The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 25, 1956, Image 3

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yy," {Looking At TV
Church News
Bring Ambulance Cards
To Boro ‘Building Friday
Residents of Dallas Borough and
Dallas Township whose ambulance
years old) feel the same, as I am |ite” program, a program which
sure many thousands more do, that | teaches a fine code of morals, a
this TV program is the most whole- | truly American type program, a
some and entertaining in televis- | program filled with common sense |
ion; the only complaint is that it |and ideal familly living. It is vi
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1956 at 10
o'clock A. M., DAYLIGHT
(Continued from Page Two)
MAMA, the best-loved and oldest
= :
family series on television, has mil-
| - =) 3 . 3 ”
8 or : cil Pastor, Rev. Thomas Reeves By vi SD AVIvG Tv is lions of viewers who look upon |S too short. ; : dent that the Hansen family is as|cards have not yet been collected,
] / Activities of the week: 24 July T oo of Fi. Fa No. |Mama and her family as real Again and again, viewers in their | 1oo) 4, them as the family next|may bring them to the Dallas
Monday, 7:30, Young People's nn os oa 6, Josue out of | friends. These countless friends of | letters of appreciation, refer to a # y | Borough Building Friday evening
Teiing e mmon Pleas of Lu- | Mama, of all ages, cannot reconcile | Mama” as the “most wholesome” | Or from 5 o'clock until the stores close.
zerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue or outcry to the highest
and best bidders, for cash, in Court
Room No. 1, Court House, in the
program on TV, the only evening | If you feel this way, too, Why |Norti Berti, drive chairman, says
TV program which they approve | not drop a line to CBS-TV (485 | somebody will be on hand to re-
for the children’s viewing, an “in. | Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y.) | ceive the cards and cross off the
spirational” program, their “favor-'and tell them so. name of the householder on the list.
themselves to the loss of this de-
lightful family from their TV
screens. It just wouldn't seem right
not to know and share Nels’ am-
~ Packeroung Scripture: Acts 12:25—
Devotional Reading: Isaiah 49:7-12.
Wednesday, 7:30, Prayer Bervice.
Sunday, 10:00, Sunday School.
7:30, Evening [Service with the Pas-
Le —
Sending Spirit
Lesson for May 27, 1956
IE THE Descending Spirit is the
story of the second chapter of
Acts, the thirteenth tells part of
the story of the Sending Spirit.
People may be very much inter-
ested in the Descending Spirit but
not enough in the Sending Spirit.
People today like Si of Sa-
maria in olden
times, want the i 20 Oy BEGINNING at a point on Spring TV set the day “M h Fried Sea Scall
Holy Spirit to de nday: 3:30, Brownies, Troopl!Street, now known as Schuler my 3 y a” wit UMBO " Tt
scend into their : 115. 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 9.|Street, sixty-five feet from the in- Peggy W end family leave the HARD SHELL J SIZE Ss on 3 woe
”» el
hearts — but fo
the wrong rea
sons, sometimes.
We want the Spir-
it to help us do
what we want to
do, to accomplish ;
our plans, to Dr. Foreman
make us persuasive and popular
personalities. But the Spirit of
God, although everybody's aid, is
nobody’s aide. The aide to a gen-
eral is just the General's right
arm, his tongue — whatever the
General wants done, the aide is
there to see it done. The Holy
Spirit is no aide!
God Can Break Up Good Plans
The church at Antioch was go-
ing strong when the Holy Spirit
broke into their plans. We don’t
know how the Spirit spoke to them,
nor how they were sure it was the
Spirit. But one thing is pretty cer-
tain; they must have had plans
which the Sending Spirit broke up.
Barnabas and Saul were what we
Very likely Saul and Barnabas
both, along with the church, had
plans of one kind and another
afoot — good plans, evangelistic,
sacrificial. But the Spirit said No.
The Spirit had other plans. The
Sunday, 10:00 a. m., Sunday
School. Classes for all ages. 10:45
a. m., Morning Worship; speaker,
Rev. Russell Edmondson.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Boys’ and
Giirls’ Club (8 to 12 years). Young
People’s meeting.
Thursday, 7:45 p. m., Mid-week
Prayer and Praise.
Reverend Robert DeWitt Yost
Sunday: 9:45, Church School,
classes for all ages. 11:00, Nursery
during Church for pre-school chil-
dren. 11:00, Morning Worship
Service, Memorial Day Sunday.
6:30, Joint M. Y. F. Vesper Service.
8:00, Deborah [Circle with Mrs.
Michael Bucan. 8:00, Building com-
mitte meeting in Chapel Rroom.
Tuesday: 4:00, Girl Scouts, Troop
66. 7:30, Boy IScouts, Troop 231.
Thursday: 3:45, Junior Choir re-
hearsal. 6:30, Youth Choir rehear-
sal. 7:30, Senior Choir rehearsal.
The Daily Vacation Bible School
of the Shavertown Methodist
Church will be held this year from
June 11th to June 22nd. Sessions
will be. held each morning Monday
through Friday, 9:30 to 11:30 a. m.
: William H. Heapps
Church School, 9:45 a. m.
Church Service, 11:00 a. m. Guest
speaker. Memorial Sunday. ’
Wednesday: Brownies, 3:30 p. m.
Descant (Choir, 4:00 p. m.
Thursday: Carol choir, 3:45. Boy
Scouts, 7:00. Senior Choir, 8 p. m.
Rev. William McClelland, Jr., Rector
Sunday,May 27th, 8 a. m., Holy
Choir rehearsal. 7:30 p. m., Boy
Scout Troop meeting in the Parish
Thursday, May 31st, 10 a. m,
Auxiliary sewing. 6:30 p. m,, Eagle
Scout Award dinner in the Parish
City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun-
ty, Pennsylvania, on Friday, June
15, 1956, at ten o'clock DAYLIGHT
SAVING TIME, in the forenoon of
the said day, all the right, title and
interest of the defendants in and to
All the surface and right of soil,
only, of and to the following piece
or parcel of land, situate, lying and
being in the City of Wilkes-Barre,
County of Luzerne and State of
Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 100
and Lot No. 99 as designated on
the Hartwell Korn and Theis plot
of lots, recorded in the office for the
recording of deeds for Luzerne
Cdunty in Map Book No. 1, page
359, bounded and described as fol-
lows, to wit:
tersection of Vine and Spring
Street, said point being common
corner of lots No. 101 and No. 100
on above said plot; thence north
forty-four degrees thirty minutes
East, seventy-five feet to a corner
common to lots Nos. 101, 100, 133
and 132; thence at right angles with
the last mentioned course, south
forty five degrees thirty minutes
east, fifty feet to lot No. 98; thence
by the same, south, forty four de-
grees thirty minutes West, seventy
five feet to Spring Street; thence
by the same north forty-five de-
grees thirty minutes West, fifty feet
to the place of beginning. Contain-
ing 3750 square feet surface of land,
be the same more or less, improved
with a two story frame dwelling be-
ing the same land conveyed to Harry
Paul Lavelle and Lottie May La-
velle, his wife, by Deed of Walter
recorded in Deed Book 802, Page
294. ;
Seized and taken into execution
at the suit of G. Reuling Davis vs.
Special meeting for all lot owners
at the Woodlawn Cemetery on Me-
morial Day at 10:30 a. m.
By Order of the President.
bitions to be a doctor, Katrin’s ro-
mance with T. R.’s father, Dagmar’s
teen-age turmoils, little Ingeborg’s
and T. R. Ryan’s childish advent-
ures, Aunt Jenny’s problems, and
Mama's wisdom and gentleness and
Papa’s strength and calmness.
Mama's friends, by the thousands,
frankly disturbed by the news that
“Mama” was not to be carried on
the CBS-TV network next season,
are writing letters to their local
stations, to TV Critics and to CBS-
TV, 485 Madison Avenue, New York
22, N. Y. earnestly asking that this
decision be reconsidered and that
‘Mama’ continue to come into
their homes each week.
A couple in Rosedale N. Y,,
wrote: “May 1 state that I'll sell
From Seattle Washington a mo-
ther wrote: “I wish I could ade-
quately express to you our family’s
gratitude for sponsoring “Mama.”
The purchase of our TV set would
have been justified had we been
able to. see only “Mama” and noth-
ing else.” There just isn’t another
program which holds us so breath-
less and absorbed that we can
hardly believe that the characters
in the play aren’t actually the peo-
ple they portray.”
A father in Rhode Island wrote:
“lI am doing something I should
have done a long time ago, i. e.,
to tell you how very, very much
we enjoy ‘Mama.’ My wife and
eight children (the youngest is 10
Jumbos 50c—Large 40c
Medium 35¢—38 for $1.00
FOR $1.00
Fried Platter $1.25
Large, Freshly
Packed Bag
Fresh Hard Shell Crabs
Fresh Soft Shell Crabs
Maine Lobster Dinners
Lobster Tail Platters
DeLuxe Deviled Crab Platters
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktails
Southern Fried Shrimp Platters
Little Neck Steamed Clams
Jumbo Fried Oyster Platters
Fresh Oyster Stew
Jumbo Frog Legs Platters
Sea Food Combination Dinners
Golden Brown Southern Fried
Chicken Dinners
T-Bone Steak Dinners
Deluxe karge Steak Dinners
Pork Chop Platters
Ham Platters
Delicious Sandwiches
Choice—Beers, Wines,
Liquors and Mixed Drinks
612-614 Main St.,
Edwardsville, Pa.
Air Conditioned
j would call today Associate Pastors | Communion. 10 a. m, Morning Surry Paul Lavelle, Lottie May oo .
of that big city congregation. They | Prayer and Sermon. 10:45 a. m.| yejle and will be sold by Y THE GLOBE STORE
} had been together there only a | Church ‘School. TOIT. Gherik. oO IN oO u es,
year, and that is a short pastorate. Monday, May 28, 4 p. m., Junior | » pUELING DAVIS, Atorney. p——— y
church must set aside Barnabas | House. WM. BRICKEL.
and Saul, cut them off from their a ”
growing, successful the ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE NOTICE #
First Church of Antioch, and send
them out as missionaries. They
must go to parts unknown, to
places not nearly so important as
J 4smuwol BU Lull and en-
danger their lives, far from the
peaceful busy streets of Antioch.
The Holy Spirit has often come to
men in disturbing ways. He often
breaks up our best plans. The
thing to remember is that God
knows better than we do. God's
Spirit never breaks up a good plan
unless it is for the sake of his bet-
ter one.
The Spirit Through the Church
Rev. Ruth L. Underwood, Pastor
Children’s Day will be observed
in the Noxen Methodist Church on
Sunday, at 10:30. A program
will be presented by the Children’s
Division of the Church School. There
will be the Sacrament of Baptism
as a part of the service.
Rev. Charles Frick, pastor of the
Huntsville Christian Church will
preach in Ruggles Methodist Church
at 11 AM. Members are asked to
note the change in the time of ser-
vice. Sunday School will be held
at 10 o'clock.
Kunkle Church Service will be
held at 7:30 P.M. with Rev. Charles
Frick preaching, Kunkle Sunday
RYAN: Take notice that a Petition
has been filed in the Orphans’
Court of Luzerne County to estab-
lish death by absenteeism of John
J. Ryan, and that the Orphans’
Court of Luzerne County has set
June 27, 1956, at 10:00 o'clock A.
M. (E D. S. T.), Orphans’ Court
Chambers, as the time and place
for hearing on said petition at
which time and place any persons
interested in the said matter my
be present and be heard.
Dallas-Franklin-Monroe Township
joint schools will receive sealed bids
for removal of ashes and rubbish
for the 1956-1957 school year.
Ripe, Nets iilay Ll .,.,r-H
Guess How Many
The way the Spirit operated School at 10 AM Youth Fellowship Specifications may be received from “pF” Canvas 11]
there in Antioch is instructive. The will pens gh an Ci Yo the school office on school days.
Spirit called Saul and Barnabas; erson Sunday S5Cno0L Will con- bi th - H
De the Spirit spoke to the church. |vene at 10:15 AM. Church service Al By ee TT _ (LU ILLITE
The command was given: Sepa- will be held at 11:15 with the guest on Tuesday, May 29, 1956.
rate Barnabas and Saul for the |Preacher speaking. "Signed :
work to which I have called them, | Official Board of the Alderson George V. Dymond,
And the church obediently “laid Methodist Church will meet at the Scoretary,
its hands on’ these two leaders Church Monday evening at 8.
and sent them out. The Sending The Auditing Committee of Ald- LEGAL NOTICE . FREE! FREE!
irit often works in this way. |rson Church will meet at the par- IN RE: Estate of Ransom POSTURE ° ®
Spirit o y : FOUNDATION :
Most missionaries foday are se- |SORage Tuesday evening at 7:30. |Hoover, deceased, late of R. D. No. v ~% SR Nothing to buy Nothing to write
lected and sent out by mission PHT WHITE CHUHCH oN 2, Lehman Township, Logos P= S ed = Pl 2 >
County, Pennsylvania, No. 588 o ee = = Don't delay. Come in for Entry Blank today.
boards of some kind. The boards
will not, if they know it, send any
one to a mission field who has no
sense of being called by the Spirit.
But on the other hand, even if a
young man feels the Spirit has
called him, if in the Board's judg-
ment he will not make a good mis-
sionary, they will not accept and
send him. This is all in the wisdom
of God. It gives a missionary to-
day, and it gave Saul and Barna-
Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:45. Morning
Worship, 11:00 only, with the an-
nual Memorial Service for the hon-
ored dead who have passed from
the fellowship of the Church during
the year. The pastor's message will
be: “A Hint of Eternity.”
Monday, May 28. The Men's Club
will meet at the Fire Hall at 7:00
to the Benton Air
1956. All persons having claims
or demands against the estate of
the said decedent are requested to
make known the same and all per-
sons indebted to the said decedent
to make payment without delay to
Donald A. Hoover, Executor, B.D.
No. 4, Lehman Township, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, or
Al. J. Kane, Attorney,
420 Brooks Building,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Aono ooao on
yoo D0 0000
Sd "8 { pS
“P-F"" Canvas Shoes help
reduce foot and leg strain
— help you play or work
longer in greater comfort.
bas back yonder, a strong “lift” and go by bus ~
to know that the church is backing Force Base at Red Rock for a tour ui that Iotiors MENS for Longer Wear
them up, praying for them, wish. | Of the Radar Station. Notice is hereby given that letters 3.98 Cnt ‘
: : iG estamentary have been granted in .... Safer Washing
ing them well, ready to send rein- Thursday, May 31. The second | t mentary Ti :
“Familly Night” program will be | the estate of Robert D. Raeder, la WOMENS
forcements if they fall by the way-
side. Sometimes the only way a
call of the Spirit comes to a man
or woman is through the church.
Older Christians ought to realize
their responsibilities here.
The Church Through Men
God does not call all men to be
missionaries. But he does call ev-
ery Christian man, woman and
child to be missionary. That is,
missionary in heart and purpose.
The church that is not sending
and supporting missionaries, di-
rectly or indirectly, by themselves
or through a board of missions,
the church that is not out there
;on the firing line through its rep-
doesn’t even know there is a firing
line, the church that spends all its
money and all its interest on itself
—such a church is not even a cou-
sin of the kind of church we read
held in the Church parlors begin-
ning at 6:30 with a Covered Dish
Supper. The refreshment commit-
tee will consist of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Dimmick and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Williams; and entertainment
committee Mr. and Mrs. George
Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Senior Choir rehearsal, 7:30.
Rev. C. H. Frick, Pastor
9:30, Worship.
10:30, Bible School.
The new floor coverings are being
laid this week.
Next [Saturday afternoon at 2 the
church is invited to inspect another
proposed area at Picture Rocks to
be used as a youth conference
Next Monday night there will be
a work night to put the church
of the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania. All persons
indebted to said estate are request-
ed to make payment and those
having claims or demand to pre-
sent the same to Robert Jones, Ex-
ecutor, 72 E. Walnut Street, Kings-
ton, Pennsylvania.
Lewis R. Crisman, Attorney,
35 N. Franklin Street,
Wilkes-Barre, Penna.
Card Of Thanks
The family of the late Ransom
Hoover, Lehman, wishes to thank
all those friends and neighbors who
assisted in any way during the time
of the recent bereavement, those
who loaned cars, sent flowers and
cards of personal sympathy, and
performed acts of kindness.
Ruth Waldow To Appear
Styles and Colors for the
Kodak Brownie
Hawkeye Flash
4 “Reach” Official
American League Baseballs
Big League Fielder's Glove
of in the early days, like the |property in order. OPEN
Church at Antioch The selfish | _ On Carousel, WILK
congregation is conriutig to the | Kunkle MYF Geranfums | mun woitow asugiier of ae] FR Fahy
church is contributing to ‘ts life— Members of Kunkle Methodist |and Mrs. Stephen Waldow, Shav- PARKING N
its own and the life of th! Chris- | MYF will sell geraniums for Mem-|ertown, will appear in the winner's
tian fellowship around the. world. |orial Day decoration, Saturday, Sun- | contest in pantomime over station TIL 9
Division of Christian Educati¢n, Na-
tional Council of the Churches o! Christ
in the U. S. A, Released by Coutmuntty
Press Service.) |
(Based on outlines Come the
day, Monday and Tuesday, at the
Back Mountain Market, three miles
beyond Beaumont at intersection of
Route 309 and the Noxen road.
WILK, on the Carousel program
Tuesday evening at 6:30. Ruth was
a winner in pantomime several
weeks ago.