ae » PAGE TEN IE i A world of good wishes are heading your way, from us to you and yours, for your happiness and presperity during 1957. May you en- joy all the best of every- thing. Cave's Economy Store HL. 9.6561 Idetown We're just dropping in to deliver a very special wish for your good luck in °57 . . . plus our sincere thanks for your patronage and good will. Happy New Year ! to you! The Foothills Coffee Shop Open year round—Between Dallas and Red Rock SWEET VALLEY 7-2794 PA TA I CA TR A PN A A A Re A ERP A NERA A We're coming your way with a boatload of good wishes for the New Year. May it bring you smooth sailing and happy days. Dallas 5c-10c-$1.00 Store John E. Williams, Owner 46 Main Street BL Dallas RR RP PRE REPRISE IETS All the best of luck to you : and yours during the com- A ing New Year. May all your 8 wishes for success and hap- B piness come true. Ralph C. Garris AMOCO SERVICE STATION Main Highway, Trucksville Dallas 4-9321 TG DR I SS TA CA AN ih May this New Year be a real bell-ringer for you and your family, bringing you a full measure of the best things in life. Se Circle Cleaning & Dyeing Co. Owned and Operated by : Ted and Don Hessler % 1231 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort Main Street, Dallas A ST TL LK ITE TE TE TE PE TK TE TET TEE TRE TE ETE GEHL TR IKTEIN May good luck, prosperity and much happiness come your way in 57. To all, a RES RR RR RRR 7 very joyous New Year! Javer's Store Harveys Lake Telephone a rw a Just a friendly greeting to wish you success in all you do during the coming New Year. May it bring you much happiness and pros- perity. Mary Dora, Durelle, Paula, Phillip and D. T. Scott & Sons REALTORS a Ring out old worries and woes . . . ring in a New | Ew ococ] Year full of dll the joys of living . . . peace and pros- perity, good health and } many happy occasions for you and yours. Bulford's Hardware Store Main Highway To all our good friends, we ? send our warmest wishes 3 for a New Year brimming % over with the best life has § to offer . . . peace, pros- % perity and much happi- # ness. Steven's Service Station “Freddie’” Stevens and STEVEN'S LUNCHEONETTE — Alice Stevens ; Main Highway, Shavertown IBS TOL WW WE SW We wr wr ht IE TERETE IE TERETE TRG TE LET IR IE IETR LEIS, i We'd like to snow you un- der with good wishes for a § bright New Year and many § more to come. May you 3 always enjoy much success and happiness. : Boyd R. White MAYTAG — EASY — FRIGIDAIRE NECCHI SEWING MACHINES — FURNITURE 24 Main St., Dallas Phone Dallas 4-1171 = CRE Ls Here’s hoping that all the % best things of life come ; your way during the New A Year . . . good health, good friends, success and happy times. 3 - Dallas—Shavertown Water Co. Dallas Main Street RZ We're chiming in to thank our kind friends and pat- rons and wish them every success for this New Year and for many, many more to come. pe Mildred Lutes Beauty Shop 60 LAKE STREET Dallas 4-1082 HL 9-8671 RR ARORA RRR RRS ZR IE | As the old year bows out, % 2% 1, | we take pleasure in wish- ; Sa Sy ing dll our friends a suc- cessful New Year. Dallas 4-2141 To all our kind friends and 3 prosperous New Year and % many more to come. R. B. Shaver & Son ~ WATER WELL DRILLING HL 9-6851 Idetown : | | { ) Purcell URSe Dallas S781 Main Highway Sihe | our goo ‘trons. be full « you and Swan's Electrica APSR BRANT DS EH PSR SE HS BSH | | i CHRYSLER = Disque Funfita Richard Fis ial Highway o 4 ; NT WS : Nationwide. ns