The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 12, 1956, Image 6

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Mr. and Mrs. Harold Giberson and
family have moved from Meshoppen
to Harveys Lake R.D. Mr. Giberson
is manager of the William Kern
farm at the Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risley,
Huntsville Road, spent the weekend
at Mercersburg where they visited
their nephew, Leighton Scott at the
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rees of New
York City spent several days last
week anll the weekend visiting the
former’s mother, Mrs. C. A. Henry
D. T. Scott, Huntsville Road, Dellas.
Howell is former editor of the Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. Marcy Evans and
family have moved from Loyalville
to Trucksville R. D. 2. Mr, Evans is
driver for Whipple Reconstruction
Company in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gregory,
Lewis Avenue, Trucksville, an-
nounce the birth of a baby girl at
Nesbitt Hospital on October 3.
Mrs. Clarence Boston, Swarth-
more, spent the weekend visiting
her mother, Mrs. Walter Risley of
Lehman Avenue, Dallas.
'Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Williams
have moved from Allentown to
Meadowecrest, Trucksville, Mr. Wil-
liams is associated with the Lo Line
Boiler Company in, Allentown. The
couple is building a new home on
Sterling Avenue, Dallas, which they
hope to be in by the first of the
Miss Elizabeth Parks of Wilkes-
Barre spent Monday visiting old
friends in the Back Mountain Area.
Mrs. E. R. Parrish, Idetown, is
spending some time visiting her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Crosby and family in
Tennessee. She flew down. :
Mrs. Charles Wisner and son,
Chip and Robbie of Norristown are
spending two weeks as guests of
Mrs. Wisner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Ohlman, Machel Avenue.
Grandma Ohlman drove down over
the weekend to see Robbie baptized
and brought them home with her.
. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Daily, Shaver-
town, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A.
Tanner of New Milford, spent the
‘early part of last week in New York
City where they attended the Na-
tional Hardware Convention at the
Alvah D. Hadsel, Auburn, Calif,
formerly of Beaumont, celebrated
his eightieth birthday anniversary
recently. He is brother of Emory
H. Hadsel of Idetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Turner,
Noxen, recently celebrated their
fifty-fifth wedding anniversary with
open house for their friends and
Mrs. Melvin Mosier Sr. Kunkle,
had as guests over the weekend her
daughter and son-in-law and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Scattergood and
Allen and Linda of Glenside, Pa.
John Hanson, Harveys Lake, left
over the weekend to spend the win-
ter in Miami, Florida.
Sheldon Mosier, member of the’
Freshman Class at Lafayette Col- |
lege, spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Mosier at Kunkle.
Lee Landmesser, who has been a
patient at Veteran's Hospital for so
many weeks, has been discharged
and is recuperating at his home at
Pikes Creek.
Mrs. Charles Gregory returned to
her home on Mill Street, Dallas,
Monday after spending several days
at General Hospital where she sub-
mitted to tests.
Mrs. Elma E. Jones has returned
to her home on Overbrook Road
after spending several weeks at
Franklin Lakes, N. J., visiting her
granddaughter and grandson-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Smith,
West Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Kitchen, Idetown, will attend
the Home-Coming activities at
Pennsylvania State University to-
morrow. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith
are graduates of the University and
Mr. Smith is president of the Alum-
ni Association of the Valley.
Mrs. Charles Wheaton Lee, form-
er resident of Country Club Road,
Dallas, has returned from the Mary-
land Shore and has been guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths, De-
munds Road, this week. She will
leave later on to take a position in
Mrs. Norman Smith former
Huntsville resident, now of East
Woodstock, Conn., is spending some
time visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Gross, Trucksville R. D. The Grosses
who were touring the New England
States brought her back with thom.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boote have
returned to their home at Knob
Hill, Trucksville, after spending the
summer at Lake Winola.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Kautz and
Carol Ann, Marian and Ronnie,
have sold their home on Grandview
Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Donnell of Philadelphia and have
moved to Hummelstown, Pa. Mr.
O'Donnell is associated with the
‘Kraft Food Products.
Mr. and Mrs. James Garrahan
David Wayne Grover
Mr. and Mrs. Carvel Grover of
Chase, Md., announce the birth of a
baby boy, David Wayne, Tuesday,
October 2. This is their first child.
David Wayne is son of the former
Ann King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John King, who is oldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne King of Meeker.
That ‘makes him the Wayne Kings
first great grandchild. They have
eighteen grandchildren. He is also
first great great grandchild of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Ruggles of Meeker.
Barbara Ellen Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith,
Main Road, Trucksville, have an-
nounced the birth of an eight
pound, one ounce baby girl, Barbara
Ellen, at Nesbitt Hospital on Friday,
October 5. The Griffiths have three
sons, Dick, aged thirteen, Roger,
aged ten and Robert, aged six.
Mrs. Griffith is the former Doro-
thy Loveland, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Loveland of
Trucksville. Mr. Griffith is son of
Mrs. Marion Gay of Wilkes-Barre.
He is the new postmaster at Trucks-
Karen Marie Parry
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Parry, 216
Lafayette Avenue, Chatham, N..d.,
announce the arrival of an eight
pound baby girl, Karen Marie, at All
Saul’s Hospital October 1. This is
their first child.
Mrs. Parry is the former Inez
Hilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Hilbert of Dallas. Mr. Parry
is son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Parry of Wilkes-Barre.
Mother and baby are doing nicely.
(The announcement mailed to the
Post said, “So is Daddy”).
Have New Baby Girl
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Heine, Mid-
land, Mich., announce the birth of
a baby girl October 6. They also
have another little girl. Mrs. Heine
is the former Marjorie Ann Boote,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Boote, of Knob Hill, Trucksville. Dr.
Heine, a former teacher at Bucknell
University, is now doing research
work at the Dow Chemical Company
at Midland.
Grandma Boote left Saturday for
Midland to visit the Heines and see
her new granddaughter.
Walter Douglas Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson, Elm-
crest Drive, Dallas, have announced
the birth of an eight pound, one
ounce baby boy, Walter Douglas, at
Nesbitt Hospital October 5. The
Larsons have two little girls, Patty,
aged seven, and Glenda, aged three.
Mrs. Larson is the former Letha
Applewhite of Virginia. She return-
ed to her home on Wednesday.
William Jesse Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Car-
verton Road, Trucksville, have an-
nounced the birth of a seven pound
baby boy, William Jesse, October 3
in General Hospital. The Joneses
also have a daughter, Susan, aged
seven. Mrs. Jones is the former
Bernadine Sobolewski of Nanticoke.
Mr. Jones is son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Jones, North Franklin Street,
The Joneses have lived in the
Back Mountain Area for the past
two years.
Christopher Nulton
Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Nulton,
Briarcrest Road, announce the birth
of a nine pound, thirteen ounce
baby boy, Christopher, at Mercy
Hospital October 3. The Nultons
have three other children: Kathleen,
aged four; James, aged three; Dan-
iel, nineteen months. .
Mrs. Nulton is the former Mary
Ellen Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Sullivan of Dallas. Mr.
Nulton is area agent for the Home
Life Insurance Company of America.
Attend Conference
Barbara Kern, president of the
Senior F. H. A. of Lake-Noxen High
School, and Joan Allen, Senior
Chairman of the Homemaker De-
grees Committee, attended the Re-
gion D's P. F. H. A. Conference at
Wyalusing recently. They were ac-
home economics teacher and F. H.
A. adviser,
will move next week to the Back
Mountain area. Mr. Garrahan will
start working for Caddie LaBar on
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoover, Outlet,
recently visited the former's sister,
Iva Hoover at Harriman, Tennessee.
While there, they all took a trip
to the Smoky Mountains and the
Atomic Museum in Oak Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Girvan, Lake
Street, had as weekend guests Mr.
and Mrs. William Girvan and family
of Trappe, Pa.
Mrs. Dolly Newell, who for the
past three months has been a fre-
quent house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Cross, Dallas, will sail for
her home in Sussex, England, from
Montreal, November 2.
Rev. Arthur Mayo, pastor of the
White Church on the Hill, was
called to Mt. Vista, N. Y., this week
and family, formerly of Dover, Del.,
by the critical illness of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Moore,
Demunds Road, will celebrate their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
Sunday, October 14, with a family
dinner at the home of Mrs. Moore's
niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Moore, Baldwin Street, Dal-
las. Mary Jane Moore was flower
girl at the wedding which was per-
formed in the Forty Fort Presby-
terian Church by the Rev. Joseph
L. Weisley.
Mrs. Moore is the former Jessie
Hislop of Forty Fort, daughter of
the late Robert K. and of Mrs.
Robert K. Hislop, now making her
home with the Moores. She is past
Matron of the Eastern Star and is
well known as a soloist throughout
the Back Mountain area and Wyo-
ming Valley. She is a member of
East Dallas Methodist Church.
Mr. Moore is son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Moore of East Dal-
las. He has spent his entire life
in the Back Mountain area and in
the grocery business, first with the
Corey Frantz store, and for the past
twelve years as manager of Hislop’s
Economy Store. He is also a mem-
ber of East Dallas Methodist Church
and has served on the Dallas Town-
ship School Board for the past
eleven years.
The Moores have one son, T.
Shepherd, a member of the Junior
Class at East Stroudsburg State
Teachers College, where he is major-
ing in mathematics.
To South Caro
Mrs. Gertrude May, Outlet, Har-
veys Lake, announces the engage-
ment of her daughter, P. F. C. Iris
son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Weeks
of Waltersboro, South Carolina.
P. F. C. May is a graduate of
Laketon High School and prior to
her enlistment. with the WAGs,
worked for the General Cigar Com-
pany. She took her early training
Last October she was sent to Tokyo,
Japan, where she is medical tech-
nician at the Tokyo Army Hospital.
She expects to return to the States
in the spring.
S. F. C. Weeks, formerly serving
in Tokyo, is now stationed at Fort
Benning, Ga., with the 3rd Medical
Company of the 3rd Infantry Divis-
No date has been set for the
Saturday evening at 7 o'clock,
Bina Dendler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Dendler, Stull Road,
Noxen, became the bride of John
C. Holdredge, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Judson Holdredge, Zinn Street,
Trucksville. Rev. Henry Kraft per-
formed the ceremony in St. Luke's
Lutheran Church, Noxen. John
Hackling was organist and Cath-
erine Cooney, soloist.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore floor length gown
of white nylon tulle over satin ap-
pliqued with chantilly lace. Her
fitted bodice was styled with picture
neckline and long tight sleeves
tapered at the wrist. Her fingertip
veil fell from a crown of seed pearls
end she carried a white Bible
topped with white roses and ivy
Maid of honor was Nancy Mac-
Millan of Binghamton, N. Y., and
bridesmaid, Harriet Dendler, sister
of the bride. They chose gowns of
moss and Nile green net featuring
full skirts with white Chantilly
lace bodices. Their flowers were
yellow carnations and pompons
Trucksville Class
To Sponsor Reading
Mrs. Hugh Gebhardt will' read
“Love and Diligence” at the Tea of
the Seasons sponsored by the
Friendship Class of Trucksville Me-
thodist Church Wednesday evening
at 8 o'clock. The public is invited.
Each member of the class is asked
to bring either two dozen cookies
or two dozen sandwiches.
with sprigs of ivy and brown satin
streamers. The little flower girl,
Linda Phillips, wore deep green
knee length dress and carried a
basket of yellow carnations and
poms. Mrs. Dendler, mother of the
bride, selected marine lace dress
with matching accessories and cor-
sage of white carnations; and Mrs.
Holdredge, mother of the bride-
groom, black velvet dress, white
accessories and white gardenias.
Judson Holdredge, Jr., brother of
the bridegroom, was best man, and
Richard Holdredge, Shavertown,
and Ernest Holdredge, Trucksville,
ushers. .
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held at the Lutheran Par-
ish Hall and the couple left for a
trip through the New England
Mrs. ‘Holdredge is a graduate of
Noxen High School and General
Hospital School of Nursing. Mr.
Holdredge was graduated from
Westmoreland High School. He is
employed as an electronics special-
ist at the Tobyhanna Signal Corps
Depot. 3
At Library Convention
Miriam Lathrop, librarian at Back
Mountain Memorial Library, and
Mrs. Peter Sullivan, librarian at
College Misericordia, are attending
the Pennsylvania State Library
Convention in Pittsburgh today and
tomorrow. /
For Beautiful, Personalized
Christmas Cards
See The Post’s Samples
chairs, etc.
let 1807.
Terms: Cash
A. H. Heller, Auctioneer,
Laceyville, Pa.
Hughes and Reynolds
Calendar Events
Columbus Day.
Wyoming Valley Art League, Os-
terhout, 7:30.
Value Shop, 1 to 9 p. m.
Jackson Fire Company Fall Fes-
Lake Woman's Club Board, with
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen.
Center Moreland WSCS, Baked
goods, Farmers’ Market.
Borough, Shavertown, Township
Lehman PTA.
Silver Leaf Club with Mrs. Hess.
Women’s Republican Club, Back
Mountain YMCA, 8 p. m.
Book Club, 2 p. m., Annex.’
Alderson Turkey Supper, 5 p. m.
Lake-Noxen PTA.
Cub Scouts Pack 281 meet at
Church, 7:30.
Rotary Women,
Hall, 6:30.
Lake Choral
8.p me
L Toastmaster’s
Lehman Fire
Group rehearsal,
Club, Annex, 8
p. m.
Value Shop, 5 to 9.
Installation of officers, American
Legion Auxiliary 672.
Value Shop, 1 to 9.
Rev. Robert Kellerman was gnest
speaker at the meeting of Harveys
Lake Woman’s Service Club he'd!
last Thursday night at the Lake-
Noxen High School. He spoke on
the United Fund, explaining thst
its aim was to eliminate -the many
drives that became a nuisance in
the past.
A plea was made for volunteers
to man the Harveys Lake Observa--
tion Post. Announcement was made
of the Autumn Frolic to be held at
Beaumont Inn on October 26,
dancing from 9 until 1.
Present were Mesdames Lee Bick-
ing, Howard Ritts, Harvey Kitchen,
Donald D. Smith, R. H. Foss, Ward
Jacquish, Thomas Cadwalader, John
Tobin, Frank Bialogowicz, Earl
Payne, Elwood Whitesell Malcolm
Nelson, Algar Shafer, Richard Wil-
liams, Garvin Smith, Joseph Rauch,
Albert Armitage, Charles Deets,
John L. Picton, Hugh Templetcn,
Delmar Wintersteen, Stephen De-
Barry, Edward Kanasky, Paul Doris,
Glenn Kocher, Charles Williams,
Clarence Oberst, Joseph Desiderio,
Mary Hoover, Clarence Mont+oss,
Edgar Hughes, Sr., George Bray,
Adam Stefanovicz, Russell Scott,
Sr., Thomas Smith, Elwood Davis,
William Deets, Fred Dodson, Thom-
as Garrity, Stephen Hartman, Ar-
thur Engler, and Raymond Gar-
To Speak On S.E. Asia |
Rev. Robert P. Kellerman of Cen-
tral Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre
will speak at the Dallas Methodist
Church Sunday evening at 7:30 on
the rehabilitation program in South |
Viet Nam. Rev. Kellerman recently |
spent six months there and is well
qualified to talk on the area.
The program is sponsored by
members of the W.S.C.S. in con-
nection with their study of South-
east Asia.
Adults $1.50
Children 75¢
Phone: 4-7141
ee *( Author's name below)
Happiness is hard to pos-
sess for long without good
health. Within recent years
scientists have perfected
vitamins that can add great-
ly to your continuous good
health. :
Expert advice is needed
to select the particular for-
mulae that will help you
most. Your physician is the
best authority to consult.
A pharmacy is the safest
place to obtain vitamins.
’ @
Dallas 4-4161
Pick up your prescription
us deliver promptly without
extra charge. A great many
people entrust us with the
responsibility of filling their
prescriptions? May we com-
pound yours?
“Registered Pharmacist
On Duty At All Times”
Dallas, Penna.
Main Highway Shavertown
Phone Dallas 4-4161
*Quotation by R. O. Cambridge
Copyright 1956 (10W1)