* n PX #7 - rT PAGE THREE INANE eT ha i expats wt TT ———= DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Rev. William H. Heapps, Pastor Church ‘School 9:45 a.m.; Church Worship #1 a.m.; MYF 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, 8 Official Board meeting. Brownies 3:30. ; Thursday, Carol Choir at B:45; Boy Scouts at 7; Senior Choir at 8. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Rev. Ruth L. Underwood, Pastor Church services with the pastor preaching and Sunday School will be held in the Methodist Churches of the Alderson-Noxen Charge on Sunday, as follows: Ruggles Church service 8:45 a.m., Ruggles Sunday School 10 am.; Noxen Church serv- ice 10 a.m., Noxen Sunday “School 11 a.m., Noxen MYF 6 p.m.; Alder- son Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Al- derson Church service 11:15 a.m. Kunkle Sunday BSchool 10 a.m. The Commission on Education of the Alderson Church will meet on Monday evening, April 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, The WBQS of the Noxen Metho- dist Church will meet Tuesday eve- ning, May 1 at eight o'clock at the church. = The Official Board of the Kunkle Church will meet Wednesday, eve- ning, May 2 at eight o'clock at the church. [Church Family Night will be ob- served -nt the Noxen Methodist Church on Friday evening, May 4. An interesting program is being ar- ranged. Refreshments will be served. All families of the church are invit- ed to attend. The Alderson-Ruggles MYF will meet at Alderson Church Wednes- day evening, May 2 at seven o'clock. SHAVERTOWN BIBLE CHURCH Friday, ladies will meet at 7 p.m. at the church to go to the Wilkes- Barre Gospel Center for a mis- sionary meeting. Sunday, 10 a.m. [Sunday School, classes for all ages; 10:45 Morning Worship; 7:45 p.m. Evening Evan- gelistic Service. Monday 7:30 p.m. Ladies Mis- sionary meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell Edmondson. Speaker, Mrs. Bessie Meade. Wednesday 7 p.m. Boys and Girls Club (8 to 12 years); Young Peoples’ meeting, Rev. Russell Ed- mondson, speaker. Thursday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week Prayer and Praise Service, sermon from the Thirtieth Psalm. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Rev. William McClelland, Jr., Rector Saturday, 6 p.m., Parish covered dish supper .in the Parish House. Sunday, 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m., Morning Prayer and Ser- mon; 10:30 a.m. (Church School. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the Woman’s Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale in Lare’s Store, Lu- zerne, for the benefit of Leonard Hall, Bethlehem. Monday, 4 p.m. Junior Choir re- hearsal; 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop meeting in the Parish House. Thursday, 10 a.m., Auxiliary sew- ing for the Bazaar. I SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 Church School with classes for all ages; 11 Nursery dur- ing church for pre-school children; 11 Morning Worship Service; 6:00 Intermediate Methodist Youth Fel- lowship; %:30 Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship. Monday: 3:30 Brownies, Troop 115; 6:30 covered dish supper and Workers Conference for all Teach- ers, assistant teachers and ‘Church | School workers in social rooms; 7:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 9. Tuesday: 4:00 ‘Girl Scouts, Troop 66; 7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop 231; 18:00 Berean Bible Class at the home of Mrs. William Ockenhouse. Wednesday: 7:00 Girl Troop 75. Thursday: 3:45 Junior [Choir re- hearsal; 6:30 Youth Choir rehearsal; 7:30 {Senior [Choir rehearsal. Saturday: 6:45 Couple’s Club an- nual dinner at Irem Temple Coun- try Club. Scouts, HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH - Morning = Worship 9:30; Bible School 10:30. Thursday night of this week the last of the winter series of fellow- ship suppers will be served. A pro- gram will be offered and business matters will be considered. Friday night a group of men from the church will attend the meeting of the Christian Laymen’s League at the Plymouth Christian Church. Saturday night there will be a meeting of the teachers and officers of the church school at the Frantz Gift (Shop to plan a vacation school. he sermon theme on Sunday morning will be the last of a series on the Cardinal Virtues—Love. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Joseph Sproule, Pastor Sunday Services: Sunday School 10 a.m.; Preaching at 11; Young People 7 p.m.; Worship Service 8 .m. Pp Wednesday: Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at 8 p.m. (Trucksville Methodist) Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor Morning Worship with services at 8:30 and 11:00. The sermon topic will be: “The Radiant Message.” Sunday School, 9:45. The Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at 6:30 at the Church, and then proceed to the St. Mary's Syrian Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre for a meet- ing with the young people of that fellowship. > Monday, April 30 — The Men’s Club will meet at 8:00 in the church parlors, the program to be announ- ced. Wednesday, May 2— The Board of Trustees will meet at 8:00 at the home of Mr. Norman Stookey, 7 A New Service More power! Longer life! @D DELIVERED FACTORY FRESH Acid is added only when the bat- tery is put into your car. Not one fiash of power lost! @ GREATER POWER, LONGER LIFE More top-quality features than im any other battery at any price. @ EXTRA LONG (3-Year) GUARANTEE Stop in today for a free battery inspection! Memorial Highway DOUBLE-LIFE BATTERY DOUBLE-LIFE LIBERAL heads the fine of LEE BATTERIES TRADE-IN which start at he Makers oF 195 EXCHANGE Be ONSHOHOCKENZ Near Fernbrook Buction Staff Co-chairmen For Refreshment Stand Pictures of past presidents of Dal- las Senior Womans Club are need- ed for the scrapbook according to Mrs. Robert Wallace, historian, who made the request at Monday night's meeting of the Board, held at the new home of Mrs. Sheldon Evans, with Mrs. Raymond Elston acting as assistant hostess. Mrs. Harry Ohl- man presided. A bracelet was pre- sented to past president Mrs. Harris Haycox, recently returned from Florida. 7 ’ iCo-chairmen for the refreshment booth at the Library Auction will be Mrs. Sheldon Evans, Mrs. Robert Wallace, Mrs. Reese Finn, and Mrs. Ornan Lamb. Mrs. Reese Finn stressed prompt- ness in making reservations for meetings. Mrs. Ralph Dixon asked support for the Junior Dance April 28. Mrs. Arthur Culver discussed pending legislation. Patricia Reyn- olds suggested cooperation between Holly Street. Thursday, May 3 — Junior Choir rehearsal, 3:45; Junior Choir rehearsal, 4:15; Senior Choir rehearsal, 6:30; Senior rehearsal, 7:30. Boys’ Girls’ Girls’ Choir BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Truman Reeves, Pastor Activities of the week: Monday, 7:30 — Young Peoples’ Meeting. : Wednesday, 7:30—Prayer Service. Sunday, April 29, 10:00—Sunday School; 7:30—Evening Worship Ser- vice. Value Shop. Mrs. Louis Wolfe, Elmcrest, was accepted for membership. Mrs. Harry Goeringer spoke on the art projects. The next meeting will be held May 9 in Dallas Methodist Church, a tea to which members may bring guests. Others present were: Mesdames Thomas Robinson, L. L. Richardson, Vern Groff, Francis Ambrose, James Huston, Ross Lewin, Paul Monahan, L. E. Jordan, William Wright, Alva Eggleston, Robert Maturi, Mildred ‘Strittmatter, Herman Thomas, Mitchell Jenkins, Robert Van Horn. Harold Allabaugh In Marine Operation Barking Sands, Kauai, T. H. (Apr. 7) (FHTNC)—'‘Operation MAUKA,” first full-scale assault by Marines of the 1st Provisional Marine Air- Ground Task Force, was marked island from sea and air shortly after dawn April 7. Participating in the exercise with Headquarters and Service Company, 4th Marine Regiment is Pfe. Wil- liam H. Allabaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Allabaugh of 23 Monroe Avenue. Hitting the beach by amphibious craft or helicopter were the 4th Marines, ground component of the Task Force. They met immediate resistance from Marine ‘‘enemy” forces, the 1st Amphibious Recon- naissance Co., Fleet Marine Force. Simulated naval gunfire, close air support and atomic bomb simula- tors are adding realism, as are sud- den changes of situation injected by control groups. Marine Aircraft Group 13, the Task Force's air arm, is supporting Beaumont Monday night the following high school students did a most com- mendable job in collecting $120.00 for the “Lights On” Drive for funds for The American Cancer Society: Nancy Boone, Ruth Clark, Jenny Condon, Gladys Cook, Sherwood Denmon, Margaret Gunton, Sandra Moore, Zelva Moore, Elwood Patton, Margaret Ray, Margaret Rusinko, Helen Shook, and Anna Mae Weiss. After the “leg work” was done, re- of Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Victor LaBruno and family were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. LaBruno’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin. It is good to see Mr. C. J. Dress looking so well after his stay at the Mercy Hospital where he was a sur- gical patient. William Arch is home from the Nesbitt Memorial | Hospital where she was admitted due to injuries suffered in an auto- mobile accident. Miss Claytona Taylor is ill at her fever. Mrs. Jack Smith flew to Deland, Florida to be with her uncle, Mr. James Brace, who is seriously ill. Song Editor Sally Ide, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ide, Dallas, has been named [Song Editor of the Iris Song- the nearly 8,000 Marines through- out the exercise with close air sup- and supplies, and fighter cover. Six Months Sea Duty Mr. and Mrs. William Watchu- lonis, Elizabeth Street, have had telephoned word from their son William Jr., that his ship, the USS Bennington, has arrived in San Diego after six months of sea duty with the Seventh Fleet. The ship took part in Bouth Pacific maneuvers, touching at Oki- nawa, Japan, the Philippines and Hawaii. William has a new rating, Air Board Names [lion geniors in Civian De Back At San Diego After |Date Changed Mrs. Myron Baker, president of Women of Rotary, announces that the date of the May meeting has been changed from May 17 to May 24. Rotarians will be invited to join the ladies for a bird program pre- sented by Edwin Johnson, president and has won a good conduct medal. He is due for discharge this October, having enlisted four years ago in November. you need. Wilkes-Barre * * * * THIS PUM pu 1. Come in for 2. Write your name and address on Entry Blank. Nothing to buy . . closes May 31, 1956 _ . . Only ; HOME HOW Shingles. Average Size * HOW-TO-DO-IT House. $ 66 INFORMATION ONLY . Per Month * FREE ESTIMATES PRICE PER SQUARE $7.40 * FREE INSPECTION SERVICE TO DETERM- INE WHEN REPAIRS OR IMPROVEMENTS ARE NEEDED: BUILD THAT EXTRA ROOM i P PHONE Now Dallas 4-167! SHEET ROCK or Dallas 4-3606 PER SQ. FT.