THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956 Prices ir this ad ettective thru Sat. May 12 1956 wh Lanraster Brand Tender Juicy, Ideal Trim Steaks + Porterhouse x Rib LB. x Never Excelled * Sirloin Lancaster Brand “The Stamp Of Quality” 53° SEMI 28-oz. 57 Cc BONELESS Jar on resem es pen pon fr msn em men my Lanraster Bram RIB ROASTS Pigs Feet Sliced Boneless TIDBIT gs: 43¢ , Long Bologna Ame cuit. Siced or Piece Ce = 39¢ Fancy Ducklings vos feed , , , . . = 49¢C Blue Yo Pies bei Chicken, Turkey or Tuna | | Ba. 22 § pigs. $7 Veal Roasts ts: time or stoic |, , . .=49¢ Veal Chops “rf, « « « « os « = = «> 59¢C ib. 23¢c } FRESH PRODUCE “Especially for Mom” Virginia Lee Gold-N-Sno Layer Cake Florida Seediess Grapefruit 3 ~25¢ YOUNG TENDER SWEET CORN 6 =. 35° Southern Green Peppers ....................... 5 = 25¢ Crisp Tender Endive ........... Vigoro —The Complete Plant Food Ls “Free imitation carnation on each box" : Supreme stl ; ‘ te 2 coe Bin0 Ideal Brand & Whole Wheat Bread 9 Lvs. 29° Strawberry Supreme Bread Jar * Pineapple Filed Buns . . 25° Preserves - - - - - - oreo Home Style Peaches « 4 51 FROZEN FOODS Ideal Purple Plums « i Old South I Juice > 53c { French Green Beans wes 2 ox 35¢ Seaside Lima Beans 8'¢..”95¢ Star Kist Tuna c=='""c « « « cc ce eo» Nestle’s Quick “oo Jiffy Biscuit Mix re pei—ocon , , , , , , Sweetheart Soap ™ "4 . . « « « 29¢ 85¢ . ne 29C oa 27¢ 23 Lb. Can @ French Friese ~~ 2 33: 25¢ . Princess Toilet Tissue « « « ¢ ¢ cc « « ii 39C Q frozen Waffles ree 2 20 AANA AAA AANA AAA ————— ririminron Si “Kraft Velveeta. . . .........%=79cC Sliced Strawberries wes '55 3T¢ “The Best For Less” Glendale Cheese Spread . cena 75C KRAFT SWISS CHEESE ............ w. §9¢ 1 oi RINDLESSMILD CHEESE... . 4% i Beechnut { Rinso Powder .5:73¢ 2:i227¢c 2: 45c¢(? : Reg. or 1-Lb. - : Coffee. >. = Lux Toilet Soap . ... 3&.39c 4&%26¢(% 1 PAGE ELEVEN Install Officers For Lake Club Ceremony Crowns Dinner Meeting Officers were installed at Thurs- day night’s meeting of Harveys Lake Woman’s Service Club. Mrs. William Deets, retiring president, installed Mrs. Richard Williams as president; Mrs. Joseph Ruch, first vice president; Mrs. Donald Smith, second vice president; Mrs. Alger Shafer, secretary; Mrs. Carl Schreiner, Jr., assistant secretary; Mrs. [Clarence Montross, corres- ponding secretary; Mrs. Adam BSte- fanawicz, assistant; Mrs. Grace Mar- tin, treasurer; Mrs. Edgar Hughes, assistant, Mrs. Williams, upon assuming office, - appointed her executive board: Mrs. Elwood Davis, financial chairman; Mrs. George Bray, hous- ing; Mrs. Thomas Smith, publicity; Mrs. Earl Payne, historian; Mrs. Arthur | Engler, parliamentarian; Mrs. Ward Jacquish, reservations; Mrs. Frank Bialogowicz, safety; Mrs. Wilfred Ide, membership; Mrs. Mil- ton Balliet, American home; Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, representative to County Board; Mrs. Carl Swanson, community aid; Mrs. Malcolm Nel- son, civilian defense; Mrs. William Deets, Mrs. Elwood Whitesell, and Mrs. Walbridge Leinthal, advisory board. Dinner was served by members of the Loyalville Methodist W'SCS in the church social rooms. Mrs. John Daugherty sang, accompanied by Carol Deets, and Mrs. William Davis recited. A gift was presented to Mrs. Deets in acknowledgment of her services during the presi- dency. Present, other than those already Mesdames Lee Bick- ing, Rowland Ritts, Stephen De- Barry, Edward Kanasky, Robert Payne, Edward Shalicky, James Kenny, Thomas Cadwallader, Cath- erine Tobin, Walter Kitchen, Carrie Rood, Esther Grey, John Btenger, Stephen Hartman, Jr., Thomas Garrity, Albert Armitage, Garvin Smith, Joseph Desiderio, Clarence Oberst, Anthony Macre, Hattie Wesley, Clarence Moledor, David Deater, Calvin McHose, John Zorzi, Mary Foster, Otis Allen, Jr., David Jakes, William Kelley, and Miss Eleanor Humphrey. Sweet Valley Mrs. Mary Craig, of Liberty, spent Sunday with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ord Trum- bower. On Sunday they motored to Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stainbrook and son, Carl, with Mrs. William Palty of the Bronx, N. Y., spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stain- brook. Miss Ruth Jones,, Mooretown, spent Sunday with Miss Bess Kline- tob. Oliver Wolfe, Wilkes-Barre, called on Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keller Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Smith, Me- chanicsburg, spent the weekend at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKeel and Audrey, from Dover, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones, Trucksville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cave in Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kline enter- tained over the weekend for their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Kline and children from Great Neck, L. I Mrs. Walter Hoover and daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kocher, Ruggles; Mr. and Mrs. William Bradbury, of Luzerne and Muhlen- burg, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case on Sunday. The Bronson family held their annual dinner at the Benton Hotel on Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bronson of Mainsville, and Mrs. Florence Garrahan of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisk spent several hours in Williamsport Sun- day. Mrs. Alice Stewart and Janet, Stroudsburg, visited Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button on Saturday. Ten-month old Danny Fisk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisk, is home after several days in Nesbitt Hospital, where he had a siege of pneumonia. The spring conference of the WCTU of Luzerne County will be held May 17 at Sweet Valley Church of (Christ. Mrs. Gerald Cragle will act as hostess for the all-day ses- sion. Mrs. Ira Button will lead morning devotions, Mrs. G. B. Klee- man afternoon. There will be elec- tion of officers and a memorial ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, with Guyler and Lillly, of Vestal, N. Y., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Long. Accompanying the Richards family on their return trip to Vestal, were Pearl Edwards and Harry Edwards, who plan to remain for a visit. Communion Breakfast Gate of Heaven Holy Name So- ciety will hold the annual Com- munion Breakfast Sunday at the Continental Inn in. Luzerne. Dr. Vincent Gallizzi, president of the Luzerne County Medical Society, will speak. Paul Monahan will be toastmaster. Dr. L. J. Vitale is gen- eral chairman, assisted by Victor Borzone. John Winogrodski is pres- ident. Reservations may be made through Mr. Borzone or Dr. Vitale.