PAGE FOUR STATE POLICE SAY: Your danger zone is the dis- tance in which you cannot stop safely. It varies with the weather, roadway, the speed at which you are travelling, the \ condition of your brakes, and your own physical condition. Drive so that you have full con- trol of your car in event of ANY emergency. ‘Catlin Paintings To Be Shown In Wilkes-Barre er Wilkes-Barre man, will be shown under the sponsorship of Wilkes College at the Osterhout Gallery from June 12 to June 21 from 3 o'clock until 5:30 and 7 until 9. Saturday hours will be 10:30 until 11 p. m. The exhibit is part of the Sesquicentennial. The paintings, now property of the Smithsonian Institute at Wash- ington, D. C., have just returned from a tour of Europe and the United States and will arrive here from Albany en route home. Mr. Catlin who was born in Wilkes-Barre in travelled with Indians for years, and has used them as his subjects, Regular $6 Per Load Screened $10 Per Load The Only Screened view his life and works at a pre- view on Monday. Top Soil Available | of LUMPS STONE FREE & WE ALSO HAVE FILL DIRT FOR ANY JOB All Kinds of Insurance HAROLD E. FLACK CY HOOVER AGEN MITE sgugs mene ILBRODT Res. Phone Office Phone Phone 4.2498 3 Pallas Wilkes-Barre VAlley 38-2189 Fern Knoll Cemetery | MASONIC SECTION Sections: GA” & “(> - Sof? = at greatly reduced prices. <1 List With — Buy From J. F. BESECKER — REAL ESTATE — : PHONE DALLAS 4-5551 NOW IS THE TIME TO CHANGE OVER... Your Old Heating Plant for New! ® BETTER TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $100. Minimum Allowance '® SPRING PRICES ARE LOWER © PROMPT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE NOW | Trade in this old job dm for a new ~ Anthra-flo COAL OR OIL HEAT PLANT 8 YEARS TO PAY ® NO DOWN PAYMENT WORTH OF COAL FREE WITH EACH PURCHASE OF A NEW ANTHRA-FLO COAL UNIT Dallas 4-5816 MONK PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Lester Squier of Lehman will celebrate their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary on Sun- day with open house from 2 until 5 and from 7 until 10. They hope their friends and neighbors will drop in. Mrs. Squier is the former Helen May Montgomery, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery of Sharpe Street, Kingston. She is a graduate of Kingston High School and Mansfield State Teachers’ Col- lege. Before her marriage she taught at the Schuyler Avenue School in Kingston. Mr. Squier is son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Squier of Nicholson. He was graduated from Nicholson High School, Mansfield State Teachers’ College where he received his B.S. Degree, and Penn State College, where he received his Master's De- gree in Education. He taught in a rural school in Nicholson from 1924 to 1927, was Supervising Principal at Lehman, 1930 to 1934, Supervis- ing Principal at Nicholson, 1934 to 1942, and Assistant County Super- intendent of Wyoming County Schools, 1942 to 1948. He is pres- ently Supervising Principal of Leh- man-Jackson-Ross Joint School. The couple was married June 10, 1931 in the Elm Park Chapel, Scran- ton. Rev. Henry H. Crane perform- ed the ceremony. Both the Squiers are active in community affairs. Mrs. Squier is chairman of Social Relations of the Lehman W.S.C.S. and a member of the Fire Company Auxiliary. Mr. Squier has taught the Men’s Bible for the past eight years, is one of the mainstays of the Fire Com- pany’s Annual Horse Show, and a member of 1.0.0.F. No. 172. eran Church, (Shavertown, will serve a variety cafeteria supper Sat- urday, June 23, at 4:30. Margaret Gosart is chairman, Ida Clause and Betty Cook co-chairmen, Miriam Gerhart has charge of pub- licity; Ruth Voelker and Brunhilda Bayer, tickets; Bernice Hill, dining room; Ida (Clause, kitchen. New Waterproofing Combats Cellar Dampness By NICK MAURIELLO How about painting on ‘‘Cop- rox?” Purchasing this product means Good-Bye to wet walls; Coprox will beautify the interior or exterior of any masonry walls. Advertised in LIFE, this nation- ally known product eliminates cellar dampness or even worse, || water in the basement. Even expensive homes frequently find water seeping into the cellars. Coprox is a copperized cement compound, unlike other water repellant coatings, it can be ap- plied on both wet and dry walls. Dampness is especially discour- aging to home owners who plan to use the basement for more than just storage space. Every year more families are using the basement space, so that the youngsters are out of their way and can do little dam- age to themselves or to the rest of the house if a simple play- room in the cellar is planned for them. If the adults want a party room for themselves, remember, a playroom is not good for your health unless the cellar remains at a certain temperature all year round. Not too many years ago, a new copperized cement paint entered the market, it’s name ‘“Coprox.” Upon applying this product, it penetrates, expands and seals the pores which means a saving when buying fuel. Folks! Damp, unusable cellars can be convert- ed to extra room space quickly and reasonably priced. Available colors are: Gray, Green, Rose, Buff and White. P.S. FREE to the first (50) fifty customers, a $3.00 Nylon Coprox Brush, if you purchase (1) one drum, the price is $15.60, it's 6 gallons of Coprox. You may need less. I'm representing the S. J. Clark Co., of Connecti- cut; for this specialty simply call the home office: Dallas Sales, Luzerne, Dial BUtler 8-3586. Advt. i Legal— NOTICE The iSchool District of the Bor- ough of Dallas, Pa., in accordance with the Act of Assembly of 1947, P. L. 1145, as amended, gives no- tice of its intention to pass a reso- lution at the regular meeting of the School Board to be held June 25, at 7 P. M. at the Administrative office of Dallas Borough-Kingston Township Joint [Schools in Dallas, levying a per capita tax of $10.00 on all residents of the Dallas Borough School District who are twenty-one years of age or over for the purpose of raising sufficient funds to meet the current expenses of the District, and it is estimated that the per capita tax of ‘$10 will provide an approximate additional revenue of $9,000. Cut Heating Costs... Buy Now At Summer Prices VITO PILOSI Sweet Valley 7-2683 Harveys Lake R.D. 1 TED RUFF Specializing in Oil Heating Equipment Service & Installation PLUMBING & HEATING ® PHONES Dallas 4-5201 or 4-726 C'MON GIRLS! Asters Ete. for the Tenth - Helen Stoeckel, Huntsville Road, College, will fly to Europe July 9 with a group of social workers, for a tour. of the Scandinavian coun- tries and Germany. The group will visit social agencies for six weeks, returning August 17. Miss Stoeckel obtained a leave of absence from the Lutheran Child- ren’s Bureau, where she has been employed since 1952 as a case worker. She obtained a BS in nursing education, and expects to work to- ward a Masters degree eventually, while carrying a full detail of case work. Miss Stoeckel is the daughter of Rose and the late Harry Stoeckel. Mrs. Laura Brislin ‘Buried At Kocher Mrs. Laura Brislin, Harveys Lake, {was buried in Kocher Cemetery | Tuesday afternoon, following ser- {vices conducted by Rev. Henry C. Kraft from the Glova Funeral Home. Pallbearers were Fred Nash, Wil- liam H. Jones, Carl Swanson, Ben- | jamin Rood, Basil Lord, and Joseph Rauch. ; Mrs. Brislin, 81, passed away Saturday morning at General Hos- pital. She had been a resident of Harveys Lake ever since she was four years old. Her parents were the late Herman and Johanna Dag- nar Krumbeigle, proprietors for a time of a lake hotel, which Mrs. Brislin and her husband, John, op- erated when the older couple re- tired. John died in 1930. She is survived by a son, Her- man, at home, and a sister, Mrs. Jean Hornburg, Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Frances Peake ‘Dies At Age Of 92 Mrs. Frances E. Peake, Fern- brook, was buried Thursday after- noon in Fairview Cemetery, West- field, N. J. Services for the im- mediate family were held at the Williams Funeral Home Wednesday night, Rev. Robert D. Yost ofiiciat- ing. Mrs. Peake, 92, one ‘of the oldest residents of the Back Mountain, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her son, Charles T. Peake, Ter- race Street, Fernbrook. She had ® Geraniums ® Perennials ® Annuals ® Vegetable Plants KELLER’S GARDENS Idetown H-L 9-6361 FARMERS’ NITE MARKET is now open every Saturday from 10 to 3 OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 5 P.M. FLOWERS Asparagus Radishes Rhubarb Jellies Chickens Green Onions Eggs Potatoes Broccoli Baked Goods CARVERTON METHODIST CHURCH NEXT TO LESTER PONTIAC PIERCE ST., KINGSTON been ill for some time. She was born-in Philadelphia, daughter of the late George and Sarah Barrett Horne. In 1950 she came to Fernbrook from Los An- geles. Her husband, William H. Peake, passed away two years ago. There is another son, Frank W., Somerville, N. J.; a daughter, Mrs. Grace Rollinson, Ventura, Cal.; four grandchildren and six great-grand- children. Dies Six Months After Walter Derhammer, Carverton, former resident of Noxen, was buried in Orcutt Cemetery Wednes- day afternoon. Rev. Charles Gil- bert, Pittston Methodist Church, former pastor at Carverton, officiat- ed at services held from the Paul Nulton Funeral Home. Pallbearers were: (Clark Oliver, Lloyd Newell, George Moscow, Russell Newell, John Newell, and Chester Keiper. Mr. Derhammer, 66, passed away Monday morning at his home, six months after the death of his wife, the late Hattie Derhammer. A granddaughter, Laura | Whispell White, 18, a bride of six months, died three weeks ago of brain fever following an attack of flu. Born in Albert, Mr. Derhammer was the son of the late William and Mary Bean Derhammer. He lived in Noxen for twenty-five years, moving to Carverton area four years ago. Survivors are: children, Thomas, West Wyoming; Charles and Mrs. Claude Nulton, Noxen; Mrs. Joseph Whispell ‘ and Mrs. Algert Kliamo- vitch, Harveys Lake; Robert, Pitts- ton; thirty-two grandchildren; four sisters: Mrs. Earl Beahm, Noxen; Mrs. Louella Kropp and Mrs. Lillian Athens; Mrs. Ethel Swart- wood, Washington, D. OC; three brothers: Albert, Luzerne; Lester, Wilkes-Barre; and Edward, Athens. LUZERNE THEATRE FRIDAY — Double Feature — Kettles In The Ozarks” ALSO “Red Sundown” SATURDAY “Hell and High Water” (Cinemascope and Color) SUNDAY & MONDAY Continuous Sunday 2-11 Richard Widmark, Donna Reed mn “Backlash” FORTY FORT THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Walter Pidgeon “Forbidden Planet” SUNDAY & MONDAY Continuous Sunday 3-11 John Lund, William Bendix in ‘Battie Stations” x O-STARRING “The Kettles In The Ozarks” Marjorie Main Arthur Hunnicutt “The Big Combo” Cornel Wilde Richard Conte Brian Donlevy TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY “The Yearling” Gregory Peck Jane Wyman Claude Jarman, Jr. THURSDAY—Double Feature “Treasure of "Ruby Hills” Zachary Scott, Carole Mathews PLUS “The Scarlet Hour” THEATRE Dallas, Pa. TONIGHT & TOMORROW June 8 and 9 “Carousel” i (Cinemascope and Color) with Gordon MacRae & Shirley Jones Time 6:45 —— MONDAY & TUESDAY June 11 and 12 “Flame of The Islands” (Color) with Yvonne De Carlo & Howard Duff ALSO CARTOON SANDY BEACH Drive-In Theater FRIDAY ““Female On The Beach” Joan Crawford, Jeff Chandler Jan Sterling SATURDAY — Double Feature — “Seven Cities Bf Gold” (Cinemascope and Color) Richard Egan, Anthony Quinn _ Jeffrey Hunter PLUS “Jaguar” starring Sabu “Spotted fury and tropical temptation.” A RN SUNDAY & MONDAY “To Hell and Back” (Cinemascope and Color) starring Audie Murphy “The true-life story of America’s most decorated hero.” TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY $1.00 All You Can Pile $1.00 In Your Car “The Seven Year lich” (Cinemascope and Color) Marilyn Monroe, Tom Ewell THURSDAY & FRIDAY — Double Feature — “Man Without A Star” (Technicolor) Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain Claire Trevor : PLUS “The Purple Mask” “(Cinemascope and Color) Tony Curtis, Colleen Miller TO GET A THRILL . +» «» SEE OUR NEW SHOW BOAT Enjoy a new thrill riding around the lake. Take advantage of our Free Pic- nic Tables, Free Beach and Free Playground. SN PAD) LIE DRIVE-IN zt zov SWOYERVILLE AND WEST WYOMING FRIDAY & SATURDAY June 8-9 — Double Feature — ® Fight Racket Expose © “The Harder They Fall” Humphrey Bogart, Jan Sterling “Square Jungle” Tony Curtis, Pat Crowley - Ernest Borgnine SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY June 10-11-12 2 Action-Packed 2 “The Spoilers” Jeff Chandler, Anne Baxter Rory Calhoun “The Vanishing American” Scott Brady, Audrey Totter Forrest Tucker WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 13 - 14 $ Full Carload $ ® Bring The Entire Family ® “They are only Teen-Agers” See them . . . “Running Wild” William Campbell, Mamie Van Doren ALSO “Naked Dawn” Art Kennedy, Eugene Iglesias BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 SHOWTIME 8:30 ® v