ee — — = Ae Sweet Valley CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Donald G. Weldon, Minister Sunday services: Bible School 10 am. Carl Rood, superintendent; Morning Worship, 11, sermon, “Father, Protector and Leader.” Christian Endeavor, 7 p.m.; Evening Worship, 8 p.m., sermon, “Good Old Gospel.” Wednesday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study of second chap- ter of St. Peter; Choir practice at 9. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Rev. William Heapps, Pastor Sunday, June 5, [Church School 9:45 a.m., Dr. Budd Schooley will teach the Young Adult Class; Church Service, 11, sermon topic “What Happened at Pentecost”; M.Y.F. Service at 6:30. Several of our youth are planning to go to Sky Lake Methodist Youth Camp. All registrations must be signed by the minister. Monday, 8 p.m., WSCS executive meeting at the home of Mrs. Ray- mond Elston. Members of the WISCS are reminded to send their gifts for the Foodless Bake [Sale before June 12th. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Official Board meeting at the church. All mem- bers please make it your duty to attend. ‘Wednesday at 4 p.m., Brownies and Girl Scouts, Descant Choir re- hearsal. Thursday, 4 p.m. Carol (Choir re- hearsal; 7 p.m. Boy Scouts; 8 p.m. Senior ‘Choir rehearsal Daily Vacation Bible School will June 24. There will be classes for all children ages 5 to 12. Mrs. Ed- ward Stair will be the dean of the school assisted by Mrs. Thomas Bot- toms and Mrs. ‘Lawrence Updyke. Rev. Heapps will serve in advisory capacity. General theme for the school will be “Wider Grows the Kingdom.” Daily schedule will be 9 to 11 a.m. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Rev. Frederic H. Eidam, Pastor Service with sermon by the pastor at 8/30 and 11 o'clock in the morn- ing. Recognition of members of St. Paul's who will graduate, will be at a special program in the {Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. Gail Wool- bert, member of the Sunday School and now a student at Susquehanna University, will be speaker. Those who will be graduated include: Ronald Schlittler from Muhlenberg ‘College, Beverly Morgan from Nes- bitt Hospital School of Nursing, Frederick Malkemes, Jr., Wyoming Seminary, Frederick Roberts from Dallas Township High School, and Doris Albert, Jean Franklin, Theresa McNabb, Ralph Ell, Westmoreland High School. Church Council will meet Tues- day night ats8. ALDERSON CHARGE Church services with the pastor i A i L O R ! preaching, and Sunday [School will 173 Main St., Luzerne—Call 7-0091—We Deliver J be held in the Methodist Churches of the Alderson-Noxen Charge on Sunday, June 5 as follows: Ruggles Church service 8:45 a.m., Ruggles Sunday School 10 a.m.; Noxen ‘Church service 10 a.m., Noxen Sun- day [School 11 a.m.; Alderson Sun- day School 10:15 a.m., Alderson Church service 11:15 a.m.; Kunkle Sunday School 10 -a.m., Kunkle and avoid damage. BETTER TAILOR & FURRIER 147 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE PHONE 17-2562 or 7-7126 LOANS $10 to $600... QUICKLY No endorsers . . . Up to 2 years to repay For extra fast service. Phone first. The Oldest Company of its kind in Pensa. Estoblished ia 1894 QILYR WARE Church service 7:30 p.m. The Noxen and Kunkle Youth Fel- lowship groups will meet Sunday evening in their respective churches. The Alderson Youth Fellowship will meet Monday evening at 6:30. SWEET VALLEY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Ira Button, Minister Sunday services: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. There will be no evening service. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 9:45, Church School with classes for all ages; 11:00, Nursery during Church for pre-school child- ren; 11:00, Morning Worship Ser- vice—Installation of the Officers of the W.S.C.S.; 6:00, Intermediate Methodist Youth Fellowship. Monday: 3:30, Brownies, Troop 115; 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 9. Tuesday: 4:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 66;7:30, Boy Scouts, Troop 231. FOR PRODUCTION REPLACEMENT PULLETS FEED TI-O-GA Grower (Mash or Pellets) plus TI-O-GA Poultry Fitting Ration and TI-O-GA Scratch Grains (depending on breed). Above program fits pullets for 1—Regular egg production 2—High laying capacity 3—Maximum yearly egg production TI-0-GA FEED SERVICE DEVENS MILLING CO. A. C. DEVENS, OWNE Phone: 4-7141 105; 6:30, Workers’ Conference Cov- ered Dish Supper in Church Social Rooms; 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 75. Thursday: 3:45, Junior Choir Re- hearsal; 6:30, Youth Choir Rehear- sal; 7:30, Senior Choir Rehearsal. WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL Trucksville Methodist) Rev. Arthur B. Mayo, Pastor Morning Worship, with services at 8:30 and 11. The pastor’s mes- sage for both services will be “Preaching and Teaching.” (Chil- dren’s Day will be observed at 9:45, with a special program presented in the sanctuary by members of the Primary, Kindergarten and Begin- ners Departments. William Burna- ford of Shavertown, will be the guest soloist of the morning. The Junior- Hi MYF will meet at 6:30 in the Dallas, Penna. YOUR MIND AT EASE Those who choose Snowdon Service find mind's ease in the certain knowledge that their final tribute to a loved one is the finest. Twenty minutes from the greater Dallas area. 420 WYOMING AVE. KINGSTON HAROLD C. SNOWDON TEL. VA 3-0400 rte —— wy ? . church parlors. Monday, June 6, the pupils of" Mrs. Robert Sherwood will present a recital in the church at 8. The members of the Senior-Hi MYF will act as ushers and afterwards serve light refreshments in the church par- lors. The public is invited. OUTLET BIBLE TABERNACLE Rev. Donald Nulton, Pastor Tonight, 7/30 p.m., Prayer and Bible Study. Sunday services: Sunday School 10 a.m.; Morning Worship 11. Thursday, June 9, 7:30, the Triggs, showing slides and souvenirs of the Congo. Friday at 7:30 Denise Farquhar, from the H.O.P.E. Mission, will speak on her recent stay in Europe, re- porting conditions in many coun- tries. BEAUMONT UNION CHURCH (The Church That Cares) Rev. Truman Reeves, Pastor Rev. Donald Nulton, Assist. Pastor Monday 8, Adult Bible Class and Young Peoples’ Meeting. Wednesday 8, Mid-week Prayer Service. y Sunday, June 5, 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. Services with the Pastor. MAPLE GROVE CHARGE Rev. Albert Hillard, Pastor ‘All three congregations of the Maple Grove Charge will meet for morning worship Sunday at 11 at Maple Grove, to hear Howard Lewis of the Scranton Tribune and Scran- tonian, a speaker of note, with an inspiring message to deliver. Sun- day School times in the Meeker and Loyalville Churches have been an- nounced in each. Rev. Ruth Underwood, Guest At Reception Rev. Ruth Underwood, pastor, was guest of honor at a reception held in the Sunday School room at Kun- kle Methodist Church after the service on Sunday. Rev. Underwood was returned to the charge at the Conference held in {Scranton during the week. Program consisted of a talk by E. R. Kerlin, Sunday School Super- intendent and remarks of apprecia- tion for a job well done by Mrs. Fred Dodson. The guest of honor was presented with a substantial purse. Keller Rotary Speaker James Keller, Scranton, spoke on “Juvenile Protection” before Dallas Rotary Club at its meeting last night at Irem Temple Country Club. “Good Vision Is Vital” Dr. A. S. Lisses OPTOMETRIST 5 Main Street Dallas DALLAS OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday: 1:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 te 8:15 P.M. Wednesday: 7:90 te 8:16 PM Friday: 1:00 te 5:00 and 7:00 to 3:15 P.M. Saturday: By appointment only. $10,000 to $20,000. These homes have been thoroughly tested and approved by many fam- ilies and bear the guarantee of fine construction for which Whitesell Brothers are well known. You can procure complete plans for any of these homes . . . plans your Sopiractor can use without trouble, to build your home anywhere you wis! Send 25c to cover cost of handling and mailing and get this fine “HOMES” magazine now. Send 25¢ in Coin to this address. Box No. BE #127 Dallas, Penna. Vv Winner receives: Hood Ornament, You ALWAYS pick 1935 DODGE .. . ABSOLUTELY FREE tration Blank . « « that’s all . . . you may be the WINNER! Yes, from June 5 to 18 you can register at Pomeroy’s in Wilkes-Barre to be eligible to win. Deposit the coupon from in this ad at Pomeroy’s and while you are there, get more coupons from any department on the six big selling floors. No purchase is required! Shop Pomeroy’s Mondays and Thursdays 9:30 to 9:00 . . . All other days, 9:30 to 5:30 . . . Use your credit at Pomeroy’s . . . Choose any of the 7 easy ways to buy. Pomeroy’s delivers FREE in Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Sulli- van and Wyoming Counties. Come . . . Register . . . Win at POMEROY'S On the Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Directional Dallas Post Fourth Floor Television Department Children under 18 are not eligible to win. RSS Re mma anget a ~