Pioneer Avenue, SECTION B—PAGE 6 THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1961 ! NEWS FROM POST CORRESPONDENTS NOXEN, Mrs. Ira Beahm ~ LOYALVILLE, Mrs. Martha Steinruch RUGGLES, Mrs. Glenn Kocher CHASE, Mrs. William Hughes SWEET VALLEY, Shirley Sayre . MEEKER, Mrs. Fred Winter & Shavertown Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ‘Steadler of Windsor Gardens, Horse Heads, 'N. Y., and children Lourie Lee and ~ Daniel,-Jr., spent last weekend with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stroud of W. Center Street. Mrs. Steadler is the former Virginia Lee Stroud. Their daughter Lourie Lee | just celebrated her fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Thomas, celebrated their ‘anniversary St. Valentines Day. = EA Ro ing COUGH: Labs ate GET IT AT THESE STORES — eo — CADDIE LA BAR'S Dallas gy — DALLAS FOR COUGHS DUE TO COLDS GARDNER'S MARKET Orange ly BRODY’S MARKET East Dallas MOORE’S MARKET East Dallas PRICE Fro iL PRODY [TXT Sa FERNBROOK, Mrs. George Shaver NE 9-8522 GR 17-2695 NE 9-3930 OR 4-5460 OR 4-2732 GR 71-2586 GR 71-2734 Scout Master Malcom Kitchen, Scott Alexander, Richard Ash, scouts of troop 231 and Mr. Al Yellitz, of Forty Fort made a trip to Mountain Springs, Sunday, and distributed corn to the starving deer and animals. A deed very welcomed and also brought enjoyment to the boys. Mrs. John Stenger, former owner lof radio station WBAX, Wilkes- Barre, is now residing at her former home, Terrace Drive, now Perrin Avenue. Birthday greetings this week to Rosellen Klaboe, Donald Edwards, | Frank Wadas, Jr., Frank Hirleman, | Mrs. Bertha Roberts, Charlene Man- | fear, Jeanne Glahn, Mrs. Ethel | Honeywell, Joyce Hirleman, Floyd | Pope. | Mr. and Mrs, Edward. Batulifie, DEEP - MINED ANTHRACITE COAL TWO - TON LOTS Nut or Stove $16.50 | Pea 15.00 | Buckwheat 14.00 Rice 14.00 8 Days Notice On Delivery Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded MILTON PERREGO DALLAS OR 4-7180 | | IDETOWN. Bess Cooke HARVEYS LAKE, Mrs. Albert Armitage TRUCKSVILLE, Nelson Woolbert KUNKLE, Mrs. Elwood Martin BEAUMONT, Mrs. William Austin SHAVERTOWN, Mrs. Vernon Ash Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Kas- chenbach were a few of the familiar faces who enjoyed an evening of NE 9-3187 NE 9-6531 OR 4-2748 OR 4-2047 NE 9-2544 OR 5-1872 dancing at the recent Mardi Gras Ball. Gerald E. Stout of Holcomb Grove is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. ART Tre EET NOXEN AOI ORR Reverend Bouton, District Super- intendent from Kingston, will hold quarterly conference at the First Methodist Church next Thursday evening .at 6 P. M. with a covered dish supper. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miner left on Sunday for a vacation in Florida. They have numerous relatives in various parts of the state. : Mrs. Ernie Philips returned from the General Hospital on Thursday evening. Their little daughter, Elaine Susan, will remain in the hospital for several weeks. Mrs. William Murphy has been suffering a virus infection, at her home, all this week. Mrs. Lloyd Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Rinaldo Sutliff left this week to spend some time at their winter home at Dania, Florida. Family of the late William Wr ight would like to thank everyone who assisted in any way during their recent bereavement. Those who sent flowers or loaned cars, and a special thank you for the W. S.C. S. of the Methodist Church who served the lunch following the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. George Vancampen and son Harry, Rochester, N. Y., spent the week end with Mrs. A. E. Dimmick and Mrs. Bernard Dendler Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case, at Sweet Valley, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cahill, West Pittston, wish to announce the birth of a baby girl on Sunday, February 19th, at the Nesbitt Hospital. Mrs. Cahill is the former Lois Schenck of Noxen. They have three other girls. The condition of Fred Schenck, goods, who underwent major surgery at the General Hospital, is steadily improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Séhonick. ‘West- field, Pa., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Vane Race visited Mr. Edgar Barth, who is a patient at the Nesbitt Hospital, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Benner, Rich- field, Pa. Albert Casterline. Mrs. Ernest Daley and children left on Saturday to join her husband who is stationed at North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jones, Warwick, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leibenguth, Mrs, Harry Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brobst visited Mr. and Mrs. David Brobst and family, at Lynn, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sterlyn May and family and Gene May, Allentown, visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Florence Frear, Beaumont, has been removed from the General Hospital to the home of Mrs. Donald Meeker, of Noxen. Her condition is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May, Mrs. Ira Beahm and Mrs. Albert May called on Fred Harlow at the Veterans Hospital on Sunday afternoon. Fred's condition is somewhat improved. Lake Noxen P.T.A. will sponsor a basketball game on Friday, February 24th at the Lake Noxén gym. Time will be 7 P. M. (A bake sale will be held in connection with the game and refreshments will be sold. Any one wishing to donate baked please contact Mrs. Earl spent Sunday with Mrs. | Crispell or send to her home. First game will be a mother and daughter game. Second will be the high school faculty (men with boxing gloves will play senior girls). Third will be between the 8th to the 11th grade girls. This is for the benefit of the encyclopedias for Noxen school and Lake Noxen High School. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Manning "and Mrs. Raymond Miller, Sayre, Mr. and: Mrs. Hugh Kasson and son, Marshall, Mehoopany, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy. « Mrs. Howard Mullen, Vernon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blizzard -on Sunday. She is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miner. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sutliff, Brooklyn, N. Y. spent several days with the Blizzards, this week also. Sp/4 Haroid Blizzard, Fort George Meade, Md., spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blizzard. A group of Noxen sportsmen made a trip to Sorber Mountain and near- by mountains to cut browse for the deer; on Sunday. Lutheran Adult Sunday school class held a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goble, on Thursday evening. Movies were shown by Mrs. Wheeler Hess. Games were played, officers elected and refreshments served to the following: Mesdames Donald Meeker and Don- Wheeler Hess, Joseph Dotter, Christine Blizzard, Dorothy Keiper, Mildred Boice, John Jones, Don Wall, Roy Dendler, Pastor Wesley Kimm, Albert, Sharon and Cynthia Gable and Peggy Patton. Harriett Dendler, Harrisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dendler. The fourth quarterly oor ence of the Alderson, Noxen, Ruggles and Kunkle Charges of the Methodist Church will meet in the Noxen Church on Thursday evening. A covered dish supper will be served at 6:30 p. m. and the meeting will take place at 8 p. m. Mrs. Charles Wilkie is a patient at the Lane Convalescent Home, Tunk- hannock, Pa. The condition of ‘Grandma’ Engelman is very poor at this writ- ing. Harold Hess is visiting his brother, Nile, and family at Rochester, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cummings, New Brunswick, N. J. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Betty Smith. W 4 Moy, WAS ANE 10 PLAY / Lucky baby! And smart mother, too. Now That We Own An AUTOMATIC oh. Electric ' | CLOTHES DRYER She has discovered that an automatic Electric Clothes Dryer takes the work out of wash- days « « . leaves her more time to enjoy the things she really wants to do. No more lugging heavy baskets of wet clothes .s « no more stretching and stooping. No more worry about the weather. Ce ar hp sr - - With an automatie Electric Clothes Dryer all you do is put in the clothes, set the dial and flip the switch. They are tumbled and tossed in a current of warm, clear air. They come out fluffy, soft and spotlessly clean. And best of all « , « this is all done automatically. Chase Warm weather over the weekend caused quite a bit of the snow to melt. Now we are faced with those two other forces of nature, MUD AND WATER." Congratulation to Clyde Littleford who was the honored guest at a birthday party last Sunday, in cele- bration of his 10th birthday, Feb- ruary 16, The following were pre- sent: Mrs. Henrietta Romanowski, Mr. and Mrs. John Yuhas, Paula Robey, Doris Ruggere, Barry, Pamela and Nancy Romanowski, his brother, Paul and his mother, Mrs. Littleford. His father, John Little- ford is in Italy on special assignment for his company. The usual birthday cake with candles and refreshments, were the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Newhart re- turned from Florida Saturday. Walter Coolbaugh was the hon- ored guest at a birthday party at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder. He cele- brated his seventy-third birthday on February 13. Others present, in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sny- der and children, Raymond, Jr. and Mary Beth. This made four genera- tions present. Mr. Coolbaugh is enjoying good heaith. Congratula- tions to you Mr. Coolbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunter of Dallas were Friday over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sherwood. Family Group oft Trucksville Methodist Church will hold a ‘“Bowl- ing Party” at Crown-Imperial Bowl- ing Alleys, Saturday night at 7 and return to the Church for refresh- ments. John Southwell celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Southwell were the Saturday evening guests of Denise and Dawn Sherwood. They all enjoyed a beautifully decorated birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wright had as weekend guests, Mrs. Wright's par- ents and sisfer, Mr. and Mrs. Gran- ville Carey and Verna Carey of Pott- stown. Mr. Carey who was recently hospitalized is now feeling much better. Mrs. Ida Wilcox, who celebrated her eighty-cighth birthday on Feb- ruary 16, and is confined to her room at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, West Dallas, wishes to thank all those who sent her cards and flowers. It doesn’t take much time to. send a greeting card and they mean much to one who is shut-in. Ronald Pavlick celebrated his first birthday yesterday. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pavlick, Jr. “Blue Ridge Chapter” of Future Farmers of America will have charge of the Assembly Program tomorrow at Lehman High School. John E. Sidler is advisor. Patsy Williams, Kingston, was the guest of Bonnie Dubil last Sunday. The main subject of their conversa- tion was the birth of their niece, Michelle Dubil at Crete, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Balliett have moved from Wilkes-Barre to the home on Chase Road, formerly oc- cupied by the Cragles, who recently moved to Lehman. Michael Dubil, Sr., recently sub- stituted as custodian at Laketon School. The following young people of Methodist Youth Fellowship of the Jackson Methodist Church had charge of the Sunday morning ser- vices: Beverly Bonning, Bonnie Dubil, Sandra Splitt, Ronald Ashton, Allen Dietze, and Edward Dubjl, Leader. The Ballietts of Chase Road are mourning the loss of their twelve- year old Rat Terrier “Snooky’ who died on Ground Hog Day. FORTY FORT THEATRE THURSDAY: JACK LEMMON, HENRY FONDA and JAMES CAGNEY “MR. ROBERTS” Cinemascope and Color FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 3 to 11 WALT DISNEY’S “SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON” LUZERNE THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY CAREY GRANT and ’ DEBORAH KERR in “THE GRASS IS GREENER” Cinemascope and Color SUNDAY and MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2 to 11 Two Thrillers: “VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED” and .Co-Hit “HEROES DIE YOUNG” MONDAY and WEDNESDAY EFRAM ZIMBALIST, JR., and ANGIE DICKINSON “A FEVER IN THE BLOOD” — Gift Nights — Choice of Crystal ware or China John ol, Mr. and Mrs. George Devens, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Disque and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Balliett journeyed to Her- shey Park Saturday night to attend the “Ice Capade Show” and were ‘caught in the dense fog earily Sun- day morning on their return home. Elmer Swelgin, Jackson, was speaker at the Saturday night meet- ing of B. A. Class, Huntsville Metho- dist Church. Mr, Swelgin showed slides on life in Korea, which were taken by him while in Army Service there. His talk was enlightening and entertaining. Congratulations to Mary Ann De- Marco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian DeMarco who will celebrate her seventh birthday Sunday. Rev. Charles Gommer, pastor of Huntsville Methodist Church is much improved after the accident, in which his car collided with another on Larksville Mountain. He was able to be present at the Fourth Quar- terly Conference and Family Supper, held at the Church Friday night, He was also in the pulpit on Sunday. Mabel Balliett, Wilkes-Barre, was weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Balliett, Chase Road. “Pinochle Club of Jackson Town- ship’? held a “Shrimp Supper” at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide Friday night, with the following members and their husbands in at- tendance: Mr. and Mrs. “Lansford Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case, and Mrs. Lynn Ashworth, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kropp, Mr. and Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide. Lois Kittle was pleasantly. sur- prised when a group of her friends gave her a “Baby Shower”, With her mother, Mrs. Albert J. Cadwalader, who was in on the secret, the follow- ing frinds literally swept her off her feet when they walked in on her: Mrs. Michael Cooper, Mrs. Alice Rusiloski, Dorothy Sponseller, Lois Bertram, Nellie Miner, Peggy Yas- cur, Margaret Stager. Idetown Confidence Class met in the church house on Tuesday night. Mrs. Alfred Hadsel led the devotions while Mrs. Mary Rogers presided at the Business. Present were Mes- dames Vivian Rinken, Clifford Davis, Clara Garringer, Alfred Hadsel, Merrel Burnett, Lewis Anesi, George May, Mary Rogers, Bruce Williams, Glenn Spencer, Robert Bonning; Bess Cooke, Mrs. Herbert Ward, Mrs. Harold Donnelly. Mrs. Louise Huyler and daughter, Shirley, from Bloomfield, N. J.; were callers on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bonning II and children, Beverly Jane and Dennis III of Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swan. } Marie Spencer is a patient in the General Hospital. Mrs. Edythe Swan would like to thank all who sent flowers and cards and those who called. She surely appreciates their kind thoughts. Beaumont The 4H Boys’ Club met at the school last Wednesday with Herbert Goodwin, leader. Mrs. Peter Traver is seriously ill at Tyler Hospital, Meshoppen after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage at her home. Florence Frear, who has been a patient at General Hospital, is con- valescing at the home of her niece, Mrs. Donald Meeker, Noxen. Mrs, Bill King, former resident, is recuperating at her Maple Shade, N. J. home. Mrs. Maude Scovell, Kingston, was a recent visitor of the Herbert Goodwins. 3 Mrs. Robert Meeker, Vestal, N. Y., spent last Sunday with relatives here. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late C. F. Hess, a former resident, who was buried Tuesday, February 21, form McHenry’s Funeral Home, Dushore. Mrs. Nile Clark is ill with jaun- dice. Florence Frear is happy to be back | home with her aunt, Mrs. Calla | 27S ATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY WOME OFMCE o COLSMSUS. ORD S ERNEST GAY Main Highway Trucksville DALLAS ORchard 5-1176 | Centermoreland FEderal 3-4500 VV VV VV VOY OY YY ve eY VY STOCKS - BONDS MUTUAL FUNDS 4 Lemuel T. | TROSTER} | 4 TELEPHONE Dallas OR 4-3041 Russell R. Rivenburg BROKER - DEALER Hop-Bottom,. Pa. WRENNER ah VY VY VV PV VY VV VV VV VV VV OV VV VV Y he ora ro ET CVS 4 ROE pes DALLAS, PLNNSYLVANIA Parrish, and wishes to thank her many friends for their numerous cards and kindnesses while she was a patient at the General Hospital, Trucksville Mrs. Ezra Hoover, formerly of Carverton: Road, has been ill. She is now living in BasKing Ridge, N. J., with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. Mrs. Joseph Waltick and som, Mark, Hackensack, N. J., have re- turned after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans of Holly Street. Mrs. Ogden Palmer entertained the Neighborhood Card Club at a luncheon at her home on Grove Street Wednesday night. Present Mesdames , Emma Anderson, Harold Croom, Robert Mathers, Richard Mathers, Earl Gregory, Jr. Johy Roushey, William Lohman, Snctioalh Hoover, Harry D. Owens, and the hostess. Charles Fennell, formerly in busi- ness with his father, Bert Fennell, in Trucksville, has been promoted to shop manager in the automobile ser- vice department of Sears Roebuck Company in Rochester. His father now lives at Lake View Terrace, Harveys Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stooker, Jr. Carverton Road, are celebrating their fifteenth wedding anniversary today. They were married by Rev. Herbert Smith in Allentown Metho- dist Church. The couple has two children, James and Sarah, students Mr. | at Wyoming Seminary. Mrs. Alice Davis, Grove Street, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital, where she is recuperating from injuries suffered in a fall. Judith Anderson, who is employ in Vienna, Va., visited her parento¥ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson over the weekend. Supper Committees Named Committees for the fish supper to be held Friday, April 21, were named at the February meeting of Trucks! ville Fire Company Auxiliary, Co-- chairmen are Mrs, Raymond Green- wood and Mrs. Frank Hawk; kitchen - committee, Mesdames Arthur Marth, Ernest Norrie, Earl Hess, J, B, Schooley, Marie Fry, Margaret Dyk- man, Florence C. Finney; dining room committee, Mesdames Jacob Harrison, William Glace, Harry Glace, Voight Long, Rohert Kleiner, David Mathers, Walter Phillips, Harry Missin, H. D. Owens, Wallace Perrin, and Joseph Layaou. Birthday : greetings this week to Mrs. Richard Crompton, Mrs. Jacob Harrison, Mrs. Bertha Evans, Mrs. Howard Ide, Marion Jones Mitchell, Ethel Samba, Susan Weigel, Abbie Ann Jones, Georgette Swan, Nancy Webster, Margaret James, Richard Davis, James Bottoms, Erik Dingle, Gordon Mathers, James Dick, and Harold Mayo. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer, Birch Grove, returned last Saturday after spending. several days in New York City. Esther Mae Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Edwards of North - Main Street, underwent appendectomy in Wilkes-Barre Geng eral Hospital on Wednesday of last week. ; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crompton, Westmoreland Hills, returned from a vacation in Florida last week. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Howard, Pioneer Avenue, will leave next week for a month's vacation at Key West and Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bowen, Carverton Road, have returned after a ten-week vacation in Florida, Mississippi and Georgia. Mrs. Frank Hoddle, Cliffside Ave- nue, is a medical patient in General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Terrace Street, had as recent guests their sen, Samuel, and Miss Ruth Emerson of Baltimore, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Andrews and daughters, Jane and Ann, of Albany, N. Y. a Mrs. Oscar Lamont of Rochest N. Y. spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horshey of Harris Hill Road. Mrs. Agnes Keiper, Endicott, N. YY came here last week to attend the funeral of her father, Morris Engler. Sweet Valley Mrs. William ‘Spaulding, Shaver- town, spent Saturday visiting Bess Klinetob. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case, Noxen, Mr. and Mrs. George Coens and ° daughters, Shickshinny, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case. Mr. and Mrs. James Barto and daughter, Jackson Township, have moved into the Cletus Holcomb, Jr. house. Mrs. Mae Davenport, who moved from here last year to make her home in St. Petersburg, Fla., wi her son, was given a birthday ca shower by her friends and neighbors in this vicinity and surrounding area. ‘She is sorry she can not thank everyone personally for all the lovely cards and tell them how greatly appreciated they were. Clifford Hontz, Aberdeen, a Md., recently spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Holcomb, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuczawa, Reading, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Naugle. Mrs. Charles Pope, Oklahoma, has returned after visiting friends in this community. Mrs. Caroline Ferrey and Mrs. Edwin Britt had dinner on Tuesday with Mrs. Edith Sutton and Mrs. Arthur Sutton, De Moines, Iowa, at the Sutton home in Lehman, = ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SEC. B—PAGE 5 \ + Always do right. This will gratify some people, and will ass tonish. id Fest,