Bo Pat: of ; Ors ave | ler, an- ter, [es- lbs hes line the ile. Irs. dpa. yg, vho hil} ils ZL : oF bod hia DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA DONKEY BASKETBALL Lettermen are expecting quite a crowd tomorrow night. All tickets were sold by the first of this weédk. They have carried out their project with utmost enthusiasm, The teams are ready to provide you with an evening of laughs. Hope you have your ticket. ASSEMBLY The “New March of Dimes”. was stressed with a film during Assembly Lehman School. Sharon Coombs d Helen, Sidler are in charge. The crippling effects resulting from arth- - ritis, and birth defects were shown. Certainly the unfortunate ones, who have these crippling diseases need those of us who are able to walk and run. « Children were shown struggling at birth to live and yet not really Lake-Lehman High School MARY ANN LASKOWSKI By able to live. It showed the feelings of parents. The children’s action gave a tug at your heart strings, as if to say “Help Me, Please.” The other part of the assembly, conducted by Mr. Samuel Davenport, was about wrestling. Ed Ladamus explained the illegal holds while Bob Rinken and Barry Woodling demonstrated them. Joe Smith and Ed Newell wrestled a match while the holds used were explained. Stu- dents from Lake intra-mural wrest- ling teams also put on several matches. REPORT CARDS The time has rolled around again. No need to wonder what marks you will be getting on that card. You know what effort you have put forward. The only thing you do wonder about is, “Will it be a B or es 5 ss sess se ee ee esse es ees DALLAS HOURS Tues. — Wed. 2 to 8 p.m. Friday — 2 to 5 p.m. Other days in Center ~~ DR. AARON S. LISSES Optometrist ANNOUNCES NEW GROUND FLOOR DALLAS OFFICE LOCATION 38 Main Street (Lundy Bldg.) Dallas, Pa. PHONE: OR 4-4506 EYE EXAMINATION - GLASSES PITTED; - CONTACT LENSES NARROWS CENTER HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evenings: Thurs. & Fri. to 8 p.m, Phone: BU 7-9735 2 |G, or how close to oe ‘border was] 1?" Not much you can do about this one, but you can start right now for the next one. ANNOUNCEMENTS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mark, on their new daughter. Miss O'Donnell, who is still absent from school, has sent a letter of “Thanks” to all those who have sent her cards and gifts. : STUDENT COUNCIL Each Friday in February, the Stu- dent Council is holding their “Dress Up Days.” Each member of the classes will come to school just a little neater. This tries to promote the idea the student should dress with a little more thought. Neatness is more important than getting real fancy. Fads and styles that are not neat are not encouraged.. A clean cut neatly dressed student is their aim, ) BAND SPONSORS Band Sponsors are busily solicit- ing by word of mouth, and phone, the baked goods they will need, for the Bake Sale to be held at Daven- port’s drugstore February 18. Re- member to bake the 17th so collec- tion can be made that evening. You need not have a student in Band to be interested in helping make this event. We need you and your un- tiring interest and efforts in behalf of the Band. Call a Band Parent and offer your contribution of your baking skill. It will be appreciated. DALLAS Junior High NEWS # Clothes make the man and 0’MALI SANITON keeps a man’s suits looking hest longer! JOANNE HADSALL REPORT CARDS Report cards will be issued to the Junior High School students Friday at 3. Every boy and girl hopes that his report will be satisfactory. ‘SCIENCE ACTIVITIES The 8-4 science class, under the supervision of Mr. Cathrall, has been very active in the past weeks. One group of students gave “An Interview of an Astronaut.” -Por- traying the astronaut was Sharon Woolbert, Charles Miller, and Kenny Chapple as the reporters who inter- viewed her. Sharon explained her preliminary training, launc hing equipment used by the U. S. govern- ment, and the apparatus she used while in space. A second group gave a porch dis- cussion on the topic, ‘Does Man Belong in Outer Space?” The affir- mative panel, led by Linda Davies, | consisted of Ed Dorrance, Steve { Farrar, Elaine Dixon, and Judy Berg- strauser. Nick Sosick, Susan Smith, ‘Bruce Hopkings, and Susan Dingle were on the negative panel, led by Jean Fleming. The class also presented “The | First Boradcast From the Planets.” { The boys and girls spoke through a | microphone outside the classroom and were heard through a speaker in the room. The planet, scenery, temperature, etc., were described to | the class. All of the eighth grade | sections were shown a film put out | by the Bell Telephone Company, en- { titled “Mr. Sun.” | Magazine Campaign |“ The magazine campaign of the | Junior High School will begin Fri- | day. Come on, everybody, subscribe 24-HOUR OWING ERV IGE Fe =e AT ERA a EE plathin Ee . COUGH EVANS | 8D, GIRBN EA DRUG STORE : SERVICE | Dy Shavertown , FoR COUGHS TS , d i : DUE TO COLDS GOSART'S We i Jet UA prove 0 to you ! ~~ Shavertown wi fe | — 0 — To [ | / pi Call fou powice today! ysis - O'MALIA gi | WET CONTENTS 4 FLUID 02 Trucksville : PRICE Spar LAUNDRY COMPANY | NESTOR'S : . - LUZERNE - DALLAS HIGHWAY 1B CILVIK PRODUCTS co. Harris Hin Ra, yi! CALL FREE ENTERPRISE 1-0843 . |= Be Tuckavie nN : CLYDE BIRTH SAYS: “We're at your service 24 hrs. a Day— “and we give S& MAIN HIGHWAY — DALLAS — Junction Routes 309 - 115 \ ORCHARD 4-4571 CLYDE BIRTH - Owner H Green Stamps, too!” OFFICIAL AAA STATION | Philips, with Diane Pattason, Ann |, | Code of Ethics for the Junior High | ler, | Dymond are on the committee for # wr THE DALLAS POST, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1961 WESTMORELAND High School News The Samueis Twins, Karen and Sharon BASKETBALL The Mountaineers came up with two victories this past week, Sugar Notch and West Wyoming. A large crowd attended both games. Wyoming put up a great fight but the Mountaineers came through with the victory 54-49. Wes Evans, Ronnie Trewern, and Tom Gauntlett led theyboys in points. We crushed Sugar Notch with a great vietory of 93-32, Ronnie Trewern led with 27 points, followed by Tom Gauntlett with 24 points. VALENTINE DANCE The Seniors will sponsor a Valen- tine’s Dance. We hope to see a large crowd come out for the dance. Don’t forget this is that special time of the year for hearts and valentines. We'll fill you in later on all the details. bh AN HONOR George has done it again! A $100 Savings Bond and a free trip to Washington for 4 days was the ex- citing reward that our own George Jacobs received as winner of the Statewide Voice of Democracy con- test. Congratulations again! WRESTLING MATCH Westmoreland’s Wrestlers = tied Benton Wednesday night, January 25, with a score of 25-25. Don Andrews, 138 pound class, pinned V. A. Questions Q. ‘Are families or close kin of veterans entitled to care and treat- ment at VA hospitals? A. Congressional action has esta- blished VA hospitals for the care and treatment of service-connected veterans, primarily, and then, under certain conditions, for nonservice- | connected veterans. Families or close kin of veterans are not entitled to any benefits of VA hospitalization. Q. I am still on active service | and am being transferred to another | section of the country. Since I must sell my Gl-loan purchased home due "to this move, may I have my VA entitlement to a new GI loan re- stored ? A. Only if VA is relieved of responsibility on your present mort- | gage. The purchaser of your home may assume the responsibility. Q. In the event .a veteran's widow remarries, she forfits the pension payments she has been re- ceiving. Does| that mean that the veteran's children under 18 also lose any financial benefits they = were previously entitled to? a A. The children are still eligible for payments under certain restric- tions of age, ete. - Consult the near- est VA office for rates and’ other | information. | Q. I am a veteran but I have never applied for any benefits under ! the Veterans Administration. Am | I required to keep the VA notified of my change of address? | A. No veteran is required to get | in touch with the VA at all. Certain | benefits and privileges were estab- lished by Congress to help veterans following their return to civil life. | You may be eligible for some of these | but there is no requirement that you | have to apply for or accept them. You might, for your own protection | and that of your family, at least in- | quire into the nature of the rights you still have. But you are not required to do so. wh bg “The one thing that consoles me about being a woman is the fact that now I won’t have to marry ” one. to- your favorite magazines during the campaign. = Seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students will be solicit- ing in the area. STUDENT COUNCIL DANCE ‘A record dance sponsored by the Student Council will be held Friday in the Junior High School gymna- sium from 7:30 to 10:30 p. m. The Council hopes that all the students will attend, even though report cards will be taken home that afternoon. Admission will be twenty-five cents. STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council recently formed four new committees. They were formed to get ideas for a School, to usher for assembly pro- grams, to get suggestions from the student body as to how the school could be improved, and to get sug- gestions for needed items the school would use. Harry «Cooper, Joyce Hughes, Ann Woolbert, Thomas Mil- Margaret Lawson, and Howard the code of behavior. ssembly ushers are Beverly Eck, Joanne Hadsall, Marsha Sowden, Alfred Mauller; and Thomas Fina. On the Suggestion Committee are John Farley, Sharon Philips, and Nancy Gensel. The committee for buying items for school use is composed of Diane. Pope, * Beverly Eck, Linda Casterline, and Jim Steinhaur. {| MATHEMATICS PROBLEM Can you find an even number, except two, that is not a sum of two prime numbers? The answer will be published next week. P. T. A. MEETING The Dallas Township Parent- Teachers Association met in the Dallas’ Junior High School auditor- ium at 8 p: m. Thursday,” January 25. Mrs. Stanley S. Davies, presi- dent of the organization, presided at the business meeting. The speaker was Mr. H. R. Hendricks, who brought as a. guest Mr. Matthias his man in the first period. Kenny Thomas, unlimited and John Shaver, 95 lb. class, pinned their men in the second period. Del Voight, 103, John Duris, 133 and George Jacobs, 154, all decisioned their men. The rest of the boys put up a good fight. JUNIOR DANCE The Juniors. sponsored a Mid- Semester Hop on Saturday night, January 28, 1961. It was held in the Westmoreland Gym from 8:00 to 11:00. A large crowd attended the dance gnd everyone had a good time. GIRLS’ GAME The Girl’s Basketball game was | played at Westmoreland against Forty Fort High Scheol. With the great playing of Marilyn Eck and Annabelle Ambrose, Westmoreland ended in a victory over their oppon- ents. These girls have all done a wonderful job this year under the coaching of Miss Mabel Jenkins. We are looking forward to seeing every- one at our next game, EXAMS ARE OVER The Mid-Semester examinations are finally over. All exams were scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Report cards will be out ‘Friday, February 3. Many of us are not exactly looking forward toward this day. Good luck everybody! Surplus Food Available Casterline Family Is Now At Father's Home The Charles Casterline family, whose Sunset home was burned out in sub-zero weather January 21, with loss of all furniture and posses- sions, is housed now at the home of George (Casterline, Harveys Lake. Charles got Dad’s furnace running and the plumbing connected the day after the fire. George FE" an unusual prize in Franklin County, c oh Sy