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case spent Tues- day at Laurelton, Pa., ‘where they visited Grace Webb. Mrs. Nick Novak, (formerly Betty Beahm) left by jet on Tuesday morn- ing with her two boys Nik and Mark, for their new home in Seattle, Wash. They left about 10 am. and arrived in Seattle about 7 p.m. which was four hours later than they should have, as they missed con- nections in Chicago, and had a four hour lay-Gver. Mrs. James Gillis, teacher in the Noxen Grade School was absent all last week, due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Belles left on Friday for a week's visit with their son, George and family, at ‘Skaneateles Falls, N. Y, J Oscar Fish killed a diamond back rattler on the road in front of his home on Thursday evening after dark. It had nine rattles and a button. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scouten, Kingston, announce the birth of a son Robin Lee at General Hospital on Wednesday, Sept. 13th. Robert is ‘a former Noxen resident. This is their first child. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Race an- nounce the birth of a baby girl on September 15th. at Merriden City Hospital. Mrs. Race is the former Sandra Loomis. This is their first child. Bill May, son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Robert May is attending Wyoming Valley Technical Institute, at King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Keiper and Melvin VanBumble, Oneonta, N. Y, spent the week end with Mrs. Joseph Dotter. Mrs, Joseph Dotter left on Sun- day to spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dent, Bloomsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coole spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hale at Savora, N. Y. Jean Kropa, Dimmock, student at Bloomsburg College spent the week- end with her roommate, Peggy Coole: Francis Henninger, Allentown, is spending several days with ‘his See Mrs. G. H. Rauch and Mrs: . Turrell. hiv and Mrs. Sterlyn May and family, Allentown, spent the week- end with relatives here Peggy Coole, Connie Smith, San- dra Engelman and have returned for their senior year at Bloomsburg Teachers College. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jones and family, Warwick, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: Albert Jones and family Gene May Allentown, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs: Guy Fritz and Nick spent Sunday at Penn State Exten- sion ‘School at Hazleton where Nick was enrolled as a student. Classmates of First. Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Field on Friday evening: Pres- ent: Muriel Lutes, Anne Fisk, Mrs. Edward Patton, Mrs. Raymond Gunton, Mrs. William Munketchy, Mrs: Fred Schenck and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Vane Race spent the weekend with their son, Rich- ard, at Wallingford, Conn., and saw their new granddaughter: Mrs. Evelyn Nalbone, Watchung, N. J., spent the weekend with her son, Joseph, and family. Harry Bigelow has been ill of pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miner spent the weekend at the home of Mr | and Mrs. Robert Gunnis at Buffalo, and attended the wedding of their son, Robert Gunnis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Hettesheimer and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: John Hettesheimer and family at Carverton. hE Mr. and Mrs. Steven Root spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. | Walter Winnie at Susquehanna- Mys, Betty Smith and daughter, Barbara, visited Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cummings at Milltown, N. J, over the weekend and attended the christening of their new daughter Barbara Anisla, ‘ Nancy Bean. Beaumont ‘Warren Johnson presided at the first meeting of Beaumont Elemen- tary School P.T.A. last Monday when the chairmen of various com- mittees were appointed:—Hospital- ity -— Betty Ann Clark; Program — Irene Transue; Publicity — Alice Hudak; Ways and Means — Doris Balewski. The second Monday of each month was designated as the date for the regular meetings. Sandra Goodwin spent last week-| end with her aunt, Mrs. Ronald Goodwin of Tunkhannock R.D. Mrs. Louisa Nieman has returned to Wellsboro where she teaches Special Education Classes. The third addition to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shalata is a girl, Nancy Beryl, born Thursday, September 14, at Tyler Hospital, Meshoppen. Mrs. Shalata is the former Janet Traver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Traver. The Elwyn Kings of Brookline were with local relatives recently. Harveys Lake Mr. and - Mrs. Wesley Miller, Springbrook, spent several days with the Samuel Humphrey family last week. ‘Mrs. Helen Hatin spent her vacation in New York visiting her | sister-in-law, Dorothy Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Walbridge Leinthall and daughters, Sharon and Terry, spent their vacation in Niagara Falls and. Canada, visiting points of interest in New York State on their return home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duhoske, Bound Brook, New Jersey spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hughes Sr. Mrs. Duhoske is a sister of Mrs Hughes. {Captain and Mrs. John M. Fear and children, West Hampton Beach, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fear, Pitts- ton, and Mrs. Charles Matthews, Maplewood N.J. have returned after spending some time at the Millie | Jones summer home. Mrs. Jessie Beckerman, Kingston, spént two days of her vacation with ‘her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage. Idetown Mrs. Daisy Farver who was liv- ing with her sister, Mrs. Goldie Kitchen, - now with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Wheeler Cook in New Jersey i$ a patient in General Hosp- ital, Elizabeth, N. J. She broke her hip... William Russell who has entered the army, left on Monday for Fort Dix, N. J. where he is waiting for overseas assignment. This makes the third time he has been in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Trenton, N. J., spent the week end with Mrsfi Mary Rogers. Their sister Mrs, Esther McDonald, also of Tren- ton, is spending this week with Mrs. Rogers. Richard Rogers, son of Mrs. Mary and the late Russell Rogers left on Tuesday, Sept. 12th for the U. S. Army. He will take his basic train- ing at Fort Dix, N J. Ted Taluba is a Senior at Wilkes College, where he is majoring in education. He has taken up resi- dence at Gare Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert, Eas- ton, spent the weekend with the former's - Mother, Mrs. Hattie Hil- bert and sister Lila Felt." Mrs. Ernest Fritz is recovering | from an. illness. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ide, Mr. and | Mrs. Roland Ide and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Corey family at Old Bridge, N. J. e there they attended a birthday ‘party for Mrs. |B Ide’s daughter, Mrs Corey. ‘| W.S.C.S. Meeting First fall meeting of W.O. S.C.8: was held in the churchouse on Wed- nesday evening. Present were Mes- dames Wm. Evans, Bruce Williams, Hattie Hilbert, Lila Felt, Leslie Sabo, Marie Lenygel, Corey Meade, Mary Rogers, Roswell Frederici, George May, : Ralph Welsh, Loren Keller, Alfred Hadsel, Emory Halsell, Lula | Schultz, Pearl Connor; Rev. Mrs. Norman * Tiffany and Bess | Cooke. My Neighbors “What in the world has become of all the budget balancers we used to hear about during the cam- paign? 215 Warren Rogers, | and |B DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Chase Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balita enter- tained at a ‘“Cook-out”, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sweinberg and children Janice, Gary, Gail, Jayce, Carol and Boyd of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muchakut, Kingston, visited the Balatas Saturday. Waymond Miers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hippnsteel, Nescopeck, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Barrall of Jackson Road Friday. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Eugene .| Nique, daughters, Dianne and Dar- rel, who spent part of their vaca- tion with Mr. and Mrs George Bond, were transferred. from Fort Hood, Texas, to Fort Ord, California, shortly - after their return to Texas. S/Sgt. Nique is a career soldier having spent sevnieen years in the Army. Mrs. Emma Smith, Miami Beach, visited Mr. and Mrs: George Bond Thursday night. Mrs. Smith is visit- ing with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Ziba Smith. George Lang, Union, N. J, nephew of Mrs, Bred Gabel, left for Fort Dix last Thursday- \ Firemen’s Auxiliary has arranged to serve dinner to Back Mountain Rotary Club at Jackson Fire Hall ‘November 2. Fred Gabel of Chase was appoint- ed by Carl Aston, president, as chairman of the Produce Committee for the Firemen’s Annual Fall Festi- val October 21. Anyone wishing to donate produce should contact Mr. Gabel on any of the firemen. Mr: and Mrs. Verne Stueber, sons Mark Lawrence and Michael An- thony, home after six years in Saudi Arabia, are living in Perth Amboy, N. J. Mrs. Stueber is the daughter jof Me. and Mrs. Fred Gabel of Chase Road. : The Roland Gensels expect to break ground for their new home at Chase Manor this week: Mrs. Mary Havrilla has returned after being a medical patient at Nesbitt Hospital for two weeks. Eunice Earhart and Paul Williams, Newark, visited her Sunday. Mrs. John Bombick, who suffered from a stroke, is slightly improved at Mercy Hospital. John Headman, Jr., member of the 402nd Btn:, Military Police, was on a field trip with that unit Sun- day at Huntington Mills. Richard Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Brown, Chase Road, fell from the porch at his home and received an injury over his left eyebrow requiring ‘suturing -by Dr. Charles Perkins to whom he was rushed. John is 3%. Keith Cragle, son of Mr- and Mrs. Harry L. Cragle, Ceasetown, has returned from Nanticoke State Hos- pital where he underwent surgery. W.S.C.S. of Huntsville Methodist Church will can plum pudding at Beaumont Canning House October 3- Any one wishing to place an contact members of the society. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Wilcox ac- companied Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bertram and their daughter, Janice, to Philadelphia on Sunday where Janice took the plane to California to join her husband who is a mem- ber of San Francisco Forty-Niners football team. Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Wagner have returned home after spending two weeks with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard War- nett, Riverdale, N- Y. The Warnetts accompanied by Donaid Warnett, New York City, were guests of the Wagners last weekend, The Huntsvile Methodist Church _ choirs were guests of Nancy Elston, Overbrook Road, at a ‘corn roast, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sher- wood had five beautiful Easter lilies in full bloom in their garden. I use the past tense as now they have only two. Their little son, Scott, proudly presented three of them to his | mother the other day: These: flowers were from a plant given to their daughter, Dawn, at Easter by Trucksville Metho- dist Church. The cold weather the past few days did not harm the blooms, Mrs. Margaret Bonning has re- turned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilcox, Buffalo. Congratulations to Mr: ad Mrs. Edward Schrama, Ceasetown, who will celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary September 26. They: were married by the late Rev. Stan~ 7 ley Gayewski at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Lake Silkworth. They have two children, Mrs. Am- brose Salansky, Jr:, Syracuse, and Edward, Jr., at home. Mrs. Schrama is the former Ceasetown. Mr. Schrama is em-~ ployed by the State. Mrs. Josephine Radonavitch was the honored guest at a birthday party September 17, with the fol- lowing attending: Mr. and Mrs, Robert Radonavitch and son, Ste« phen; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Bunney, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lasky; Mr and Mrs. Donald Jones and children, Duke and Donna; Mr. and Mrs, George Kava and daughter, Marie; Jennie Radonavitch and Steve Krav- itsky, the latter from Washington, D- -C. Mrs. Radonavitch received many beautiful gifts. It Practically Bit Her Mrs. Charles Berkey, Goss Manor, siad she couldn’t make out the Whatsit for this week until she _happened to turn the Dallas Post upside down, and then the dog practically bit her. Mrs. Berkey was the first to identify the current(f puzzle-pix. order for their holiday needs should Complete Dispersal My lease having expired, I will sell, REGARDLESS OF PRICE, rain or shine, at the farm located in Washington Township, Wyom- ing county, 1 mile south of Russell Hill, 4 miles west of Tunk- hannock, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. a1, 1961 STARTING AT 10:30 A, M, D.S.T. 53 Registered & Hi-Grade HOLSTEIN CATTLE Health charts on day of sale. T.B. and Bangs tested August 28, 1961. All vaccinated—never a reactor on the farm. 31 are registered, 22 are high grades. 22 cows will be fresh by day of sale, 10 due in October and November, 9 due later; 1 heifer of breding age, 5 yearlings, § started calves, 1 herd sire 21, years old, who is a grandson of A.B.C. Reflection Severign and whose dam produced 18,434 lbs. milk, 3.8% test, 700 lbs. fat at 5 years of age, D.H.LA. records on dams from 431 Ibs, fat to 700 Ibs. Majority of Hw are from NEPA sires and some dams are * from Hillside Fa Halock Estate, Leland Oakley, Melvin June; also Loyd Fassett and Son. Nearly 100% are second and third calf Tieifers, Not a blemished udder. Good size, mice condition, real type and are top producers. Your inspection invited. Sold without reservations. ~ 625 GAL. SUNSET BULK TANK, Complete LIKE NEW 4 Unit Surge milker pump 4nd 2 Surge milkers, 30-gal. electric water heater, stainless steel double wash vats, pails and 3 strainers, milk can rack. IHC DIESEL M.D. TRACTOR, New Rubber IHC Corn Planter, with 3-pt. hitch; THC 8-bottom plow, THC 24-tooth heavy duty harrow, 8N FORD TRACTOR, with 3-pt. hitch; cultivator, 7-ft. mower, Ferguson PTO hay rake, all with 3-pt. hitch; also Wagner front-end loader, with 2 buckets to fit Ford tractor; NH 66 baler, with motor, Cunningham hay conditioner, like new; Farm Hand 6-ton power box, Oliver 650 wagon, with forage box and false end gate, new 1960; New Idea 95 bu. manure spreader. New Idea 10-ft. fertilizer spreader, extension; 1954 Chev. ¥;-ton truck, 14-ft. home-made farm trailer, Cross 380-it. elevator, with Jamesway Easy-Go feed cart, Jamesway ensilage cart, hay cart, rubber-tired wheelbarrow, Hurd PTO grass seeder, 10x28 and 11» 38 tractor chains, 3 electric fence controllers. NO JUNK, 3500 Square Bales of Alfalfa and Brome Hay ALL MADE BY TERMS — CASH, JUNE 27th LUNCH SERVED MR. and MRS. VICTOR KOCHMER, TUNKHANNOCK, PA., R.D. 3 A HOWARD W. SANDS & SON, Auctioneers. Tunkhannock, Pa., BD 5—Phone TE 6-4375 or TE 64374 Margaret Mizdail, #8