TT Purely Personal Jacqueline Mulcey, student at Penn State University, will arrive this weekend to spend the holidays Mulcey, Overbrook Road, Dallas. Mary Griffin, Lehman Avenue, and her classmate, Linda Bryant, sophomores at Wyoming Seminary, will entertain at a tea dance at Westmoreland Club December 27. Members of the B. A. Class of Huntsville Methodist Church will hold their annual Christmas dinner at the Meeker Methodist Church to- morrow night at 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Derby and family, former Dallas residents, are now living at 1154 Exeter Avenue, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Chadwick and daughter, aged two, have moved -to Center Street, Shaver- town. Mr. (Chadwick is the new County Farm Agent, taking the place of Jim Hutchison, Trucks- ville, now retired. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Brader, Machell Avenue, for the wedding of their daughter, Nancy, to Ben Presbyterian Church December 28 at 7 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Post, Man- sion Apartments, {Carverton Road, expect to move to Kingston in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman, Machell Avenue, will entertain a few friends at the Irem Country Club on December 29. Mrs. Mae Townend, Twin-Spruce, Dallas, entertained at tea the day after Thanksgiving in honor of Mrs. John Arthur Xnight and Mrs. Henry Townend. Cards have been received from Mrs. Charles W. Lee, Dallas resi- dent, who is staying with the Ralph Davises at Oakdale Park, Fla., and loves it. Oakdale is close to Fort Lauderdale. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Weiss and family have moved {rom Broomall, Pa., to (Carverton Road, Trucksville. Mr. Weiss is salesman for the Searle Drug Company in Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cashman and family have moved from Johns- town, N. Y., to Davis Street, Trucks- ville. Mr. Cashman is adjustor for the Nationwide Insurance Com- pany of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Birth, Mount Greenwood Road, have re- turned from Philadelphia where Mr. Birth attended several dinners. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Rose, Jr., Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, have announced the birth of a baby boy at Nesbitt Hospital December 1. Mrs. James Huston, Harveys will entertain members. of her bridge club at her home on Tuesday evening. David Kunkle, student at Temple University Dental iSchool, will ar- rive tomorrow to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. War-: den Kunkle of Machell Avenue, Dallas. Mrs. William Williams has re- turned ‘to her home on Norton Ave- nue after spending several weeks with her daughter, Jean Louise, at Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va. Jean Louise will spend the {Christmas holidays here. Mrs. Earl Monk, who is employed spend the holidays at her home on Pinecrest Avenue, Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson have returned to their home "at Gastonia, N. C., after spending sev- eral days with the former's broth- ers, Jim and Tom Robinson and families, West Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fennell, Jr, and daughter of Baltimore, Md., will spend part of the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowlands and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fennell, Sr., Trucksville. Mrs. Thomas Robinson has re- turned to her home at West Dallas after spending a week as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Drake in Philadelphia. The Drakes are for- mer Dallas residents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman, Machell Avenue, will have as Christmas guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wisner, Jr. of Norris- town. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bmith, Mach- ell Avenue, will celebrate their wed- ding anniversary next Saturday. Mrs. William Powell has been fll at her home at Shrineview. Clifford Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huey, Summit Street, Shavertown, will have as Christmas guests, John Fink of New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. James: Fink of Westfield, Pa. Ann Peterson, who is teaching at Buchanan, N. Y., will arrive Tues- day to spend the: holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peter- son of Norton Avenue, Dallas: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schooley, formerly of Forty-Second Street, moved on Wednesday to Kingston, where ‘they will reside at 551 Charles Avenue. Janice Bronson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson, Sweet Valley, is confined to her home with illness. Mrs. Cecil Thomas, Loyalville, is a patient at General oHspital. Dr .and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, Gwen Williams To Marry Former Trucksville Man Main Road, Buttonwood, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Gwen, to Bruce E. Kibbler Riverton, Wyo- ming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Kibbler of 121 Elwell Avenue, Hill- crest, N. Y. The Kibblers are former Trucksville residents. Rev. Milo Singer will perform the ceremony in Bethel Baptist Church, Wilkes-Barre, Wednesday, Decem- ber 28, at 6:30 p. m. No invita- tions have been issued. Shirlee Allen will be maid of honor and Joan Kibbler, sister of the bridegroom of Binghamton, N. Y., bridesmaid. Richard Price will act as best man and Ward Peter- man, brother-in-law of the bride- groom of Shavertown, and John Williams, brother of the bride of Lyons, N. J., ushers. Following ‘the ceremony, a re- ception for members of the immed- iate families will be held at the Kingston House. Miss Williams is a graduate of Hanover Township High School. She has been employed by the Bell Tel- ephone Company. Mr. Kibbler was graduated from Glen Nor High School, Keystone Junior College, and Lafayette ‘College. He is em- ployed by the Atomic Energy Com- mission at Riverton, where the couple will live at 808 W. Main Street. Main Street, Dallas, entertained a number of friends at the Irem Coun- try Club on Wednesday evening. (Cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ide, Hunts- ville, who:are enjoying the lovely summer weather at Hollywood, Fla. Clint went to attend a business meeting, Jule to enjoy herself. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, Sutton Road, will entertain a number of friends at a dinner party prior to the Junior League dance on De- cember 28. Mrs. Jonathan Valentine, Sutton Road, is able to be out again after an extended illness of the fiu. Cards have been received from Mrs. Edna King, the former Edna McCarty of Lehman Avenue, Dallas, who says she and her husband have taken on apartment, in St. Peters- burg where Ken is working at car- pentry work and Edna is enjoying the sunshine. They get a kick out of receiving the Dallas Post and hometown news. Mrs. Vincent Shindel, Main {Street, Dallas, is spending several days in New York (City. Miss Frances Dorrance spent sev- eral days last week in Harrisburg on a business trip. Atty. and Mrs. Jonathan Valen- tine, Sutton Road, will entertain at dinner prior to the Junior League dance December 238. Mrs. H. H. Zeiser, Huntsville Road, and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mill Street, will leave January 9 to spend the winter at St. Petersburg, Fla. They have reservations at the Princess Martha Hotel. Lt. Madeline Baur, who has been stationed at (Camp Haugen, Japan, has arrived in the States and ex- pects to spend a thirty-day leave at her home in the Back Mountain area. Jane Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham, Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, along with two other Wyoming Seminary freshmen, will entertain at a tea dance at Westmoreland (Club next Tuesday. Mrs. Henry L. Jones has returned to her home at Trucksville after being a patient at Robert Packer Hospital. Members of Dallas Rotary and their wives and friends enjoyed their annual (Christmas dance at Irem Temple Country Club last man. - Mrs. Doris Covert, Kingston, for- mer Shavertown resident, enter- tained members of her canasta club at a Christmas party recently. Mrs. Robert Dolbear, Overbrook Road, entertained at a birthday party honoring her son, Bobby, and David Elston, members of Cubs, Den 1, Troop 200, recently. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crompton and family moved to their new home on Westmoreland Hills, Trucksville, on Monday. George Kostenbauder, who has been confined to his home at Kun- kle the past five weeks with hepa- titis, is able to be back at work at the Dallas Post. Pfc. William Dettmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore of Leh- man Avenue, celebrated his twenty- first birthday anniversary in Ger- many on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Meloni and family of Harrisburg, have taken up residence on Shaver Avenue, Shavertown. Mr. Meloni is civil engineer at the Avoca Airport. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dourand and daughter have moved into their newly constructed home on. Terrace Drive, Shavertown. Mr. Dourand is employed at the Okenite. Mr. and Mrs. IC. L. Albert, Pioneer Avenue, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Price, Jr. Scarsdale, N. Y. Mrs. Howard Risley is improved after being confined to her home for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owens and daughter have moved from Ply- mouth to a newly purchased home ‘on Carverton Road, Trucksville. Reading left to right Betty Lou Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Balut, Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Ramona, to Carl Dymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dymond, ‘West Dallas. Rev. Francis Brennan performed the double ring cere- mony in St. Therese’s Church, Shav- ertown, at 11:45 on November 26. Organist was Regina Kline and so- loist, Mrs. Sylvia Schooley. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore waltz length gown of rose point lace fashioned with fitted bodice with scoop neckline and long tight sleeves tapered at the wrist and full bouffant skirt. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a tiara edged with seed pearls Dymond, Nancy ut Becomes graduated from Dallas Township High School. He is employed by the Dallas Service Station. The couple resides with the par- ents of the bride. Emily Keller, Honored On Tenth Birthday Emily Keller, Noxen, was guest of honor at a birthday party held at her home last Wednesday. She was ten. Present were Beverly Lord, Judy Shalata, Tommy Field, Sandra Scouten, Billy Cook, Eddie Laffin, Jack Kocher, Charlene Jones, Cathy and Blair Newberry, Sharon Montross, Ruthie Weaver, Rose Richard Wrigley Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wrigley, Arlington, Va., announce the birth of a baby boy, Richard Paul, De- cember 9. The Wrigleys have a little girl, Barbara, aged fifteen months. Mrs. Wrigley is daughter of Paul Daily of Shavertown. ® / MAKE IT Junior Class of Westmoreland High School will present its Winter Wonderland Frolic Friday night, De- cember 23, from 8 to 11. Connie (Chappell is general chair- man; Joyce Edwards, decorations; Dan Federici, refreshments, and Nancy Crocker, tickets. Prince of Peace Auxiliary will meet at the parish house Tuesday evening at 8 for election of officers. In place of the usual exchange of gifts, a silver offering will be taken for financing of CARE packages. Mrs. John Welker is chairman of hospitality. HOSIERY Seam or Seamless GIRLS KNEE HI SOCKS and sequins and she carried a prayer book marked with orchids. Patricia Martin of Wilkes-Barre, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor and Nancy and Betty Lou Dymond, Dallas, sisters of bride- groom, bridesmaids. They chose ankle length gowns of satin in green, pink and blue and matching hats. They carried carnations in contrasting colors. Mrs. Balut, mother of the bride, selected black street dress, white accessories and shoulder bouquet of orchids, and Mrs. Dymond, mother of the bridegroom, navy dress, pink accessories and orchids. Best man was Stephen Balut, brother of the bride, and ushers, Albert Dymond, brother of the bridegroom, and Richard -Bartle- baugh. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride and the couple left for Florida. Mrs. Dymond is a aduate of : ; ‘Westmoreland High et She is Davis St. Trucksville employed by Kraft Foods (Company DALLAS 4-7338 in Forty Fort. Mr. Dymond was tn A En ED AE ALTE Marie and Delea Jones, Gary Hop- fer, Eddie Hollis, David Bates, Larry Peterson, Sharon Jackson and the guest of honor. . PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tippett and daughter, formerly of Pierce Street, Kingston, have purchased and moved into a home at Westmore- land Hills, Trucksville. Mr. Tippett is with the Federated Mortgage and Loan Corporation. VE EE << ET SG A Ey ! PORTRAITS Specializing in distinctive i child photography. For Your Convenience | ! fo Tne. J BY APPOINTMENT E. C. HUDSON 4 CHRITIAS ALL WRREDED UD 1 bee SPECIAL @ Marianne Hose 60 GG. 15 Dn. 89c Pair 25¢ Box First Quality MAIN ST. DALLAS PETTICOATS GOWNS SLIPS Pin MILK Whether you buy milk at the store or have it delivered to your door, always make it Purvin’s Milk! DIAL VA 2-815] for REGULAR DELIVERY Ey Visit our ‘modern 3 ICE CREAM STORE 3 ® J ® PANTIES @ ® ® THE HAYLOFT OVER “SMITHS” 00000000000000000000000000000000 000000 Take the Hint... ¢ it’s’ a fur coat she wants for Christmas . . . credit it to her ; connoisseur taste (she chose you, didn’t ‘she!). Delight her with a fabulous Black Alaska Seal Coat . . . a wise investment, too, considering its long term fashion and excellent wearing qualities. Don’t disappoint her this Christmas . . . see our vast fur collection. We invite you to use our special payment plans. Max Specialty Shop 21 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET ~ WILKES-BARRE * | 3 —