PAGE SIX FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956 Purely Personal Mr. and Mrs. Butler Bower, Jr, newlyweds, . have moved to the Meadowcrest development at Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, form- erly of Doylestown, have moved to 173 N. Main Street, Shavertown. Mr. Smith is employed by the Atlas Chain Company in Pittston. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Buchman and family have purchased and moved into a home on Parrish Street, Dallas. They are former resi- dents of West Wyoming. Mr. Buch- man is employed by the Townend Brothers Furniture Store at Wyo- ming. ; Mrs. Clarence Boston, of Phila- delphia, spent the weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. W. B. Risley, Leh- man Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Siglin, Dallas R. D. 4, anncunce the birth of a baby, girl at General Hospital on February 25. : Faith Edwards, Deerfield Farm, spent several days this week in Wil- liamsport attending the funeral of her grandfather, Charles Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregson, Shrineview, have returned to their home after spending several weeks in Florida. Ronnie Whitesell, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitesell, West Dallas, is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital where he is suffering from Pneumonia. He will be out of school for a month. Joyce Oliver, Lake Street, presi- dent of the Betty Cease Sunday School Class of Dallas Methodist Church, recently entertained mem- bers of the class at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd White, Center Hill Road, Dallas, are spending a month at Fort Lauderdale. Mrs. Mae Race entertained mem- bers of the Fidelis Class of Center Moreland Methodist (Church at her home last Tuesday night. Mrs. Ruby Besteder is teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright and children, former Mechanicsburg, Pa., residents, have moved to Hillcrest Drive, Dallas. Mr. Wright is sales manager of the International Har- vester Company. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Krimmel and daughter, Andrea, Overbrook Road, will leave the end of the week for a vacation at Pompano Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ferry, Machell Avenue, are building a nice new home on the old American Legion plot on Huntsville Road. Mrs. Anna Polachek, housekeeper for Rev. J. J. O'Leary, St. Ther- ese’s, is at Mercy Hospital receiving treatment for a slipped disc in the ~ spinal. Mrs. Helfrich, Main Street, is still incapacitated from the results of a compound fracture of the leg suf- fered when she fell from a step- ladder in her own driveway over a year ago. Tiny Patricia Lynn Shonk, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Shonk, Main Street, remains at Mercy Hospital in an isolette, until her weight in- creases beyond the danger point. She was born February 19. Mrs. Shonk has been discharged. Father O'Leary, pastor of St. Therese’s, remains a patient at Mercy Hospital. Cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Hedden who are enjoying three weeks at the Sea Gate Apartments, Fort Lauder- dale, Fla. They report lovely weath- ‘er and lots of fun. Richard Ransom Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hess, of De- munds, left Sunday night for Phila- delphia where he will begin two years of active duty in the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Theodore Hinkle returned to her home on Lincoln Drive, Shav- ertown, on Saturday after submit- ting to surgery at Nesbitt Hospital. She is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith, of Shrineview, left Tuesday to spend ' several weeks in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. R. Mas- sey, of Sunny Acres, Huntsville Road, Trucksville, will have as house guests Mr. and Mrs. John A. Colgan, Jr., of Villanova. Mr. Colgan is president of the Ballymore Co. of Wayne, Pa. Ross Lewin, manager of the Wilkes-Barre office of Spaulding Baking Company, is ill at his home on Center Hill Road. Mr. and Mrs. William Compton spent the weekend at Levittown as the guests of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. aad Mrs. Melvin Compton. : Frances Dorrance is confined to her home on Church Street. Grace Cave is a patient at Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital where she is undergoing tests. Mrs. Eva Machell, of Machell Ave- nue, is a surgical patient at General Hospital. Mrs. Lawrence Stitt, Indiana, Pa., is spending some time with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rood, at Pike's Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Machell Avenue, are spending some time in Florida. Mrs. Willard Burke, Los Angeles, Cal, Mrs. Nicholas Girard, Abing- ton, and Mrs. C. A. Boston, Phila- _ delphia were weekend guests of / Hunlock Creek Girl To Wed Harold Hackling Pauline Trumbower, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trumbower, of Hunlock Creek, will marry Harold R. Hackling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hackling, of Noxen, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Oscar Saxe will perform the ceremony in the Hunlock Creek Methodist Church parsonage. Miss Trumbower is a graduate of {Shickshinny High School. Mr. Hack- ling was graduated from Lake Noxen High School. He is employed in New Jersey. Peter Hanford Eckman Mr. and Mrs. Hanford L. Eckman, Machell Avenue, announce the birth of a nine pound, two ounce baby boy, Peter Hanford at Nesbitt Hos- pital on February 24. The Eckmans have a little girl, Elizabeth Jean, aged two. Mrs. Eckman is the form- er Phyllis Borkowski of South Bend, Ind. She writes the column, “Your Neighbor Cooks” for the Dallas Post. Mr. Eckman is associated with Dallas Engineers. Jimmie Kem, Jr. Sgt. and Mrs. A. J. Kern, Kaiser- slautern, Germany, announce the birth of a son, their second child, February 25, weight six pounds fourteen ounces. The baby will be named after his father, A. James Kern. Little Jimmie has a sister Mary, a little over two years old. Mrs. Kern is the former Mildred Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Culp, Huntsville. Sgt, Kern, with the 57th Ordnance, is son of Ms. Marian Kern, Idetown. David Robert Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hess an- nounce the birth of their first grand- child, David Robert Robbins, son of Barbara Hess Robbins and David Robert Robbins, of Glen Side, Pa., at Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, Pa. This is also the first great grandchild of 'Coray B. Ran- son of Demunds Road. Ann Handley Mr. and Mrs. David Handley, Har- risburg, announce the birth of a daughter, Ann, February 27. This is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hetrick, Dallas, parents of the former Sally Ann Hetrick. David is son of Fred Handley and the late Mrs. Fred Handley, of Shavertown. Ann Jeter Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Jeter, Fair Haven, N. J., announce the birth of a daughter Ann, weight seven and a half pounds, February 28, their first child. Mrs. Jeter is daughter of Judge and Mrs. Alex- ander Cooper, Pittsburgh. Mr. Jeter is son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jeter, Lake Street, Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carey Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carey, Bul- ford Street, Dallas, celebrated their sixteenth wedding anniversary with a family dinner at their home yes- terday. : Mrs. Carey is the former Gertrude Palmer, daughter of the late Rich- ard and Mrs. Richard Palmer, of Wilkes-Barre. Since the death of Mr. Palmer, Mrs. Palmer, a shut in, has been making her home with the Careys. Mr. Carey is son of the late Ward and Lena. (Carey, now liv- ing with her son Howard at Fern- brook. The Careys were married in Wilkes-Barre and came to live in the Back Mountain area in (1938, first on Church Street, then on Lake Street and since 1945, on Bulford Street. They are members of St. Paul’s Lutheran (Church where Mrs. Carey taught Sunday School before the illness of her mother. There are no children. Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Vernon, recently entertained a number of friends at dinner. They were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice and Billy, Barbara, Linda and Rita Ruth, Orchard Farm; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goeringer and Raymond Jr. and Jeanette, Lake Louise Farm; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Groff and Timmy, Church Street, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd White, Center Hill Road, Dallas. Franklin Bible Class Mrs. Marvin Scott Sr. will enter- tain members of the Franklin Bible Class of Dallas Methodist Church at her home on Davenport Street Wednesday starting at 12 noon with a covered dish luncheon, fol- lowed by a business meeting at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. W. B. Risley, Lehman Avenue. Mrs. Charles Wisner and son, Chip, Norristown, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman. Mrs. Jack Landis has returned to her home at Oak Hill after spend- ing a week at Nesbitt Hospital where she submitted to tests. \ Mrs. John Dykes, Pearson Ave- nue, Rochester, N. Y., announces the marriage of her daughter, Vir- ginia tor William G. Hart, son of Mrs. Helen Hart of Magee Avenue, Rochester, former Dallas resident. Father John O'Malley performed the double ring ceremony in Holy Cross Church, Rochester, on Febru- ary 14. Attendants were Georgia Thurs- ton and Howard Garbutt, formerly of Dallas. The bride wore light blue suit, matching accessories and shoulder bouquet of gardenias. Miss Thurston chose beige suit, matching accessories and red roses. Following the ceremony a wed- ding breakfast was held and the couple left for Dallas to visit Bill's sister and other-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert/ Monk of Tpdcksville. is a gradtate of Char- if’ Rochester and Eastman Kodak . Hart was grad- served as paratrooper armed services in Japan during World War 2. A graduate of Wilkes College, he is also employed by the Eastman Kodak Company. The couple resides at 415 Magee Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Saturday, April 7 at 9 a.m., Jean J. Kushner, daughter of Mrs. John Root, of Penn Street, Kingston, will become the bride of Joseph (Chu- kinas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael i(Chukinas, of Demunds Road, Dallas. Father Norkunas will perform the double ring ceremony in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Kingston. Following the ceremony, a breakfast will be held at ‘St. Luke's Hall, Jack- son Street, Edwardsville, with a re- ception at 5 p.m. Attendants will be Therese Chu- kinas, sister of the prospective bride- groom, *and Daniel Kozak, of De- munds Road. Miss Kushner is a graduate of Kingston High School. Mr. Chukinas was graduated from Dallas Town- ship High School and served for three yeans with the U.S. Navy. He is employed by the Central Intelli- gence Agency in Washington, D. C. The couple will reside in Wash- ington. To Wed Melvin Barbara Frear, daughter of Mrs. Charles Frear and the late Charles Frear of W. Walnut Street, King- ston, will become the bride of Mel- vin O. Race, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Race of Centermoreland Saturday, March 10. Rev. James A. Cara will perform the ceremony in the Luzerne Presbyterian Church. Attendants will be brother and sister - in - law of the bridegroom elect, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Race of Noxen Methodists Enjoy ‘Come As You Are” Party A “Come as you are” party was held in the Noxen Methodist’ Church parlors for the benefit of the WSCS recently with Mrs. Lewis Lord as chairman assisted by Elizabeth Musketchy, Ruth Bennett, Mrs. Martin Snyder, Mrs. Elwood Patton, Mrs. Claude Crispell, Mrs. James Sanderson, Mrs. Francis Schenck, Mrs. Elmer Dymond, Mrs. Vane Race and Mrs. Richard Turner. Present were Mesdames Kenneth Denmon, Lyle Crispell, Laurence Hilbert, Raymond Denmon, Donald Meeker, Mildred Boice, Bernard Dendler, Leo Lord, Henry Lane, Harold Bennett, Stephen Root, Wil- liam Gilmore, Elwood Patton, Al- bert May, Earl Crispell, Earl John-- son, Elmer Dymond, Violet Garey, Floyd Dendler, Samuel Mansfield, Claude Crispell, Osmond Casterline, Warren Montross, Jack Williams, Fred Schenck, Herbert Galey, Roy Dendler, Francis Schenck, Vane Race, Jack Hoblitzell, Ira Beahm, Elmer Race, James Sanderson, Os- car Patton, Richard Patton, Voyle Traver, Martin Snyder, Nathan Straley, Albert Jones, Myron French, Lela Pederson, Ralph Engel- man, Arba Dimmick, Ray Gunton, Lewis Lord, Beulah Vancampen, Richard Traver, Willard Bender, Sophia Hackling, William Lyons, Joseph Shalata, John Jackson, Els- worth Field; Misses Mary Shook and Helen Rhode. : Mrs. Walter Covert Jr., Hostess To Fellowship Mrs. Walter Covert, Jr. enter- tained members of the Christian Woman’s Fellowship of Huntsville Christian Church Tuesday evening when plans for the coming rum- mage sale were discussed. Mrs. Covert presided and led the devo- tions, Mrs. C. H. Frick reviewed the mission study. Gleaners Class Mr. Walter Kitchen, Idetown, en- tertained the Gleaners Sunday School Class of Alderson Methodist Church last Thursday. Members gathered for an all-day session of rag sewing. Guests were Mesdames Garwin Smith, Delmar Wintersteen, Fuller Ashton, Howard Higgins, Ar- thur Wagner, Lee Zimmerman, A. Hunsinger, (Clara Montross, Harvey Kitchen, Daniel Brown, and Corey Meade. : rss «I A] | PORTRAITS | J | | | } | Davis St. Trucksville | | DALLAS 4-7338 | mm a a AT A CE a] Specializing in distinctive child photography. BY APPOINTMENT For Your Convenience E. C. HUDSON § Race March 10 Johnson City. Following the ceemony, a recep- tion for members of the immediate families will be held at the home of the bride. Miss Frear is a graduate of King- ston High School. She is employed by Fowler, Dick and Walker. Mr. Race was graduated from Dallas Township High School. He is em- ployed by the Shawnee Textile Company in Plymouth. The couple will reside in Kunkle. Betty Smith, Bride Of Joseph Serratore Friday evening at 6:30 o'clodk, Betty Rosie Smith, daughter of : and Mrs. Raymond Smith, of Noxen, became the bride of Joseph Serra- tore, of Wilkes-Barre. Rev. Henry C. Kraft performed the ceremony in the St. John’s Lutheran Church at Wilkes-Barre. Carl Roth presided at the organ. Attendants were Leona Gerhart and Fred Contorsi, of Kingston. The bride is a graduate of Lake- Noxen High School. She formerly served with the WAAFS in Ger- many. The couple will reside in Wilkes- Barre. Marvin Scotts, Hosts At Birthday Dinner Helen Siley: and Marvin Scott Jr. were guests of honor at a family birthday dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scott Sr. at their home on Davenport Street, Sunday. Pres- ent were Boyd Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Witner and daughter, Mar- la, Berwick; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott, East Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decker, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scott Jr., Ruth Ann, Evelyn, Marvin Wayne, Mrs. David Morgan and Hazle and David, Leroy Siley, the guests of honor and the host and hostess. Enjoy Valentine Party Dean Long, newly appointed chairman of publicity for Young People of First Christian Church, Sweet Valley, reports that the or- ganization entertained members of a similar Noxen group at a Valen- tine’s Day party in the church hall. Leon Whitesell, Pikes Creek, was chairman. Fifty young folks enjoyed games and refreshments. Calendar Events Deadline Thursday 9 a.m. TODAY St.# Paul’s Lutheran Bake Sale, Gosart’s Store. ) Value Shop. Rural Branch, Nesbitt Auxiliary, Center Moreland, 8 p.m. Shavertown Branch, Nesbitt Aux- iliary, Library Annex, 1:30. SATURDAY Spaghetti supper Prince of Peace Mens Club, 7:30. MONDAY Westmoreland School Board, 8 p.m. L PTA, 8 p.m. Trucksville PTA, Fire Hall, 8 p.m. TUESDAY Cancer Information Center, brary Annex, 10 to 4. Cancer Center Board, with Mrs. R. Milne, 10 a.m. Junior Womans Club, Annex, 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY Franklin Bible (Class, Mrs. Marvin Scott, 12:30. THURSDAY Bird Club, Library Annex, S p.m. Value Shop. FRIDAY Country Fair, Lake-Noxen School. Value Shop. Lake Womans Club Board Meets With Mrs. Stenger Executive Board members of Har- veys Lake Womans Service Club met with Mrs. John Stenger, III, Mon- day evening. Mrs. Frank Bialogo- wicz and Mrs. Clarence Montross as- sisted the hostess. Mrs. William Deets presided. Reports were given by Mrs. Elwood Davis on housing; Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, clubwomen; Mrs. Carrie Rood, membership; Mrs. Thomas Garrity, correspondence. Mrs. Garvin Smith, service chair- man, reported that two wheelchairs and a walker were in use, and that the hospital bed is again available. The ‘Club has on hand, a child-size walker, donated by an anonymous giver. Mrs. Arthur Engler, program chairman, announced a talk and film on the Blood Bank by Theo- dore Raub for the March club meet- ing, The Board will meet March 19 with Mrs. Richard Williams. Others present were Mesdames Li- ard Williams and Miss Pauline HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. TONIGHT & TOMORROW March 2 and 3 “The Tender Trap” (Cinemascope and Color) with Frank Sinatra, Debbie Reynolds Cinemascope Cartoon MONDAY & TUESDAY March 5 and 6 “Illegal” with Edward Robinson, Nina Foch — Also — Novelty and Cartoon |FORTY FORT THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Alan Ladd, Edward G. Robinson “Hell On Frisco Bay” SUNDAY & MONDAY Matinee continuous from 8 until 11 Sunday — Double Feature — Sterling Hayden “Top Gun” — Also — Jack Webb “Twenty Four Hour Alert” Miss Jean Mea Of David Shave £ Announcenient cen made of the recent /mar idGe of Jean Mead, daughter and Mrs. Boyd Mead, Star Route, Dallas, to David H. Shaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver, E. Center Hill Road, Dallas. Rev. William Heapps per- formed the double ring ceremony Pupils Of Louie Ayre Give Piano Recital Louie W. Ayre presented a num- ber of pupils in a piano recital at St. Clement's Parish House last evening. They were Ann Aston, Barbara Aston, Camilla Ayers, Lois Brown, Ellen Brandstadter, Barry Derolf, Carol Eberle, Gerald Gavi- gan, Jay Griffiths, Linda Griffiths, Jean Hathaway, Nancy Hathaway, Jane Hunt, Nancy Hunt, George Jacobs, Sharon John, Jerry Kam- Sandra Laidler, Beryl Lawson, Sara Malkemes, Dorothy Mathers, Geor- gia McCutcheon, «~ Moncey Miller, Sandy Mitchell, Elsie Mae Monson, Miriam Olver, Tom Peirce, Peggy Ann Perkins, Marilouise Pressman, Vernalee Pritchard, Richard Rat- cliffe, Ellen Sanders, Roy Williams, III, Geoffrey Willig and Ann Wool- bert. LUZERNE THEATRE FRIDAY — Double Feature — Yvonne de Carlo and Howard Duff “Flame of the Islands” — Also — Mickey Rooney “Twinkle in God’s Eye” SATURDAY — Double Feature — Virginia Mayo “Pearl of the South Pacific” — Also — Spring “December Bride” Byington ! “The Rocket Man” SUNDAY & MONDAY Matinee continuous from 2 until 11 Sunday Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson “All That Heaven Allows” Becomes Bride r In December in Dallas Methodist Church on De- cember 30, 1955. 3 The bride is a graduate of Dallas Franklin High School and attended Wilkes-Barre Business College. Mr. Shaver was graduated from Dallas Borough High School and Deforest Training School, Chicago, Ill. He is a member of the Senior Class at Florida Southern College at Lake- land, Florida. ro “THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE A FRIEND IS TO BE ONE” *(Author’s name below) We like to think that all you folks who come to our pharmacy are our friends. That is why we serve you as we would a friend. When we compound your. prescriptions we carefully check each step to make certain that we have done everything that one could do for a friend. When you ask us questions about how best to use what you get from us, we are delighted to repay your confidence in us by giving you a sincere, honest answer. Depend on us, as you do on any of your | friends. é YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Dallas 4-4161 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE ® Pick up your prescription. if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many | people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we com- pound yours? = ® 0 ig ik HALL'S ~ PHARMACY _ “Registered Pharmacist On Duty At All Times” DELIVERY SERVICE \ Main Highway Shavertown Phone Dallas 4-4161 *Quotation by Emerson (1803-1882) Copyright 1956 (12W1) RRR eH S Herringbone Tweed THIS SPRING’S great classic revival — navy and white broken her- ringbone tweed. Hand- tailored to perfection. Perfect for travel or town. Sizes 8-16, $69.95