PAGE SIX Idetown Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Toluba entertained their trailer park ten- ants at a buffet supper served on the park lawn recently. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hadsel, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nedimyer and son Jeff, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duke and daugh- ters Christine and Mary Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lynch and daugh- ters Maureen and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zapotisky, Wesley Williams and children, Jack Sazy, Nancy, Bobby, Gary Donis, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Evans, Joseph Barker and the Toluba family. The beautiful vase of flowers in the church pulpit at the morning worship service on Sunday were in memory of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown given by Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel Brown. Mrs. Charlotte Pannabecker of Philadelphia is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Husted. The Husteds ob- served their 17th wedding anniv- ersary last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Ide enter- tained at dinner on Sunday in hon- or of the latter's mother, Mrs. Della Parrish who observed her 78th birthday on Friday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Par- rish and son, Billy and Mrs. Beat- rice Maloney of Kingston; Mrs. J. Gordon Hadsel of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parrish and daughter Donna, and Mrs. Francis Kreidler, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ide and children Dianne, Ricky, Gary and Donna, Mrs. Kenneth Calkins, Judy, Kim, Linda and Randy, Ethel Ide, Bruce Ide, Glenn Ide, Bess Cooke, Harold Ide, the guest of honor and the host and hostesses. Callers at the Ide home were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Updyke and sons Bobby, Jackie, and Sparlie of Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn: Johnson and children, Shirley and Lee of Leh- man, Mrs. Howard Ridway of Forty Fort spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deihl. Mr. and Mrs. Corey Meade, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meade and sons, .Billy and Donnie, Mrs. John Dobson and son, Wayne of Fernbrook spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nauss of Bainbridge, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Matthews "and children spent the weekend with Mrs. Matthews’ mother, Mrs. Wesley Hilbert, also Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hilbert of Forty Fort, Rev. and Mrs. George Roberts and daughter, Nancy and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bair and daughter, Bonny Lynn and Mrs. Lydia Rowley, were Sunday visi- tors, it being Mrs. Hilbert’s birth- day. Several long distance congra- tulatory calls were received. The Official Board and Sunday School Board will meet in the church on Saturday night at eight. The commissions will meet at 7:30. 'A wienie roast was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ide on Sunday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boice, Mrs. Harold Boice and son, Jimmy, Mrs. Herbert Moyer and son, Herbert Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hoover and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ide, David and Rita Ide. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele and son, Russell Jr., of Meeker were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ide. The Christian boys class, John Race teacher, will meet in the church house on Friday night. Mrs. John Richards, mother of Mrs. Al Rinkin and Bud Davis is a patient in the Nesbitt Hospital. Sweet Valley Mr. and Mrs. William Post and Lois and Charles of Kingston visit- ed Mrs. Leslie Lewis last week. While here they called on Mrs. Eliza Whitesell who fell a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Holcomb and Sandy, Albert and Iona, called on two of Albert's daughters, Mr. and Mrs. William Varner and Mr. and Mrs. William Cryder and family at Berwick on Sunday. Many from here attended the last day of Camp Meeting at Patterson Grove on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Weldon were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long on Friday. Mrs. Blanche Ide of Jersey City is visiting her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masters. Mrs. Alva Case and Jesse Hann have been confined to their homes with colds. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Naugle spent Monday with the former's brother, Ernest at Mohawk, N.Y. The annual homecoming will be held at the Church of Christ Sun- day, September 11. GET READY FOR FALL Have your heating plant cleaned and inspected NOW! TED RUFF for expert service Phone DALLAS 4-7726 Whipped Topping Raspberries 1 Small ¥ Smoked Whole or Full o. $100 Bots. plus. dep. 5 Oz. 00 Cans 6! 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