The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 27, 1961, Image 12

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NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm NE 9-8522 ® IDETOWN. Bess Cooke NE 9-3187
~ LOYALVILLE, Mrs. Martha Steinruch GR 17-2695 ® HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage NE 9-6531
RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher NE 9-3930 @ TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert OR 4-2748
FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver OR 4-5460 @ KUNKLE, Mrs. Elwood Martin OR 4-2047
CHASE, Mrs. William Hughes OR 42782 @® BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin NE 9-2544
SWEET VALLEY, Shirley Sayre GR 77-2586 ® SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Vernon Ash OR 5-1872
MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter GR 7-2734 @ LEHMAN, Barbara Simms OR 4-3391
MT. ZOIN, Rev. Charles Gilbert Harding 388-2270 ® OAKDALE, Mrs. Oscar Whitesell MUH 256-3141
Mt. Zion Trucksville
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd have
purchased the home of Mrs. Howard
Lewis at Mt. Zion. Mrs. Lloyd is the
former Jane Lewis their daughter.
‘At the meeting of Troop 162 Boy
Scouts at Carverton Monday night
Bradley Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alden Earl, Mt. Zion, was made a
Life Scout. Mr. Stern is Scout-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas Sr. (our
neighbor next down the road) have
moved in with G. C. LaBar over on
Kitchen Road. Mr. LaBar is the
father of Mrs. Thomas.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas (we
used to know him as ‘Roy-Bill”
when we were here before) and three
house. Formerly they lived in an
upstairs apartment over his par-
ents. Their oldest child Karen calls
me “Uncle Gilbert”!
Wesley Lewis recently returned
from Chicago where he attended a
meeting of the Coordinating Council
of the Methodist Church. Mr. Lew-
is is Lay Leader of the Wyoming
erence and delegate to the
General Conference.
On Wednesday night Mr. Lewis
went to Hawley where he officiated
at the chartering of a Methodist
Men's Club in the Hawley Meth-
odist Church.
On Wednesday night there were
seventy-five members of families
attending the Family Night Supper
held by the Kings Crusaders Class.
Mrs. Alex Smith is president. She
highly commended the chairmen
and committees for the splendid
work they have been doing and the |
progress reported.
~ Phyllis Seiple, Mt. Zion Road
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Seiple, has been awarded a scholar-
ship at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital
School of Nursing. She will enter
in September to begin her studies
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seiple held
‘Mrs. Richard King
a pig roast recently (the pig had
an apple in its mouth just like
pictures you see! And pictures were
taken of this little pig who didn’t
get to market.) Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Theron Lamoreau, Mr. and
and children
Ricky and Janice all of Mt. Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis and
daughter Nancy, Rex Williams, Su-
* san Thornton, Ronny Searfoss, Mr.
and Mrs.
Fred Rickert and son
Wayne from the Pittston area.
From the Exeter Township Ele-
mentary School comes this news:
The winners of the Pittston Junior
‘Chamber of ‘Commerce spelling bee
‘contest were as follows, from the
5th grade Karen Hronich, 6th
‘grade Janice Romanowski, 7th
‘grade Beverly Dymond, 8th grade
‘Barbara Babish. These: were eligible
for the contest April 18 at the West
Pittston High School.
{ Fifth Meeting of the P.T.A. is. to
be held Wednesday May 3 at 8 P.M.
The speakers. are to be Mr. and
Mrs. Robert ‘Rusbar ‘on ® “Indian |
* ‘On May 13, Saturday at 2 P.M.
the P.T.A. will hold its Spring Car-
‘nival at the Harding Hose Co.
~The Harry Scoble family moved
“6n Monday April 10 from the Camp
Ground Road, Mt. Zion, to the
Trucksville Road Trucksville.
.A lovely note came from Bernice
‘Spencer of Rome Pa. in which she
writes: “I enjoyed Mt. Zion News
in the Dallas Post.” Well, that's why
‘people all over subscribe to the
Dallas Post!
Spring has really come to Dun-
‘movin over on Mt. Zion road.
‘Catherine and Papa set out twenty
six hedge rose bushes the other
. day. Roses for posies, berries for
fairies come winter.
Same day the pond pump got
hauled out of winter storage and
installed on the dock at pond’s
edge. We read that this will be a
: summer and ‘now Wwe are
ready. (Last Fall we heard it was
to be a mild winter! A hard winter
would really be awful!)
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas ‘Jordan,
. Demunds Road, celebrated their 37th
Wedding Anniversary on Sunday.
Agnes Sidorek, Roushey Street,
had as dinner guests on Sunday, Mr.
‘and Mrs. Sterling Fiske of Shaver-
town. ;
Mrs. Corey Crispell, Demunds
‘Road, has returned after spending
several days in Nesbitt Hospital
‘where she submitted to surgery.
Mrs. Jane Sowers, Fern Street, is
spending a week visiting Mrs. Mae
Smith in Plymouth. J
Mrs. Daisy Prynn, who has been
making her home with her sister,
‘Mrs. Leona Belles, Harris’ Street,
will be spending some time visiting
another sister, Mrs. Jennie Culver of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Derrick and
"daughter, Cynthia, of Kirkwood
N. Y., and Barbara Derrick and Ed
_ (Sirgany, Binghamton, N. Y. were
Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs.
: . Andrew Derrick, Demunds Road.
A woman got on a bus and took
the only empty seat mext to a
“harmless-looking reveller. Soon she
"opened a map of Manchuria and
began to study it.
"The reveller gazed at the map for
Bryce Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Smith, an eighth grade
student at the Lake building, recently
suffered a broken arm in a fall from
his bicycle.
On April 8th the Noxen Ambulance
was called to remove Mrs. Robert
Nulton to the General Hospital.
Crew was Kenneth Cuddy, Calvin
Strohl and John Kovolick. On April
9th, Mrs. Mary Tomko, Stull, was
transported to the home of a relative
in Edwardsville, Crew consisted of
Julius Kopcha, William Crossman
and Kenneth Cuddy. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert May and son,
Billy and John Mulligan went to
Allentown on Sunday and visited Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Daubert. Billy and
John went on an excursion via the
Reading Railroad in honor of the
First Defenders of Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. David Coole, Debbie
and Vicky, of Waverly, N. Y., called
on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coole, on
The family of the late Mrs. Francis
Schooley, wishes to thank everyone
for their kindnesses during their
recent bereavement and for the
cards, letters and. gifts sent to her
during her long illness.
Airmen 2nd Class Kenneth Turner
and wife, of William's Air Force Base,
Arizona, are spending a week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Turner. He has a thirty day leave,
part of which will be spent in New
family and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Rehn of Thomasville, Pa., spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Voyle
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Engelman over the
weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Engelman of Millville, and Mr. and
Mrs. Sterlyn May and family, of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nalbone and
Debbie and Mrs. Evelyn Nalbone,
Irvington, N. J., spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nalbone
and family.
The ham and egg supper served
and prepared by the men of the First
Methodist Church on Saturday eve-
ning was a great success. One was
or old rural mail carrier, Dana
Swetland and his wife from Eaton-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed MacDougal
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of
Beaumont, James Casterline, of
Buffalo, and many others, too numer-
ous to mention were there.
William Race, Binghamton, spent
several days this week wtih his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Race.
Martin Brobst was out of school
for several days last week due to a
Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Traver and |
virus infection.
Mrs. Marvin Shives spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Patton, at Athens.
Mr. and Mrs. James Patton, Jr.,
spent the weekend at the latter's
home, Mrs. Joseph Roman and
family, at New Mliford, Pa.
Mrs. Helen Crispell and Mrs. Ora
Bean, attended a tea, held at The
Relicatas Home for the aged and
infirm, at Williamsport, on Saturday.
Mrs. Crispell was on the committee
for the tea.
Classmates of Methodist Church
will hold their regular monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. William
Munketchy Friday night.
‘Mrs. Ann Williams, N. J., spent
the weekend with Mrs. Betty Smith.
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson
Scranton, called on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess and
Mrs. Mildred Mileham ecently visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Smales, at Spring Hill.
Mrs. Paul Lattimer was a medical
patient at the General Hospital for
four days last week.
Mrs. Russell Casterline is visiting
her three sons and their families in
New Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Territo and
daughter, Lina Kay, attended the
wedding of their cousin, Anna
Palmentera to Robert Brutofsky, at
Passaic, N. J., on April 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Territo
visited Mrs. Josephine Palmentera,
at Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fritz, Dave and
Nik and Mr. George Fritz, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Peterman at
Benton. Then Guy and George went
on to visit Mr. Reed Fritz at Millville,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henderson,
of Indiana, Pa. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Stelevich and
children, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Stelevitch, visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Hollos for their son, John’s
confirmation recently. Edward Hollos
was sponsor for his brother.
Milton Derhammer and Jacob
Froelick, Unadilla, N. Y., were din-
ner guests at the home of Mrs. Harry
Miller. They called on Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Leibenguth and Mr. and Mrs.
Car] Brobst, on Saturday.
Well, I believe spring is here at
last. I heard an awful noise on
Saturday, looked out my back door
and there was Billy Evans with his
tractor, busy plowing Mrs. Caster-
line’s garden plot, and along comes
Frank Turner, picking up angle
worms out of the newly turned earth.
He said he was going fishing and he
is only eighty-three. Next, will be
the hum of the lawn mowers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Conyngham at-
tended a cattle sale at Langhorne
over the weekend. :
New pews have been installed at
Huntsville Church and were used for
sancturary of the church." Gr
Mrs. Albert J. Cadwalader was one
of twenty-six delegates from Silver-
| leaf. Lodge #140; Auxiliary of the
Railroad Brotherhood, who attended
the State meeting of the ‘Auxiliary at
Penn-Harris Hotel, Harrisburg, Sat-
urday. ; : ily
Rev. George T. Bell was guest spea-
ker at Huntsville Methodist Church,
Sunday. . ss
Mrs, Gary Cooper celebrated her
birthday, Sunday, April 16,and was
the honored guest at a Birthday Din-
ner attended by: Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Fiske, Charles, Paul Jr., Bob Smith,
Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Cooper and Grant, Jr., Bob ‘Smith,
Gary Cooper and Gary, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cooper, Alan and Jane
Ann Cooper. .
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culp and
family drove up from Qak Ridge,
N.J., to spend Sunday with Mr.
Culp’s father, Stanley Culp.
Robert Snyder, grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert J. Culp, is celebrat-
ing his tenth birthday today. Robert
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Snyder of Dallas and is the oldest of
Mr. and Mrs. Culp’s eleven grand-
children. ( 4
- Eleven members of Methodist Youth
Fellowship of {Huntsville Methodist
Church left Friday afternoon to at-
tend the Lakeside Bible Conference
at Camp Hope, Carmel, N.Y., They
"in two cars driven by Rev.
Chas. Gommer, Jr. and Mrs. Gommer.
On the. trip. they visited West: Point
and the Bear Mountain State Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sorber, Hun-
lock Creek, were visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Culp were
hosts to their two sons’ in-law and
families, Saturday, at a birthday Din-
ned honoring George Major whose
birthday was Sunday and Albert
Ashton who celebrated his birthday
yesterday. Those attending in addit-
ion to the honored guests and host
and hostess, were Mrs. George Major
and daughter Gina and Mrs. Albert
Ashton and daughters, Sandra and
Donna, bl oy ;
Jackson Township Firemen’s Tur-
key Supper was -a grand success.
while and finally addressed the
re | five hundred-twenty fi
the first time on Sunday. They have |
greatly enhanced the beauty of
turkeéy were consumed, in addition to
125 pies, six bushels of potatoes,
quantities of peas, carrots, apple
sauce, cabbage, celery, carrot sticks,
coffee, tea and milk.
. Eight women spent two and one-
half days preparing the supper and
forty persons assisted in the kitchen
and serving the meal, in addition to
those men who operated the stands
and assisted . with parking. Carl
Aston, president, wishes to thank all
who aided in making supper a grand
success. Special thanks go to Mrs.
Fred Gabel and her gallant members
of the Auxiliary.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hughes,
celebrated their thirty-fourth wed-
ding anniversary April 21. They
have three children, Mrs. Robert F.
Sherwood, Chase; Mrs. Charles E.
Carpenter, Jackson, Mississippi;
Wayne; a student at Bryan College,
Dayton, Tennessee, and a foster-son,
Ernest Bevan, a senior at Lake-
Lehman High School. They also have
six grandchildren, Denise, Dawn and
Scott Sherwood, Chase, and Jeffrey
David and Timothy Carpenter, Jack-
son; Mississppi. Their son Wayne,
celebrated his 19th birthday Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fox had as
visitors Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Whitesell. Mrs. Whitesell is Mrs.
Fox’s sister. During the course of
their visit, Mr. Whitesell tuned the
Foxs’ piano and were dinner guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fox, Sr,
accompanied by their children, Alan,
Jr., Linda, and Emma Mae, and
Grandmother Kocher, celebrated
their twelfth wedding anniversary,
'by motoring to Andover, N. J.
Sunday, to visit Mr. Fox's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Heckman and children, Nancy, Jan-
ice and Harry Chester.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koerber and
Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan were
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
William R. Hughes.
Ernest Bevan accompanied by
members of the M. Y. F. of Dorrance-
ton Methodist Church, attended
practice of the Youth Choir, held at
Tunkhannock, Sunday afternoon.
This choir will sing at the Methodist
Conference in Kingston in May.
The sympathy of the community
goes out to Mrs. Chester Barrall of
Jackson, in the death of her mother,
Mrs. Verna M. Miers, who was laid
to rest in the Lehman Cemetery,
Friday, with Rev, Kenneth O'Neil of
Plains Methodist Church and Rev.
William Howard of the Jackson
Reynolds Class Meets
Reynolds Bible Class of Trucks-
ville Methodist Church met at the
home; of Mrs. B. C. Post, Laurel
Lane, Wednesday night.
Mrs. Herbert Williams installed
the following officers: president,
Mrs. 'W. A. Cease; vice president,
Mrs. J. B. Schooley, secretary, Mrs.
Florence C. Finney; treasurer, Mrs.
Sheldon Jones. The class will serve
hot lunch beginning at 11:30 and
dinner beginning at 5 pm. at the
Fire Hall on election day.
Present: Mesdames W. A. Cease,
Margaret Dykman, S. D. Finney,
Florence C. Finney, Harry Glace,
William Glace, Earl Gregory, Sr.
Sheldon Jones, Julia Knorr, Morris
Lloyd, Bruce Long, C. W. Palmer,
Charles A. Perkins, Ben C. Post,
Dorman Schooley, J. B. Schooley,
Archie Woolbert, Floyd Wells, Her-
bert Williams and Mame Dyman.
F. N. Wayne Long is in Key
West, Fla. and expects to be home
soon after being in Cuba with the
US Destroyer Hennesly. #
Ruth Bennett, student nurse at
Geisinger Hospital and her friend,
Sharon Boyer, of Lock Haven visited
Ruth’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sheldon
Bennett, Orchard Street last week
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hutchison
have retumed to their home on
Doran Drive after spending three
months. in Florida.
Service Club Meets :
Trucksville Service Mothers and
Wives Club met in the Fire Hall
Monday night. Mrs. Albert Williams,
Jr. presided. Attending were Mes-
dames Jacob Beline, Leon Beisel
Albert Williams, Jr., Earl Gregory,
Sr., Vought Long, William Shoe-
maker, Samuel Lawson, Bruce Long,
Wallace Perrin, Clyde Birth, Mame
Dymond, Margaret Dykman, Fred
Case, and Herbert Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stull are
at their home on Staub Road
after spending some time with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Stout of Fernbrook.
Mrs. Anna Deininger, mother of
Mrs. Wilford Anderson, Holly Street,
is in Scranton Hospital after suffer-
ing a broken hip in a fall.
Birthday greetings this week to
Mrs. Thomas Telford, Mrs. Thomas
Williams, Mrs. Harold Rice, Mrs. Nat-
alie Stock Jones, Mrs. Robert
Moore, Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh, M S.
Dolly Stout, Hugh Jones, Bran 8
kins, Robert Greenley, Allen GL,
William Boyes, Eric Bruce Zweier,
Robert Anderson, Nancy Blair, Ev-
elyn Owen and Pamela Sabol.
Mrs. Raymond Saunders, Sunbury,
is visiting her cousins, Katherine
and Frances Houghton, Chase Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saunders and
daughters, Louise and Audrey, Birch
Grove have returned after spending
a few days in Philadelphia where
they were the guests of relatives.
Mrs. Jacob Henderson, Williams-
port, formerly of Harris Hill Road,
is a surgical patient in Williamsport
A group of women from Trucks-
ville Methodist WSCS attended the
91st. annual meeting = of Wilkes-
Barre District WSCS in Montrose
Methodist church on Tuesday. They’
were: Mesdames J. B. Schooley,
William Glase, Mame Dymond, S. R.
Henning, Florence C. Finney, Harold
Croom, Thomas Williams, Herbert
Williams, Leon Beisel, Sheldon Ben-
nett, Robert Kleiner, Laing Cool-
baugh, and Cedric Griffiths.
Richard Cleasby, SK3, Davis
Street, has, returned from active
duty with the US Navy. Dick is a
member of the Naval Reserve Sur-
face Division 4-58.
Cecil Henderson, Carverton Road,
who was a patient in University of
Pennsylvania Hospital, f or | ten
weeks, is convalescing at his home.
Mrs. Alfred Genner, Harrisburg, is
visiting her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. David Genner and
family, Harris Hill Road.
Mr. ‘and Mrs. Russell Raymond,
Mt. Greenwood, will leave today for
Miami Beach, Fla., where they will
spend several weeks visiting friends
and relatives. y
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Searfoss, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Snyder, Barbara
and Ann Louise, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Summers, New Kensington,
N. J., are staying at Hotel Sterling
while they ‘are in this area visiting
friends and old neighbors.
There is little news from Lehman
this week although with the per-
fect weather we had this week-end
I know people went places and
did things. If your family is busily
enjoying spring, why not call and
| tell me about it.
The Lehman Methodist Men's
Bible Class will hold a ham and
egg supper this Saturday, in the
church basement. The men are
{raising funds for the new Sunday
| school rooms. Serving will begin at
5 P. M. and continue until all are
served. Plan now to come and have
dinner before attending the Band
The Lake-Lehman Band Concert
will be given two nights this year
will want to hear and see this group.
The concert will begin promptly at
8 P. M. tomorrow and Saturday.
Tuesday, April 18th, the monthly
meeting of Men's Bible Class was
eld Tee. LAO
Church with Messrs. Randolph
Wright, Edwin'® Wright and David
Eddy as hosts. An interesting and
informative talk was given by Rev.
| Robert Webster and Mr. Roshbar of
Forty-Fort on the Indian Lore of
Wyoming Valley, with lovely color
slides. They showed the excava-
tions and some of the interesting
facts discovered at the Schacht
Indian Site in Hanover Township.
Members of the class were in agree-
{| ment that this is the most fascinat-
ing archaelogicol discovery in this
area. Next class meeting will be
held on May 23rd.
Sympathy of the community is
extended to Gordon Dawe on the
death of his brother, Wallace, St.
John’s Newfoundland, Canada. A
young man of 44, father of 3 small
children, he was stricken with a
heart attack at work and passed
away several hours later.
Mrs. Owen Thomas, Summit
Street, is convalescing at her home
after returning from the Methodist
Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota.
Birthday Greetings this week:
Mrs. Nancy, Day, Robert Shotwell,
Sheldon T. Evans, Alice Dan Heffer-
nan, George Parker Jr., Bill Daubert,
Milo Bauerly, and Gloria Dolbear.
Our deepest sympathy to Mrs.
John Clause and family of Pioneer
Ave. in the passing of her mother,
Mrs. Laura Krum.
Barbara Daubert, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Daubert,
Spring Street, is ill with the wirus
at her home.
Mrs. Sherwood Wilson, Druid
Hills and Mrs. Charles Howe, Sum-
mit Street, are spending a few
days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Burke
Hammond of Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spaulding,
East Center Street, have returned
after vacationing in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Austin, Shag-
bark Drive, have returned after
spending two weeks in Silver
Springs Maryland, with their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Mrs. Ted Common and children,
former residents of Shavertown, now
of Reading spent a recent week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Miller, Wilkes-Barre and
visited friends here.
Albert Faatz, Brook Street, was
taken to General Hospital in the
community ambulance.
Those attending: Ed Carey Marvin
Yeust and Bill Frederick.
Priscilla Circle of Shavertown
Methodist Church, W.S.C.S. recently
met at the home of Mrs. Elma
Jones, Overbrook Avenue.
Albert Nelson, Vonderheid Street
is a patient at the Nesbitt Hos-
Couple's Club will hold its annual
banquet at the Castle Inn. May 6 at
7.P. M.
Mrs. Sheldon Evans, Ferguson Ave-
nue, entertained the Executive
Board of Dallas Senior Womens Club,
Monday evening at her home. Mrs.
Alva Eggleston presided.
Area chairmen for the Cancer
Crusade would like to express their
thanks to .all the volunteers who
served in this worthy cause. A tea
will be held Thursday at the
Trucksville Methodist Church for the
chairmen and captains who partici-
pated in the Back Mt. Area.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoyt,
formerly of Meadowcrest, are now
residing on Mt. Airy Road.
‘Walter Shaver, Pioneer Avenue,
has returned from the Nesbitt Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kyttle, New
Hyde Park, Queens, New York, spent
the weekend visiting their families,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kyttle, Pikes-
Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Weed, Wyoming. Clinton is a field
engineer with the Sperry-Gyroscope
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Ernest Daily and
sons, Ernest and Edward, Havelock,
N. C., are visiting Mrs. Claudine
Daily, Loyalville, and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Shalata, Noxen.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Christian and
daughter, Kathy, Stroudsburg, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Swire, Pikes-Creek.
Jack Alles, Adrian Taylor, Fred,
Conrad and Freddie Winter tried
their luck at trout fishing in Bow-
‘man’s Creek Saturday. Between
them, two fish.
Wendy Wilce is home from school
with an ear infection.
Mrs. Edna Rebennack, Mrs. Marie
Wolfe and Letha Wolfe, on Saturday
traveled to Moosic to visit Mrs. Hazel
Lewis who has been jill.’
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Steltz, Jr. Shavertown, on
the birth of their daughter, Beth
Ann. Mrs. Steltz is the former
Emily Marshall, Wilkes-Barre. Mr.
Steltz is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Steltz, Sr., Pikes-Creek. Beth
Ann ‘is the Steltz’s first child. .
Joann Rogowski attended a birth-
day party for Judy ‘Ann Moore,
Oakhill, on Saturday.
John Hildebrant is doing well at
Nesbitt Hospital where he has been
a patient for two weeks.
Birthday greetings this week to:
Donny Josuweit,
Rogowski, Forbes Air Force Base,
Kansas, and Alfred Rogowski.
Mr. and’ Mrs. © Russell Ide’ on
Monday night, visited Mr. and Mrs.
‘W. Russell Ide of Kingston. The W.
Russell Ide’s have just returned from
Richmond, Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald King and
family, Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
King and family, Mt. Zion, and Mrs.
Dorothy Wadas and Patti, Shaver-
town, were Sunday visitors of Mr.
two, last week fell out of a chair
and broke her colls ho
A3/C Ronald’
and Mrs. Wayne King. Patti, age |
Callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Almon Rood on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ammer, of
Hunlocks Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Williams, of Scranton, Mr. and
Mrs. George Richards and daugh-
ter, Gail, Mrs. Kenneth Swan,
Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Conrad
and children of Wilkes-Barre, Mr.
and Mrs. James Lewis and children,
Almon Conrad, Mountain Top, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Rood and children.
D. Verne Kitchen, Elwyn and
granddaughter Charlotte Heacock,
Boothwyn, spent the week end vis-
iting his family here.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Oberst vis-
ited Mrs. Clifford Boothe on Sunday
“Serving the entire
evening and were allowed a few
minutes to see Clifford who is a pa-
tient at the Geisinger Hospital. He
suffered an accident when fire
broke out in his chicken house dur-
ing the latter part of the week. He
was very badly burned. Mr. Boothe
is a brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. John Honeywell returned
from General Hospital on Saturday.
Ruggles W. S. C. S. met at the
home of Mrs. Carl Smith on Thurs-
day evening. After the business |
meeting lunch was served to the
following: Madames Vera Loomis,
Charles Williams, Ralph Rood, Clar-
ence Oberst, Robert Traver, Robert
Butler, Glenn Kocher, John Gordon,
Daisy Crispell, Lawrence Sickler,
Back Mountain Area”
Truly Complete
Our large selection
thirty-five caskets of various designs,
construction, and prices.
display makes
family to’ select exactly what they
desire at a price in keeping with their
financial means.
it possible for the
Nadine Hoover; Theresa. Hoover, and
the hostess.
The nominating committee was ap
pointed; Mrs. Daisy Crispell, Mns,
Lucy Traver and Mrs. Glenn Kocher,
Future Nurse Club At Lake
Plants Trees At School
The Future Nurse Club of Lake
High (School, a division of Lake
Lehman Area Jointure, at its ree
cent meeting planted Scotch pines,
| French pines and Blue spruce trees
around the Lake School as one of
its projects — “Beautifying, Their
School Grounds”.
Club sponsor is Mrs. Jean Moledor
R. N. School Nurse. 1 y
rooms contain
This large
CITT ee,
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