v 7 +» her Rating Troop 155 Has Board Of Review The Board of Review of Troop met Wednesday night, February 29, with the fol- lowing committee members attend- ing: Richard Mathers, Kenneth J. Woolbert, Wilfred Anderson, Wil- lard Bullock, Thomas Shelburn, Otto Willig and Nartz Gajewski rep- resenting the Wyoming Valley Coun- Scoutmaster George Coopey pre- sented the following Scouts for Second (Class, Donald Olson; Ten- derfoot, Edward Jenkins, Barry Derolf, Willard Bullock, Charles Repotski. ~ Parents and friends of scouts are invited to attend Court of Honor, March 28, 7:30, at the Fire Hall where all scouts who "have earned advancement will be presented their wards. Refreshments will be served. Committeeman, Tom Shelburne, announced that the 1956 Sustain- ing Membership Campaign was well subscribed and thanked all partici- pating families for their cooperation. Explorer Advisor, Wilfred Ander- Scouts to attend the Saturday after- noon meeting which will feature The family of the late Mrs. Estella Major wish to thank all who aided during their recent bereavement. Also those whe sent cards, flowers Geese Going North ‘Wild geese were reported over Harveys Lake Monday night be- tween nine and ‘ten. Frank Jackson also reports red crossbills and song Sparrows. Why a Fine Camera? You'll be the proud owner of a camera you'll use with solid picture-taking satis- faction year after year. In sunshine or shade, cloudy or bright, in rain or snow, indoors or out, you'll get the picture in sparkling black and white or beauti- ful color. No more will you miss that all important pic- ture, because unpredictable Mr. Sun chose to stay be- hind a cloud. You will get those won- derful action shots by using a fast shutter speed. You will be able to focus your camera for sharp, clear pictures and enlargements. No more fuzzy out-of-focus pictures. ~ No more waste of film ‘and money on pictures that are disappointing. So... for a truly fine camera STOP IN AT E. E. PHILLIP'S CAMERA STORE. JOIN OUR CAMERA CLUB FORMING NOW. E.E. PHILLIPS 26 Main Street Dallas 4-5696 L ~~ PE Sona. + Yardrude i Mrs. Donald Pilger and daughter returned to their home at Rochester, N. Y., on Monday after spending two weeks with Mrs Pilger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Phillips. Harold and Richard Harding were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dayton at Apa- lachin, N. Y. : Mrs. Lydia Crispell, formerly of Noxen, has been seriously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Endicott, N. Y. Mrs. Lawrence Race recently spent sometime with the Wilsons. g Mrs. William Space and son, Jer- ry, returned to their home at Bris- tol, on ‘Sunday after spending a week with Mrs. Jack Space. Mrs. James Gillis has been ill with grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leibenguth SEE BRYANT’S for your Schwinn Penna. Power Mowers Factory Authorized Sales and Service y BRIGGS and STRATTON Motors and Repairs BRYANTS BIKE SHOP BUtler 7-7024 338 Wyo. Ave. Kingston and Randy, Kathy, Harold, and Joan Harvey, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miner, Endicott, N. Y. David Edwards has returned from General Hospital after a week’s stay there. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nalbone and children, of Kunkle, and Mrs. Eve- lyn Nalbone, Newark, N. J., spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Doro- thy French. : Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hackling, of Vestal, N. Y., were visitors at the home of Mrs. Sophia Hackling on Sunday. John Hackling, son of Mrs. Hackling who has been stationed at Sampson Air Base, is home on a ten day leave. Assistant to the chaplain, he will be stationed at Plattsburg Air Base in the future. Mrs. Mabel Wandell, Wilkes- Barre, spent the weekend at the home of her son Walter and family. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter, Sue Marie, Feb- ruary 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Evelan in Texas. Mrs. Evelan is the former Shirley MacMillan. Bobby MacMillan has returned from Memorial Hospital, New York City, where he has been a patient for several weeks. Flora Traver, Evans Falls, under- LUZERNE THEATRE FRIDAY — Double Feature — Maureen O’Hara, George Nader ‘Lady Godiva” — Also — Joel McCrea “Stranger On Horseback” SATURDAY — Double Feature — Edward G. Robinson “A Bullet for Joey” — Also — Lex Barker “Yellow Mountain” SUNDAY & MONDAY Tom Ewell and Sherry North “The Lieutenant Wore Skirts” TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Kathryn Hepburn “Summertime” went surgery at General Hospital on Friday. Her condition is good. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shalanski, Buffalo, N. Y., and Albert Ruff, Jr, Philadelphia, spent the weekenc with Mr. and Mrs Albert Ruff, Sr. - Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whittaker and Beth, Neal and John, of Williams- port, were weekend guests of Rev. and Mrs. Henry Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fritz and son returned from France last week. Loren has been stationed there with the U. S. Air Force for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rosegrant and son, of Cresco, Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schenck and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winnie and daughter, of Hallstead, spent Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Root. Mary Siglin, Bristol, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siglin. Donald Patton, of Rochester, N. Y., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Patton. Malvin E. Davis, New York (City, recently visited his mother, Mrs. A. J. Davis. Mr. Davis will leave in April for Europe where he will spend six weeks on business for the Metro- politan Insurance Company. Leisure time is the finished prod- uct of greater efficiency. EE EE LAA AE A AL a Re SHAVER THEATRE Shavertown, Pa. FRIDAY & SATURDAY “The Tall Men” (Cinemascope and Color) Clark Gable, Jane Russell — CARTOON — rrr rrr rrr LLL hn Beaumont Dance Club of the Beaumont School will have a “Leap Year Turn About Dance” at the school tonight, from 7:30 to 10:30 when the Star Dusters Dance Band will play. Par- ents will chaperone! Everyone is invited. Mrs. Callie Parrish, the oldest town resident, is a patient at the General Hospital where she was taken last Wednesday after suffer- ing a broken hip in a fall at her home, It's a boy, Harry, Jr., for the Harry Clarks at the General Hos- pital Saturday, March 3. Harry, Jr. is a most welcomed addition for his sisters, Karen Sue and Beth Ann, . Mr. Alva Taylor, Sr. is a surgical patient at the General Hospital. The Victor LaBruno family of N. J. was here last week-end to welcome Mrs. LaBruno’s father, Mr. Charles Goodwin, home from the Nesbitt Hospital where he was a patient for two weeks. The monthly meeting of the PTA will be held at the school Monday, with Mr. Samuel Davis presiding. Mrs. Jackie Smith is with her uncle, Mr. James Brace, in Florida from where she will return with the C. W. Smiths who have been visit- ing there. Mrs. Clara Smith was hostess to the Ladies’ Aid of the Union Church at her home last Thursday. “Hansel and Gretel” is the choice for the grade school operetta which will be given at the school Thurs- day, March 22, at 2 P.M. and Fri- day, March 23, at eight P.M. ‘Marriage is a two-way street— Al Cooper. All Kinds of Insurance HAROLD E. FLACK AGENCY HAROLD E. CHARLES D. FLACK FLACK Res. Phone Office Phone Dallas Wilkes-Barre 4-4171 > VAlley 38-2189 HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY & SATURDAY “Trial” Glenn Ford, Dorothy Maguire — CARTOON — MONDAY & TUESDAY “Kismet” (Cinemascope and Color) Howard Keel, Anne Blyth FORTY FORT THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck “There’s Always Tomorrow” SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Continuous performance from 8 until 11 on Sunday Glenn Ford, Donna Reed “Ransom” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY One of the all-time greats Laurence Olivier, Vivian Leigh “Wuthering Heights” EASTER TIES CLEANED d 75cC _- - Quik DELUXE SHIRT SERVICE | 2 oe TWO SHIRTS OR MORE 25¢ Minimum Kindergartners Study All Bbout Fire Trucks Fire Chief Norti Berti, Assistant Chief Al Shaffer, and Chief of Police Russell Honeywell explained all about fire trucks to eager kinder- gartners on Tuesday, entertaining them in relays morning and after- noon. Mrs. Charles James, Barbara Clark, and Mrs. Jay VandenHout, Dallas Borough-Kingston Township kindergarten teachers, escorted groups to the Dallas Borough build- ing for instruction. Chief Berti reports that children explored the fire truck thoroughly, instinctively knew where ‘the siren could be located, and tried on the fire helmets. He states that they asked such intelligent questions ‘that he concluded they had all had basic information on the subject. “Smart- est group of kids” he ever saw in the fire hall, he said. NOW WITH NEW NYLON OFFER! POWERS MODEL NYLONS AT LESS THAN %; PRICE! VALUE, See Kraft Dinner display of your grocer's. Nylon order blank on every carton. Tender, delicious MACARONI-AND-CHEESE howe cooked in 7 wirmites ! With Kraft Grated for that through-and-through cheese flaver PAGE SEVEN “It would be tragic if, in labor's craving for greater union protection and government paternalism, we lost faith in the work of free men— and thereby lost everything.”— NAM President Cola G. Parker. WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Engagement Announcements Change of Residence Arrivals of Newcomers to City PHONE DOROTHY D. LANDIS 4-3211 or Dallas 4-0485 ANNE P. RAY Dallas 4-1101 Eye Examinations Fitting of Glasses $7.95 THE BOSTON STORE we 0STON STORE A cota siem ™ a car sun