ORchard 4-3210. erator, $35.00 Phone OR 4-0765. For Sale— 1950 FORD two-door sedan, three carb manifold. Overall condition good. Phone ORchard 4-8198, 1953 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, radio and heater, $195. Phone COLD-SPOT REFRIGERATOR, 7 cubic feet. Good running condition. (We outgrew it and bought another Cold-Spot) Phone ORchard 4-7881 DOUBLE CINCH Western Pony Saddle, red leather. Good condit- ion. Call ORchard 4-2014. 6 CU. FT. PHILCO Refrigerator, good condition, Priced reasonable. ORchard 5-1714. BOX STORAGE at Davis Cleaners for your winter wearables. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights—'til 9. Main Highway—Trucksville, APARTMENT SIZE Gas Stove. Only used a few months. Cost $128.00, will sell for $65.00. Electric Refrig- 1951 ENGLISH AUSTIN, Good Con- | dition. $175. Call NEptune 9-5335 SLIGHTLY USED 125 Tass accordian, $175. Westinghouse refrigerator, medium size, good running condit- jon. $10, Call ORchard 4-7518.". UNIVERSAL GAS STOVE, standard size, good condition. Phone NEptune 9-9656. U.S. KEDS for the entire family at JOE’s MEN'S SHOP’ 35 Main Street Dallas, Good selection, good ~ color, good price. ORchard 4-7611. PWENTY-INCH WHEEL Girl's Bike, a blue SCHWINN, very good condition (outgrown). $15. Phone Sweet Valley, GR 7-2996. SCREENS: 13 are 35% x 51 inches; four are 35 1/8 by 36. All in good condition and very cheap. Also three screen doors approximately 3 x 7 feet. Call ORchard 4-8101. CHICKEN { MANURE. Ben Gregory, . Idetown. Phone NE 9-5179. Rae CABBAGE, TOMATO, Pepper, Lett- ~ uce Plants. Irish Cobbler Seet Pot- " atoes. Solensky Farm, RD #3, Dallas, Demunds-Orange Road between Martz ‘and Carlin Fruit Farms. 5 BAMBOO FLY-ROD, Heddon, Perfect Condition; English Harding Reel. $35 for both. Tru-Temper tubular steel fly-rod, $10. Phone ORchard 4-5376. ~ FRIGIDAIRE 3/4 HP. dual unit air . conditioner used two years, good 3; condition. Window opening 27 x 15 : aioe $50. NEptune 9-3816. SEVEN PIECE DINING Room Suite, walnut, cheap. ORchard 4-8449. 1956 CHEVROLET, Model 210, fully equipped. Private owner. Must sell, © $695.00. See it at Merle’s Sinclair Station, Shavertown. OLIVER 7.1 FARM TRACTOR with two row cultivaters. Phone OR- 4216. CLOSING OUT SALE! Best buys - ever in shoes for family. $1, and : $2. Tables! Perry's Shoe Store, Main Street. Dallas. MONUMENTS Monuments from $99.50 up Markers $28.50 to $40 Headstones from $45 to $75 Germick Bros. Inc. 87 Tener, off Union, Luzerne BU 7-2251 "| Baby’s Breath; FIFTEEN FOOT HOLIDAY RAMB- LER Trailer, Sleeps four. Like new. Phone NE 9-3220. 1940 FORD Two Door, 2 new tires. Good - running condition. [Phone OR 4-4178. SMALL SIZED DRESSES and Gowns. Excellent condition, Reasonable. Phone GR 7-3073. GERANIUMS, PANSIES, Dwarf Sweet Williams, Vegetables and flower plants, hybrid tomatoes, egg i plant. Joseph Hardisky. Huntsvillle- i Lehman Road. Phone OR 4-0957. CUSHMAN MOTOR TER. Just overhauled. Very good condition. $200.00. Phone OR 4-3210. PERENNIALS—OId Fashioned Bleed- ing Heart; Peonies, new varieties, white pink, red; New hardy Phlox, 10 kinds, including the beautiful ; Farrington pink; Pacific Hybrid Del- phinium, 5 varieties; Lychenis; Jac- ob’s Ladder; Oriental Poppies; Hardy Blue Sage; Gaillardia; Primroses; Iris; Day Lillies; Cushion Mums, and others. All | potted and ready when needed. Hardy Annuals for early plant- ing-Snaps; Calendulas, Larkspur, Bachlour Buttons. Keller's Gardens, Idetown, NE 9-5426. INTERNATIONAL CUB Cadet garden tractors, tillers, McCulloch chain saws and racing motors; go-carts. A. F. Walters, Memorial Highway, Dallas, ORchard 4-3227. TWO SOFA BEDS, $80; one-ton air conditioner like new, $100. NE 9-3970. 18 Vine, Oak Hill. RAG CARPETING and rugs; also custom weaving. Mrs. John Stred- ney, Carpenter Road. Phone OR 4-2098. 1955 PLYMOUTH, black and white, fully equipped, good running con- dition. See and inquire at Merl's | Sinclair Station in Shavertown, or phone OR 4-0834. TWO BEDROOM house-trailer, ex- cellent condition, screened in porch, 8 x 45’. Call Tunkhannock- Terrace 6-3956. and nut coal $16.00; pea coal $14.00. All sizes. Single ton, 50c extra, Telephone OR 4-3081. EMBLETON’S Small Appliance Re- pair Shop has been taken over by JENKIN’S HARDWARE & SUPPLY, 1714 Wyoming Avenue, Exeter. Ted Martin, Mgr. Repair Dept. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW how quick- ly classified ads can help you solve a problem until you try them. To buy, sell or find what you want, use the classified. They cost little. ness for mattresses—cushions— seats. Upholstering material—$1.00 to $2.50 yard. MATTRESSES MADE & EXPERTLY RECONDITIONED & RECOVERED—M. B. BEDDING CO. factory, 526 So. Main St., Wilkes- Barre. THIS ADVERTISEMENT might have been yours for the small cost of $1. per week. Call Dallas 4-5656 when you have something you want ‘to buy or sell. RUGS. Any SIZE — All known makes. A little out of the way but a lot less to pay. B. Carpet Company, 267 South Main Street, Wilkes-Barre. SHOP LUZERNE Wallpaper & Paint Store for Linoleum, Wallpaper, Paints and Miscellaneous. We give © Main Office—WILKES-BARRE Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, 9 A M to3 P.M, Friday—9 A, M. to 5 P, M, ® West Side Office—Edwardsville In the Gateway Shopping Center Mon., Tues., Wed., 9A. Mto3P M, Thurs, and Fri.,, 9 A. M. to 8 P, M Saturday 10 A. M, to 2 P. M, 4 CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU! S & H Green Stamps. 121 Main St. ® Plymouth Office, Plymouth Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, . 2 A-M to3 P M, Friday—9 A.M. “to SP. M, ® Back Mt. Office—Bhavertown Mon,, Tues,, Wed., Thurs, 8 A, M. to 2 P. M, Friday, 8 A, M. to 2 P. MM, 5P. M. to, 8’P. M.. Saturday 9 A, M. fo 1 P. M, 4 Ns LE a ive A —— li. ne Lrlii ESS eerie tab ELL THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1961 DALLAS POST CLASSIFIED ADS GET QUICK RESULTS — Phone ORchard 4-5656 or 4-7676 — RATES — Minimum if charged - $1.00 - 20 words. Cash with order - Minimum 85¢ for 20 words. 5c per word over 20 words - Display Classified $2. per inch Po I Lv | P57 CPs i POTATOES, Size A. Pickouts $1 per Bu. Also size B Chippawa Potatoes. One year removed from certified seed. Renold Morris, Sweet Valley, GR T7-2556. -|Whom To Call— HOOVER'S LAWN-MOWER Shop | will sharpen and repair your lawn- mower, picking it up and delivering it. NEptune 9-5335. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING— Wesley Cooper. Phone OR 4-5326 after 5 p.m. LAWMOWER SALES, repairs and service, For a real job on all types see Bob Gregory, your Jacobsen Dealer, Lehigh Street, Shavertown. ORchard 4-6423. JAVALIN AND RAM Heavy Duty Power Lawnmowers, sales, repairs, services. | Bob Gregory, your Jacob- sen dealer, Lehigh Street, Shaver- town. ORchard 4-6423. HEALTH SERVICE—DR. JAMES R. VANLOON, Chiropractor Drugless Therapist, announces the re-opening of a branch office at Harvey's Lake, Pole 125. Hours: Tuesday 6-8; Thursday 6-8; Sat- urday 6-8. VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service. All makes, Joseph S. Blaum, NE 9-9631. If no answer call NE 9-2422. BEAUTY SHOP—Now open for business—Shampoos, Sets, Per- manents, Hair cuts—Eliz. Newman Keefer—5 Machell Ave. Dallas. OR- chard 4-6659. ALL MAKES Sewing Machines clean- ed and repaired. Phone OR 4-2565. GARDENS PLOWED And Harrowed, Call Bill Morris, ORchard 4-6607. PLOWING AND HARROWING, any size lot Si Evans. Phone OR4~ 5522. IS YOUR TRUCK, tractor or auto- mobile using 0il? Your machanic or garage will recommend SEALED POWER guaranteed piston rings. COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP STULL BROTHERS, KINGSTON. CALL “JAMESWAY Dealer”, Leon- DEEP-MINED ANTHRACITE stove FOAM RUBBER— any size—thick-’ ard Dorrance for shuttle-stroke barn cleaner, direct expansion milk coolers, hot-dip galvanized stalls stanchions. OR 4-5401. and’ Buy — Sell — Swap — Or Trade In The Trading Post | RADIO and TELEVISION SERVICE Small Appliances. | JOE WYDA | Phone OR 4-2477 Lehman, Pa. Stefan Hellersperk PIANOS FURNITURE ANTIQUES RECONDITIONED ‘FINE CABINET WORK Phone Dallas 4-0744 HOME in EAST DALLAS, Three rooms and bath, all improvements, convenient location on bus line. Telephone ORchard 4-0595. EIGHT ROOM house at Chase Corn~ ers, modern improvements, deep drilled well, gas water heater, gas stove, land for garden, garage, $40. NEptune 9-3280 SIX ROOMS, 1% baths, oil heat, stove, refrigerator, hardwood floors. Nice lawn. Adults only. Eight miles from Tunkhannock on Main Highway, Route 309, Phone NE [2 -8449 after 6 pm. week days. Wanted To Buy— Top Soil Red Shale And Fill Bulldozing and Trenching Excavating JOS. YATSKO ORchard 5-1276 MILLERS PHOTOGRAPHIC HIS- TORY of Civil War published by Review of Reviews. Call Dallas OR 4-5656. 1,000 JUNK CARS, trucks or trac- tors, regardless of condition. Top MARGUERITE'S BEAUTY SHOP, for that trim cut, shampoo, and wave, or a fresh new permanent. Phone OR 4-2191. T-V, RADIO, HI-FI STEREO service. Pix tubes installed in home, 21- inch $29.95. Antennae installed and repaired. Service charge $2.50. Guaranteed work. Service anytime, any day. Joe Katyl, 67 Norton Ave- nue, Dallas. OR 4-5126. SQUARE DEAL ROOFING .. alumin- um, asbestos, insulated siding, all types. Not a fly-by-night-concern. Long established at same location. Finest craftsmanship. .Estimates cheerfully given. Claude Newhart, Chase’ Road, Trucksville. OR 4-2605. FUEL OILS, Atlantic Products. Me- ter Service to insure you accu- acy. Montross Oil Company, 436 Main Street, Luzerne. Phone BUt- ler 7-2361. EXPERT UPHOLSTERING. Free esti- mates. Stook Upholstery, Hill- side Ave. Harveys Lake. Phone NE 9-9416. | WELL DRILLING a specialty. In business over 40 years. All work guaranteed. R. B. Shaver and Son Dallas R. D. 1, Phone NE 9-9851. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Muh- lenburg 256-3613. Oscar White- sell, Hunlock Creek, RFD 1. ¥ FRED PETERS, Authorized HOOVER Dealer Sales-Service-Parts. Sales payments arranged. All makes re- paired. Free estimates. ORchard 4-5126, evenings NEptune 9-9830. R. D. 4, Dallas; Pa. WE CAN USE FILL DIRT, rock and clean ashes — what have you? The Dallas Post OR 4-5656. CHAIR CANING and SPLINTING, finest imported materials. OR 4-2714. LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and sharpened, new and used mowers and parts. Saw filing and retoothing, knives and shears sharpened. Phone Dallas OR 4-8404, William Eckert, dollar; Sweet Valley, GR 7-2181. ‘WANTED: Beef Cattle, fresh cows land cows due to freshen. Call Dal- las, ORchcard 5-1635, or write Na- than Connor, R. D. 4, Dallas, Pa. HOME FREEZER in excellent con- dition. Reasonable price. 18 or 21 cu. ft. Call after 6 p.m., ORchard 4-3591, Wanted WANTED HUNDREDS of old nylon stockings—ifor making stuffed dolls for Library Auction. May be left at Dallas Post. WANTED ALL TYPES modern, an- tique, or rag dolls. Suitable for repair or redressing for Children’s Auction to be held in connection with Library Auction in July. Can also use scrap dress material, china heads, hands or wigs. Call OR 4-3408 or OR 4-5656. Sanitary Service— SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools and privy vaults cleaned. J. A. Singer, City Scavenger, 137 Dagobart Street, | Wilkes-Barre. Dial VA 3-4529. SEPTIC TANKS, reinforced concrete, buy the best. Costs less in the long run. C. E. German and Son, Kingston 8-1448 or your local sup- ply dealer. Instruction— JOB SECURITY can be yours by preparing now for coming Civil Service Exams. For information write: National Training Service, Box 5, Dallas Post. Female Help Wanted— Main Highway, Trucksville. RUTHANN’S BEAUTY. SHOP, lo- cated on Main Road, Fermbrook. Day and evening appointments. Phone OR 4-4461. COMPLETE INSTALLATION of Sep- tic Tanks, Sumps and Drain Fields. Digging for water lines, footers, etc. Fill, Topsoil. Barry Edwards, NE 9-2078. REMODELLING, new additions, modern kitchen cabinets, alum. siding, roofing. Twelve years ex- perience. Contract or hourly. Free estimates. Willard Newberry. OR 5-1713. TOP SOIL. FILL. TOP SOIL Regular and Screened Complete Excavating Facilities for CELLARS, WATERLINES SEPTIC TANKS, GRADING By contract or hour: Free Estimates. Call HOOVER and MILBRODT OR 4-2494 OR -4-2498 BOTTLED GAS PYROFAX New and Used Appliances ' Sales and Service ROOD’S GAS AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Overbrook Avenue, Dallas OR 4-5371 WATER PUMP REPAIRS and SER- VICE—Shallow and deep wells; installation of Jet or Submercible pumps; also installation and repairs of sump pumps. R. W. Weidner. Phone OR 4-6108. PAINTING INTERIOR — EXTERIOR By Contract or Hour CHESTER ROBERTS Hunlock Creek R. D. 1 Phone Muhlenburg 2563692 or 2563690 BOTTLED GAS Harold K. Ash Plumbing and Heating Shavertown Dallas 4-6166 WE SPECIALIZE in “Bulcks, Whit- ing Parts and Service, Shaver- 8057, 7 town, Main Haale. ~ ORchard | Beal Estate For Sale 3 BEDROOM HOME - $11,750. All improvements-large lot-ideal for children-owner transferred-81 James Street, Shavertown-Call ORchard 4-87917. WOMAN, for restaurant work in Dallas. Steady job. Call OLympic 4-9391. Help Wanted— RELIABLE WOMAN ‘Wanted for day work and mother’s helper, Tele- phone ORchard 4-7236. SACRIFICE at $11,250 to settle estate. Lovely 5-bedroom home, nice neighborhood, oil heat, storm windows, 2-car garage. Perfect for large family or can be a duplex. 40 Mt. Greenwood Road, or call Dallas, OR 4-7676 during business hours, OR 4-3069 after 6 p. m. SIX-ROOM house at Carverton, bath, garage. Phone ORchard 4-2284. SIX-ROOM and bath home, Poplar Street, Fernbrook, conveniently located. Large living room with fire- place, hardwood floors downstairs. Plenty closets. Outdoor fireplace, patio, $10,950. ORchard 4-0440. | THOMAS P. GARRITY Realtor ; REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Service to the Greater Back Mt. Area Pole 89 — Harveys Lake. HARVEYS LAKE NE 09-5105 Wanted To Rent— BELL TELEPHONE executive de-- sires a three-bedroom modern sin- gle house in the Dallas area. Call Kingston, BU 8-3995. 2 BEDROOM Home in Dallas or Harveys Lake Area, furnished or unfurnished, for year around occup- ancy. Adult. Write Box No, 60, The Dallas Post or telephone Mr. Barone at Valley 2-7161. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL for light house- work Saturdays or after school. Telephone Harveys Lake NEptune 9-9412. WAITRESS OVER 21, to work at Bolton’s Diner, Main Highway, Shavertown. Apply in person. COOKS, WAITRESSES, Kitchen Help, over 21. Apply in person. O’Connell’s Twin Lakes. For appoint- ment, phone NEptune 9-9001. Also needed, part time banquet wait- resses. MAID for general housework. Sleep in, References required. Good Sal- ary, plenty of time off. ORchard 4-3286. Business Opportunities— RESTAURANT IN DALLAS—Excel- lent investment for right person. ‘Ready for immediate salelf inter- ested write Box PP. c/o The Dallas Post. Lost LOST, perhaps two weeks ago at midget race track, a Lake-Lehman High School ring with red stone. Initials M.G, Call Muhlenburg 256- 3371 and reverse charges. Tt is not how much we have; but how much we enjoy what we have that makes us happy. For Rent— FOR RENT: Storage—Clean, dry, elevator to all floors; also separ- ate rooms, small or large spaces available. 90 Main Street, Dallas, Telephone (evenings) Dallas, OR- chard 4-4682.' FOUR ROOM apartment, second floor, heat, hot water included. Adults only. Phone ORchard 4-1611. double house: second floor, 3 bed- | rooms, vinyl flooring, glass enclosed shower, First floor, oak flooring, 3 | rooms. Oil heat and water included | ‘in $90 rental. Central location. quiet, attractive, Street, Shavertown, ORchard 4-0447. os COMPLETELY RENOVATED half of | 142 N. Lehigh | | SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST |]_ ATTENTION FARMERS IF YOU HAVE LIVESTOCK TO BE TRUCKED TO THE DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET FOR THEIR MONDAYS SALE JUST CALL ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: Hotel Moses VanCampen, Benton, Pa, WA 5-2261 or [1 Kingston, Pa. Butler 7-2746 [ or write to: ISAAC “IKE MELLNER 100 N. Wells Street. ~ Kingston, Pa. : / 0 Legal— Sealed proposals will be received by the Dallas School District for tthe purchase of an. Automotive con- veyance to transport foods from the Central Kitchen to the several scho- ols of the district, and/or rental service including labor and equip- ment for this purpose. Specifications may be secured at (the office of the Secretary, Admin- istration Office, Dallas Borough School Building, Huntsville Street, Dallas, Pennsylvania not. later than 8:00 PM. [D.S.T., June 13, 1961 at which time the bids will be opened publicly. Bid shall be plainly mark- ed on the envelope “BID FOR TRANSPORTATION OF FOOD”. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof of any bid. By order of the Board of Direc- tors of the Dallas Scheol District, Dallas, Pennsylvania. HARRIET STAHL, Secretary NOTICE is hereby given that the School District of the Township of Lehman, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, intends to adopt a resolution imposing a tax for general purposes on the salaries, wages, commissions, compensations, earned income, net profits derived from the conduct of businesses, the practices of profes sions and other income producing occupations of all residents of the Township of Lehman at the rate of one percent (1%) of such salaries, wages, commissions, earned income or net profits derived from such businesses, professions or = occupa- tions. The proposed resolution is to become effective July 1, 1961, and will be adopted by the School Dis- trict of the Township of Lehman under the authority of the Act of June 25, 1947, P. L. 1145 (Act No. 481), as amended. In the judgment of the Board of School Directors of the School Dis- trict of the Township of Lehman, said tax is necessitated by reason of the cost and expenses incident to the conduct of the activities and functions of the School District, and, in particular, those incident to the financing of the construction of the new ‘“‘Junior-Senior Lake-Lehman High School” and it is estimated that the sum of Twenty-one Thous- and Dollars ($21,000.00) will be de- rived from the said tax during the period beginning July 1, 1961 and ending June 30, 1962. Said resolution will be considered and it is anticipated that final action will be taken thereon by the Board of School Directors of the School District of the Township of Lehman at a special meeting to be held in the Lake-Lehman High School, Leh- man, Pennsylvania, on Monday, May 29, 1961, at 8 P. M. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF TOWNSHIP OF LEHMAN, BRUCE S. WILLIAMS, President; LEWIS V. IDE, Secretary. N NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Administration have been granted in the Estate of Eleanor Ruth Gricus also known as Ruth Hazeslip, late of Wilkes-Barre, (died April 7, 1961). All persons in- debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Adminis- tratrix, Mary Lopoka, 107 South Market ‘Street, Nanticoke, Pa. JOHN J. KOZLOSKI, Attorney 802 First National Bank Bldg. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. “ESTATE OF COREY EHRET, Deceased, late of Lehman Township (died January 25, 1961). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that $1,000 family exemption has been claimed by Frances Irene Ehret, Widow, out of vacant lot of land in Lehman Township, 50 x 150 feet on south gide of public road from Huntsville to Lehman, that Appraisement has been filed and that Petition will be presented for confirmation by Orph- ans’ Count of Luzerne County on Tuesday, May 23, 1961. Robert L. Fleming, Esq..” NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received and publicly opened and read by the Supervisors of Lake Township, Luzerne County, at Har- veys Lake, Pennsylvania, until 10:00 o'clock a. m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, June 3, 1961, for’ Ten- thousand (10,000) gallons, more or less, E 1 Penetrating Oil. Proposal forms, Specifications, Form of Contract and Instructions to Ridders may be obtained at the’ home of, or by writing to Otto A. Biery, Secretary, Board of Supervis- ors, Hanveys Lake, Pennsylvania. The material specified herein, 3 DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA shall meet the Standard Specificat~ ions of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways. The successful bidder, when awar= ded the contract, shall furnish a bond with suitable reasonable re- quirements, guaranteeing perfor= mance of the contract or (delivery be made) with sufficient surety in the amount of 50 per centum of the amount of the contract, And an’ additional bond in the amount of 50 per centum of the amount of the Second Class Township Code, Art- icle VIII, Section 803, Bonds for Protection of Labor and Materialmen. All proposals must be upon the form furnished by the undersigned. The Supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all proposals. (Signed) Otto A. Biery, Secretary “ESTATE OF TOBIAS EICHLER, (Died April 29, 1961), late of Wilkes-Barre City. Letters Testamen- tary having been granted, all per- sons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present the same to Catherine 'E. Eichler Executrix, c/o JONATHAN C, VALENTINE, ATTY., 35 N, FRANK-=- LIN ST., WILKES-BARRE, PA.” CATTY Josie—It must be at least six years since I saw you last. How much older you look! I would hardly have. known you. Barbara—Yes, it is a long time. If I hadn't remembered your coat, I wouldn’t have known you, either. If a aan doesn’t get happier as he gets older, he hasn't learned what he should along the way. it's roofing, another Whether plumbing, remodeling job, we’ll loan for you. 3 YEARS MIN Fixin' up is easy with one of our low-cost "Home Repair LOANS room .And you may take up to + NATIONAL BANK MEMBER F. D. I, C. painting, heating, or a complete arrange ao low-cost TO PAY ERS DARING’S “The Friendliest Store In Town’ OUR OWN DELICIOUSLY DIFFERENT SMOKED MEATS FRESH KILLED CHICKEN FRYING LEGS 45c LB. BREASTS 55¢ LB. TENDER BEEF LIVER 45; CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 79% CHOICE WESTERN CHUCK 39% Shurfine PEACHES (TATTERED TOM) GROCERIES 351. WHOLE Shurfine APPLESAUCE Potatoes 7is1. PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES 29c pt WATERMELON TOMATOES 95¢ | Pkg. 19¢ ew. 10 1b. 59% | FREE! when you purchase CANISTER SET Beautiful COPPERTONE COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE 2% $1.39 — DARINGS FAMOUS SALADS — Baked Bean, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw a - MEMORIAL HIGHWAY - DALLAS | CLOSED SUNDAYS - - or A-8181 “Shop ECONOMY SIZE Shurfine Line Priced To Meet Your Budget” Our Complete a 5 i I ! \ il