SECTION. A — PAGE 4 MAIN HIGHWAY DALLAS THI DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1061 OSART’S OPEN 10 TO 10 DAILY “Bacon 'n Eggs” 1 1b. Oscar Mayer’s Bacon 1 doz. Our Best Large Eggs d La Reg. $1.18 Value ARMOUR’S STAR REDI-TO-EAT HAM WHOLE OR STRING HALF 55 Ib WEILAND OR BLACK HAWK SKINLESS — SHANKLESS Whole or Butt Half 75: LARGE BELTSVILLE TURKEY SMALL ROASTING CHICKEN 9 Lb. Average SMALL - TENDER LEGS O°’ LAM 6 Ib. AVERAGE GOLDEN - RIPE BANANAS ) BREYER’S QUALITY HOUSE CREAM NESTLE’S “QUIK” VEGETABLES a 11 ICE BIG ® CHOCCLATE ® STRAWBERRY ROYAL GELATIN {0 LUSCIOUS FLAVORS SPECIAL 3 pop 2 5¢ 1 Ib. BOX CALIFORNIA - ICEBERG LETTUCE GAL. = 39 HUNT CLUB BURGER BITS 24 lbs. 5 Ibs, Pack LARGE HEADS =k 66° 3c bic $2.50 EASTER BASKETS 25 lbs. Pak EASTER NOVELTIES MAIN HIGHWAY DALLAS | Have A Good | Lawn This Season {. Most lawns suffer because of lack | | of plant food. If you seeded and fert- | ilized your lawn last fall, it will be- | | gin to grow early this spring. Keep | | it mowed to a height of an inch and one-half. Fertilize at first cutting | with 20 to- 30 pounds per 1,000 | | square feet of lawn area with a good | lawn fertilizer. This will be in March | | or April, depending upon your local- | ity and climatic conditions. Fertil- | | ization at this time encourages rapid | | root development and early estab- | lishment of the young plants. | In case you did not seed or fertilize | last fall, it may pay you to apply a good lawn seed mixture at two to | three pounds per 1,000 square feet | | in March or April. Keep in mind that spring lawn seedings fail more than | do foll seedings. Be sure to buy a {gocd lawn seed mixture, and to follow the seeding directions on the | container. Keep the lawn surface | moist until the new plants have been | established. Often spring rains will do this, but if the surface becomes dry, be sure to apply a light sprinkler I'irrigation. Moisten with a fine mist | about midday, and if temperatures | are unusually high, moisten again | about four or five o'clock in the | afternoon. Never apply too much water at a time because excessive moisture can bring about a disease known as ‘“damping-off”’ which | kills the young: seedlings. J 7 In case you did not fertilize your | lawn last foll, then plan to feed it | twice this spring. Give it an immed- | iate application of a good lawn fert- | ilizer at about 20 to 30 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Then, in order to build up fertility, a similar appli- | cation should be made about June first. Because fertilizers vary in weight | and plant food content, always read | and follow the directions on the package. Your fertilizer may call for more or less than the above amounts. Also, always sprinkle your lawn immediately, after fertilizing it. And never spread fertilizer when | grass is the least bit damp from dew | | or rain. | You can have a good lawn even | though your soil may be shallow, lor sandy, or your lawn may be slop- ing. A little attention given to your lawn area will bring greater pride and joy than an equivalent amount of energy devoted ¢o almost any other enterprise. With a little extra care you may become the pride of the neighborhood in just one short season. Be sure to buy quality lawn fertil- izer. Good quality fertilizers are produced by reputable firms and are for sale through fertilizer dealers, garden supply houses, ‘hardware stores, etc. Scholarship Exam Rpril 7 State Scholarship Examination will be conducted at Coughlin High School, Wilkes-Barre, Friday, April 7, at 8:45 a. m. Each year approxi- mately 400 high school students take this examination conducted: by County 'Schools Office. One schol- arship is given in each Senatorial | $800 toward ‘a four-year college | District. The award amounts to | course in a Pennsylvania institution of higher learning. Temptation may be strong, but it seldom overtakes the man who runs from it. FORTY FORT THEATRE — THURSDAY — FRIDAY — — SATURDAY — SUNDAY — — MONDAY — William Holden Nancy Kwan “The World Of Susie Wong” LUZERNE THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JEFFREY HUNTER, DAVID JANSON in “Hell To Eternity” SUNDAY and MONDAY (Continuous Both Days, 2-11) © BIG DOUBLE FEATURE “Tess Of The Storm Country” : (Cinamescope and Color) AUDRY MURPHY “Seven Ways From Sundown” EXTRA ADDED ! Hans Christian Anderson’s “SNOW QUEEN” PLEASE NOTE—This feature to be played once—Both Days—" Starting at 2 P. M. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY STEVE. ALLEN and DONALD REED in ‘Benny Goodman Story” Gift Nights, choice of CRYSTALWARE OR CHINA “melon, { 1 bol AON | DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA AYO HS pr vy Dr. Peter Asgrow i" AN EARLY START FOR A BETTER GARDEN Wo Wouldn't you like to have a brighter garden this year, with an earlier, longer scason, and a lot less work? The way. i simple. — raise your own seedlings indoors. If you have never done this before, you will find that it is both interesting and easy. Besides, you will have plants of your own ‘individual preference, not: just whatever happens to be on sale in th stores. You plan the garden to your liking, pe ah 3 3 you plan ibe Sin ling the flats, then sow your seeds nous Bh Tis : ; eo gs o 2 ik h a Touch Ss otc} in file, rows and put a plant ine rea; then picture to your-imarker at each row. Tamp down on 0 Jou, Mould 2s on Ly Seeds and coyer thom lenin Ee is he oresighted For the next several weeks keep Srdengs with this planning that |the flat moist — never dry, never the racks of colorful seed packets flooded — and wait for the seeds are already on display, and the lings to appear. Then set’ them seed Salo appear in mid-win- where they will get plenty of sun- ter. Between the two you have|light, but no drafts hs & : $i plL, . pe plenty of choice, for color, height| As soon as they are big enought? nd time of Plosomins. Most, ofito be moved, the seedlings must be hi Pig i a |gtven mee oom bo govelap, Toy only and will be so marked on the | fat na — oi na : o viata widely spaced, or each . pushers or n the samlog, Bienni: | may be given a little pot of its 8%: (We A ower In 1 4 second own, made of materials which. season, you can SOW In the Open. wil] supply plant food and wi . Good subjects to start indoors disintegrate when set out in the include alyssum, aster, calendula, oarden. You buy these by the annual dahlia, marigold, petunia, jozen at the store or garden cen- phlox, snapdragon, stock, zinnia. rer. Still simpler, you can start ra will Yin HE of the vege seeds right in the pot, three seeds Baines too. Fresh lettuce is alwaysito a pot, and later thin them Welcome as soon as if can be (o Jeave only the one most promis- picked. Others thar will be ready ing. Cucumbers, melons and sum- Sone if ey Lc an early pant mer squashes do best when grown are DIocco. 2 as gam 4 in pots before transplanting. onion, pepper, tomato. Have your seeds in hand well be-| In three or four weeks more the fore the weather in your area isjyoung plants will be ready for likely to be warm enough for gar- hardening off. You give them, lit- RoR Works 17 3 ; tle i Aes a ay insieming « n each seed there is an embryo amount of exposure to the out- lant, alive and waiting for proper side air in a sheltered place. This conditions to grow, Those Sond condoning must be very gradual, tions you can provide by a shallow | otherwise “it may do more harm box filled with’ damp soil or sand, than good, particularly with warm but the box and its contents must weather plants. In the last stage of be thoroughly sis: 5 5