SECTION B — PAGE 4 PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. APRIL 22nd LANCASTER BRAND LANCASTER BRAND, ROU ARM ROAST LANCASTER BRAND BONELESS CHUCK ND BONE 22-inch (swath POWER (50) MOWER NNN RRR | E CROSS CUT ROAST © LAY-AWAY NOW! 4 cy cle Briggs-Stratton Engine Only With Automatic Impulse Starter 4 cut) 3 HP 40 95 Plus Tax : PRR AREER RI oo oo - AT SERPS SN pa ERE Ly TSE IT FE oe | GOLDEN BOOK | ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 10! Now on SALE! | RRR LS DENS A PERRI ERE IE ta A MITER GRR mE = ’ a HE RR OL HEE Gy 8 T : i : N } t 1 : : Made expressly for Acme a MARX, World's Largest Toy. Maker! ‘ : / POWDERED E TREND i REAL FIG FIG JUICE 24-01. bot. INSTANT CHOCOLATE MILK CARNATION i | ALLSWEET EASY-OFF INSTANT COFFEE i NESTLES OVEN CLEANER (6c OFF) 4-01. b. §H* b. §F¢ Ry 4° 1d { FLA. ORANGES | ASPARAGUS PASCAL CELERY SALAD DRESSING STRAWBERRY | PEANUT BUTTER FROZEN BROCC( SHARP CHEESE CINNAMON BUNS 10-0z. pkg. 2 Ib. pkgs. sous 60¢ PRAISE SOAP (12c OFF) or 99° “x $199 HANDY ANDY - Lean, Tender, Cut From Young ‘Corn-Fed Porkers FRESH HAM 0AS THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, Shank Hof 49 LEAN, TENDER RATH'S BLACKHAWK BOILED KAM LANCASTER BRAND 37 SMOKED BEEF TONGUES BEEF CUBES or GROUND BEEF - 69¢ 6%-lb. can $599 ib. Ee FRESH PRODUCE FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS CALIF. dex. 39° 2 « 35¢ 2 ls Qf 14-0z, bag 35¢ IT’S NATIONAL GARDEN WEEK! Glenside Park Grass Seed IDEAL BRAND PRESERVES IDEAL CHOPPED LI BUCK TRU REGULAR SIZE LUX TOILET BATH SIZE LUX TOILET BATH SIZE 51c REGULAR SIZE , PINT BOTTLE, 37¢ @ CREAMY oa LIFEBUOY SOAP sb. bag $1.40 93’ Be 9 Cy HO we 49° IDEAL Ib. Virginia Lee lced quart jar 65° 30° pkg. Tremendous Value! Authentic, Scale Model! ACME GIANT SIZE ONLY $399 With purthse of $10 or more, Excluding milk prod., fair trade items and cigarettes. CK MADE OF HEAVY UNBREAKABLE STEEL 26-INCHES IN LENGTH CAB UNLOCKS FROM TRAILER REAR DOORS OPEN & CLOSE GUARANTEED HIGHEST QUALIFY SOAP SOAP 39° J4¢ 23 Jf REGULAR SIZE (PINE-CORAL-WHITE) LIFEBUOY SOAP b7¢ quart botle i BABY 1 PANTS ; SPECIAL! WHILE THEY LAST! 1961 ~~ THIS COUPON worth 5 Extra S&H Green Stamps WITH PURCHASE OF |-LB. PKG. LANCASTER BRAND FRANKS Name Address Offer Expires Wednesday, April 26, 1961 ¢ LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER > ND I IIGUTE Name * Address THIS COUPON WORTH 5 Extra S&H Green Stamps WITH PURCHASE OF A 5-LB. BAG PLAYBOY DOG MEAL Th ORRIN Offer Expires Wednesday, April 26, 1961 TET ATT YO 7S LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER = SN : TOTO OUST UGUR = ah NAINA 2) Name ST YON TN INO THIS COUPON WORTH 5 Extra S&H Green Stamps WITH PURCHASE OF A 20-OZ. JAR OF CREAMY IDEAL PEANUT BUTTER Address a Offer Expires Wednesday, April 26, 196) AND LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER GL SJ : JOT TOUGH Name Address THIS COUPON WORTH 5 Extra S&H Green Stamps —— WITH PURCHASE OF 1-QT. JAR OF IDEAL SALAD DRESSING Offer Expires Wednesday, April 26, 1961 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER THIS COUPON WORTH 5 Extra S&H Green Stamps WITH PURCHASE OF A 24.0Z. JAR IDEAL STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Name Address ‘ Offer Expires Wednesday, April 26, 1961 KL hop ACM LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER KING SIZE, 87c (Be OFF LUX LIQUID me OF ne B5° LIQUID, 32-02. 69¢; 96-0z. 1.99 ALL ov. 1575,5225 “7: S451 “G5 39° GIANT SIZE RINSO GREEN pkg. 19¢ KING SIZE 25c OFF, $1.06 RINSO BLUE SURF KING SIZE, $1.39 qe SILVER DUST (7c OFF) 0c a . 69¢ (5 oe 29¢ pka. 12¢ ie 39° in 81f Solid Light (Red Bandf TUNA Chunk (Green Band) TUNA 4% cans 7-02. 2 om 590 $. | appLE PIE MAXWELL HOUSE ~~ COFFEE : REGULAR OR DRIP £5 sae MUSSELMAN Jit lL _ | dinner. law, 9 le -0Z, can 29e = The , BUTTER 12-02. 18-02. iar jar MIXED NUTS, 7-0z. can 49¢ n 8b¢ BUTTER KERNEL WHOLE CRUSHED 6 PAIR 8 8c GOLDEN CORN SUGCOTASH ; Sle. $1.48— a 39° . a 41° PLANTERS SASL 5 WE STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF SALTED NEW INSTANT Djgught COCKTAIL PEANUTS COFFEE 3 Peat - Reh - Plvor LOW CALORIE FOODS ~ PINT 39¢ 39° SEE EA 9s MAZOLA OIL QUART 73 GALLON ; $22 BEECH-NUT => BABY FOOD STRAINED 6-65 6-93 JUNIOR CEREAL, pkg. 18¢ | | HARVEYS Trucksville Marie Donaldson, a hostess with | Allegheny Airlines, based in Pitts- burgh is spending a week. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Donald- | son, Birch Grove. 1 Mrs. Joseph Tweedle and infant | son have returned to their home on ! Carverton Road from Nesbitt Hos- ‘pital. Mrs. Ogden Palmer, Grove Street, entertained the following members | of her card club Wednesday night. | Mesdames H. D. Owens, Donald | Anderson, Harold Croom, Sheldon | Hoover, Richard Mathers, Robert | Mathers, Earl Gregory, Jr., William Lohman. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stover have returned to their home on Pioneer Avenue after spending some time in Florida. Mrs. Helen Darfe Spears, Mrs. Edith Wardron and son Howard of Rayham, Mass, recently visited Elmer Coolbaugh, Grove Street Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhauer, Silver Springs, Md., recently visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Anderson, 185 Meadowecrest. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess, William Hess, Marion Dixon, and Mr. and Mrs... Robert Kleiner attended a birthday dinner in honor of Arden Hess, a brother of Earl, at Montrose Sunday. Open house followed the and | Mrs. Ruth Hyland and daughter Ss, [ Marilyn and Kay, Lancaster, spent | the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson. Mrs. Ezra Hoover, her daughter, Mrs, Louis Burkett, and her son-in- John Jones, Basking Ridge, N. J. visited relatives and friends in the area last week. Gorden Mathers, Knob Hill is in Sayre Hospital, where he will later undergo surgery for a back injury. Mrs. John Parrish, Oak Lane, is convalescing at home after being a medical patient at Geisingér Hos- pital. Mrs. Stanley Case, Sweet Valley, is spending the week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case, Carverton Road. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Markham, Mt. Greenwood, spent last week in New York City, where they were the guests of relatives. ! Pvt. R. M. Cummings has com- pleted an ordinance electronics course at ‘Fort Monnouth, N. J. Cummings is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cummings of Sutton’ Road. Mrs. Richard Pater son and infant son have returned to their home on Sutton Road from the. Hospital. Mrs. W. H. Clewell has returned home from a 10-day visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford and family of Waynesboro, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith Edwards, Mt. Greenwood and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ellsworth and son, Harvey, Appalachin, N. Y., returned after vacationing in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. BLIGHT | Bruce Wellington FUNERAL HOME 392 WYOMING AVE. KINGSTON PHONE BU 7-3986 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES OPTOMETRIST 27 Machell Ave., Dallas Phone OR 4-4921 ERNEST GAY Main Highway Trucksville DALLAS ORchatd 5-1176 | Centermoreland FEderal 3-4500' EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL Ham & Cabbage Lobster Tail ‘1.00 Stereo Music LINKS DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA and children, Bruce and Ann, Lehigh Street, will spend the weekend at | the home of Mrs. Wellington's par- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Nolans of Yonkers, N.Y. Mrs. Herbert Jenkins is recuperat- ing at home after submitting to i surgery’ in Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. Harry Geisinger, W. Main Street, will leave Friday by plane | from Wilkes-Barre Scranton Airport, | for Falls Church, Va., to visit her (son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and | Mrs. Harold C. Driesden. The Dries- don‘s announced the birth of 4 daughter on April 2. They have one son. Mrs. Driesdon is the former | Marie Geisinger. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith, Car- verton Road, have returned from a visit with their sons and daughters- in law, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy S@#ith and Mr. and Mrs. Clinten Smith of Virginia. Mrs. Margaret Robinson, Johnson City, N, Y., came here on Thursday to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Edith Eustice. Birthday greetings this week to Mrs. S. R. Henning, Mrs. Morris Lloyd, Mrs. Beatrice Pickett, Mrs. Rufus Shaver, Mrs. Sheldon Bennet, Mrs. Carl Strye, Mrs. Richard Satub, Mrs. Edith Howell, Mrs. William Hewitt, Mrs. Claude Naugle, Mrs. William Strausery William Hewitt, Thomas Harrison, Kenneth C. Wool- bert, Richard Montgomery, Ralph Coolbaugh, Richard Gregory, Robert Griffiths, John Isaac, Norman Ring- strom, Russell ~ Coolbaugh, Gary Beisel, Herbert Spencer, Doreen: Ide, Denise Ide, Charlotte Parry, Louise Herring, Joseph Walton, Jr. and Harry D. Owens, Jr. Loyalville ¢ We boast of some lucky anglers. They got their limit and beautiful ones: John Rasonus, Robert Steltz, Luther Hummel, Sam Bidding." Happy anniversary goes out of} y and Mrs. Henry Cerquozzi, who celebrated their seventh anniversary. They have a daughter, Bonnie. She is the former Janet Grey. Robert Steltz is working for Elmer Steltz at Danville, formerly from here. Joe Ellis is home after spending most the winter with his daughter, Celia at Palisade Park, N. J. She accompanied him home. Happy birthdays for April go out to Larry Steltz, Karen Loebensberg, David Hummel, Andy Szymansk, Harriet Kocher, William McCovemrn, Helen Wilson, Harold Payne, Violet Boothe. . A/3C Alfred Martin, son of Mrs. Mildred Martin, is home on furlough from Amirilla, Texas Air Base. “He leaves May 9th for England. Jack Fine, student at Wilkes College, returned from spending a week in Bermuda with other stu- dents, E Harold Cragle has returned from Nesbitt Hospital. He is still =F sick list.” . Foal The W. S.C. S. will serve a chicken supper April 26 at the Church Hall. Harveys Lake Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shepperson and daughters, Danville, and Howard Higgins visited Mrs. Howard Higgins who is a patient in General Hospital. Mrs. Harry Beck has returméd from visiting her son, Harry Beck, Jr., and family in Washington, D.C. Michael Glova, son of Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Glova is back in school after being ill for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stredney an- nounce the birth of a daughter in Nesbitt Hospital on April 12. The Stredneys have three other children, Joey, Richard and Carol. Alderson WSCS was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson, Beaumont, on Thursday evening. Next meeting will be on Monday night, May 1. The nomin- ating committee will meet bebre then to pick the new officers for the year, and they will be elected at this meeting. Due to Conference being held the second week in May, j$his meeting was pushed ahead to May 1. Lunch was served to 12 people. Mt. Zion Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meader, Greenock, with two of their children visited the Gilbert home on Friday. Mr. Meader was formerly Boy Scout Executive of this section of Luzerne County. Mrs. Meader is the former Alice Banks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Banks, West Pittston. People at Mt. Zion Sunday morn- ing were delighted to welcome Mrs. Howard Lewis at church. She has been housed up a long time following her hip injury some months ago. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert and daughter, Catherine, drove to n- son (City Saturday to attend thé ¥n- eral of Mrs. Gilbert's sister, Mrs. Edward Dotter of Castle Creek. Mr. Gilbert officiated at the funeral. Sandra Saunders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Saunders, West Wy- oming, is the new organist at Mt. Zion church. She played her first service at the nine o'clock hour Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert and Cather- ine drove to Maine, N. Y., on Sunday afternoon to attend a community | gathering honoring Mrs. Ina Tyme- son the retiring postmistress. Most of the guests were members of the Maine Federated Church of which Mr. Gilbert was the former pastor. When we Gilberts arrived honte we found a note timed 5:15 “Stopped by to see you. Sorry we missed you. Paul, Milderd, Judy and JoAnn Jones.” We were sorry too. Mildred Jones is remembered as the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sayder of Orange. We thought we had heard the good-bys from the evening gross- beaks on April 1. Then this last heavy snow came and back came a 3 ES TSS er ERE AT or to to the feed Sdn potash 8 fhoder 5 i& FEZ ARR Sem seein SSE oo Ser ae. REESE Tae -