eli nema Sa nll onsite emda — m—tnd. x lh. ct A SI Calvin Spencer, of Bristol, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Case spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Jack McGinley and family, in Newark, N. J. Russell Newell, Jr., is spending some time at Dania, Fla., visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newell. Ann Lee Engelman has been con- fined to her bed with a virus in- fection, ‘Ben Engelman and Clarence Turn- after ‘being patients at General Hospital. Mrs. Harry Keiper and her sis- ter, Mrs. Earl Lewis, Hunlock Creek, motored to Endicott, N. Y. on Wednesday to visit her brother, James Foote, a patient at Ideal Hos- pital. His condition is improved. Mrs. Abe Smith celebrated her ninety-second birthday anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Patton. She is in good health with the exception of being quite deaf. She enjoys watching television and never wears glasses. Mr. and Mrs. George VaniCampen are preparing to move to Rochester, N. Y., where George has accepted a position at the Gleason Works. Kenneth Turner, Jr., has returned : from General Hospital after a siege of virus pneumonia. David Edwards - will submit to surgery at General Hospital on Tuesday morning. Albert Ruff, Jr., of Philadelphia, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruff, Sr. Roy Dendler has resumed his work as foreman at‘Armour Leather Company after several months at home suffering with a heart attack. — Mrs. Ben Stephanowicz, Endicott, N. Y,, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Root. Mrs. Fred Kromelbein, Carverton, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Loren Case and family. Mrs. Elwood Schenck has roturned from General Hospital. A woman is the only being that can skin a wolf and get a mink. , 'Eastern Star On Lookout For Amateur Entertainers Dallas Chapter 396, Order of the Eastern Star, invites anybody who can sing, dance, play the guitar, or give a humorous sketch, to sign up for the big Amateur Hour and Re- vue, scheduled for Dallas Township High School auditorium, April 20. Entertainers in every field will be welcome, There will be three divisions: chil- dren eight to sixteen; and persons over eighteen. ‘Cash prizes are offered. Contest- ants must register by March 15 with Mrs. Fred Dodson or Mrs. Mel- vin Morris. Mrs. Andrew Denmon, Mrs. Morris, and Thelma Adams are on the committee. Dr. Husted To Speak To Lehman PTA Dr. Inez Husted, director special education for Luzerne County Schools, will speak to the Lehman PTA Monday evening, on guiding children in elementary school. The Lehman Septet will be featured on a musical program, and refresh- ments will be served. 1956 Only Aars J & P’s New Circus 2.50 SPARTAN 2.10 J & P’s 1955 Aars J & P’s New Tudor 2.25 Mardigras >... 2.50 Konrad ¢ : Adenauer 2.50 Mirandy 2.00 Opera 2.00 New Yorker 2.00 Queen Elizabeth 2.75 Helen Traubel 2.50 ~ Capistrano 2.00 Mojave 2.75 Huntsman 2.00 Dar oh ToDavi EE Be ED wie ky go | | Gladiator 2.13 J&P’s Tree Roses 9.90 Tiffany 2.75 Sutters Gold 2.25 wie Teves Gold 2.25 Betty Prior 1.50 ‘Masquerade 2.00 Independence 1.75 : J & P’s New ‘Donald Prior 1.50 Vogue 2.00 | GOLDEN FLEECE 2.50 Ma Porkd 5.00 LIMITED TIME a Perkins . Goldilocks 1.50 oroER FROM US BY MARCH 25 AND MANY OTHERS —CALL FOR BETWEEN MARCH 20 AND APRIL 5. on orders of any 5 or more ATTEND CHURCH EVERY WEEK WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL (Trucksville Methodist) Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor Morning Worship, 8:30, with the sermon topic “Hath God Forgotten to be Gracious?” (Sunday School, 9:45. Morning Worship 11, with the guest speaker the Rev. Dr. George M. Bell, of Kingston, Pa. who will present the cause of Bennett (Col- lege for Negro Girls, ‘Greensboro, North Carolina. The Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet in the church parlors, 6, with the Out- reach and Fellowship Program Areas jointly presenting the topic: “Christ in the World's Art.” The Union Lenten Evening Service will be held in the Shavertown Church, 7:30, with Dr. Ralph Decker speaking on “The Kingdom of God: Responsibili- ties of Citizenship.” Tuesday, March 6, Pastor's Pre- paratory Class, 3:45, in the church parlors. The Nominating Commit- tee will meet at 7:30 in the church parlors. Wednesday, March 7, the Board of Trustees will meet at the home of Mr. IC. S. Hemenway Huntsville Road. Thursday, Junior Boys’ Choir re- hearsal, 3:45; Junior Girls’ Choir re- hearsal 7:30. Friday, the Mr. and Mrs. Club will hold a covered dish supper at 6:30 followed by the meeting and pro- gram. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenley and Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Mayo will be the Refreshment Committee; and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Vought Long will be the Entertainment Committee. = \ ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; The Service 11 a.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m., (Church Council. Wednesday « 12;30, Ladies’ Aux- iliary; Lenten Service at 8 p.m. Thursday, 6:30, Confirmation Class. Friday, 4 Chapel IChoir; 7:30 SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 Church School, with classes for all ages; 11 Nursery dur- ing church for pre-school children; 11 Morning Worship Service, Third Sunday in Lent; 3 [Confirmation Class, chapel room; 6 Intermediate Methodist Youth Fellowship; 6:30 Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship; 7:30 Union Lenten Service at Shav- ertown Methodist (Church with Dr. Ralph W. Decker, president of Wyo- ming Seminary, speaking on ‘The Responsibilities of Citizenship.” Monday: 3:30 Brownie, Troop 115; 7 Girl Scouts, Troop 9; 7:30 Nom- inating Committee meeting in chapel room. : Tuesday: 4 Girl Scouts, Troop 66; 7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop 231; 8 Berean Bible Class meeting at the 19: CHICKEN BREAST oe Ie pkg. Th i CANNED CREAM 6 cans 13¢ Eat - Rite Sliced BACON - - JUMBO EGGS - 1-Ib. pkg. 3% doz. 55¢ MAIN STREET Macintosh APPLES 4 Ibs. 39c ® Large GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25¢ TRUCKSVILLE home of Mrs. Lewis Underwood. 75. Thursday: 3:45 Junior Choir re- hearsal; 6:30 Youth Choir rehearsal; 7:30 Senior (Choir rehearsal. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Rev. William McClelland, Jr., Rector Saturday, March 3, 5 to 7:30 p.m. the Men’s Club will serve a spaghetti supper in the parish house, adults $1.00, children 65 cents. Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Holy Communion and Ser- mon; 10:45 a.m. Church School. Monday, 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop meeting in the Parish House. Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Holy Com- munion; 10 a.m. Auxiliary sewing in the Parish House. BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Truman Reeves, Pastor Monday, 7:30, Young Peoples’ meeting. Wednesday, 7:30, Prayer Service. Sunday, March 4, 10, Sunday School; 7:30 Preaching ‘Service with the Pastor. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Rev. William H. Heapps, Pastor Morning Prayer 9:30 a.m.; Church ‘School 9:45 a.m.; Church Worship 11 a.m.; Youth Membership [Class 6:15 p.m.; MYF service 6:30, Mrs. Raymond Elston in charge; Union Lenten Service 7:30 at Shavertown Methodist, Dr. Ralph Decker speak- ing on the topic @Responsibility of Citizenship.” Monday, 1:30 p.m., WSCS will conduct a study of ‘Spiritual Life Classics.” The first one “The Con- fessions of St. Augustine,” will be lead by Mrs. Stanley Davies with Mrs. Edgar Brace leading the wor- ship period. All women of the church cordially invited. Tuesday 7:30, Official Board meet- ing and Quarterly Conference. Dr. H. C. Buckingham in charge. Re- ports of the yearns work will be given and election of conference members. Thursday, regular choir rehearsal. ALDERSON- NOXEN CHARGE Rev. Ruth Underwood, Pastor Church services with the pastor preaching, and Sunday School will be held in the Methodist Churches of the Alderson-Noxen Charge on Sunday, March 4 as follows: Rug- gles (Church service 8:45 a.m., Rug- gles Sunday ‘School 10 a.m.; Noxen Church service 10 a.m., Noxen Sun- day School 11 a.m., Preparatory Membership (Class 5 p.m., MYF 6 p.m.; Alderson Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Alderson Church service 11:15 a.m.; Kunkle Sunday ‘School 10 a.m., Kunkle Church service 530 p.m., MYF 8:30 p.m. Noxen WSCS will meet Tuesday evening at eight o’clock. WSCS of the Alderson Church will meet at the church, Thursday will be Mrs. Harry Allen, Sr., Mrs. Robert Avery, Mrs. Alfred Rogers, and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Preparatory Membership (Class of Alderson Church will meet Wednes- day afternoon after school at the church. Girl Scouts To Have Party On St. Patricks Day, 2:30 Seven Girl Scout Troops of the Dallas area will enjoy a party on St. Patricks Day in Dallas Town- ship school gymnasium at 2:30. The party will start with the flag cere- mony and end with refreshments. Beaumont Mr. Malcolm Corby is proudly ex- hibiting a sixty-five pound beaver he trapped in Sullivan County. Mrs. Sterling Kitchen of Philadel- phia is with her daughter’s family, the Kenneth Travers, this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crisman, of Rochester, spent the past weekend with relatives here. The Merton Rifenbery family has moved here from Long Island N. Y., and is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rifenbery. i Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Denning- | ton, of Ilion, N. Y., were with the last week. They were called here due to the death of Mr. Denning- | ton’s sister, Mrs. Daniel Davis, of | Kingston. Kathy Hayner, daughter .of the George Hayners, has returned from | the General Hospital where she was | bronchitis. Mr. Philip Frey was a patient at | the Nesbitt Hospital for diagnostic | tests last week. Mrs. Ralph Lutes enjoyed a few days in New York City recently | when she attended a cosmetical meeting. Jack Johnson entered General Hospital for diagnosis Tuesday. Basketball Game Beaumont PTA will sponsor three basketball games at the Beaumont School this evening at 7 when the | Junior High School boys’ teams will play the Junior High School girls’ team, the Junior High School Girls’ will play the PTA Mothers’ team, and the Junior High School Boys’ team will play the PTA Fathers’ team. Refreshments will be sold! Be on hand for an evening of fun and help to enlarge the PTA treasury! ! ! Idetown Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spencer have received word that their son Ron- ald Spencer, stationed with the Air Force in California, is in the Hos- pital there following injuries re- ceived in an automobile accident this week. Mrs. Thomas Stacey is a patient in Wyoming Valley Hospital. Official Board and the Sunday School Board meeting will be held in the church house on Saturday night at 8. Rev. O'Neill will have charge. Dr. Harold Buckingham, of Kings- ton, was guest speaker at the morn- ing worship service of the Lehman Charge on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Iles, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover. Melitchko Rushed To General In Ambulance Stephen Melitchko, Demunds Road, was rushed to General Hos- pital Tuesday morning at 1:15 in Dallas Community ambulance, for an emergency appendectomy. Dr. Michael Bucan called the ambulance, which was staffed by Leonard Har- vey, vey, Ray Titus = Titus and Norti Berth, Tasty Tip for Quick Meals! | MACARONI-AND-CHEESE home cooked in 7 miwites | with Kraft Dinner is a timesaver and a KRAFT menu-maker! Stock GRATED up today —it costs for that through- only pennies. So and-through handy for school cheese flavor lunches, emergency meals. And good eatin’ always! Eye Examinations Fitting of Glasses OPTOMETRIST 5 Main Street Tuesday i... =... oo 6:00: 10:83:00 PM. "1% Wednesday .. 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. W-Barre Offlos i 54 So. Main | Friday. ou te 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. | 0 le tos | Saterday: oo By appointment only. VA 33794 3 | Dallas ws y {301 Triple Action COUGH SYRUP for Children Quick-acting, penetrating and soothing. Pleasant tasting. et CA NASOTHRICIN NOSE DROPS Quickly relieve nasal con- gestion due to colds. Antibiotic. brea 2 oz. Bottle Br ADVERTISED with Dropper You’ve heard it on the radio. Now see it at Evans. AQUAFILTER The only filter that removes up to 92% nicotine & 74% tars. All x... $31.00 WATER-ACTIVATED For DIABETICS Check your sugar content with the amazing new ELI LILLY & CO. “Tes-Tape’ Just tear, moisten, compare, that’s all Only 1.98 FOR 100 TESTS DIETETIC CANDY BARS ® No sugar added] © No salt added. ® Less calories. ASK FOR Slimettes 15¢ Buy the KING SIZE and SAVE! Rapid Pain Relief Tablets bring ° speedier relief from simple —— and minor pain due to rheumatism and arthritis. Two mild antacids help prevent stomach upset. BOTTLE 1 23 ® NATIONALLY ADVERTISED oF 125 ONLY They’re going fast cause they’re mighty good ! SPA -MADE “Chocolate Covered EASTER EGGS Peanut Butter Coconut Cream Fruit and Nut Molasses Coconut Butter Cream Maple Walnut Choc. Fudge 10c ea. EVANS Rexall DRUG STORE Prescription Pharmacy Dallas 4-3888 Main Highway Shavertown Niireseh for , RAPID PAIR .