All notices of Church Services in order to appear in this col- umn must be in our hands no later than Tuesday at 5 p.m. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST Sweet Valley, Pa. Donald G. Weldon, Minister Bible School 10 a.m., Carl Rood, superintendent; Morning Worship and Communion 11, sermon: ‘The Commission Emphasized;” Christian Endeavor Hour (Young People) at 7 p.m.; Evening Service at 8, ser- mon, “My Father’s House. Monday, the Church Board will meet at 8 pm. Tuesday at 10 a.m. the Church and Bible School is invited to meet at the church building, then we shall all go together to Benton Park to enjoy a full day at our annual picnic. Bring a lunch and lets have a great time. Bible Study of the Letter of Jude, at 8 p.m. followed by choir prac- tice at 9. We welcome all to every service. “Where a visitor becomes a friend.” PRINCE OF PEACE CHURCH Rev. William McClelland, Jr., Rector Sunday, August 16, 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Morning Pray- er and Sermon. BEAUMONT BAPTIST CHURCH (The Church That (Cares) Rev. Truman Reeves, Pastor Monday 7:30, the Young People will meet at the church, then go to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones where they will build a camp fire to have a lesson in ‘Outdoor Cooking.” Each one is to bring his own hot dogs. Wednesday 8, Rev. and Mrs. Rus- sell Mapes of Plymouth, who are missionary candidates of the Bap- tist Mid-Mission to the Gold Coast of Africa, will be the speakers. Sunday, August 14, 10, Sunday SPECIAL Furnace Cleaning For Coal Home Heating Furnaces $1.50 Vacuumed Cleaning Dallas 4-0715 ice. Bowman’s Creek FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. Lewis Payne, Pastor ' Saturday, Sunset Hour Open Air Service, 8:30 p.m. at the Highway Triangle, Harvey's Lake. ‘Sunday, 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. Morning Worship; 7 p.m. Youth Hour; 7:45 p.m. Evening Gos- pel Service, ‘Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. 8 pm. Midweek SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost, Pastor Sunday, 9:45, Church School with classes for all ages; 11 Nursery dur- ing church for pre-school children; 11 Morning Worship Service, guest minister, Dr. J. Rolland Crompton, headmaster of Tilton School in Til- Dial Sweet Valley 7-2244 WAIL Lala ld0 master and Mrs. Joseph Polacky, of Huntsville Road has completed thir- ty weeks training at the Guilded Missile School at Damneck, Va., and left last Saturday for San Diego Naval Base where he expects to be stationed for the next three years. Joe has a fifteen day leave at his home before departing for California Saturday from Avoca Airport. ton, New Hampshire. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH _ Rev. William H. Heapps, Minister {Church School, 9:45 a.m.; Church Service, 11 a.m., sermon topic, “Sad Scenes of the Bible.” A male quar- tette will sing. — WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL (Trucksville Methodist) Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor Morning Worship with services at 8:30 and 11. Guest speaker will be Mr. Ned Lintern of West Pittson. Sunday School, 9:45. Thursday, monthly meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian Service, 1:30, in the church parlors. Intercessory Prayer Fellowship, 1:15, in the sanctuary. oo ALDERSON CHARGE Church services, pastor preaching, and Sunday School will be held in the Methodist Churches of the Al- derson-Noxen (Charge on Sunday, as follows: Ruggles service 8:45 a.m. Ruggles Sunday School 10 a.m; Noxen Church service 10 a.m., Nox- en Sunday School 11 a.m.; Noxen MYF 6 p.m.; Alderson Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Alderson Church serv- ice 11:15 a.m.; Kunkle Sunday School 10 a.m.; Kunkle Church service 7:30 p.m., Kunkle MYF 8:30 p.m. Alderson Youth Fellowship will hold an ice cream social on the church lawn tonight beginning at six o'clock. Home made ice cream, and cake, wieners and rolls, coffee and soft drinks will be for sale. Commission on Education of the Noxen Church will meet at the A. J. Casterline home on Tuesday eve- ning, at eight o’clock. WISCS of the Ruggles Church will meet at the church Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. Entertain At Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffiths, Demunds Road, entertained at a picnic supper recently. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Williams and Walter and David, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bachman and Grace Ann and Sumner, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Hunger- ford and Lance and Judy. { MAIN STREET (Reg. $2.98 and $3.98) 36.00 OFF $1.89 DALLAS “i Methodist Churches Plan Teacher Training Course Methodist Churches in the Back Mountain Area are planning a Lead- ership Training School for Sunday School teachers and workers to be held in the Shavertown Methodist Church, Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, pastor of the White Church on the Hill in Trucksville, will be the Dean. The school will be held on five Monday evenings beginning Sep- tember 26th and concluding Octo- ber 24th, from 7:30 to 9:30. Rev. Ruth L. Underwood, pastor of Alderson-Noxen Charge, is the Director of Leadership Education for the Dallas Sub-District and will act as registrar, assisted by Mrs. Wil- liam Morgan, of Shavertown. Instructors for the school include ert D. Yost, pastor of Shavertown Methodist Church; Rev. William Heapps, pastor of Dallas Methodist; J. J. TOBIN EXCAVATING We specialize in com- plete septic tank work. Also General Hauling & Ditch Digging. Free Estimates HV 9-6326 NEW LOCATION Farmers Nite Market Rear of Lester Pontiac Entrance on Pierce St., Kingston Home-Grown SWEET CORN FRESH-DUG POTATOES Peaches ' Poultry Apples Beans Mangoes Flowers Lima Beans Frosted Cider Blueberries Tomatoes FRESH BAKED GOODS by Broadway Methodist Church PRIZE AWARDS EVERY HALF HOUR Open 5:30 P.M. Market Nights Mon., Wed. and Fri. Miss Georgiena Weidner of Trucks- ville; Rev. Kenneth O'Neill, pastor of Lehman Methodist; Rev. Everett Lord, pastor of Huntsville Metho- dist, and Rev. Robert Wood, pastor of Carverton Methodist Church. PERSONAL Rita Cummings, Church Street, and Naomi and Carol Shaver, Mill Street, spent last weekend in At- lantie City. SUMMER CONDITION Your oil or coal heating plant TED RUFF expert Vite Phone | DALLAS 4-7726 WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Engagement Announcements Change of Residence Arrivals of Newcomers to City PHONE ANNE RAY Dallas 4-0485 or Dallas 4-1101 DOT LANDIS 4-3211 HEARD THE NEWS? We just had DODSON & HUDAK Memorial Highway CARRY Dallas CORN PICKED FRESH EVERY DAY WE DELIVER oN LS OL TO CA RR NER oe E58 ERE ZZ 1 EE | OF wiikeS. part Main Sireel, Dallas, Pa.