The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 09, 1956, Image 9

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Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward and
daughter, Lee Ann, of Easton visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ward last
week. \
Mr. and Mrs. James Hodge of
Boston, Mass., spent the weekend
with Mrs. Claire McKenna and Mrs.
Eva Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meadway
and son, Jay of Vestal, N. Y., spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan of
Coatsville, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John
Callahan and family of Swoyers-
ville, and Barry Rauch of Harveys
Lake were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Honeywell. Their son,
George, Jr., observed his first birth-
day on Sunday.
Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs.
returned to his home after being a
patient in Nesbitt Hospital.
Velton Smith of Hamburg spent
last Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Walter Smith and his sister, Mrs.
Alice Smith of Wilkes-Barre. Mr.
Smith and his mother and Alice,
with Mrs. Betty Goodman and
daughter, Michelle, and Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Smith and daughter,
Janet, were supper guests on Bun-
day night of Dr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson and
children of Elmira, N. Y., spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Corey
Duane Titus, who is sta-
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Titus. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Garringer
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George Garringer of Endicott, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Disque and
Mrs. Elton Hintzinger and daughter,
Marsha, of Shillington, Pa., spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Hayden Williams.
Oak Hill
Hi, everybody. We'll begin in a
light vein this week by telling an
anecdote appropriate to the hunt-
ing season. It’s about George, our
so-called pet rabbit, and we were
reminded of his predicament while
reading a column ‘in last week's
George was born under our wood
pile and was deserted at an early
age by his mother. As he grew
from a tiny mite to a fairly good-
2 Door Sedan. Hydramatic.
Radio, Hir., 2-Tone Paint.
Condition ..... 2195
Coronet Sedan. A Lovely
light green finish. $ | 075
Outstanding at. .
2 Door Sedan. Straight
Shave. onty <... * 189D
’63 FORD
Convertible Coupe. This
will make a wonderful -
second car, $ 845
Gyromatic Sedan that runs
a ess
Priced only coeese
Rogan. Aili any 6-ply
rind) Only ? > PE $395
2 Door Sedan, A General
Motors master- $
piece. Just ...... 995
"47 OLDS
Hydramatic Sedan. 2-tone
paint. Justa *I'T5
good car ....
Open Evenings
Sundays till 5
"88 coined *1295
4-Dr. Sdn.
ol *615
4-Dr. Sdn.,
81 $250
4-Dr. Sdn,
ol *195
80 Caivoea $265
en S219
Aver" $245
coe os. $1 145
Club Coupe, 995
Easionea 990
53 Sdn., Equip.
02 sin. neni *620
‘54 Equipped
san. au.” 1045
“210” 2.Dr. SOAR
BR i
CL Cpe, $ | 95
ob Coen ra 169
sized rabbit, he and our son became
fast friends and played numerous
games of tag around the back yard.
When the wood pile was moved,
George transferred his living quar-
ters to the tomato patch. Then one
day something or someone disturb-
ed his home there and he fled to
the woods for safety. But in the
early evening, on occasion, he ap-
pears for another game of tag with
Two Saturdays ago our Hunter
went out to find some small game,
but returned empty handed because,
upon first entering the woods across
from our home, he found two rab-
bits sitting looking at him. They
must have known of his soft heart,
for they never moved and he, fear-
ing that one might be George, walk-
ed quietly by and left them to their
Now we're saying a silent prayer
that either all hunters are as soft-
hearted as ours or else George hib-
ernates until next year when he
again appears for a game of tag.
With Christmas so close at hand,
we'd like to stress a suggestion
Howard Risley once made and that
is that Oak Hill go all out for the
Christmas lighting and enter whole-
heartedly into the competition of-
fered by local organizations. While
Christmas lighting can be an ex-
pense, simplicity can also be out-
standing in its own right. With a
united effort, we can make Oak Hill
really beautiful at Christmas time.
A few days ago we received a call
from Mrs. Stuart Marks of Lehman
Township who asked if we would
state her case in our column.
Mrs. Marks is a representative of
the Lehman Township Volunteer
Fire Company and she says that
they are badly in need of new mem-
bers to help those faithful ones who
now carry the burden. She believes
that, since the Oak Hill people are
helped by the Fire Company and the
ambulance service, it would be to
our benefit to attend the meetings
and state our views.
The men meet every third Mon-
day and the ladies every fourth
Monday. Dues are $1.20 per year,
and meetings are held in the very
new and modern Fire Company
room provided for these. meetings
and suppers which are also held
during the course of the year.
Mrs. Marks also stated that the
Fire Company receives no Township
Mrs. George Stolarick is Member-
Today's Special
1953 Studebaker
i| Sedan.
1 nn 1300
1954 FORD Crestline.
4 Door Sedan.
= he *1099
1953 PLYMOUTH Cran-. 695
1953 FORD Custom
4 Dr. Sdn. R.&H.
1952 FORD Custom
2 Dr. Sdn. R.&H.
Sedan. R.&H.
1951 BUICK Special *495
1950 CHEVROLET 2 Dr. *195
| 2 Door $495
Fully Equipped.
hrook Cl. Coupe
1951 FORD 2 Door
1 405
2 Dr. Sdn. R.&H.
Sedan. Equipped
Several Other Nice Clean
Pieces At These Same
Low Prices
Easy Payments
No Down Payment On
Those Units Under $600
Your Friendly FORD
Dealer on the West Side
{Kingston-Dalias Highway
Luzerne, Pa. Zh
[Dune BU 7-1155 (Ey)
BU 7-4264 =r
ship Chairman. Mrs. Marks hopes
that a large group of Oak Hill peo-
ple will contact Mrs. Stolerick and
begin to attend the meetings and
lend their support.
We attended the annual Initiation
dinner of the Harveys Lake Wom-
en's Service Club last Thursday and
least half of the new members were
women from Oak Hill.
Harveys Lake Club will welcome
any other Oak Hill woman who is
interested in joining. We can guar-
antee a profitable venture for any-
one so inclined.
Again, friends, if you have any
news, please call it in to Betty
De Barry, 96797. It will be ap-
Notes of Interest ?
Mr. and Mrs. George Eddy have
returned to their home at Oak Hill
from Philadelphia where they were
the guests of former Oak Hill resi-
dents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cough-
lin and daughter, Laurie Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fudge of
Oak Hill had as overnight guests
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heidel and
children, Leslie and Fred, of Balti-
more, Maryland.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Darby, Oak
Hill, spent last week-end in Phila-
delphia. )
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Sr.,
of Oak Hill spent last week-end at
Hillside, New Jersey, visiting Mrs.
Anderson’s brother-in-law and sis-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Balliet, Oak
Hill, had as a guest last week-end
Mrs. Balliet’s mother, Mrs. Isabella
Freeman of Lehighton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Frey had
as a visitor last Tuesday and Wed-
nesday Mrs. Frey's father, W. L.
Oren, of Harrisburg. Mr. Oren is
associated with the Public Utility
Celebrating Birthday and
Anniversary Today
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland R. Ritts
are celebrating their 14th wedding
anniversary today and Mrs. Ritts
her birthday. The couple was mar-
ried in St. Patrick’s Church, Wilkes-
Barre, by Father Roache. They have
one son, Rowland, Jr., aged 13. Mr.
Ritts is manager of the Sunoco Gas
Station at Pierce and Tioga Streets
in Kingston. Mrs. Ritts is director
of the Harveys Lake Women’s Ser-
vice Club Choral Group.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coole had as
guests over the weekend, Kenneth
Hale, Buffalo, N. Y., and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Hale of Savona, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kibbler and
family entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Aled D.
Ronald Kibbler and daughter, Linda
of New Jersey over the weekend.
Richard Keiper, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Keiper, and Robert
Womer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Womer, spent the weekend with
their parents here. They were re-
cently employed at Tonawanda,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Swoyer and
daughter, Helen of Royerford, were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Rhodes Weiss.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kibbler and
son, Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mon-
tross recently attended a youth
meeting at the Seventh Day Ad-
ventist Church at Athens.
Margaret Bellas entertained at a
party ' on Saturday, November 3.
Present were: Lea Sickler, Mrs. Fred
Mahle, Mrs. Nina Brown, Billie Mur-
phy, Mrs. Laura Bellas and the
Anna Turrell, Wilkes-Barre, is
visiting her brother and sister-in-
law, Mr¢ and Mrs. J. Elmore Turrell.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leibenguth
and family spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miner,
Endicott, N. Y.
Mrs. Lloyd Newell has returned
from General Hospital after being a
surgical patient there for several
Richard Jones, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Jones, has just returned
from France with four years in the
Army Air Force. He is now sep-
arated from the service.
The regular monthly meeting of
Beaumont P. T. A. will be at the
Beaumont school Monday at 8:00 p.
m. with Orland Sayre presiding.
Ernest Gay, representative of the
Nationwide School Insurance Com-
pany, will be present to answer
questions raised at the last meeting.
The third and last organization
meeting of the Boy Scouts will be
held at Beaumont school Friday at
7:30, when interested parents and
a representative from the Wyoming
Valley Council of Boy Scouts will
meet with Mrs. William King, local
Once again the local Service Unit
of Salvation Army is seeking your
financial help in aiding your fellow
men. Won't you please answer
your letter and send your contribu-
tion to Mrs. William A. Austin, local
treasurer ?
The Earl Johnsons, the Warren
Johnsons, the Jack Johnsons, and
the George Turners had an enjoy-
able weekend at Summerville Lake.
The newest addition to the Elmer
Daley family is a boy, Albert James,
born Saturday, November 38.
- Mildred A.
Phone: 4-7141
Dallas, Penna.
2 Dr., Radio, Heater, 2 Tone Paint,
1953 FORD
2 Door, Heater.
Club Coupe, Radio, Heater, O'Drive.
2 Door, Radio and Heater,
2 Door, Radio and Heater.
BU 8-0319
1951 CHEVROLET = *
3 Dr., Radio, Heater, Power Glide
Roberts Moves
To Philadelphia
Dog Handler Will
Open Own Kennels
For the past eight and a half
years Kennel manager and handler
at Coolyn Hill Kennels, John Rob-
erts, Lehman, has resigned to open
his own kennels and to train and
show all breeds of dogs at War-
rington, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and their
children, Richard and Patricia, left
last Friday for Philadelphia where
they will live temporarily at 7401
Twentieth Street, while Mr. Roberts
supervises construction of the new
The Roberts family has many
friends here where John was a
former president of Lehman Fire
Company and a member of the
Men's Bible Class of Lehman Meth-
odist Church. He is a member of
the Professional Handlers’ Associa-
tion, Bull Terrier Club of America,
and Director of Lackawanna Kennel
During his many years with Mr.
and Mrs. Z. Platt Bennett's Coolyn
Hills Kennel, Mr. Roberts was per-
haps proudest of his work with the
famous bull terrier Kashdowd’s
White Rock of Coolyn Hills which
two weeks ago won his tenth Best
of Show at the Bronx Kennel Club
Show with Mr. Roberts as handler.
The . Jack Cooks of Shavertown
and the Carl Smiths spent last
weekend at Gettysburg and Wash-
ington, D. C.
Mrs. Derwin Patton, Jr., was
guest of honor at a “surprise show-
er” at the home of the Derwin
Pattons, Sr., last Saturday evening.
Harveys Lake
Mrs. Mildred Garinger has re-
turned from Nesbitt Hospital where
she underwent minor surgery. She
is feeling much better and wishes
to thank all of those who have been
so kind to her.
The Harveys Lake Rod and Gun
Club held a very successful turkey
shoot at the club grounds on Sun-
day afternoon. The weather being
ideal, many members and friends
attended. Please plan to attend the
next turkey shoot and help the Rod
and Gun Club.
Busan Ryder of Kingston spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Armitage.
Mrs. Margaret Clouser has moved
from the Amos Kitchen home to
the Morgan double block.
Mrs. William Kelley is recovering
from an attack of acute bronchitis.
Now is the time to have your
old fur coat restyled in the latest
fashion, also capes, stoles and
shorties in the flattering styles
at reasonable prices.
Better Tailor & Furrier
147 Main St. Luzerne
BUtler 7-2562
EE —
Main Street Dallas
BU 7-2118