- DAGE ELEVEN Noxen | Beaumont ‘Sweet Valley Carol Bennett, Beverly Lord al It Was ost inisresing 10 hear | Bess Klinetob, Correspondent Louisa Patton spent a week at Sky early anecdotes of early local his- | Sweet Valles 1.2105 Lake, 'N.Y. attending the Wyoming | tory related by Charles Jackson, son ey E Conference Mrs. Lord and Mrs. A. | of Ebenezer Jackson, who flew here | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wallace's J. Davis drove up for them on Sat. | from Louisiana to be with relatives | names were unintentionally omitted : |and friends making the home of his | from the list of those present at THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA S&H is America’s oldest, largest, most reliable stamp plan ...tried and proved for 60 years. Actually ...4 out of 5 women who save stamps save S &H Green Stamps—the stamp of quality. Women who compare stamp catalogues switch to S&H Green Stamps. ..no values like S& H values. You can choose from over 1500. nationally famous items with S&H Green Stamps. : Today over 20,000,000 smart, thrifty women save S&H Green Stamps. Join them today! Now you get everything at Acme. Finest foods. Extra low prices...and famous S&H Green Stamps... America’s only nationwide stamp plan. New S&H “Diamond Jubilee” catalogue will be mailed | to your home. Watch for it! eem them ings you want. EEN STAMPS S and other i. y Atea ING ITS DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY { urday. Mrs. William Dayton, Apalachian, N.Y. spent. the weekend with Mr. | and Mrs. Lewis Lord. Recent guests of Mr. and wo) Guy Fritz were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackling and Carl of Vestal, N.Y., | Mrs. Horace Tomlinson and George of Philadelphia, Reed Fritz and Net- tie Lemous, Bloomsburg and Mr. | and Mrs. Howard Diestel of King- ston. Loretta Polhamus, Kingston, spent Sunday with Mrs. James Strohl who is coming along nicely following an operation. Lloyd Newell entered the hos- pital for observation on Wednesday. Margie Lane, Newark, N. J. is spending some time here with rela- tives. Nancy Kline, Philadelphia, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Benner, Rich- field, Pa., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Casterline and family. Kay Doty, Benton, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Casterline. Elmer Weaver has returned to his home after being a patient at Gen- eral Hospital. William Race, Endicott, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Race. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmer and son, Stanley, and Mrs. Sophia Hack- ling visited Mrs. Flossie Palmer and Edward Palmer at Far Hills, New Jersey recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shalanski, Buffalo, N.Y. are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams visit- ed the former's brother in New Jersey last week. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Patton were Mrs. Edward néphew, Kenneth Jackson his head- quarters. Despite his eighty odd chusetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware on his flying itinerary to relive old times. In the near future he plans to wing to Germany with his daughter whose husband is a major in the Army, adding “if my health permits.” Joyce end Charles Smith have returned from a visit to their aunt’s, Mrs. John Smith of Hatboro. Mr. and Mrs. William Oswald of Waverly, N. Y. and Mrs. Henrietta Angel of San Diego, Callifornia, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhl Friday. Mr. James Kuhl is at Owenboro, Kentucky, for two months instruc- ting for the American Tobacco Com- pany. The Goodwin Hilberts are vaca- tioning at Bob’s Lake, Canada try- ing to catch the “big one.” Dean, Staten Island, N.Y., Mrs. Tom Miller, Towanda, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barton, Athens, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph West and Paul of Towanda. Patsy Jones, Harrisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. Mr. and Mrs. James Space and sons, David and Jimmie of Belle- ville, N. J. spent the weekend with Mrs. Ellen Space. John and Sandra Simon spent several days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cevik- lik, New York City recently. Williams Reunion The descendants of Jonathan Wil- liams will hold their fifty - third annual reunion at the home of Mrs. Mildred Weidner at Fernbrook on August 11. Water is free here; also ai sunny smile. If you want “{0 GALLONS OF OIL AND A PINT OF WATER IN THE SAUERKRAUT . . r ... and we'll throw in a to BUY something, that’s | Sandy Holcomb’s birthday party in last week’s column. William Post and daughter, Lois, Kingston, called on Mr. and Mrs. | Leslie Lewis Saturday afternoon. | Gweneth Cryder, Berwick, spent | several days with her grandfather | Albert Holcomb and her Aunt Iona. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tworek | spent the weekend on the St. Law- | rence River with Rev. and Mrs. | Merritt Updyke. | A variety shower will be given | Saturday night at the Church of Christ hall for Mr. and Mrs. John Wheelwright, bride and groom of a month. Charles Masters, employed at Wellsboro, spent the weekend with his family. ' Mrs. Minnie Hazlett, Wilkes- Barre, spent ten days with Mrs. | Stephen Alexander while Mr. Alex- ander and Loren Cragle, Jr., were . fishing at Calabogie, Ontario. They returned with a big cateh. Callers | were Mrs. Stella Wright, Kingston, rand Mrs. Wayne Callender. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Long spent several days last week in Westfield, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. George Haylo and family, from Shelton, Conn., called on Mrs. Lewis Atwood and Mrs. Mey Davenport on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hosier, West Pittston, spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button. Miss Bess Klinetob was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Middleton, Sr. at Meeker. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Middleton, Jr. of Endicott; Mr. and Mrs. H. Shoemaker of Lake Packan- lack, N.J.; and Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchinson entertained last week for their | nieces Uldine Lutz and Mrs. Robert | Harrison, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and | Mrs. William Ferry and family were | Sunday evening callers. | Mrs. June Iverson and son Brad- ley, Jay Long, and Madelyn Harvey, | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | John Richards in Vestal, N. Y. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long gave |a birthday party on Thursday for {their ten year old daughter Wilma. f Decorations were carried out. in | pink and white. Guests were class- | mates and cousins: Mary Lou Buck, | Barbara Volovitch, Beverly Evans, | Henry Post, Cindy Long, Bradley | Iverson, Lily June and Billy Ferry. | Mrs. Howard Post was present, and | grandmother Mrs. Nettie Post, | brothers and sisters Gene, Gloria, [Jam and Wanda Long. ‘Summer Band Concerts Scheduled Aug. 22, 23 Westmoreland jointure schools | will stage the annual summer band | concert August 22 at Westmoreland, |and August 23 at Dallas Borough | elementary school, under direction | of Lester Lewis, instrumental music instructor and band leader. Mr. | Lewis reports that sixty students | are enrolled in the band proper, {with a large number of embryo | majorettes in various stages of pro- ficiency. 1 i stiff curved shanks stiff straight shanks Phone SWEET VALLEY 7-2211 So SW Td, square tool-bars mount DEBE) | 3 & \\ “+ | double coil, straight or