The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 24, 1961, Image 16

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NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm
RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver
CHASE, Mrs. William Hughes
MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter
MT. ZION, Rev. Charles Gilbert
IDETOWN. Bess Cooke
larveys Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Searfoss and
| grandson, George Seelinger of New
~ Jersey have been spending their
. vacation with Mrs. Searfoss’ mother,
| Mrs. Ruth Calkins at the Picnic
Grounds. :
Betty Cooke of Fernbrook A
| Now York City visited Mrs. Joseph
~ Rauch on Thursday. Betty is spend-
| mg her vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cooke at Fern-
Linda Jocelyn, Oneonta, N. Y.
5 spent the week end with the Reese
Finn family.
Carl Swanson and Joe McCaffery,
Sandy Bottom, are patients in Gen-~
Richard Searfoss, Kunkle Road,
who has been ill with virus for two
| weeks has been in General Hospital
fl out. By phone she soon
| help.
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanadel and
| for tests and observation.
A small fire recently damaged
some furniture at the home of Lewis |
Jones, Alderson Section, Mrs. Jones
~ was home alone and was burned
on the arm trying to put the fire
family, West Wyoming, are now
| occuping the Garinger apartment.
Albert Armitage
+ hbo at a ‘eook-out™ Sunday
afternoon and evening, to celebrate
~ Mr. Armitages’ birthday. Present
|| were: Mr. and Mrs. -George Brodi,
teacher here,
3 Warren, Pa. as guests recently.
and son Francis, Larksville, Mr. and
Mrs. Josph Rauch, Bradley and Ken-
dall Rouch, Jessie Garinger ‘and the
| Beaumont
Mrs. Jean Clark and Mrs. Ruth
Rogers chaperoned the 4H Girls’
Picnic at Harveys Lake last week.
~ The Clarence Hilberts were happy
to have Viola Flowers, a. former
and Ethel Ericson,
~ Paul Nulton, 3rd, is visiting rela-
tives at Long Island, N. Y. He
writes that he has enjoyed trips
to Freedomland, the Hall of Fame,
nt Howe's Caverns.
Cheryl and Merl Newberry, child-
| ren of the Donald Newberrys, were
NE 9-8522
NE 9-3930
OR 4-5460
OR 4-2732
GR 71-2784
Harding 388-2270
NE 9-3137
relieved of their tonsils at the Gen-
ero] Hospital last week.
Mary Ann and David Patton, who
have been vacationing at Rochester,
N. Y., brought Debbie and Larry
Pilger home with them.
Mrs. Louis DeRemer: was a recent
surgical ‘patient at the General
Mr. and Mrs. John King and son
Albert Lee, Dayton, were with rela-
tives here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Herring
of New York City visited the Wil-
liam A. Austins.
Joseph Dress, son of Mr.: and
Mrs. Ned Dress, Lancaster, Ohio,
spent this past weekend with his
grandparents, the C. J. Dresses. Joe
is enroute home after a two year
term with Uncle Sam in Germany.
This fall he plans to finish his
fourth year of college at the Univ-
ersity of Arizona .where he. will
major in production, and merchan-
Erma Jean Cook, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alva Cook, was a guest
of honor at a variety shower held
recently at the home of Mrs. Rus-
sell Denmon. Erma Jean will marry
Jay Stark .of Tunkhannock, August
Mrs. ‘Howard Peterman and son
‘Thomas, Benton, spent some time
with her sister and family, Mrs.
George Steltz Jr. who had the mis-
fortune of stepping on a nail and
requiring medical care.
Mrs. Blanche Pietruzka and Mr.
and Mrs. John Kozloski, South River,
N. J., spent the week end. visiting
mother, R. B: Lubinski, and other
relatives and friends here.
‘Shirley Darnell, Philadelphia was
home this week making plans for
her coming wedding at her parents
home, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Darnell.
Don’t forget the Sunday School
picnic to be held at church grounds,
Augus 26. Everyone invited.
W.S.C.S. met in church hall. Thank
you cards were sent to Mrs Katherine
Scott and ©’Malia Laundry for doing
our linen, get well card to Shirley
Denmon, who was in Nesbitt Hosp-
ital “A meat loaf supper will be
‘served in September. Present: Emily
HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs, Albert Armitage
TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert
“ BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin
SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Vernon Ash
LEHMAN, Barbara Simms
SWEET VALLEY, Mrs. Albert Ray
NE 9-6531
OR 4-2748
NE 9-2544
OR 5-1872
OR 4-3391
GR 7-2072
Lord, Cora Dougal, Addie Payne,
Thelma Leach, Bess Klinetob, Dianne
Wegner, Arline, Doris, Sharon, Stu-
art, Virgie Wolfe, Mary Ann Swire,
Josie Hummel and Dale Leach Jr.
Next meeting will be held in church
hall, third Tuesday in September.
Our sympathy goes out to Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Hoppes and fam-
ily in the loss by death of his
mother, Mrs. Ethel Randall.
Mrs. Angelo Blanchi and son, Ang-
elo and daughter, Barbara, Irving-
ton, N. J. spent some time with
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Hummel. With her was her
sister and nephew, Mrs. John Skripp
and Richard of Alden.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Curran, Carv-
erton Road, have returned after
spending several days in Atlantic
' Sidney ‘Oldfield, Michigan Heights,
Michigan has returned after spend-
ing several weeks with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Springer,
Carverton Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren and
family, Philadelphia, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waller, E.
Main Street.
Mrs. Samuel, Hunter entertained
members of her card club at her
summer, home ‘at Harveys Lake.
Mrs. James. Norton and Mrs. Oscar
Stiles won prizes. Guests numbered
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Napierkow-
ski, Laura Ann and Cecilia Napier-
kowski, Holly: Street, are spending
the week. at North Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brobst have
rented an apartment at 23 Carverton
Road. Mrs: Brobst is the former
Beverly Anderson.
Edward Fielding, of Ed's Beauty
Shop, Carverton Road, has returned
from a visit with relatives in Eng-
land and Wales.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Letterman and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman
and family spent a few days rec-
ently touring: the New England
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Adders, Har-
ris Hill Road, returned after visit-
vacationed at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Graves, [alla-
dega, Ala., former residents of Loh-
man Street, are visiting thei son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson N. Graves and fimily,
Franklin Street.
Dr. Lester E. Jorden, Carterton
Road, spoke on the new phn to
expand the membership of ry
before Plymouth Rotary Club, Mon-
day night. Dr. Jorden is past istrict
Governor of Rotary Internatimal.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forl, Mt.
Greenwood, are spending two weeks
at Atlantic City. They will visit
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Ash in Trenton,
N. J. before returning.
Harry Ellsworth and Allan row
are in Canada on a fishing trip They
will visit their cousin Kenneth Bry-
ant in Bufflao on their return.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Jenkirs, 2nd.
and daughters, Connie and Nary of
Lehigh Street have returnel from
a visit with their parents, Nr. and
Mrs. Edward [Smith of Ropes, N. C.
and Mr. and Mrs. David H. Jenkins
of Orlando, Fla.
Constance Ellsworth, Binghumbon,
formerly of Harris Hill Road, will
be the guest this week of her
aunt, Mrs. Carrie Sanford Brown
Ruth Sanders and Margaret San-
ders of E. Main Street will leave
the end of the week for Richfield,
Ohio., where they will spead a few
days with their niece, Mrs. Clar-
ence Henderson.
Robert: Clifford, Scheneerdy, N.Y.
has returned home after visiting
his brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Springer, Edge-
wood Heights.
Mr. and Mrs Warren Snyder and
children, Mary, Elizabeth, and Ruth
spent several days last week in
Robert Shoemaker is recuperating
at his home after submitting to
surgery in Nesbitt Hospital. Robert
is employed by Bairds Kingston
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Ridge
Street, visited his brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Cook, Harrisburg, recently. They
ing their sons, Jeffery and Herman,
Jr., at Montour, N. Y. They also
enjoyed a tour through the State
Capitol buildings while there.
| children are visiting Mrs.
| brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
{ Mrs. Edward Benning and family of
| Salem,
go to Freesport where they will
Back To ScHooL —
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Winters
and son, Sheldon, Jr. Sunbury,
visited relatives here on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Edwards,
Midway Manor, recently returned
from a week of fishing in Canada.
Birthday greetings this week to
Mrs. Beverly Chipola, Mrs. Beat-
rice Perrin, Mrs. Dawn Dick Riutta,
Mrs. Beatrice Williams, Mrs. Dor-
othy Engle, G. Robert Henry, David
Palmer, Harry Misson, Jr., George
Pierce, Alan Shaver, Donald Per-
rin, Samuel Dilcer, Jr., Thomas R.
Williams, Phylis Throwbridge, Car-
olyn Stout, Deborah Bullick, Corrine
Beiz, Phoebe Weigel, Elsa Orchard,
Jeanne Hunter, Peggy Poynton,
Thomas Covert, Warren Jeffers, Alex
Hunt, Herbert Alexander, and John
Roger Kresge, Lancaster, is vis-
iting his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Kresge, Cliffside Avenue.
Jack Anderson has returned after
spending three = weeks with his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Houghwout and fam-
ily, Mercerville, N. J.
Georgina ‘Weidner, her mother,
Mrs. Maude Weidner, and Mr, and
Mrs. Herbert DeWitt wvisited Mr.
and Mrs. George Swales and fam-
ily in Northampton last week.
Georgina Weidner is a teacher
this week at the Christian Outreach
Camp, School of Missions, being
conducted at Sky Lake. The camp
is for boys and girls thirteen and
fourteen years of age.
Mrs. John D. Joseph, S. Pioneer
Avenue, is recuperating from injur-
ies sustained in a fall in the kit-
chen of her home.
Evans Has Cast Removed
Thomas Evans who suffered severe
lacerations to the forefinger of his
left hand while using an electrie
saw, had the cast removed last
week. He expects to return to work
around September 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engle and
N. C. From there, they will
visit another brother.
family, Harris Hill Road, are spend-
ling the week in Allentown, where
| they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Henderson, former residents of
Bunker Hill.
Family Group Gathers For Reunion
A family group gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald And-
erson, Meadowcrest, following the
wedding of their daughter, Bev-
erly to Eugene Brobst. Out-of-town
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Steinhauer and son, Robert, Silver
Springs, Md., Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Steinhauer and sons, Levit-
town; Captain and Mrs. Albert
Steinhauer and daughter, Louisville,
Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Scouten
and daughter of Williamsport; Mrs.
Ruth Parsons and sons, Wilkes-
Barre; Captain and Mrs. Robert Jen~
nings, Port Chester, N. Y.; Mr. and
Mr.s Robert Anderson and children,
Jersey City, N J.; Mrs. Randy Dick-
erson and familys Binghamton; Mrs.
Ruth Hyland and daughters, Lan-
caster, and Mr. and Mrs. David
Anderson, Arlington, Va.
‘Mt. Zion
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Alton Kiley, Castle Creek visited
Mrs. Kiley’s aunt and uncle, the
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert.
On a trip to Binghamton last
| Saturday we Gilberts visited Paul
jand Mildred Jones and daughters,
| | Judy and JoAnn Jones of Joy Acres
| near Quaker Lake. People in this
| area will remember Mrs. Jones as
the former Mildred Snyder of
| Orange.
| Edward Miles was guest speaker
| at the Carverton, Orange and Mt.
| Zion churches last Sunday.
Our puppy Tuify who is a won-
| derful mixture of dogginess showed
| signs of pointing last Saturday
| morning. I sat on the front porch
lin the early morning with Tuffy
| sitting on the step. Suddenly I saw
| his neck stretch and stiffen, his
| nose like a signboard arrow point-
| ing toward the side yard. I follow-
| ed his direction and there stepping
| liesurely along toward the road |
| were a buck and doe with no sense
| of fear or caution. I did not stir
but watched breathlessly while the |
| handsome creatures made their |
way down the road toward Eman-
Myr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips and |
uels’. Then they stepped into the
bushes at the road side where I
have seen deer go before. Then, the
suspense over, Tuffy suddenly be-
came frightened at what he had
seen and darted for the front door!
Sunday night I was guest speak-
er at Wyoming Camp Ground.
Dorothy and Catherine accompanied
by David Scull sang a duet, “The
Lord is My Shepherd.”
Billy Miles and Mike Bell were
cycling callers at Dunmovin last
Sunday afternoon.
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Ernest Daily,
Cherry Point N. C. have announced
the birth of a 9 lb. 10 oz. daughter
on August 18. Mrs. Daily is the
former Annette Shalata. The Dailys
have two sons, Ernest and Edward.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard and
daughter, Michelle, Philadelphia,
spent the weekend with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogowski,
Pikes-Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton. Leonard, Demunds.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Alles and
Debbie, Wilkes-Barre and Mrs. Fred
Winter and children Conrad, Fred,
Jean and David visited last Sunday
with Mrs. Bess Ruch, East Dallas.
Other visitors were, Mrs. Ellen
Garinger, Mrs. Alice Beagle and
Jean, and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Albert
Garinger, Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr, and
children Robbie, Andrea and Jeffery
of Massachusetts, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe
and Letha Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and
children Maribeth, Chucky and
Mark, and Mrs. Rosie Taylor, Har-
vey's Lake have returmed after
spending a week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Taylor and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kostich and |
family, Detroit, Michigan. Last Sun- |
day, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lanzaloth |
and children, Williamstown, N. J. |
visited Adrian Taylor, Harvey's |
Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winter |
and family, Meeker.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian A. Winter,
Jr. and family Stillwater, were |
visited on Sunday by Mrs. Annie |
Winter, Jean Winter Mrs. Esther |
Alles and Debbie. Mr. Winter's |
birthday was on Wednesday and |
Mrs. Winter celebrated her birthday
on Friday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Senick and |
children, Ann, Joseph, Stephen, |
Mark and Paul, Edwardsville, |
visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King apt} |
family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide ad)
Grace have returned from Highland, |
Kansas, after spending a two week |
vacation with. Mr. Ide’s sister, Mrs. |
Lena Gordon.
Sweet Valley
Mrs. Samuel Bronson, North |
Lake, who has been a medical |
patient at Nesbitt Hospital since |
August 3, is steadily improving and |
expects to return home some time |
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. ohn Holland nd
daughter, Lori, - Shickshinny are
camping at Lake Jean. They el
cently entertained Mrs. Richard |
Davenport, Sweet Valley, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Bridle, Richard Jr. and |
Lisa Ann, Broomall and Mr. and |
Mrs. Gordon Bridle, Shickshinny. |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Robbins and |
daughters, Lisa and Ann, Wilming-
ton, Del., visited friends and rela- |
tives in the Back Mountain area |
last week, while vacationing at the
home of Mr. Robbin’s mother, Mrs. |
Maude Robbins, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Darrow and |
family, Trucksville, Mr. and Mrs. |
Eugene Gordon, Orange, Mr. and |
Mrs. Cyril Darrow and Harold,
Shavertown and Mrs. Marjory Klor- |
an, Luzerne attended the Darrow
family reunion at Towanda Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Darrow and Mr. Eu- |
gene Gordon are daughter and son |
of Mrs. Lawrence Gordon, Pikes |
Creek. i
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, Jr., |
Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards and |
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kinny and son |
Ronnie, spent Saturday picnicking
at Mountain Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Remmling |
formerly of Brooklyn N. Y. visited |
| Mrs. Liva Gordon’s family while |
enroute to Florida where they plan |
to live. Mrs. Remmling is the
| former Ruth Price, daughter of Rev.
oe aad Mrs. John Pus Honusny of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison, |.
former residents of Pikes Creek,
now of Atlantic City, had the lat-
ter’'s mother Mrs. Liva Gordon, as
guest for the past three weeks.
Mrs. John Graham and daughter,
June Graham, Lake Silkworth are
visiting Mrs. Graham’s son, Jack
and family in Adelphia, Maryland
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffiths Sr.,
Lake Silkworth had as recent guests
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Koblish, Jr. and
children, Linda, Stev, and Wayne,
Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Griffiths, Jr. and children,
Susan and Robert, Wilkes-Barre are
presently spending a two week va-
cation at Lake Silkworth.
Donna Marie Pall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Pall, Sweet Val-
ley is visiting points of interest in
New Jersey as guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Kearney,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helvig, Balti-
more, Md. with children, Ray Jr.
James, Robert and Virginia spent
the past two weeks vacationing
with Mr. Helvig’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Helvig, Cease Terrace,
Lake Silkworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins and
children Patricia, ‘David, Jonathon,
Charles Timothy, Ruth, and Mark
recently spent a day at Ocean
Grove, N. J. Patricia, who spent
the past year as student at the
Prairie Bible Institute, Canada has
returned and will enter the General
Hospital School of Nursing in
Mrs. James Futch and daughters,
Kathy Sue and Bonnie, Carverton
Road, Trucksville, spent the past
month vacationing at North Lake.
They were guests of Mrs. Futch’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harry.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hoover III
and children, Barbara, Billy and
Donna are spending this week in
Philadelphia as guests of Mrs.
Hoover's mother, Mrs. Martha Men-
sch. The Hoovers reside at Pikes
| Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Hunter and
children, Francis and Linda, Balti-
more, Md., spent the past week-end
with Mr. Hunter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Hunter, Main Road,
Sweet Valley.
Donna Kay Swire, only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Swire, Sweet
Valley will celebrate her first birth-
day this week. Helping her to en-
joy the occasion will be her five
brothers, George, John Jr., Danny,
David and Dale.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kunkle
and son Bobby, Sweet Valley, Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Johnson and
children, Maryanne, Dottie and
Tommy, Harveys Lake, recently at-
tended the Rural Mail Carriers Con-
vention in Washington, Pa. Next
year the state convention will be
held in Allentown and the national’
convention in the state of Cali-
Mrs. Lewis ILasco and children,
Sandy, Danny, Barbara and Lewis
Jr., Philadelphia, spent last week
in Sweet Valley as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Lasco.
Bess Klinetob, Main Road, spent
a day last week visiting with Mrs.
C. Roscoe Lee, Terrace Drive. Dallas.
Maryalice Mortimer, two year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Mortimer, Trucksville, former Sweet
Valley residents, is a patient at the
General Hospital where she is
undergoing tests. Her four year old |
brother, Pat is ill at home with |
bronchitis. The Mortimers expect
to return to this area to live with-
in the next month. Mr. Mortimer is
associated with the Glen Alden
Paul Pardew, Baltimore, Md., is
spending the summer as guest of
The Willis C. Turner family, Main
Road. On Friday of last week he ac«
companied Terry Davenport, Barry
Ray and Eddie Turner on an all day’
hike. :
Joseph O. Jones, Lake Silkworth,
will attend a dinner feting retired
employees of I.B.M. Endicott, N. Y.
on August 24th. The dinner will
be held ‘at the ILB.M. country club.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones recently had as
guests Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones
and daughters, Roberta, Patty Lee,
Betty Jane and Marilyn of Nanti-"
Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacGill and
daughters, Betty Mae and Joanne
of Bloomsburg were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. James
Lee Barkley Jones spent the past
week-end at his home at North
Lake. Lee, who is son of Mr. and
Mrs. Llewellyn Jones is attending
summer sessions af Lehigh Uni
Mr. and Mrs. Freas G.Keen ctbors
tained at a family week-end
gathering at their home at North
Lake. In attendance were Mrs.
Elizabeth Keen and Mrs. Florence
Keen, Glen Lyon, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Keen, Harrisburg, Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Keen, Wyoming and
Mr. and Mrs. Edison Fischer, Glen
Al Ray is enjoying the televised
baseball games this season with his
cousin Joe Gibbon of Hickory,
Mississippi pitching for the Pitts~
burgh Pirates. Al is formerly from
Meridian, Mississippi.
Mrs John Koza and family, Boon~
ton, New Jersey — Mrs. Stephen
Calkins, Rochester, N. Y. spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Husted — Pvt. Richard Husted who
is stationed at the Missle Base,
Warrington, Pa. spent a week's
leave at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell
and daughters, Betty, Roberta,
Carol, Alexandria, Va., spent the
weekend with Mrs. Wesley Hilbert,
Mrs. Campell’s mother after a tour
of the New England States and New
York. Other guests at the Gilbert
home were Mrs, Gordon Matthews,
daughter Elayne Chenango Bridge,
N. Y. and Wesley G. Hilbert, Easton,
who recently returned by Jet after
a vacation on the west coast.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fritz and
daughters Marilgn, Barbara, Doro-
thy, Baltimore, spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fritz.
While here. they attended the
funeral of Mrs. Fritz’s father, Otto
Nitz of Wilkes Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meade and
daughters Connie and Beverly,
Baltimore spent their vacation with
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Meade.
In Canada For Vacation
and Mrs. Robert Ziegler of
Trucksville, with four children, a
dog and baby-sitter, left Sunday
for a two-weeks vacation in Canada.
Also of the party are Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Hauck of Shavertown, with
their children:
To Plan For Bazaar
Committee for arrangements for
Prince of Peace annual bazaar will
meet Tuesday evening with Mrs.
Sheldon Evans to make further
plans. Mrs. John Welker is chair-
gollon, fully-automatic,
coupon below.)
the low, low SUNGAS rates!
coupon today!
A few weeks ago we announced an exciting new SUNGAS
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our friends in this area the opportunity to rent a big 30
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Many people who rent their homes here have asked us
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heater rental plan is ideally suited for budget-conscious
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Here’s how the plan works: For a small charge of $12, we
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We'll give you, without obligation, complete, information on
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