The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 04, 1955, Image 7

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Last Week’s Results
Alderson continued its bid for the
crown as it won its sixth’ in a row
at the expense of Dallas with a big
fourth period by a 55-42 score. Cris-
pell, Malkemes and Boone were the
big guns for Alderson as they scor-
ed 42 points between them. Their
high scorer Searfoss was held in
check and could hit for only seven
points. Big Ralph Templin was the
whole show for the Dallas outfit
as he hit twenty-six points out of
the forty-two that the team scored.
Templin hit for twelve of the twen-
ty-six in the last quarter.
Alderson F Pts.
Searfoss, if". 000 0 1 7
Malkemes, f 0: 14
Sichler,i $00 lau 0 0
Boone, ¢ .... 9 12
Crispell, g _... 6.16
Garinger, g _. 0 4
Patton, g «0... .... 0 2
- Dallas F Pts.
Coughlin, $i... 3 7
F. Templin, f 4 1 5
R. Templin, ic i... 12 2 26
B.. Roberts, g-..... 1 0 2
0 0
0 2
g 18 6 42
Fouls tried: Alderson 12, Dallas 14.
Alderson 14 6 14 21-55
Dallas 8 8 11 15—42
Shavertown remained in a first
place tie on its hard earned 45-43
win over East Dallas for its fourth
straight win. Hontz with 21 and
952 OH asditl 1145
Bill Oney with 18 led the winners
while Martin with 16 and Fowler
with 12 were high for the losers.
It was a close game all the way
with the Shavers winning from the
foul line by hitting on 11 out of 16,
while East Dallas made only 5 of 14.
Shavertown G FPF Pts.
Oney, f 6 18
Bolton, f _.. 0 0
Carey, f 0 2
Hontz, c 5/21
Davis, g 0 2
Porter, g 1 0 2
Waid 45
East Dallas G F Pts
Willson, £1 Var ios. 3 1 7
Brace, '£ "jul li 0 0 0
Martin, £1... alo 7 216
Bloomer, £0... 0 1 1
Fowler, ¢c'..l.. .uo 6 0 12
Race, c/o wich 0 1 x
PP. Dymond, 'g i... 2 0 4
Hughey, 'g [2 1 0 2
19 Be 4%
Fouls tried — Shavertown 16, East
Dallas 14.
Shavertown 16 10 8 11—45
East Dallas 14 13 8 8—43
Huntsville and Carverton display-
ed one of the best scoring games of
the year by rolling up a 63-60 score
in favor of the Christians. It was
the big second period when the
Christians rolled in high gear to
outscore their opponents by 24-14
that told the difference when the
final buzzer sounded. Four of the
five players did all of the scoring
for the Christians with Urban being
high with 20. Vancampen, Harris
and Lewis tallied 39 between them.
| Starting at 10
Terms: Cash
by McFeatters
Alfred Bronson, dapper in Mexi-
can outfit with fierce mustachios
and sideburns, stole the show at Sat-
urday night's Donkey Basketball
game in Lehman-Jackson High
School gymnasium. Myron Moss’
lanky length sporting a girl's dress
ran him a close second.
Townsmen and faculty got into
the spirit of the thing by dressing
for the occasion. Panky and Ed
Stolarick, Bob Disque, Glen John-
Carverton F Pts.|son and Dick Kern posed as sweat-
2 A 9 2 er-girls. Joe Ellsworth was a space-
Vancampen, c¢ _. 3 15 [ville 8.
C. Dymond, g ... 0 8 me
A. Dymond, g.... i 0 6 St. Therese’s won their game 2-0
Harvillal'g fl Nr 7) 1 7 |on a forfeit as Trucksville had only
— ~— — |four players. You must have five
6 60 |players at least to start the game
Huntsville F Pts. |and then if one fouls out you may
Urban, £00..." 0 20 |play with four. They did play a
Cl. Brobst, £0. =. . 0 16 |game however, with Trucksville
Chas. Brobst, c 1 13 jusing an ineligible player. However
Grose, gg... 4 14 {nothing goes down in the record
H, Brobst, gc i 0 0 |books but a 2-0 win for St. Ther-
— — |ese’s on a forfeit.
5. 63 —
Fouls tried — Carverton 14, Hunts- LEAGUE STANDINGS
% W L Pet.
Shavertown Methodist 9 2 .819
Alderson Methodist 92.819
Huntsville Christian T4637
St. Therese’s ri 65 BAG
Trucksville Methodist 4 7 364
Carverton Methodist 3 8.2713
East Dallas Methodist 3 8 .273
Dallas Methodist 3.8 .273
Rain or Shine
1954 Gaia sean *1795
man. Edgar Lashford and Kenneth
Sutton wore regular clothing.
George Yurko spent the entire
first period chasing his mount,
which stood still until George
reached for the bridle, then flipped
its heels and clattered off down the
floor. Donkeys lay down on the floor
under the baskets, refusing to co-
operate with frenzied players who
had to be mounted in order to shoot
a basket. Donkeys stood on their
forelegs while their hind quarters
rose in the air, catapulting their
players down over their ears. Joe
Ellsworth connected with the busi-
ness end of a donkey and landed
on his back, breathless but game.
The capacity crowd of 900
whooped and yelled, cheering on
FFA boys and townsmen, the score
seesawing back and forth in time
to the heehawing of the donkeys,
until the final whistle gave a score
of 16 to the FFA, 14 to the con-
On the FFA team were Kenneth
Coombs, Bruce Varner, Joe Schnei-
derite, Jack Kern, George Yurko,
Rafael Rodriguez, Ray Harned and
Al Manzoni,
Bob Norris, Ray Petroski and John
Headman, assisted with the don-
keys.. Russell Major was score-
Players in the varsity alumni
game preceding the riot were: Leon
Kern, Jack Kern, Bill Lopasky,
Charles Hoyt, Ernest Slocum, Harry
Rood, Bert Balliet, Junior Roberts,
Ronnie Jones, for varsity; Kenneth
Cornell, Kenneth Sutton, Ray Kern,
Moe Titus, George Major, Ignatius
Hozempa, for alumni. Score, Varsity
54, Alumni 35.
Edward Johnson and John Arm-
strong were referees.
Entertains Card Club
Mrs. George Bittenbender enter-
tained members of her card club at
her home on the Country Club Road
on Tuesday night. - Present were:
Mrs. Evan Powell, Mrs. Loren Fiske,
Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., Mrs. Harry
Hughey, Mrs. David Kitchen, Mrs.
Elmer R. Dennis, Mrs. Doris Mallin,
and Mrs. George Bittenbender.
Two outstanding basketball teams
will be the Booster Night attrac-
tions tomorrow night at Westmore-
land Gymnasium. :
The Red Rock Air Force Base
team will meet the First All-Star
Squad of Back Mountain Church
League, and Ashley Methodist
Church team, winners of Wilkes-
Barre Church League pennant, will
play the Second All-Star team.
The first game Second All-Stars
vs. Ashley will start at 7:30 while
the second game First All-Stars vs.
Red Rock will start at 9.
Several door prizes will be award-
ed. All Back Mountain residents
are urged to attend and witness the
competition between these fine
teams. There will be no admission
charged but a contribution box will
be placed at the door.
At 7:30 the second All-Star team
will play Ashley Methodist Players
on the second All-Star team are as
follows: Bob Roberts, Harry Hugh-
ey, Larry Crispell, Dick Boone, Art
Kitchen, Mike Lewis, Bill Oney, Bob
Grose; Tony Grener and Jim Loh-
man. Managers are Porky Martin
Church Youth Groups
Plan Drive For Members
Methodist Churches of the Dallas
Sub District will hold a Christian
Witness Mission March 25, 26, and
27 when members of the various
Youth Fellowships will go out in
teams to visit other young folks
and try to bring them %o Church
and to MYF meetings. Charges par-
ticipating are Dallas, Shavertown,
Trucksville, Maple Grove, Qrange,
Alderson, Lehman and Huntsville.
The Dallas Sub-district officers
are: president, Janice Hoover, Maple
Grove; vice-president, John Wood,
Orange; secretary, Carol Weaver,
Trucksville; treasurer, Nelson Ash-
burner, Kunkle; chairman of Chris-
tian Faith, Lee Ohlman, Dallas;
chairman of Christian’ Witness,
Marilyn Mosier, Dallas; chairman of
Outreach, Shirley Welsh, Idetown;
chairman of Citizenship, Karl Land-
messer, Shavertown; chairman of
Fellowship, Dwight Dick, Trucks-
ville. The Youth Directors are: Rev.
Arthur Mayo of Trucksville, and
Rev. Albert Hillard of Maple Grove.
Kingston Twp.
Bobby Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Allen, Center; Street, Shaver-
town, underwent surgery to his eye
on Friday. He will be coming home
from the Mercy Hospital this week.
Mrs. Margaret Wimmer, Mt. Airy
Road, Shavertown, has returned to
her home after being a patient in
the Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webster and
children, Diane and Bobby, Elkins
Park, Pa., spent the weekend visit-
ing friends and relatives in Kings-
ton and Shavertown.
Mrs. Johnson Miers and children,
Terrace Drive, Shavertown, are all
ill with the virus.
Mrs. Benjamin Pangborn, Keyport,
N. J., is visiting Mrs. Robert Steltz
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bell, Shav-
er Avenue, Shavertown.
Careful driving is just anoth-
er application of the golden
rule. It requires a high regard
for others, for their safety, and
even at times involves looking
out for those who do not seem
able to look out for themselves.
General Motors
Dealer In Wyoming
Valley for 30 Years |}
’54 FORD Cus.
2Dr. Fly Gg. 1499
+Dr. Faiiy 5a. 1499
zr. Heater 1099
£0. pel vuyee, 1945
p. vavea 1049
’51 CHEV.
2-Dr. Heater *195
Dr. Heater 949
Dr. Heater 495
+ Dr. Fly Bq. ‘495
’48 CHEV.
4-Dr. Heater
Phone BU 7-2118
Chieftain Dix. § [ 500
Fully Equipped
Moneterey 4 Dr. $2400
Fully Equipped
Sport Sedan 900
Fully Equipped
Deluxe 2 Door $300
Fully Equipped
Fully Enuiored 900
Sport Sedan 500
Fully Equipped
Fully Banned 800
1954 FORD
2 Door Sedan § 1500
Fully Equipped
1952 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr.
Sdn. Stunning cruiser,
Grey finish. Very sharp
car. 9 45
1953 DODGE 2 Dr. Sdn.
6 Cyl. R. H. Clean light
grey paint, $
Smart car. 1295
1951 KAISER 4 Dr. Sdn.
Very fine car. Hundreds
of care free miles left in
this ‘545
Pierce & North St.
Kingston, Pa. BU 7-3191
and Bill Coughlin.
At 9:00 Red Rock Air Force Base
will tangle with the first All-Star
team. Members on the first All-
Star squad are: John Baur, Charlie
Brobst, Hank Urban, Stan Davis,
Bob Hontz, Buddy Vancampen,
Jack Richards, Dick Searfoss, War-
ren Fowler, and Bill Coughlin. Man-
agers are Herman LaBar and Har-
old Brobst.
Bob Harris was chosen as an
alternate for the second team.
You Can Still Catch
More Flies With Honey
Than With Vinegar
Don’t go off half- cocked,
folks. Chances are when you
contact the Dallas Post to make
a complaint, the person who
answers the phone does not
- know what you are talking
about. BUT she always knows
who has the information and
will connect you with the prop-
er party.
Wednesday at noon there
was such a call. The man was
plenty mad. He shouted that
he had paid his bill, but he did
not bother to give his name
and address. With much bel-
lowing and profanity he said
stop bothering him with state-
ments, he always paid his bills.
At the suggestion that he
wait a moment until he could
be connected with the book-
keeper, he blew up. He'd be
damned if he would wait for
the book-keeper. He was MAD,
MAD, SEE? And BING goes
the receiver.
Maybe the outgoing state-
ment crossed the incoming
check in the mails. Or maybe
the breakfast coffee had been a
little weak, or his wife had
served it in bobby-pins and a
frayed bathrobe.
It probably did him geod to
blow off steam, but chances are
he'll get another bill next
month, because there's no way
of knewing who it was.
Junior Class Play
The Junior class play at Lehman
High School will be held on April 1,
at 8:00 PM. in the school audi-
The presentation will be “Melody
Jones”, a comedy-drama in three
acts, produced by special arrange-
ment with Samuel French.
The members of the cast are:
Margaret Maransky, Mary Saba-
luski, June Covert, Connie Culver,
Mildred Wagner, Connie Devens,
Mary Sorokin, Philip Cummings,
John Steele, Ronald Jones, James
Barrall, Ashel Sutliff, Edward Oncay.
Mrs. Nancy Royer Elias is direc-
ting the production and Jane Cave
is student directress.
Courtesy always pays—but don’t
pull up on the road to success and
let the other fellow go ahead.
2—1953 FORD
Victorias—Fully Equipped
1595 eo
1953 FORD
Custom 4 Dr. Sedan—Equipped
2 Dr. Deluxe R.&H., Powerglide
1951 FORD
Deluxe—Radio & Heater
1950 FORD
Tudor—Radio & Heater
1949 FORD
Station Wagon—Radio, Heater
1946 FORD
Super Deluxe Tudor
Several Other Nice Clean Pieces |
Easy Terms Low Rates
BE sr: ED, A-1 SURE
_ Your Friendly FORD
Dealer On The West Side
Kingston-Dallas Highway
Luzerne, Pa.
Phone BU 7-1155
BU 7-4264
| 55: Ran “1395 | finan. ne. 0.695
oor. nen 1099 20: ren’ ‘649
sr nen 998 | ren 849
Renwaz. Ren 1099 | 250. nen’ 499
2Dr. na 899 |2Dr man "329
ir. nan 899 2p: ren 199
aor. nan 199 |2or en ‘149