a» we THE WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL (Trucksville Methodist) Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor Morning Worship with services at 8:30 and 11:00. The sermon topic will be “The Land of the Living.” Sunday School, 9:45. At 7:00 the Junior-Hi M.Y.F. will meet in the Church parlors for a brief business meeting: then join the Senior-Hi M.Y.F. at 7:30 at the Fire Hall to go to the Temple Israel in Wilkes- Barre as guests of Dr. Abraham Barras to learn about the symbols and worship of Judaism. The theme for the month is: “Religions of the World.” Monday, October 10—The Child- ren’s Society of Christian Service will meet in the Church parlors at 3:45. Tuesday, October 11—The Official Board will meet in the parsonage at 7:30. Thursday, October 13 — Junior Boys’ Choir rehearsal, 3:45; Junior Girls’ Choir rehearsal, 4:15; Senior Girls’ Choir rehearsal, 6:30; Senior Choir rehearsal, 7:30. Friday, October 14—The Mr. and Mrs. Club will hold their monthly Covered Dish Supper in the Church parlors at 6:30. The business session and entertainment will follow. BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH (The 'Church That Cares) Rev. Truman Reeves, Pastor Beginning Tuesday, at 8 p.m., and continuing through October 16, we will have Revival Services. We trust that each one of you will give us your utmost cooperation. Come yourself and be sure to invite your neighbors and friends to accom- pany you. In the church vestibule you will find small banks. Any one desiring to see a new floor in the Sunday School Room in the basement is urged to take a bank in which to place your extra change for more comfortable quarters for your youngsters. : ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.; the Service at 11 a.m. Tomorrow from 5 to 7 p.m. the annual Sauer Kraut Supper, served by the Brotherhood, will be held. Tuesday night at 8 the Dorcas Society will hold a “Hat Social” meeting. ; The senior choir will meet at 7:30 a meeting of the Church (Council Wednesday night at 7:30. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Rev. William H. Heapps, Pastor Church School 9:45 a.m., Rally Day Program, Special guest speaker for adult and youth departments. A religious film will be featured for the childrens and intermediate de- partments. Church Service at 11 am. Rally Day Service. Special message by the pastor to the entire church. The rite of infant baptism DO YOU WEAR SIZE 32 to 38? I have purchased the entire stock of a valley merchant. The items are all new, only shop worn. Overcoats, Top Coats Suits $5.00 to $12.50 Sport Coats $2. to $5. JAVER'S STORE Harveys Lake AUTUMN LEAVES Time and tide waits for no men. You can’t argue with the calendar. The calendar also dictates fall housecleaning. No need to dread it if you do it the sensible way. The sensible way ‘is always from the floor up. That means Oscar Smith rug and upholstery cleaning first —then housecleaning. Saves you back breaking labor and brings back life to tired furn- ishings. At the same time we can per- form rug magic of every description as you desire. A new fringe, remodeled sizes, fresh binding. Added years of pleasure for you in just a few days from pick up to delivery. Why wait? Home means more with clean carpet on the floor! Oscar Smith Co. Call Us Today VA 2-3451 “Rug and Upholstery Cleaners Since 1847” will be administered. MYF Service at 6:30 p.m. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Rev. Ruth L. Underwood, Pastor The Rev. Robert P. Kellerman, pastor of the Central Methodist Church in Wilkes-Barre, who has recently returned from Vietnam, will be the guest speaker at the Kunkle Church service at 7:30 Sun- day evening, October 9. Members of the Kunkle Youth Fellowship will have charge of the service. The Youth Fellowship groups of the Charge will be guests at the service. The youth groups will meet at 6:30 at the church for a Fellowship Hour. Kunkle Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m. Services in the Alderson, Noxen and Ruggles Methodist Churches on Sunday, October 9 will be held as follows: Ruggles Church service ‘at 8:45 a.m., Sunday School at 10 o'clock; Noxen Church service at 10 a.m., Sunday School at 11 a.m.; Alderson Sunday ‘School 10:15 a.m.; Alderson ‘Church service at 11:15 a.m, The Alderson and Ruggles Youth Fellowship groups will have a party at the Alderson Methodist Church Friday evening, October 7, at eight o'clock. The Kunkle Commission on Edu- cation will meet at the Church Mon- day evening, October 10 at 7:15. The Official Board will meet at 8:15 at the church. The Ruggles Church Commission on Education and the Ruggles Of- ficial Board will meet at the Church Tuesday evening, October 11, at 7:30. OUTLET FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Marvin W. Sweezy, Pastor 10:00 — Sunday School; 11:00 — Morning Worship. No service in evening due to Wilkes-Barre District Meeting held at Beach Lake, Penna. 7:30. Wednesday night — Prayer Meeting. Everyone welcome. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 9:45 — Church School with classes for all ages; 11:00— Nursery during Church for pre- school children; 11:00 — Morning Worship Service; 6:00 — Intermed- iate Methodist Youth Fellowship; 6:30—Senior Methodist Youth Fel- Hear Physician Dr. M. C. Rumbaugh Guest Speaker At 'Y’ The R.ARM. (Regional Associa- tion of Retired Men) in its regular weekly meeting on Thursday, Octo- ber 13 will have as its guest, Dr. M. C. Rumbaugh, who will address this new retired Mens Club on, “The Health of the Retired Man.” Meeting is called at 2 p.m. at the Central YMCA by Mr. Will Newhart, president. All men of retirement age are cordially invited. Men of the Back Mountain area are urged to enjoy this fellowship. It is possible that a Back Mountain chapter of RARM may develop. More than 71 men are already affiliated with this club which is not yet one month old. Contact the Program Secretary at Central YMCA or just drop in on next Thursday. Card Of Thanks Mrs. Charles Allen of Trucksville, on behalf of local members of the family of the late Ira E. Brown, former resident of Noxen, who died September 25 in Chester, wishes to thank friends for their concern in sending cards of sympathy and flowers. Mr. Brown was widely recognized as an ardent church worker, a deacon in ‘the Baptist Tabernacle in ‘Chester, with a host of friends in the town where he had spent the last twenty years of his life. Jumping at conclusions is not nearly as good mental exercise as digging for facts. lowship. Monday: 7:00—Girl Scouts, Troop 9; 7:30—Leadership Training Insti- tute for Teachers and Youth Work- ers; 8:00—Kings Daughters meeting. Tuesday: 4:00—Girl Scouts, Troop 66; T7:30—Boy Scouts, Troop 231; 7:30—Commission Meetings at the Church; 8:15—Official Board Meet- ing in Chapel Room. Wednesday: 3:45 — Brownies, Troop 105; 8:00—W.S.C.S. Monthly Meeting in Chapel Room. Program: “he World Beginning In My Com- munity.” Thursday: 3:45—Junior Choir re- hearsal; 6:30—Youth Choir rehear- sal; 7:30—Senior Choir rehearsal. * Trees Cut * Trees Trimmed & SON for as low as POUR IT! It’s the easiest of all dollar. It pays for itself! BUILDING insulations to install...insulate SUPPLIES YMCA Officers Training Camp Scheduled Sunday At Camp Kresge Back Mountain Hi-Y and Tri Hi-Y Clubs will join with similar clubs of the Central YMCA at the Fall Officers Training Camp on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Due to conflicts with area foot- ball games this training session has been reduced to a one-day affair. Officers from clubs at Lake- No x en, Dallas - Franklin - Monroe, Lehman-JacksondRoss and West- moreland High Schools will partici- pate from this area. The site of the’ Wilkes-Barre YMCA’s Camp Kresge on Beaver Lake, near White Haven will be used. | ‘Walter Zimmerman, of Thailand, will be a special guest speaker. An- drew Hume, Eric Planitzer, J. H. Godtfring and Miss Louise Dickin- son are planning the event. Back Mountain delegates may contact Mr. Godtffring, Shavertown, for complete details. Explorers Enjoy New Quarters At Legion Explorer Scouts met for the first time on Wednesday in their new quarters in the basement of the new American Legion Home. The sixteen boys present were delighted with the meeting place, large en- ough for dances and assemblies, and with the cupboards and storage space provided for their use. Four new members were present, John Kirk, Tom and William Farrell, and David Estus. Five new members are about ready for apprentice wings. Adults present were Joseph Har- ris, Percy Love, Jack Stanley, Joe Kravitz, and Leslie Barstow. Mem- Idetown Mrs. Lily Davis, of Noxen, and Harry Randall, of Endicott, N. Y., were callers here and in Huntsville on Sunday afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Davis. Mrs. Jack Richards who recently returned to her home after being a patient in the Nesbitt Hospital was guest of honor at a birthday dinner at her home in Trucksville, on Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Al Rinkin and daughters, Janice and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Davis and daughters, Glenda and Gloria and Doreen. Mrs. [Corey Meade and Mrs. John Dobson and son Wayne, spent Wednesday morning shopping and Meade. PAGE THREE Fritz spent the day at the Blooms- burg Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ward spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lynch, of Upper Darby. Efficiency, Economy, Energy, En- { durance. Apply these E’s now; they DON’T WAIT! Winter Is Just Around The Corner & Examine your fur coat now. Have it restyled into the newest fashions or have a jacket, cape, or stole made from it. We will make your old coat like new. We guarantee our work — no down payment necessary. We also remodel and reiine cloth coats. 147 Main St., Luzerne Phone BUtler 7-2562 Shankless Sirloin, Porterhouse STEAKS Trimmed ID. 89 ‘Whole or Shank No Slices Removed 53c Ib. Long Island POTATOES Peck 29C MacIntosh APPLES 1 Ibs. 25¢ Kasco -DOG FOOD 5 Ibs. 69¢ | bers, other than already named, PHONE were: Leslie Barstow, Jr. Robert DALLAS 7 I PHONE 3 : DALLAS Piznar, Fred Anderson, Michael 4-7161 4.7161 Quare, Arthur Campbell, William Hall, Lytle Perry, Richard Besteder, . Blatr Beddle, Arthar Bila. Joba MAIN STREET Near the Post Office TRUCKSVILLE Estus, and Jon Savickas. AAR [rN Foyers. 36 Main St., Dallas Financing. 9x12 4.39 PHONE DALLAS 4-7861