Es Tuesday: 4:00—Girl Scouts, Troop ia nN 66. 7:30—Boy Scouts, Troop 231.| BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH |ary 22. They also have a daughter 8:00-—Berean Bible Class, home of (The Church That Cares) Debora Jane. Rev. Bostic is the + Mrs. Clark Krum. Monday, 7:30, Young Peoples former pastor of the Lehman B ALLOONS Wednesday: 7: 00 — Girl Scouts, meeting. charge. . J 3 Troop 75. 8:00—W.S.C.S. Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30, Prayer Service. The official board and the Sunday A Beautiful A Handy Combination Chapel Room. Sunday, February 5, 10 Sunday | School board will meet in the PY Thursday: 3:45 — Junior Choir School; 7:30 Evening Service. churchhouse on Saturday night at Clothes Hanger and Rehearsal. 6:30—Youth Choir Re- > —_— 8. Rev. Kenneth O'Neill will have : : hearsal. 7:30 — Senior Choir Re-| WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL | charge. Windshield Scraper SUCKERS hearsal. (Trucksville Methodist) Homer Middleton Jr., who is OR rn Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor working for the LB.M. Glendale TO THE ® DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Morning Worship with services at | Laboratories, N. Y. spent the week- ESSO HANDY OIL Rev. William H. Heapps, Minister |8:30 and 11:00. The sermon will be | end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. FIRST 200 LADY 10 THE Morning Prayer, 9:30 a.m.; Church | the sixth in the series on Great | Homer Middleton Sr. , TO THE : School 9:45 a.m.: Church Worship | Hymns of Our Faith: “Lead, Kindly Mrs. Jack Richards of Trucksville, 11 aon; MYF Service 6:30 pm. Light” Sunday School 9:45. There | mother of Mrs. Al Rinken and Bud CUSTOMERS MEN CUSTOMERS KIDDIES OF OUR Monday, 8 p.m., Executive Com- | will be a very important meeting of | Davis, is a patient in the Nesbitt CUSTOMERS mittee of Methodist Men's Club at | the Commission on Membership and | Hospital. ad the parsonage. Evangelism at 4:00 in the church| Mrs. Bruce Williams who observ- Sunday, February 5th — Church School convenes at 10:00; Worship Service at 11:00. Friday evening, February 10th, at 7:30 P.M., a novel pre-Lenten acti- vity will take place in the Orange Methodist Church basement, spon- sored by the Commission of Edu- cation under the direction of Mrs. Marie Gebhardt—‘‘A Bargain Base- ment”. Every member of the church and church school will be asked to contribute one or more articles of use, such as antiques, ceramics, tools, cooking equipment, baked goods, art objects, etc. Each donor will be asked to designate a price on the articles to be sold. Proceeds from the sale will go into the Church School fund. The public is cordially invited. There will be no admission. Refreshments will be served. PRINCE OF PEACE EPISCOPAL Rev. William McClelland, Jr. Rector Sunday, February 5th, 8 am, Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon; 10:45 a.m. Church School. Monday, 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop meeting in the parish house; 8 p.m. Leadership Training Insti- tute at St. Stephen's Church, Wilkes-Barre. Thursday, 10 a.m., Auxiliary sew- ing at the parish house; 6:30" p.m., District Clergy-Vestry meeting at Grace Church, Kingston. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 9:45 — Church School, classes for all ages. 11:00—Nursery during Church for pre-school child- ren. 11:00—Morning Worship Ser- vice — Boy Scout Sunday, Boy Scouts participating in the service. 6:00—Intermediate Methodist Youth Fellowship. 6:30—Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship, Dallas Methodist Church—joint meeting with Dallas M.Y.F. Monday: 3:45 — Brownies, Troop 105. 6:00—Blue and Gold Dinner of Cub Pack 233, Church Social Rooms. 7:00—Girl Scouts, Troop 9. 8:00— WSCS Executive Committee Meet- ing in Chapel Room. The Dallas, Shavertown and Trucksville Methodist Churches will have union evening Lenten Services. The first one will be held in Dal- las Church, February 19th at 7:30. Rev. George Bell will be guest speak- er. He will also speak at the Coun- try Couples ‘Club meeting at 8:30 p.m. The Pastor’s Youth Christian Life Class for church membership will be Sunday February 19th at 6:15 p.m. at the church. Already enrolled are Ruth Miller, Mary Alice Knecht, Gail Dixon, Susan Owens, Ruth Ann Scott, Linda Rice, Ricky Drake, Dale Mosier, Robert Moyer, Sally Moyer, Sev. Newberry. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Bowman's Creek Junction Routes 29 and 309 Rev. A. Lewis Payne, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A.M.; Wor- ship, 11:00 A.M. Young People’s Meeting, 7:00 P.M. Evening Service, 7:45 P.M. Revival meetings are in progress, services each night at 7:45, pastor serving as evangelist. Tuesday night through February 7 - 12, the “Chris- tianaires”, a girls’ trio, will furnish vocal and instrumental music. ALDERSON - NOXEN Church Services with the pastor preaching, and Sunday School will be held in Methodist Churches of Alderson-Noxen Charge on Sunday as follows: Ruggles Church service —8:45 A.M., Ruggles Sunday school —10:00 A.M.; Noxen Church ser- vice — 10:00 A.M., Noxen Sunday School—11:00 A.M.; Alderson Sun- day School—10:15 A.M., Alderson Church service—11:15 A.M.; Kunkle Sunday School—10:00 A.M., Kunkle Church service—T7:30 P.M., M.Y.F.— 8:30 P.M. W.S.C.S. of Noxen Methodist Church will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Leslie Lord. Alderson W. S. C. S. will meet Thursday with Mrs. Stephen Hart- man. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Garvin Smith and Mrs. Fuller Ashton. Alderson Church Commission: on Education will meet Monday, Feb- ruary 6th at seven-thirty at the Church. parlors. The Methodist Youth Fel- lowship will meet in the church par- lors at 6:30 with the Christian Fel- lowship Program Area in charge. A film strip entitled “Album of Early Methodism” will be shown. The Tuesday, February 7, the Pastor's Preparatory (Class will meet in the church parlors at 3:45. Thursday, Junior Boys’ Choir re- hearsal, 6:30; Senior Choir rehearsal, 7:30. Friday, the Mr. and Mrs. Club will hold its monthly meeting with a Covered Dish Supper at 6:30 in the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward N. Barber and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Slucki will be on the Serving Committee; and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Stookey and Mr. and Mrs. Ash- er Weiss will be on the Program Committee, ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, Pastor Lutheran Evangelism Mission for the Wilkes-Barre Conference gets underway Sunday with the service at 11:00 a.m. Rev. Norman W. Ross, Th.M. pastor of Holy Trinity Luth- eran Church of Flatbush, Brooklyn, N. Y., will be guest preacher and “missioner” for the duration of the mission. In the afternoon at 3 in St. John’s. Lutheran Church, Wilkes- Barre, St. Paul's congregation joins with sister congregations in a great Area Rally. Mission services will again be held at 8:00 p.m. Sunday night and Monday through Thurs- day. Pastor Ross has selected as his theme for the Mission ‘“God’s Won- derful Family” dividing it as fol- lows: 1. “What God’s Family Is; 2. How We Eenter God's Family; 3. How We Stay in God’s Family; Those to God's Family; 5. When Does God's Family End?. All serv- ices will be held in the church building. A most cordial invitation is given to all to attend any or all of these meetings. Sunday school will be held at the usual hour of 9:45 in the Sunday School room. [detown The following boys left Thursday morning for the service; Kenneth Kidd, son of Mr. and Mrs. William John Jennings, H. Duane Titus, son Lee Casterline, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Casterline, Robert B. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stasko, Karl E. Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spencer, Raymond L. Kern and Leon G. Kern, sons of Mrs. Marion Kern. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rice and child- ren, Ronald and Dennis and Brenda of Jersey Shore spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes and daughter, Jeane Marie, of Kingston spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ide. The beautiful baskets of flowers in the church pulpit at the morning worship service on Sunday were in memory of Mrs. Bruce Shaver, giv- en by the Shaver family. Rev. and Mrs. Clayton B. Bostic of Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, announce the birth of a son Jonathan David on Sunday, Janu- ed her birthday on Monday was surprised on Sunday at a little party given to her by her Sunday School class. PAGE THREE £550 %esvicogrey YOU MAY WIN = ONE OF THESE PRIZES Ist Prize—G-E PORTABLE TELEVISION SET SPECIAL . 2. ESSO EXTRA OIL CHANGE 1. EXPERT CAR WASH TO ALL OWNERS OF MASSEY-HARRIS 3. ESSO EXTRA OIL CHANGE 8, EXPERT CAR WASH “Model 81” and Model “20” TRACTORS 4. ESSO EXTRA OIL CHANGE 9. ESSO LUBRICATION 5. ESSO EXTRA OIL CHANGE (0. ESSO LUBRICATION 6. EXPERT CAR WASH fi. ESSO LUBRICATION Drawing — SAT., MARCH 31, 1956 —8 p. m. TICKET FREE with EACH $1 PURCHASE DALLAS ESSO SERVICENTER ~~ MAIN HIGHWAY JUNCTION 115—309 DALLAS, PA. PHONE 4-1421 “BEST SERVICE IN TOWN” CLYDE BIRTH, Owner WALTER HENNEBAUL, Manager We will INSTALL a NEW MOTOR (except carburetor and electrical equipment) for the AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE of 200. P.S. Don’t forget the Farm Equipment Service, Maintenance and Safety program sponsored by the Luzerne Co. Farm Agent, E. V. Chadwick at our place of business on Feb. 23, at 9 A.M. Outside speakers, Ralph Patterson, head of Extension Agricultural Engineering Dept. of Penn State University and Morris E. Schroeder, agricultural engineer of Penn State University. Lunch served by Christian Comrade class of Church of Christ. CHARLES H. LONG FARM EQUIPMENT DEALER SWEET VALLEY FOR A LIMITED “TIME ONLY! Not a rebuilt motor but a brand new one from the factory.