EVERYTHING for the FISHERMAN '$ 6.95 REEL $ 4.95 ROD _$ 1.35 LINE $13.25 $895 Calendar Says Son, Dad, Both Ten Years Old A fourth Leaper, Elwood Ruckel, of Lake Silkworth, celebrated his tenth birthday February 29. His son Jay will be the same age as his Dad, come July 8, when he turns ten. Mr. Ruckel, in spite of his youth, is employed in the office of Recorder of Wills at Luzerne Coun- ty Courthouse. There must be at least five more Leapers in the Back Mountain. If you know of anybody who celebra- ted a birthday February 29, write or phone the Dallas Post. No ! \ Wool Growers To Meet Wednesday At Jackson Sheep and Wool Growers will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30, at Jackson Fire Hall, to hear a talk on the Lamb Pool and the Wool Pool, presented by Thomas *King, specialist in his field, from Pennsyl- vania State University. Slides will be shown by Mr. Chadwick, Luzerne County Farm agent, and explained by Mr. King. Charles Hemenway, president of the §ear old Wool Growers Associa- tion will preside. Alex Tough is sec- retary. (val FISHING BOOTS © regutar 51200 $8.25 Licenses — Complete Line of Tackle Lehman - Huntsville Road—Open Evenings RAVE'S NURSERY Main Highway - Shavertown Phone Dallas 4-6936 a a sr Meador se—— THAT SUIT... Easter news in 0001 or Sizes 12 to 16 tweed $11.95 look . the skirt ‘slim but easy . the colors, wonderful! SAMPLE SUITS LUXURIOUS FABRICS SOME 100% WOOLS PROREN WOOL AND SILK S Mostly 14 WOOL AND NYLON $22.95 LINEN LOOK SUITS NAVY WITH WHITE TRIM SIZES 12 TO 16 37.95 The HAYLOFT HUNTSVILLE ROAD DALLAS OVER SMITH'S STORE — DIAL 4-5691 “car-happy’’ and you in good humor! “MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN LIKE THIS EVER SINCE YOU PUT ALCOHOL IN OUR RADIATOR LAST FALL . . .» Our alert, effi- erection. The firm also has leases Mountain area. on thousands of acres in the Back - Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Thomas have returned after spending several months at the home of their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Felegy in California. © {Carlton Patton who has been working for the Noxen Manufactur- ing Company is now working for Osmond Casterline. Mrs. Grace Sorber, Mrs. Marge Delet Kanic and Mr. and Mrs. James Sorber and son, Douglas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Beahm at Middle- town over the weekend. Elton Wandell, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wandell, has re- turned to his home after being a patient at General Hospital. | Judy Engelman and Linda Hack- ling, student nurses at General Hos- pital, will be among the fifteen members of their class to leave Monday morning for a three month training period in psychiatrics at Danville State Hospital. John Hackling has reached the Air Force Base at Plattsburg, N. Y., after spending ten days with his mother, Mrs. Sophia Hackling. Mr. and Mns. William Shalata have left for Albany, Ga., where Mr. Shalata will receive his spring - textured leathers OF BOSTON THE BOSTON STORE £TIRE 80STON STORE 4 caeat stent WB GREAT STATE training with the Cardinals. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shalata. The house formerly occupied by the George VanCampens has been Torito. Winifred Reed has returned to her home after being a surgical pa- tient at General Hospital. A/2C Carl Galey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Galey, is spending a forty day leave from McClellan, Cal. He will go to the Phillipine Islands at the end of his leave. Mr. and Mrs. William Hackling, Reading, and [Carl Hackling, Central, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Patton, Carl is remaining for a few days. # Mrs. Vane Race is ill at her home. after his recent illness. Ladies ‘Auxiliary of the Fire Com- pany will sell doughnuts today. Local folks who have pledged for the ambulance fund are asked to pay Dr. Lester Saidman or Dr. Ervin Jacobs, Booster’'s BakeSale Dallas-Franklin - Monroe Boosters Club is holding a Bake Sale today at Boyd White's store, Dallas. Mrs. Irwin ‘Coolbaugh is chairman. Baked goods will be offered from 10 a.m. until the store closes. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1956 Jackson Turkey Supper April 7 Firemen Served 2,220 In October Another - famous turkey supper will be given by Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department om Sat- urday April 7. Serving will be Country Style and will start at 4:30. Tickets are available through the Committee, Fred Fielding, James Roushey and Edward Jeffery or any of the firemen. " Edward Kropp, Harold Bertram and Wesley Lamoreaux are in charge of arrangements. Paul Snyder is chairman of the kitchen. Dennis Bonning, chief of police, will handle ‘parking. assisted by Robert Cooper and Walter @Cool- baugh. Preparation and serving will be Fielding, president, will be in charge of the dining room while Freda Snyder is in charge of the prepar- ation of the supper. Last October. more than 2200 suppers were served in the two Sat- urday nights with representatives of nine states attending, the farth- est being California. Approximately 240 people can be served in the fire hall at one seating. Ladies Auxiliary will have a “white elephant” table and also have “home” baked goods for sale in the meeting room. Pendred Rice, chairlady of the ways and means committee will be in charge. Lehman Schools Plagued By Faculty, Pupil, Ills Lehman schools limped along on Monday with six faculty members: absent. Mr. .and Mrs. Anthony Marchakitus and Miss Hanna Culp, from the main school and Mrs, Wil- liam LaBar of Ross Township ele- mentary were ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong were absent because of the death of Mrs. Armstrong’s fath- er, Patrick Barrett, of Larksville. Gordon Johnson, custodian at Lehman, has been on sick leave for two weeks, and expects to be given tests at General Hospital. A. B. [Simms is taking his place tempo- rarily. Mrs. Culp is still out with a strep throat. Scarlet fever still de- velops sporadically, a case at a time, with twenty children out of classes in the elementary scheol as dn average. Holy Name Adopts New Junior Program A Junior Holy Name program will be launched for the young men of the church by Gate of Heaven Holy Name Society. Lester Barstow and Christopher Farrell were named chairmen of the the society held last week at the church. Plans were also laid for the Mothers’ Day Communion Breakfast to be held May 13. Louise Vitale is chairman and Victor Borzone is the vice chairman. In the absence of John Winogrod- zki, president, James Halpin, vice president, presided. People who mind their own busi- ness usually succeed—they have so little competition. FUNERAL SERVICE