PAGE SIX TE ERY, iy 5 Sw 7 - terest Mrs. Charles Nuss Is Hostess At Class Party Mrs. Charles Nuss entertained members of the Friendship Class of Lehman Methodist Church at their Christmas party recently. She was assisted by Mrs. Garwin Tough and . Mrs. Joseph Niezgoda. Gifts were exchanged. Present were Mesdames Robert Disque, Chester Lamoreaux, Clifford Erwine, Dorrance Mekeel, Francis Lewis, Kenneth Shellhamer, Bryce Major, Lester Squier, Edwin Stolar- ick, Allen Fox, Paul Hoover, Charles C. Ely, I. R. Spencer, Edward Elston, Earl Eustice, Myron Baker, David Eddy, Kenneth O'Neill, A. M. Major, James Davenport, Donald Cutting, William Elston, Edwin Wright, Ralph Miers, Leonard Adamshick and Margaret Sponsellor. Future Homemakers Send Clothes To Orphanage Lake-Noxen Chapter of Pennsyl- vania Future Homemakers of Amer- ica under the direction of president, Barbara Kern, have taken as one ‘of their projects a clothing drive for Crossmore Orphanage situated in Crossmore, N. C. Several boxes of that they will be there for the holi- day season. ‘ Virginia Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Gorman of Camillus, N. Y., announce the birth of a daughter, Virginia on Saturday, December 8. Mrs. Gorman is the former Ethel Wright, daughter of Howard and the late Beatrice Me- keel Wright, former Idetown resi- dents. The Gormans have another daughter, Patricia. Oh, what fun it is to see VIEW - MASTER gifts beneath the tree. *2.00 Main ‘St. RR ARAN \ GLE TE BET FLAG a A ET ETAT RAT RATE EGE ING EEG MELEE MEER BAR MATEAIL FS A a Ts of lovely Holiday DRESSES Priced from . . . Betty Jane Thomas Is | Given Farewell Party Betty Jane Thomas was guest of honor at a farewell party given recently by employees of the Har veys Lake Light Company at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Kingsley, Orchard Street, Trucksville. Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Lolly, left Monday by train to make their home in California. Her sons and another daughter have been out there with her sister and family for some time. Present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swainbank, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Davis, Mrs. William Simms, Carol Lee Thomas, Lee Zimmerman, John Gabriele, the guest of honor . and the host and hostess. [ Is Hospital Patient Nine month old Jimmie Kern, son | of Mr. and Mrs. James Kern, is a! patient at General Hospital where he has been suffering with pneu- | monia. Mrs. Kern is the former | Mildred Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Culp of Huntsville. Mr. | Kern is son of Mrs. Marian Kern of Harveys Lake. The Kerns who returned from' Germany in the fall have been sta- | tioned with the U.S. Army in Cum- | berland. \ \ | HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. TODAY & TOMORROW December 14 and 15 “Between Heaven | And Hell” Robert Wagner, Terry Moore — ALSO CARTOON — (Cinemascope and Color) MONDAY & TUESDAY December 17 and 18 “While The City Sleeps” Dana Andrews, Rhonda Fleming — ALSO NOVELTY — A ep NN RP A SB Bo DP SSS SR SPS A TA CA SA TATA CA TA TA TA TA TA Ta Just $595 10 $1695 Hanes Hosiery and Made- it free! For Over I 20 Years first in FASHION first in 95 Main St. JEWELED ORLON SWEATERS simply gorgeous! $5.95 WHITE and COLORS ih OPEN EVERY NIGHT ML CHRISTMAS Si Sn Mr. and; Mrs. Lawrence Sickler of Harveys Lake announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Emily Eliz- abeth, to Eugene J. Considine Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Con- sidine Sr. of Trucksville Gardens, Trucksville. Miss Sickler is a graduate of Lake - Noxen School and Empire Clara Troxell’'s Beauty Shop, Main Street, Dallas. Mr. Considine was graduated from Wyoming Seminary and attended the Pennsylvania State University Center in Wilkes-Barre. He is employed by John McShane. Virginia A. Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Culp of Huntsville, will marry George D. Major, son of Mr. and Mrs. Corey Major of Leh- man, tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. Rev. C. H. Frick will perform the double ring ceremony in Huntsville Christian Church. The bride will be given in mar- riage by her father. Maid of honor will be Shirley Elston of Lehman and bridesmaids, Elaine Shotwell of Shavertown, and Therese Rodiquez of Jackson Township. Best man will be Warren Sutton of Hillside Farm and ushers, Albert LUZERNE THEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT Gordon MacRae, Dan Dailey “The Best Things In Life Are Free” SATURDAY — Double Feature — James Mason, Barbara Rush “Bigger Than Life” — Added Feature — “Emergency Hospital” SUNDAY & MONDAY Continuous Performance Sunday from 2 until 11 Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood “The Girl He Left Behind” Ashton, brother-in-law of the bride of Jackson Township and Frank Beauka of Sweet Valley. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion for members of the wedding party and a few friends will be held in the church parlors. Miss Culp is a graduate of Leh- man High School. She has been employed in the office of the Acme Stores Warehouse, Welles Street, Forty Fort. Mr. Major was also graduated from Lehman High School. He is a dairy farmer at Lehman. The couple will reside with the parents of the bridegroom-elect at Lehman, For Beautiful, Personalized Christmas Cards See The Post's Samples Bride Of Louisvi Saturday at 11 a. m., Carol O. Kern, daughter of Mrs. Marion Kern and the late Edwin Kerf of Harveys Lake, became the bride of James P. Arnold, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold of Louisville, the double ring ceremony in Lady of Victory Chapel, Harveys Lake, before an altar decorated with white pompons. Attendants were Kathleen Kern and Richard Kern, sister and broth- er of the bride, both of Harveys Lake. The bride, given in marriage by ark, N. J., wore gown styled with length skirt of taffeta with lace in- serts. Her finger tip veil fell from Former Harveys The marriage of Sylvia Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Becker of Forty Fort, and Richard Moyer, son of Mrs. Vineta Moyer of Philadelphia, formerly of Har- veys Lake, took place Saturday, September 15, at the Hawleyton Methodist Church, Hawleyton, N. Y. Rev. Ernest George performed the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with white gladioli and carnations and lighted cathed- ral tapers. Stanley Houck of Bing- hamton, N. Y., sang “Because,” “I Love You Truly” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride wore white gown of lace over taffeta made along prin- cess lines. Her matching bolero had long tight fitting sleeves and high neckline circled with appli- qued lace daisies. Her shoulder length veil fell from a tight fitting cap of white feathers and sequins and she carried a cascade bouquet le, Ky., Man a crown of seed pearls and she car- ried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Kern selected blue net and lace floor length gown with bolero and crown of blue net. She carried yellow roses. Mrs. Kern, mother of the bride, chose black street dress, white ac- cessories and shoulder bouquet of pink and white roses. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride. Miss Kern is a graduate of Lehman High School and Delaware Hospital School of Nursing, Wil- mington, Del. Mr. Arnold was grad- uated from St. Exavier School at Louisville and is employed as a horse trainer in Kentucky. _The couple will reside at Louis- ville. Lake Man via Becker of white gardenias. Mrs. Donald James of Meshoppen was matron of honor. She wore flowers and ‘maline in her hair. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink and white carnations. Donald James of the United States Navy acted as best man. Following the ceremony, a recep tion was held in the social room of the church. Mrs. Moyer is a graduate of Fo: Fort High School, class of 1953, a Nesbitt Hospital School of Nursi Mr. Moyer was also graduated Forty Fort High School and is Af a Fire Control Technician, Sed Class, with the U. S. Navy abd the Aircraft Carrier U. S. S. Sh{ La, out of San Diego, Cal. Immediately following the rd tion the couple left for San where they are making their Blases Have New Son Dr. and Mrs. John A. Blase, High- land Drive, New Goss Manor, have announced the birth of an eight pound, five ounce baby boy, at Nes- bitt Hospital on December 10. The Blases have two other children, Scott, aged six and Judy, aged four. Mrs. Blase is the former Dorothy Roberts of Forty Fort. Dr. Blase is son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Blase of Trucksville. Mother and baby are doing nicely and will be home this weekend. Have New Son Mr. and Mrs. Asa N. Casterline of R. D. 3, Wyoming, announce the birth of a son December 11 in Gen- eral Hospital. They also have a daughter, Martha. Mrs. Casterlin is the former Elizabeth Calkins of ‘Wilkes-Barre. FORTY FORT THEATRE oo oy From It” SUNDAY & MONDAY Continuous Performance Sunday from 3 until 11 Robert Ryan, Anita Ekberg “Back From Eternity” FURRIER Now is the time to have your old fur coat restyled in the latest fashion, also capes, stoles and shorties in the flattering styles at reasonable prices. WE SPECIALIZE IN RESTYLING, REMODELING AND GLAZING. ALSO CLOTH COATS ~RE-STYLED Better Tailor & Furrier 147 Main St. Luzerne BUtler 7-2562 A — DRIVE IN TO — PLAIN SUITS $ and DRESSES -00 $5.50 Poet's Corner “NOT GROWING OLD” ‘For which cause we fairt nl but though our outward man perid yet the inward man is renewed d by day.” (2 Cor. 4116-18). They say that I am growing old; I've heard them tell it times untold, In language plain and bold— But I'm NOT growing old. This frail old shell in which I dwell Is growing old, I know full well-— But I am not the shell, What if my hair is turning grey? Grey hairs are honorable, they say. What if my eyesight’s growing dim ? I still can see to follow Him Who sacrificed His life for me Upon the cross of Calvary. What should I care if Time's old plow Has left its furrows on my brow ? Another house, not made with hand, Awaits me in the Glory Land. What though I falter in my walk ? What though my tongue refuses fo talk ? 2 I still can tread the narrow way. I still can watch, and praise and pray. My hearing may not be as keen As in the past it may have been, Still, I can hear my Saviour say, In whispers soft, “This is the way.” The outward man, do what I can To lengthen out this life’s short span, Shall perish, and return to dust, As everything in nature must. [ The inward man, the Scriptures say, Is growing stronger every day. Then how can I be growing old When safe within my Saviour's © ¥old? Ere long my soul shall fly away And leave this tenement of clay; This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To seize the ‘“‘everlasting prize.” I'll meet you on the streets of gold, And prove that I'm not growing old. —John E. Roberts. Prospective Brides! 100 FREE INFORMALS given with each order for 100 or more PRINTCRAFT WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS .or INVITATIONS a $3.75 value The Dallas Post Phone 4-5656