aE a HES i i : SECTION B— PAGE 4 ~ Mrs. Hummell Was In Poor Health For Years Mrs. Dorothy Hummell, 50, in | Nesbitt; | and the late Stanley Grey. She was a member of Outlet Free Methe- dist Church. She is survived by her husband her daughter Gladys, at failing health for the past twelve home; her mother Mrs. Grey, Har- years at her home at Harveys Lake, | veys Lake; a brother Raymond, also died Saturday morning at General of Harveys Lake. Upped To Airman 1/C Hospital where she had been ad- mitted to the medical service on the Fourth of July. She was buried Tuesday afternoon | Rev. Emery | Stokes, pastor of the Outlet Free | at | Park, has been upped to Airman in Kocher Cemetery, Methodist Church, officiating services held at the Bronson Funer- | al Home. " Born in Lake Township, { Jay Farr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Farr, White Birch Trailer First Class at Vandenburg Air Base jn California. Three months from Mrs. | now, he will go to England for a Hummell was the former Dorothy | three-year hitch. He is now starting Grey, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Grey | | his sixth year in the Air Force. THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JULY -13, 1961 Chase Dawn Sherwood, on the critical list at Nesbitt Hospital, thanks all | who have sent cards and flowers. Her mother has filled two scrap books with cards which Dawn en- | joys leafing over from time to time. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bredbenner and daughter, Patricia, St. Peters- burg, who have been vacationing with Mrs. Bredbenner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brown, left today for Florida. ‘An auction will be held on the grounds of the Harry J. Pollock ma. property on Saturday. Auxiliary of Jackson Firemen will serve ham- burgs, hot dogs and beverages. Drew Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fitch, returned home after six. months at Fort Still, Oklaho- Drew, along with the Sutton twins, Cecil and Calvin, and Robert Wheeler, joined the 109th and went through basic training together at Fort Knox and Fort Sill and were closely associated throughout all of their camp experience. All four returned home together. B. A. Class, Huntsville Methodist Church, will meet at’ the home of J. Alfred Rogers,’ Saturday night. Members of the serving ‘committee are: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shouldice, Mildred Bertram, Walter Palmer and J. Alfred Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elston re- ceived the surprise of their lives the other morning when a sixteen- inch snapping turtle came up to their back porch. Mr. Elston man- aged to get into a wheelbarrow and took it for what the Elstons hope is a one-way ride. Mrs. Elston said it was the largest turtle she had seen since she was a little girl. Huntsville Methodist W.C.S. will hold a ham dinner at noon today. The public is invited. Justice-of-the-Peace = and Mrs. Robert J. Culp entertained Mrs. Mrytle Thomas and son, Richard, | | and Mrs. ‘Gladys Hagan and son; Edward, all of 'Askam, and Rev. William Williams of Florida, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Frantz had as weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs: Gilbert Ott and children, Nancy and Gilbert, Jr., who attended the Library Auction. The recent accident on Chase Road below Chase Corners has brough forth very vividly the fact that some action should be taken by the Township Supervisors to obtain authority from the State and County to post speed zone signs. The road below the corners is a county highway and above the corners it is a state highway. The residents along this road spend a lot. of time in their yards and a large number of children ride their bicycles and ‘travel along this road | and only -a miracle saved them from. possible death or injury the | aight the speeding car careened off | the road to hit and dislodge’ a stone | , Now that | ’ the summer outing season is on, ¥ wall and spin around. the danger of speeding cars is ever present. Rar LNT ’ | Home From Germany Stephen Pavlick, former Dallas | resident, returned Monday after a | two year tour: of duty as a Field | Director of The American Red Cross | in Germany. He will have a vaca- | tion of one month visiting his par- | DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA ents, Mr. nd Mrs. Stephen Pavlick of Pinecrest Avenue and other rela- tives, ‘then return for another tour of duty of one year. : Select “ MONT ENT From the Fine Display at OTTON'S | SUTTON’ fe Sorberton Hill—Hunlock KI 2-4896 Rep. €atawissa Menumengt Cot oe CHC BAS] a FROZEN CUBE LANCASTER BRAND \ STEAKS FARMDALE BRAND BACON ENDS ~ LANCASTER BRAND LANCASTER BRAND ~ 89¢ ARM ROAST IIb. pkg. 27° CROSS CUT ROAST b. §5¢ » YF LANCASTER BRAND LONG BOLOGNA - 43° LOW LOW PRICES PLUS BONUS STAMPS! ba oo v CAMPBELLS SOUP ASR ® VEGETABLE -@ VEGETARIAN @® BEAN (wim Bacon) VARS ™ YOUR CHOICE OF 3 DESIGNS ... Bl SATIN SWIRL * FROSTED SNOWFLAKE * CRYSTAL ICE START YOUR SET: REDEEM YOUR CIRCULAR COUPON, REGEIVED IN THE MAIL, FOR A FREE ICED TEA GLASS COUPON NO. 4 GOOD JUNE THRU JULY 15th IN ACME MARKETS DALLAS AND SHAVERTOWN. MATCHING PITCHERS special low price 59¢ ea. | Ca \ TABLE & 2 BENCHES REG. $25. i 5] WITH A sto. PURCHASE (Dares. & SHAVERTOWN ACHES. on) i a POPULAR Wl ih, Naw is Vi FLAVORS } | FRESHEST E DRINK — Wy SH) fl \! 0 "N W i \ \ \ IDEAL A { * BRAND FROZEN FISH, BECAUSE OF ee fi EXCELLENCE OF MODERN REFRIGER- \§ 1 A my ” IDEAL ATION, ARE BETTER THAN FRESH [++ Y 1 © 5 DRINK 1 THSIE “APPEAL TION VALUE Mh JUST AS QUICK- FREEZING MAKES A 4 IDEAL ; GREAT VARIETY OF FRUITS AND VEGE = : BRAND Wl TABLES AVAILABLE, IT ALSO MAKES W\ Posie THE SERVING OF Many : . : (nex) C (wie W) KINDS OF FISH INSTANT FREEZING AT B ; bottle | bottle | 40°BELOW ZERO RIGHT ON THE BOAT; — gar Be JUST MINUTES AFTER ITHAS BEEN | b E Al - 1 & KI ES KOSHER DILL 4 CAUGHT, GIES YOU THAT MATCHLESS oF rea DEEP- SEA GOODNESS AND OCEAN ~ | i ba : 4 FRESH FLAVOR IN EVERY SERVING- i i | == C OF ACHES FROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD. A SR: aun DETERGENT “> PICK THE MAKINGS FOR A i : : Pkg. 2 DELICIOUS SHORE DINNER : 7 : os IN THE FROZEN SEAFOOD ; i WHITE OR ; Cc Wroeo” ; ‘ -0Z. . : DETERGENT PIKK size ot VIRGINIA LEE es P CANDY SR 2cor. BOE OOD 5, 1:Ib. cans 69¢ ® SPEARMINT LEAVES . LICORICE BABIES DOG MEAL &-b. pkg. 71¢ oe 1 o ORANGE SLICES ® WILD CHERRY DROPS DOG MEAL 20-b. bag 52.39 Priam Soins ; vr nb ar / i FREE! '6; 1602. 52¢ SPECIAL LOW PRICE WITH REDWOOD | ICED TEA GLASSES (= PICNIC TABLE | PURCHASE : 2 9% | stir aq SHES ETERS