ANIA 44, Tunlock at her failing i Ceme- llowing William Funeral + Emily ameson d Della y mem- ytestant Fred J. -. ge and s. Mar- rs. Lo- Y. and indchil- : Leroy William James N. J.; Square; Lang- 1, Hun- ennels n for asion nards rayed s the used rious sedly Jet SF < * ‘day School DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA Chase Dawn Sherwood returned home from the Nesbitt Hospital, Sunday afternoon, where she will remain pending a change in her condition. Mr. and Mrs. George Ide of Roch- ester, N. Y. Cdlled on Mrs. Albert J. Cadwalader on Friday. The Ide’s are former Huntsville residents. The W.S.C.S. of the Huntsville Methodist Chutch will hold its an- nual dinner tomorrow, beginning at 12 o'clock. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. William Conyngham Spent the last several days in Cleve- land, Ohio, attending the National Convention of Holstein Cattle rais- ers. Mrs. Mary Ashton, who has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woessner, Norris- town, will return on June 18 and be at home for two weeks. The Jackson Methodist Bible School will be held in conjunction with the Lehman Methodist Bible School at the Lehman Church, June 19, from 9:30 o'clock to 11:30 o'clock daily, Mrs. Charlotte Ashton, Sun- Superintendent, will furnish transportation for Jackson pupils. : : © Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Voitek and daughter, Marguerite and Eileen, York, Pa. spent Sunday with Mrs. - Voitek’s mother Mrs. John Billow of Chase Manor. ' [A Spiritual Retreat will be spon- sored by United Church Women in the Huntsville Methodist Church, to- morrow morning at 10:30 o,clock. Please bring your own lunch and , Bible. Beverage will be served by the W.S.C.S. of the host church. Mrs. John B. Kennedy, Bloomsburg, form- erly of Kingston, will be Leader. The theme will be “Love”. Mrs. Mary Pudimott Ceasetown, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Emma Vandermark, Watertown, vis- ited with Mrs. Pudimott’s daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Young of Berwick last Thursday. Elizabeth and Albert Pavlick, chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. John Pavlick will graduate with the 1961 Class of Harter High School tomorrow, June 9. The following Jackson Township students are members of Lehman’s winning band: Diane. Crumley, Helen Dugan, John Felding, Evelyn Devan, Ruth Ellen Tremayne, Adam Gardecki, Shirley Ruskoski, Beverly Bomning, Joseph Zbeick, Mary Ann Laskowski Janet Fielding, John Fielding, Susan Fielding, Mary Man- zoni. A total of ‘135 students and eight: chaperones, as well as a num- be of parents of the students made the pilgrimage to Sherbourne. John Miliauskas is the proud director of the band. : The class of 1961, Lake High, followed the action of the ’61 class of Lehman High and presented to the Joint School Board a check of $100 to go toward the purchasing of a directory for the new high i school building. Clarence Qakley hds resigned his position with the Joint School Dis- CO] Dad Never Had It ‘So Comfortable! Hush Puppies breathin’ brushed pigskin by Wolverine from BUD DIES MAIN ST. LUZERNE $8.05 “SP GOVERS 39 FUR COATS and 1.50 DRAPES 1.99, LINED-PR. up wo 1.49 up 8-Piece Set O’'MALIA ‘Home Of Sanitone Dry Cleaning Makes Housecleaning Easy BLANKETS 2 .. 199 CLOTH & FUR COATS 3.25 STORED ONLY BOX STORAGE Cleaning Charges $250. Insurance 4.9 Water Repellant 89¢ Cleaning C es harg FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY CALL ‘FREE SANRTR URS EE RONDE O'MALIA | LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING | LUZERNE - DALLAS HIGHWAY ie i trict to accept a position with the Tunkhannock School District. County Road Department is to be congratulated on the fine resurfac- ing and repair job they did on elim- inating the dangerous hump in the road near the Filter Station. after serving his six months train- ing in the Army. He was /stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Miss Barbara Uram, substitute Physical Education teacher at Lake- | Lehman High, left her position last Friday to wed a West Pointer at West Point. Congratulations to Miss Uram and her mate. The Baccalaureate service of the Lake-Lehman High School will be held Sunday evening, June 11, 8:15 o'clock, and the Commencement pro- gram will be held Tuesday, June 13 at 8:15 o'clock. Both services be- ing held in the Lehman High Schcool Gymnasium. The speaker at the Baccalaureate Service will be Rev. | William Hughes of Sweet Valley. Invocation will be given by Rev. S. F. Bdnas of Lake Silkworth and the benediction by Rev. Richard S. Wen- zel of Pikes Creek. Congratulations to Terri Lynn Cease, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cease, Hunlock Creek, who celebrated her second birthday on Sunday. A family dinner was held in her honor and the usual birth- day cake was on hand. Dr. Jerome B. Marshall, Jr., has returned after spending the past two weeks in the capacity of Oral Sur- geon at the Dover Air Base. Dr. Marshall is a member of the Air Force Reserve. Mrs. Marshall joined him for the weekend. Mrs. Ellen Curtis, a teacher in the Ross School, has turned .in her res- .ignation, having reached the re- tirement age. . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Rogers had as dinner guests Friday, Mr. and Mrs. George Ide of Rochester, N. Y. Beaumont The ‘Beaumont Elementary School ended the school term Wednesday, ATIONWIDE aon cocs. o Gouna, @W0 4 DALLAS ORchard 5-1176 | Centermoreland FEderal $-4500, SI Ie Every Sunday is Family Day at Gus Genetti's H ¥ From Monday to Saturday, Each Day We Feature a 95¢ Chefs Special Luncheon. Facilities for All Occasions. FOR OUR GUESTS’ CONVENIENCE 8 DIFFERENT DINING ROOMS and Beautiful COCKTAIL LOUNGE All Air Conditioned ® When you celebrate YOUR, BIRTHDAY OR ANNIVERSARY here we will bake you a cake “A Fine Vacation Spot in Pennsylvania” For Reservations Call Gladstone 4-2494 | . Simms, THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE S, 1961 June 7, at 9:30 a.m. : Mary Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson, is a patient at the General Hospital. ‘Mrs. C. J. Dress is spending some time at White Plains, N.Y. Mrs. Ralph Lutes plans to estab- John Headman, Jr., has returned | ish a beauty shop in her home at Lutes Corners July 1. Dr. and Mrs: T. J. Keating, West Chester, were with the William A. Austing for a few days recently. The Gerald Roots, Johnson City, spent last weekend with local rela- tives. Lehman Louise Ellsworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth, has completed her Junior year returned to Her home for the] summer vacation. Mrs. Dorrance | McKeel, Debbie McKeel, Leonora | Swan and Mrs. Ellsworth drove to State College this past week to bring her home. [Louise has com- pleted eight weeks of teaching at Johnstown. Her majors are speech correction and elementary education. Sunday, our son, Gregory “Keith was baptized in Lehman Methodist Church -by Rev. Norman Tiffany. May ‘I boast a little and say he behaved very well, sleeping on his Father's shoulder after being shown off to the congregation. Grandmg and Grandpa Gregory and Grandma Simms were there for the big occasion. Another lovely boy, Wayne Doug- las Sutton, William Sutton was baptized, also. Mrs. Earl Eustice and Mrs. Sutton were there to witness their grandson’s baptism, Mrs. Nellie Sickler and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Sickler, Forty Fort, were recent. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver | Whitesell and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tough. On Friday evening, the ambulance and fire engine from Lehman Town- ship led the ‘welcome home” cavalcade of seventy-five cars which | traveled to Tunkhannock to meet the tired but victorious Lake-Leh- man Band. E Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elston and son Tommy, Kenville, New Jersey, and Mrs. Charles Crook, State Col- lege, were weekend guests of Mrs. Alice Elston. Harveys Lake Correction—The W.S.C.S. of the Alderson Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Peter De- laney tonight, Thursday, at 8, in- stead of at the home of Mrs. Joseph Rauch, as stated last week. Mrs. Rauch will assist Mrs. Delaney in serving. ‘We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter, whose son Gilbert, Jr., of Kingston passed away on Thurs- day of last week. He was buried Monday in Kocher Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lewis and family of Forty Fort have opened their home for the summer. In time they expect to be per- manent Harveys Lake residents. ' Mr. and Mrs, Harry Reed and daughter, Sylvia, are also occupying their summer home. Mrs. Michael Clark, Pole 69, spent several days in Baltimore last week visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yellalonis. Mr. Clark drove down on Sunday to bring her home. Mrs. Basil Lord and son, Allan, Dallas, visited Mrs. Florence Conden Sunday. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson visited Mrs. Conden. On Sunday we (Mr. and Mrs. Al- BLIGHT FUNERAL HOME 302 WYOMING AVE. KINGSTON § PHONE BU 7-3986 AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 10th Beginning At 11 AM. At Idetown Corners - Hundreds of items old and new to be sold regardless of price. EVERYONE WELCOME Bake Sale and Refreshments SpoNsorRED By ROUTE on > Idetown Methodist eion-Wilkes-barre ; Highway Church REVOLUTION; First premium hicating oil at regular price, Order from us today! CHARLES H. LONG SWEET VALLEY, PA. a at | Pennsylvania State University and | student | son of Mr. and Mrs. | Bert | I bert Armitage) celebrated our 27th | wedding anniversary, also our | daughter, Jessie Beckeman’s birth- | day. As a gift I had the pleasure |'of having a seaplane ride from Har- | veys Lake over the surrounding | country, and what a beautiful sight lit was from the air. The day was {so clear and bright and to see the | green treetops and the many cleared | green fields at A. J. Sordoni’s and T. N. Wood’s Farm was really grand. The lake had many boats on‘it and lots of traffic around it. I could | see Huntsville Dam, Sgarlet Lake, | Twin Lakes and other small ponds. | Mr. Smith, owner of the plans and thead of Smith's Flying Service, | piloted the plane. Others helping { me celebrate were Orin Beckerman, my son-in-law, my mother, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryder and Susan from Kingston. George Burton Courtright Idetown, Dies Aged 78 George Burton Courtright 78, | Briar Crest, died Friday afternoon | at Nesbitt Hospital, where he had {been admitted on Thursday after | suffering a heart attack. He had | seemed in perfect health, and en- joying mowing the lawn when stricken. He was buried Monday afternoon in Forty Fort Cemetery, following services conducted by Rev. Russell Lawry from the Disque Funeral Home. Pallbearers were Harvey Matyas, | Raymond Walter, Paul Keiner, Les- lie ‘Rader, Maurice Evans and Al- bert Jones. Mr. Courtright moved to Idetown nine years ago, after having lived for forty years in Kingston. He spent many years with Kingston Coal Company and American Furni- ture: Company. His wife, Margaret died three years ago. He was a native of Courtdale, son of the late William and Louise Haw- {ley Courtright. He was a graduate of Wyoming Seminary. Since moving to Idetown, he had been active in business association with his son-in-law Ralph Dixon, owner-operator of Dixon's Restau- rant in central Dallas. He belonged to Dallas Methodist Church. Ma- sonic connections included Knights Templar and Irem Temple. He was past Master of Kingston Lodge 395 F&AM. He is survived by two daughters: Mrs. Marion Mitchell, Dumont, N. J. and Mrs. Betty Dixon, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. John Traub, Kingston, and three grandchildren. Mrs. Norman Patton To Speak At Shavertown Information about the State government will be given in an address by Mrs. Norman. F. Patton at the W.S.C.S. meeting at Shaver- town Methodist Church. Wednesday, June 14. All women are cordially in- vited. : Mrs. Patton is well qualified on past president of League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania 1957-61; Also director and Public Relations chairman for the state organization 1953-57, and president of Wilkes- 1951-583. Presently, she is a Commission . member on Social Concern in Shav- ertown Methodist Church. Hostesses for the covered dish dinner are members of the Pris- all reservations. Executive meat. Reception Committee— Deb- orah Circle; Devotions—Martha Cir- cle. Miss Pearl M. Averett, president, will preside. All reservations should be in by Monday June 12. Covered dish dinner 6:30 p.m.; Program 7:45. : Local Women Decorate For Garden Club Lunch Four local women arranged decor- ations for the annual all-day meet- ing of District 3 Garden Clubs of Pennsylvania at Irem Country Club Tuesday, at which the Garden Club of Wyoming Valley served as hos- tess. They were Mrs. Arnott Jones, | Mrs. Roger McShea Jr., Mrs. Albert Ide, and Mrs. James Besecker Jr. Miss Adelia Stevens, former presi- dent of the Wyoming Valley group, wags elected chairman of District 3. Mrs. Henry Heineman, of Peach Blossom Creek, Maryland, demons- trated ‘Tables for the Collector,” and a group of children from the Mentrose Junior Garden Club, ex- cused from school for the occasion, demonstrated arrangements. A number of mobiles related to gardening were on exhibit. Eighty women attended the 12:30 luncheon. Wheeler's Cafe NOXEN ROAD HARVEYS LAKE SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT Pigs In A Blanket or Fish Fry 50¢ Every Saturday Night Lobster Tail 15¢ this topic as she is the immediate | Barre’s League of Women Voters | | | cilla (Circle. Mrs. Poynton will take | Board | members will furnish dessert and | New Goods To Be On Display Probable Time Of Sale Will Be Announced New Goods Committee for the Li- brary Auction is soliciting between June 1 and July 1. All donated items will be labeled with the donor’s name, approximate retail value and comments for the auc- tioneer. All donated items with a value of $10.00 or more will be dis- played and the approximate time of sale listed within a fifteen minute period. This will give better publi~ city to the benefactors. Serving on the committee are: Dr. Lester Jordan, Richard Demmy, Jack Conyngham 3rd, Frank Slaff, Paul Rodda, Bill Moss, Mrs. Stuart Marks, H. R. McCarthney, Walter Mohr, Harry Lefko, Louis Berger, Everell Chadwick Atty. Mitchell Jenkins, Dr. Stanley Hozempa, Ray Hedden, Francis Ambrose, Russell Frantz, Charles Frantz, John Wardell, Stefan Hellersperk, Durelle Scott, David Schooley, Fred Jennings Carl Henderson, Lewis Wolfe, Charles Mannear, Jim Alex- ander, Merrill Faegenburg, Paul Gross, Louis Maslow, William Wright, Bill Krimmel Tom Hillyer, Jack Dewitt, Sr., Walter Black, Henry Peterson, Lyle Slaff, Ray Daring, Hanford Eckman, Willard John, Jr., Franklin Gager, Sherm Harter, Leo Lukasavage, Willard Seaman, Ern- est Gay, Robert Graham, Andy Ro- an, Herb Smith, Edward Brominski, Harry Carson, John Konsavage, Jim Halpin, Joe Fry, Harry Burns, War- ren Yarnal, Leon Wazeter, Robert Tippett, Lee McCarthy, Jerry Gard- ner, Mrs. Stanley Hozempa, Mrs. Ann Stenger, Mrs. George Decker, and Mrs. Thomas Decker. Notice To Applicants An Important communication from the Surplus Food Administra- tion has come to hand: June 1, 1961 Editor: Due to Federal Regulations re- quiring this office to recertify the status of recipients on our rolls, it is now necessary that all new ap- plicants must register at our office located at 111 E. Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre. New applications will not be taken at points of distribu- tion this month. ‘We will take all new registrations for the month of June at this office during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm. Each day. New appli- cants will be accepted from June 1 to June 15 inclusive. : Sincerely yours, Joseph J. Shultz, Surplus Food Administrator Subscribe To The Post __SECTION.B—PAGE 5 | “It’s hard to know exactly when {one begins. But it's somewhere one generation ends, and the next | around 9 pm.” Graphic Arts Services INCORPORATED PHOTO-ENGRAVING Offset Negatives and Platemaking Sereen Prints, Art Work Phone VA 5-2978 Rear 29 North Main St. ANOTHER FIRST... AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK! Need Speed on Insurance? If your insurance claim is still unpaid after six months you’ll know—the hard way— The Big Difference between buying insurance directly from a company and through an independent insurance agent. Will a company salesman stand by you when you have § a claim? Doesn’t it make bet- ter sense to buy through an independent agent who places your interests first? We are an independent in- surance agency. Our job is to see that you get the right policy from companies with good records for paying claims —to handle details, cut red tape and speed payments due you. . You ndependent Insurance J |KGENT “SERVES/ YOU [rirsT"™ HAROLD E. FLACK INSURANCE AGENCY BROOKS BLDG. VA 3-2189 College Education Plan information is available. at College Misericordia, Wilkes College, Kings College, Pennsylvania State University (Wilkese Barre Center), Wyoming Seminary, Wilkes- Barre Business College or any office of The First National Bank. If you wish, see your high school ' guidance counselor, or mail the coupon below. £5= em em Gm Gm Gu GH Gm Gm Gm MS MS SE Gm Su an we em 9 'MAIL THIS HANDY COUPON!: i : Mail to: College Plan ' : The First National Bank of Wilkes-Barre ' i Please send me full details on your new College | t Assured Plan. 1 { i i 1 2 i Name. 1 i Address. ‘ 1 : Ci Phone ' t oS Bs FIRST National [BF le of ASABE 11 W. MARKET STREET § Other Converniént Offices: ; PUBLIC SQUARE - KINGSTON « PLAINS « CROSSROADS « FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS _ MEMBER F. D.