snd Stree EE OEE \ Waves, active and inactive and retired from all parts of the nation, will hold their thirteenth annual reunion at the Hotel di Lido, Miami, Fla, July 29, 30 and 31. Activities will include a reception, buffet sup- per, birthday dinner and swimming party. Chairman of the affair is Lt. Cdr. Mary Wood Malone USNR. FER) WIN! | 4 | Electric travelled by chartered bus. \ SWVITAL 7 | Senior Banquet || STATISTICS @ The annual senior banquet was | | IMPORTANT ! Toasters held Thursday night at the Boston TO YOU ? Candy Kitchen. I® Mixers ls Grilles |® Percolators |® Radios NOW | | | GOING | ON | weekiy and semi-week-} ly awards will be pre-| | sented to our customers | | who hold winning tick-] jo after buying any $1.00 worth of our | merchandise. \DENMON’S,; CITIES SERVICE | STATION | 1 Main Highway rig me ad Seniors Enjoy New York Trip Schedule Banquet Thursday, 6:30 Dallas - Franklin Seniors left Monday morning for their annual trip to New York. They visited the as high points of a day spent in an intensive tour of the city. Starting time was 6 p.m: returning around mid-night. Edgar Hughes and Robert Dol- bear, senior class advisors, accom- panied the thirty-eight seniors, who Hi-Y News Officers and new members of the Dallas-Franklin Hi-Y received their ‘Hi-Y pins during a special meeting on May 4. Jack Williams, Executive Secretary of the Back Mountain Town and Country YMCA was the guest speaker. On May 16, elections will be held to select the new offi- cers for the 1955-56 school term. Tonight the Junior Class will hold a dance from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Claudine Tvede Becomes Bride of D. D. Durland Saturday, April 23 at 2 pm, Claudine Tvede, daughter ‘of Mrs. Claudine Tvede, former Jackson Township resident, became the bride of Rev. Denton D. Durland, son of Mr, and Mrs. Denton D. Dur- land - of Pittsburgh. The Durlands formerly spent their summers in the Back Mountain Area. Attendants were sisters of the bride, Bodil and Susanne Tvede and Charles J. Durland, cousin of the bridegroom of Brooklyn, N. Y. Ush- ers were Allen Wilkenson of Brook- line, Mass.,, and Samuel Ashley, Dallas. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the Tvede home on Butler Street, Kingston, and the couple left for a southern trip. Mrs. Durland is a graduate of Lehman High School and Nesbitt Hospital School for Nurses. Rev. Durland was graduated from Val- ley Forge Military Academy, Ho- bart College, and Philadelphia Div- inity School. He is assistant pastor at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Scranton. The couple resides at 232 Wyo- ming Avenue, Scranton. Lehman Alumni Dinner Lehman - Jackson - Ross Alumni dinner is scheduled for May 28 in the high school auditorium, the cafeteria staff serving at 7:30. A guided tour of the buildings will start at 6:45. Jimmie Jones, ven- triloquist will entertain, and music and dancing will follow. i We Feature —_— Open Daily to 5:30 @® 267 Wyoming Ave. Open Friday Evening ’til 9 Kingston Crim ea" Zz. 3. WHY ARE 2.15 PULMONARY S.A BATAL DISEASE ATRY * Answer to Question No. 1: It is good to be out in the sun | =—winter or summer—since sun- ; shine at any time of the year is a general tonic. The sun helps appetite and digestion. Rickets, , once a common disorder among " children, has practically been eliminated by the use of Vitar-' - D, the sunshine vitamin. Answer to Question No. 2: @ Though pulmonary tube. u- losis is still a serious condition, the mortality rate has greatly decreased. This is due to early diagnosis, to some of the newer surgical procedures and certain antibiotics which help to cure or arrest the disease. Anyone who has a cough which persists more than two or three weeks should have a chest X-ray. Many | unsuspected cases can be found | ly healthy people. Answer to Question No. 3: Your local health depar:. t keeps accurate records of deaths and their causes, births and dis- eases. Such facts are needed to head off epidemics and locate sources of infection. “Vital sta- tistics” also help to spot short- comings in your community's health services. For example, if your town’s percentage of baby deaths is higher than in other communities, it’s an indication your health services need inves- tigation. ® (Copyright 1952 by Health .nforma- tion Foundation) Harveys Lake Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross of. Lu- zerne, visited Mrs. Herman Garinger on Friday. Mrs. Harriet Rauch and Jack Rauch visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rauch, at Forty Fort, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Witter of Scranton, wisited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen, Sr., on Sunday. Jessie Armitage, second year stu- dent at Nesbitt Hospital, is spending her month's vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage. CANVAS SHOES way not bring the entire family in today for “P-F’ Canvas Shoes . . . the shoes that help you play or work longer in greater comfort. Wide choice of styles and colors. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Luzerne 112-116 Main St. : Phone BU 7-1241 — Free Parking a SIZE OUTFITS $ Yost Chocce OF 2 HEADBOARD STYLES! J $69.00 WEEKLY SAVE $30.00 0 fe Your Choice of 3 "A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME : I - ~~ HOLLYWOOD MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY! THAT IS ALL 989¢ HEADBOARDS JUST IMAGINE! 2 COMPLETE BED OUTFITS FOR MUCH, THAT WAS Square. modern design colorfully upholstered MUCH LESS THAN $100! It’s almost unbelievable! But in these i in nail Srimmed, washable. Boliaflex, or @ handsome outfits, you get Hollywood decorator styling and inner- 2 LEFT | grille design in durable black wrought iron. spring mattress comfort at a new low price. Don’t wait another Eee va. day! Replace your worn out bedding now. You’ll benefit both in SE y ! Pl INNERSPRING dollar savings and new sleep comfort. SHOP EARLY! a & i MATTRESSES PAY ONLY $0.00 DOWN—Balance On Easy Terms Quality built for years of use. Sisal pad insula- ERR PNR tion, springy layer-cotton-felt upholstery. Covered in a sturdy grade of blue and white ACA ticking. DURABLE SPRINGS Mounted On Wrought Iron Legs Constructed to add firm body support quality to the innerspring mattresses. Form long-lasting, all-metal bed frames. Modern finish in satin black enamel. E PARKING IN REAR Generally, we like to have a little more car to start with! However, it is amazing what we CAN do to restore banged-up cars to like- new looks and performance. In fact, “CAN do” is our watch-word. When your car’s in ! trouble remember to call us for fast efficient service! | | Calso Service Station FURNITURE Ceo. PHONE DALLAS 4-6368, SHAVERTOWN SOUTH MAIN ST. WILKES-BARRE Pen-Fern Oil Company E 104-6 -8-10 4 : FERNBROOK as