The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 27, 1956, Image 9

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Firemen Hold
Annual Dinner
At Beaumont Inn
Nine Companies
Represented By
Seventy-seven Men
Annual dinner meeting of the
Back Mountain Volunteer Firemen’s
Association was held Thursday eve-
ning at the Beaumont Inn, January
19th. Dick Williams, of Harveys
Lake was in charge of arranging
the dinner and entertainment.
Thomas Garrity presided; Bob
Shortz was secretary.
Present were seventy-seven mem-
bers and guests representing nine
Back Mountain Volunteer Fire Com-
panies. Shavertown, with seven-
teen members present won applause
for the largest attendance.
Sgt. Mike Ryan, Deputy Fire
Marshal, Pennsylvania State Police,
spoke on fire prevention through
education and law enforcement, and
stressed the need for investigating
fires to determine origins and caus-
es of fire as an aid to future fire
Captain Williams, of the Wilkes-
Barre Fire Department, congratula-
ted the Association and member
companies on their progress Im
training and equipment.
Tom Morgan, of Shavertown,
spoke on the advantages and im-
portance of using two-way radio
in fire fighting and civilian defense.
Entertainment was by the “Key-
notes” of the Wilkes-Barre Chapter
of the Society for Preservation and
Encouragement of Barbershop Quar-
tet Singing in America, with an
excellent program of songs in their
inimitable style; and by Vince
Yanaitis, popular Hudson magician
who kept the audience laughing
with his clever sleight - of - hand
tricks and stories.
The purpose of the Association is
to aid in fire fighting and fire pre-
vention throughout the Back Moun-
tain Area through mutual assist-
ance and to coordinate effort end
equipment for best utility.
The next meeting will be held in
Members and guests present were:
D. C. Roberts Fire Company, Har-
veys Lake: Thomas P. Garrity,
Richard E. Williams, George Alles,
Jr., Fred M. Javer, W. E. Leinthall,
Myron Williams, Alger W. Shafer,
Fay Williams, M. E. Johnson, Ste-
phen Hartman, John H. Stenger
III, Carleton B. Kocher.
Sweet Valley Fire Company: Dale
Alired Bronson, Howard
Post, Mike Adamo, Sherman Kunk-
le, George H. Bronson.
Franklin Township Fire Company:
Robert Shortz, Byron Kester, Stan-
ley Dorrance, Edward Dorrance.
Shavertown Fire Company: Ste-
phen Johns, Robert Voelker, Wil-
liam Kistler, Arnold Yeust, Wendell
Jones, Howard Sprau, Thomas Dor-
osky, Edward Carey, Roy Shaver,
LeRoy Dourand, Elwood Dungey,
month-old Chris Schimmel, son
Sweet Valley |
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Long, and |
Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley, at-
tended a meeting of dealers of
Stanley Products in Scranton Sat-
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long had
as dinner guests Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh, Wilkes-
Barre. Callers on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Cragle, Gertrude
and Frederick.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kunkle
and Bobby enjoyed Sunday dinner
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
Stanley Case, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson en-
tertained at dinner on Sunday for
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bronson, Mains-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Rob-
bins, Shickshinny; and Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Bronson. Unable to attend
Thomas Morgan.
Lehman Township Fire Company:
Morton Connelly, Lee Wentzel,
Peter Hospodas, Kenneth Swan,
Herbert Kemmerer, George Himmel-
schlitz, Stuart Marks, Paul Hoover,
Russell Coolbaugh, Harry Thomp-
son, Wilce Thompson.
Harry C. Smith Fire Company:
Stanley Allen, Arthur N. Tredin-
nick, Thomas Landon, Basil E.
Frantz, Fred Dodson, Roland Spen-
Noxen Fire Company: Ernest
Teetsel, Calvin H. Strohl.
Henry M. Laing Fire Company,
Dallas: James Gansel, H. W. Peter-
son, William Berti, Jack W. Berti,
Dick Owens, Norti Berti, Harry
Mericle, John Yaple, Esq., Dan
Trucksville Fire Company: J. Al-
lan Nichol, W. G. Moss, Vought
Long, W. E. Strange, Asher W.
Weiss, Jake Harrison, Stephen D.
Guests: Captain Edward B. Wil-
liams, Wilkes-Barre Fire Depart-
ment; Sgt. Michael Ryan, Deputy
Fire Marshal, Pennsylvania State
ty Fire Marshal, Pennsylvania State
Police. :
8. Do you dull your appetite by excessive smoking?
4. Do you grab quick snacks at the lunch counter?
7. Do yon reach for second helpings of pie and cake?
8. Do you have that “tired feeling”?
to fewer than seven of
Get new SUPER
of Mr. and Mrs.
the 1 family dinner party were
Charles Bronson, Urbana, Ill. and
Florence Garrahan, in Florida for
the winter. |
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hontz and
Cheryl, Shavertown, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Hontz.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case had as
house guests over the weekend
their son Donald and grandson
Donald Jr. from Pearl River, N. ¥. |
Donald Jr., home on leave irom
Fort Devens, Mass., expects to go |:
to Germany shortly. |
Miss Nellie Williams, RN, is home
from duty in Sitka, Alaska, spend-
ing a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Williams. Her
brother Bob came home from State
University for the weekend.
Kings Daughters, Church of
Christ, met Friday evening at the
home of their host and hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rood. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hontz, Larry
and Geraldine; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Williams; Mrs. Blanche Piper, Mrs.
Nellie Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Joel Rood, State University, is at
home between semesters.
but the
(FCDA Photo)
Explorer Scouts Visit
Avoca Control Tower
Explorer scouts visited the con-
trol tower at Avoca Airport Sun-
day afternoon. They saw small
planes land without radio, by means
of red and green light signals, and
big ones forming a landing pattern
by radio directive. The weather
maps and sun-recorder interested
the boys, also the back and forth
plane chat between pilots in the air.
John Savickas, Jr. whose father
is employed in the control tower,
was chairman of the day. Explorer
Tom and Bill Farrell, Blair Haddle,
Bobby (Cross, Arthur Ellum, Les and
James Barstow. Men who accom-
panied scouts were John Savickas,
Sr., Fred Cockayne, Jr., and Les
Harry Bagnall was elected acting
chairman ‘at a recent organization
meeting. Committee members are
Edward Ratcliffe, Fred Cockayne,
Joe Kravits, Jack Rogers, Arthur
Ellum, Les Barstow, Joseph Harris,
Jack Stanley and Percy Love.
Mosquitoes, observed the harried
mother, are like children—when
they stop making a noise, you know
they're getting into something!
Farm Show Will
Seek More Room
Many Were Unable
To Exhibit This Year
Weather and hazardous road con-
ditions that cut attendance at the
1956 Pennsylvania Farm Show serv-
ed to emphasize the need for addi-
tions to physical facilities in the
14-acre building, Dr. William L.
Henning, chairman of the Farm
Show Commission, has declared.
The last day’s attendance was
estimated at 60,000, making a total
of 580,000 for the week compared
with 675,000 last year and 540,000
two years ago when the week open-
ed with a heavy snow.
“In effect, reduced attendance
was a blessing in disguise for com-
mercial exhibitors and visitors,”
Dr. Henning said. “Except for the
big Wednesday, the visitors saw
the show in comfort. The more
than 300 commercial exhibitors, the
folks who support the show, had
a better opportunity to talk with
prospective customers.”
This means that exhibitors need
more space for their displays, Dr.
Henning explained, adding that
more than 100 had to be iurned
away for lack of room this year.
“The Farm Show Commission is
asking the General State Authority
“The Treasure
Of Pancho Villa”
Continuous Show Sunday
3 to 11
Gary Cooper
“The Court Martial
Of Billy Mitchel”
wedding Saturday, !
January 21, included: Jack Traver,
Club Installs Officers
New officers, Jack Stanley, presi-
I-dent; Edward Ratcliffe, vice presi-
dent, and Robert Bunce, secretary-
treasurer, were installed at the
Blake Millard, daughter Carol, and
Bert Cross, of Athens, Pa.
Mr. Wesley Johnson, brother of |
Ear] Johnson, and Mrs. Violet Gary, |
is a patient at Pittston Hospital |
where he was admitted after suf-
a fall while at work.
Mrs. Marian Parrish and Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Mildred MacDougall
ments and additions at the Farm
Show,” he said. “This would pro-
vide a three-story building for
more exhibit space, a new cafe-
teria and dormitories for farm
youth exhibiting at the show, and
for State Police assigned to the
show. It also would replace worn-
out heating, electric and water line
systems, replace a temporary sheet
steel building used for horses and
Atty. Stephen Teller was guest
| speaker.
| whe have been ill at their homes.
Dolores Levandowski, of West
{ Orange, N. J., was a guest of Mrs.
Fay Smith, recently.
It was a boy, Robert Dennis, for
| the Richaid Laiders; January 21.
| Mrs. Laider was formerly Miss Net-
Shavertown, Pa.
“The Purple Plain”
Gregory Peck
— Double Feature —
“Running Wild”
— Double Feature —
Audie Murphy
“Drums Across
The River”
“African Manhunt”
Continuous Sunday 2 to 11
One of the all-time greats
“Battle Cry”
Dallas, Pa
January 27-28
“Rebel Without
A Cause” -
(Cinemascope and Color)
James Dean, Natalie Wood
January 30-31
Crime Wave”
Tommy Cook, Molly Mc Cart
Wed. & Thurs.
for your money.
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with DODGE.
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