The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 14, 1961, Image 16

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    gEomon B— PAGE 8
'NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm
RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher
CHASE, Mrs. William Hughes
- MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter
IDETOWN. Bess Cooke
- FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver
MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert
NE 9-8522
NE 9-3980
OR 4-5460
OR 4-2732
GR 71-2724
Harding 388-2270
NE 9-3187
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage
TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert
BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin
© SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Vernon Ash
LEHMAN, Barbara Simms
SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray
NE 9-6531
OR 4-2748
NE 9-2544
OR 5-1872
OR 4-3391
GR 7-2072
~ Loyalville
. Did you ever. know that bees
would build a nest against a window
pane ? This makes it look as though
it were cut in half, and from in-
side you can see the bees working.
This home of the bees is built on a
window pane at the home of Henry
Trumbower on the road to Moore-
Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Hummel and
- sons Thomas and Harvey spent a
week with their son Leland and
family at Delair, N. J. They re-
turned with them and spent the
week end here. Harvey leaves for
service on Thursday.
~~ Mrs. Leona Moore and friends
Mrs. Gladys and daughter Emily
Hossis from Simsbury, Conn. spent
a week’s vacation with her sister-
in-law, Mrs. Virgie Wolfe,
. Ensign Shirley Darnell and Lt.
William Hale both of Philadelphia
Naval Hospital , spent the week end
with her “parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Darnell and families.
~ Mr. and, Mrs. Howard Guildner
spent a week with parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Swire and family.
Happy birthday goes out to Cindy
Hughes, Ranly Hummel, John Boone
and Butch Allen.
Keep in mind our meat loaf sup-
per to be held September 23, 5:30
p-m., Loyalville Church Hall.
Mrs. Marian Parrish is teaching
the morning bindergar ten class at
The Robert Jones family of New-
ark, N. J. were with the Kenneth
Jacksons last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nealon and
Miss Mildred Malone of Scranton
were recent guests of the William
A. Austins.
The Herbert Goodwins spent last
Sunday at Vestal, N. Y. with Mrs.
Robert Meeker.
Paul Meeker writes that he en-
joys the food and training furnished
by the U. S. Army at Fort Knox,
Kentucky where he is with an arm-
ored division.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lutes enjoyed
son Richard and his family at Pal-
myra, Pa.
Patty Traver, daughter of the
Kenneth Travers, will enter her
Sophomore year at Bloomsburg State
College this week. !
Mrs. Charles S. Williams and Mrs.
Glenn Kocher called on Mary Oney
last Tuesday. Mary, who is em-
ployed by the Government in Wash-
ington, D.C. was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Oney.
Helen and Loretta Stafford,
Wilkes-Barre, are spending a few
days with their sister, Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kocher and
family and Mrs. Elizabeth Sorber,
Dallas, recently visited Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick. Hayden and family in
Ruggles Methodist W. S.C. S. will
hold a rummage sale and bake sale
in the church parlors on Saturday,
September 23, beginning at 10 a.m.
Young Adult class of Ruggles
Methodist Church will hold their
of Mrs. Charles Williams, Saturday
evening, 7:30.
Wayne Hughes, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William R. Hughes, Chase Man-
or has returned to Bryan College,
Dayton, Tenn., where he is a Sopho-
more. ,
The State Highway over Larksville
Mountain, is growing steadily, worse.
From this reporters’ observation it
is one of the worst in the State
Highway System in Luzerne County-
Our part of thd County is certainly
not getting its fair share of road
improvements for the extra gas tax
money. Would suggest that you
write Senator Flack and State Rep-
resentative Shupnik for some action.
Private Ernest E. Bevan, foster
son of Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Hughes, now stationed with the
Marine Corps at Parris Island, South
Carolina, would like to hear from
former schoolmates and members of
the 1961 (Class of Lake-Lehman
High.. His address is: Private Ern-
est E. Bevan, #1982875, Platoon
‘es 86 DEIR
% ~-~
Who says a two-door is “0
, This big, new 1961
is priced sO low, your budget can't say "No!
out of reach”! .
- and daughter, Towawanda, N. Y.,|the Labor Day weekend with their corn roast and meeting at the home ' 354, Battalion 3, ‘“R” Co., Parris
TTY meammcmcemenso,
bah RE RA i ee ~
“An Electric Refrigerator-Freezer Is A Supermarket In Your Kitchen”
i o Avtomiatis defrosting Cyela-matic “Refrig?
“erator Section!
e Nearly % bushel of produce storage in twin
Porcelain Enamel Hydrators!
© Room galore on the Storage Door, includ-
ing Butter Compartment, Egg Shelf!,
Deluxe Model
12.50 cu. ft. net capacity
See Your Frigidaire Dealer for His Low Prices and Terms
Luzerne Electric Division does not sell electric appliances
but calls your attention to this outstanding value
Register at Any Participating Dealer .
Electric Division UGI Customers Are Eligible!
As Low As
After Small
- Down Payment
. Only Luzerne
| Hudson River.
Island,, S. C. Ernie claims the train-
ing is rugged but that he likes the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Pollock,
Chase Road, had as recent guests,
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Irwin H. Pollock, and son,
Jordan David, New Haven, Conn.
Irwin Pollock is manager of Timex
Corporation in New Haven and his
State of Connecticut. Jordan David,
their son had to be practically car-
ried away, as he was learning the
art of trout fishing on the beautiful
stream that runs through the Pol-
lock Estate, His grandfather was
the proud teacher. Grandfather Pol-
lock recalls a few years back when
Irwin and his wife, who were em-
ployed in lucrative positons, left
their jobs to take an eighteen-
month vacation ini Europe, traveling
both ways by ocean liner.
Grandfather Pollock, met them
at the dock on their return
and took them to task for taking
such a long vacation at such a loss
in income. The young couple told
him of the wonderful time they had
on the liner, the delicious food,
the dancing at night and the cock-
tail parties, all of which they thor-
oughly enjoyed. By contract, there
were many enderly and wealthy
couples on board, suffering from var-
ious ailments, could not enjoy the
delicious food, or any of the fun.
They pointed out to Grandfather
Pollock that one should not wait
too long to enjoy life, a point which
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pollock are now
Sweet Valley
Dean Long, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Long is a Freshman at
Bloomsburg State Teacher's College.
He will major in English,
Mr. and Mrs. Freas G. Keen,
North Lake, had as guests over the
Labor-Day weekend their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Eckard and sons Carl and
Stuart, Newark, Del. Joining the
family on Labor Day were Mrs.
Elizabeth Keen, Florence Keen, Mr.
and Mrs. Edison Fischer and daugh-
ter Wilma, Glen Lyon and Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Keen, Wyoming.
Douglas Trumbower, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ord Trumbower will enter
Penn State on September 17 where
he will study engineering. John
Landis of Oak Hill will be his
The boys have been as-
signed to Pollock “C” on the main
Christian Missionary Alliance held
a Homecoming at the Joseph O.
Jones home, Lake Silkworth, last
Saturday. A picnic supper was
served to seventy guests. Next
Saturday the Sunday School of
Christian Missionary ‘Alliance will
hold a corn roast at the Jones
| home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Briggs and
daughter Lorelie, Leah Kliamovich,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert; Walsh and son
Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh,
Mrs. George Wesley, Jr., and daugh-
ters, Penni, LeAnn and LuRae, all
of Sweet Valley, and Mr. and Mrs.
James MacDonald and daughter
Michelle, of Fairlawn, N. J., spent
Sunday at Nay-Aug Park.
Members of the choir of Maple
Grove Methodist Church held a corn
roast at the home of the director-
organist, Mrs. Cletus Holcomb, Jr.
Attending were, Doug Trumbower,
Bob Kunkle, Ruth Ann Macri,
Dianne Lyons, Marilyn Livezvy,
Carol Hislop, Dean Bronson, Mildred
Cooney, Linda Piatt, Donna Bron-
son, Alice Jean and Joe Martin, Mr.
and Mrs. Cletus Holcomb, Jr., sons,
Sandy and Gene and Mrs. Alex
Maryalice Mortimor, two-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mortimor has returned from Gen-
eral Hospital where she was admit-
ted twice in the past month. Mr.
Mortimor is in Davenport, Jowa, on,
busness this week,
Bess Klinetob was guest of Mrs.
John Hildebrant; Dallas, last week.
Anthracite Dog Training Club has
started fall classes, each Saturday
at 1:30 at the Market Street section
of Kirby Park. Mrs. Jack Weber,
who recently moved to Sweet Val-
ley, is an instructor.
Birthday greetings to Billy
Hughes, who is celebrating his first
birthday. He is the son of Rev. and
Mrs. William G. Hughes.
Rev. Leslie Clouden and Nelson
Willard, Penndel, spent last Satur-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Per-
kins, Hills of Hope. Rev. Clouden
is chairman of the board of Hills
of Hope and Mr. Willard, is a board
members ?
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian DeMarco,
with their children Adrian, Mary
Ann, John, Helen Marie, Paul,
Gerard, and Clare Marie were guests
last weekend of Mr. DeMarco’s fam-~
in Rochester.
Nancy and Jean Drapiewski,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. V.
Drapiewski, have returned after
spending the summer as counsellors
at Little Flower Camp, Tobyhanna.
| The girls will leave September 18,
for college. Jean will enter her
senior year at College Misericordia,
and Nancy will return to Marywood
| College, where she will begin her
sophomore year.
Pastor and Mrs. B. K. Jones and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Long and
children, Dean, Wilma, Gloria, Jan,
‘Wanda and Miralee Beth, along with
friends from Beaumont motored to
New York City on Friday afternoon
and from there enjoyed the “Word
of Life Moonlight Cruise” on the
The cruise was spon-
sored by Evangelist Jack Wyntzen.
Because the poets Shelley and
Keats and the composer Chopin
burned with the fever of tuber-
‘| culosis, a popular opinion flourished
for a time that the disease was an
‘accompaniment if not an origin of
‘genius. :
wife is Director if Psychology for the |
T. M. Reg. U.S. Pat. OF.
7S ep ebo——
“How’d I know oa wreck the car I told you to
get in the Want Ads—T ain’t psychic!”
Mrs. Robert Norris and infant
daughter have returned home from
Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie Connyngham
and family have returned after
spending the snmmer at Bear Creek.
Russell Jacobs, Chester Allen,
Marten Edwards, and Thomas Ells-
worth spent the week end in Phila-
Kenneth Engler, Carverton Road,
suffered a cut finger while at work
at Sagenkahn’s Hardware Store in
Forty Fort on Thursday morning.
He was treated at Nesbitt Hospital
and returned to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Breckhill and
children; Michael and Andrea, Deep
River, Ontario, Canada, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Greenley and fam-
ily recently.
/Noelle Greenley, Factoryville, visi-
ted her cousin, Cheryl Greenley a
few days last week.
Mrs. Emily Stocker will visit her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. John Stocker and family in
Binghamton, this week end.
Entertain At Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stewart, E.
Main Street, entertained at dinner
Friday night on Mrs. Stewart's
birthday. Tables were decorated with
fall flowers - from the Stewart's
garden. Present: Mr. and Mrs.
George Yetter, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Hull, and Mrs. Rose Graham of
Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. John Mock,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friar of Larks-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stewart,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stewart of
Mr. and Mrs. James Dick, Le-
high Street, are visiting their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Riutta, Berwyn, Ill: The
Riuttas recently announced the birth
of their first child, a son, Mark
Birthday greetings to Mrs. Rich-
ard Montgomery, Mrs. Stanley Case,
Mrs. Jeanne Croom Thomas, Mrs.
Nita Perry, ‘Samuel Reese, Robert
D. Shepherd, Carl R. Strye, Ralph
Swan, James R. Lawson, James S.
Case, Curtis D Britt, Samuel Perk-
ins, Bruce Zweier, Wayne Perrin,
Dennis Jenkins, Harold K. Herring,
Jeff Prutzman, Melba Dickson, Ad-
die Engel, Janet Evans, Helen Hoff-
man, Melba E. Gregory, Donna
Marie Ide, Ezra Hoffman, Norman
Stewart, Alex Devenport, Stephen
Evans, and John Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. George T- Andrews,
have returned to Bangon, Maine,
after spending several days with
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brighton and
family of Carverton Road.
Susan Mitchell, formerly of Mt.
Greenwood, returned Saturday to
her home in Harrisburg after visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason
of E. Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ellsworth,
who spent two months at Pine
View, returned to Pioneer Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stephens
and son, Claude Jr. returned. to
Edgewood Heights after spending
‘August at Ocean City, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stookey,
Holly Street, recently visited friends
in Elizabethtown.
Mrs. Alexander Brown and Mar-
ion Ellsworth have returned from
California and Hawaii. .
Audrey Nafus, Esther Taylor,
Elizabeth Markle, and Helen Mey-
ers spent the week end in New
York City.
Mrs. Russell Gardner has re-
turned to Mattydale, N. Y. after
two weeks with her mother, Mrs.
Alice Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lewis, Brown
Street, Wilkes-Barre spent the week
end ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Maj-
or of Birch Grove.
Entertain At Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyers,
Cliffside Avenue, entertained at
dinner Saturday night, honoring
Mrs. Harry: Meyers on his seventy-
fourth birthday. Present: Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Meyers, Sandra and
Helen Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Taylor, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Hughes, Alberta pnd Roger Hughes,
Luerne; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ells-
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bryant,
Mrs. Raymond Keen and child-
ren, Levittown, spent several days
recently with her mother-in-law, |
Mrs Fred Polk, Harris Hill Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford, Corey
and Karen Ford of Waynesboro, Va.
and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clewell,
‘| Buifalo, visited their parents, Mr!
and Mrs. William Clewell, Carverton
Road, recently.
Mrs. Merle Pope, Warden Avenue,
entertained the Willing Workers
Sdnday School (Class of Bennett
Presbyterian Church, Luzerne, at a
cook-out at her /home Thursday
Spend Week End At Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jorden, Mr.
and Mrs Henry Sanders, Nancy and
Henry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Snyder, John and Elizabeth, and Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Sanders spent the
week end at the Jorden cottage
at Harveys Lake.
Displays Vegetables
Eugene Misson, a native off Mon~
roe County and a resident of the
Back Mountain for the past sixty
years with = the exception of ten
years when he was employed in
Philadelphia, received many ribbons
and high praise for his display of
home grown vegetables at the rec-
ent flower show held here.
Mr. Misson has had a similar dis-
play at the show for the last ten
years. He is in his 83rd year and
resides with his niece, Mrs. Ernest
Norrie, Carverton Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice and
family, Jersey Shore spent the week
end with brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett and
family, Orchard Street.
John Conyngham, 2nd, and Henry
L. Jones 2nd are members of the
committee in charge of the birth-
day cocktail party and dinner-dance
for members of Westmoreland Club,
on Saturday, September 23.
Esther Saxe, teacher in the local
schools, has been named a member
of the committee on ethics by the
Luzerne County Teachers Associa-
Bonnie Case, Rice Street is en-
rolled in Wilkes-Barre Business Col-
lege. Bonnie has completed one
year’s works and will graduate with
the class of 1962.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemmenway,
Frankfort, N. Y., visited his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hemmen-
way, Hillside Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin, Jr.
and family of Philadelphia visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Perrin, Holly Street.
Neil Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Turner, Sutton Road, has
returned to his classes at Duke
University. ?
Retirés from Railroad
William: H. Dimmick, Skyline
Drive, has retired after completing
more than 49 years of service with
the Delaware and (Hudson Railroad.
Kenneth C. Woolbert, Rice Street,
visited friends in Syracuse, N. Y.
last week end.
Mrs. William Russell and infant
son have returned to Pioneer Ave-
nue from Mercy Hospital.
Mrs. Ruth Meyers, former resident
of Birch Grove, will spend Septem-
ber with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Isaacs
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Erwine and
children, Catherine and Louise, have
returned to Wilkes-Barre after
spending the summer months here.
Mrs. Ethel Jacobs has returned
to her home in Berkley, Calif. after
spending August with her cousin,
Mrs. Marie Snyder.
Mrs. George Liddicote is conval-
escing at home after several weeks
as a medical patient in General Hosp-
ital. Her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd
Jones of Allentown is caring for
Mrs, William Chawker, children,
David, Gwen, and Dorothy, Plains-
field, N. J., recently visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginley and
family have returned from Philad-
elphia where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Irving ‘Smith,
Owenses Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Owens
entertained at a family picnic.
Birthdays ‘of several members of the
family were celebrated. Eighteen
guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Symons will
visit their son and daughter-in-
law, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Symons,
Rochester, this week end.
Mrs. Catherine Alexander and
Mable Atherton, Summerville, N.J.,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Whitehead and family last’ week
end. ;
Betsy Belvin left this week to
attend Ambler Campus of Temple
University at. Ambler, Pa. Miss Bel-
vin is the daughter of Mrs. John
Welker, Highland Avenue. =
fii Bolen, Seat 6 of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Bolen, Terrace Avenue,
left Sunday for University of Mas"
sachusetts where she is enrolled in
the College af Arts and Sciences.
Neil Turner has returned from a
tour of Canada, which he made with
three fraternity brothers from Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenley
| entertained on Saturday to honor
Mrs. Arthur Gensel, Sr. Fernbrook
on her birthday. Twenty guests ate
Mr. and Mrs: Richard Montgomery
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Long and family spent a week
recently in Highlands, N. J.
The annual “Berry Pickers” picni¢:
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Rebennack Saturday:
Mary Doud, Lake Hopatcong, Ne.
J., spent a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Dunham. The Dunhams took
her home last week visiting in New’
Jersey for a week
Lehman Grange met Thursday
evening with Russell Ide. Plans
for the chicken dinner to be served
at Pamona Grange were discussed
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Orrison
Kocher, Mrs. Faye Brwn, Dorman
Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winter
and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Ide.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogowski
and family, Pikes Creek; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Leonard and daughter
Michelle, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Cragle and son Glenn,
spent Labor Day at Shuman's
“Shady Nook.” Fishing and horse
back riding were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robbins,
Princeton, N. J., spent Labor Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe and 4
Letha Wolfe.
Ilalou Warmouth is a patient at
Nesbitt Hospital.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne King who celebrated their
44th wedding anniversary Septem-
ber 5.
Mrs. John Handlos, Edwardsville,
mother of Mrs. Lyle King, is a pa=
tient at Nesbitt Hospital as the res
sult of a fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Updyke, Sweet
Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wolfe were guests of Mr and Mrs.
John Reébennack at a picnic supper
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gariger,
Tunkannock, and Mrs. Bess Ruch
visited Mrs. Fred Winter on Labor
Letha Wolfe reports \ four large
blooms again on her Easter lily,
Mt. Zion
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Siglin and
children Gary, Dawn, and Gail,
Tom’s River, N. J. have been visiting
Mrs. Siglin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack 8choble.
This correspondent was spell-
bound with the beauty of Jack
Scoble’s back yard lawn and garden.
A lovely patio adjoining the garage
is surrouded with varigated morning
glories. Across the smooth lawn in
the corner is a flower bed sure
mounted by a wooden windmill. Onl
a post in the center is an artistical~
ly. lettered poem which stirs one’s
“The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth.
One is nearer God’s heart in a
Than anywhere else on earth.”
[Another man who makes flowers
do his bidding for beauty around
the place is Sam Gardner who has a
store at Orange. What an attractive
lot that is, all down the drive as well
as out front! It so happened that it
was 21 years ago today, the 14th,
that I pronounced Sam and Roberta
man and wife. Roberta is always
a reliable organist at Orange church.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutter, of
Kingston, were Saturday visitors at
the Edward Miles’ home.
The first Roundup of the Ram 4-H
Club was held on the Exeter Town- g
ship Elementary School grounds
Saturday. The following contestants
won blue ribbons prizes:
Billy Miles—sheep; Beverly Dy-
mond—calf; Jacqueline VanTuyle—
flowers; Donna Stanton—horses;
Dennis Coolbaugh—capon; George
On Friday night September 22 at
7:30 Carverton church will be host
to a Workers Conference sponsored
by the Carverton, Orange, Mt. Zion
charge and the Centermoreland, Dy-
mond Hollow and E. Dallas charge.
This is under the supervision of the
Commissions on Educaton of these
churches. Leaders will be the Rev.
Edward Lintern and the Rev. Wil-
liam Reid. This Conference which
will be practical and helpful is open
to all Sunday School teachers, work-
ers and any others interested in the
work of the church. :
[After preaching at Dallas Metho-
dist Church services last Sunday wet
drove to Maine, N. Y., to help Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Apgar celebrate their
25th wedding anniversary. They
were always dependable workers in
the Federated Church there of which
I was pastor for eight and a half
years before coming to Pittston.
Charles Johns of Pittston was
guest organist at Mt. Zion Church
last Sunday. Charles has recently re-
turned from the World Methodist
Conference in. Oslo, Norway,
_ “The Department of Commerce
estimates there will be over 114,
000,000 motor vehicles in the U .S.
by 1976. All you pedestrians who
want to cross the street had better
do it now.’ y .
Wilson Ryman — Tax Collector
will be at Dodson’s Store, Kun- §
kle on September 20th instead
of Aug. 20th as advertised on
Tax Cards.