The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 26, 1955, Image 4

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Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Reinfurt
of Unadilla, N. Y.,
residents, recently spent a few days
Hollywood by the Sea, Fla.
Mrs. Eleanor Cragle is ill at her
home at Loyalville.
Mrs. Mary Nienius recently spent
a week visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Michael Alexa of Ed-
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Czajkowski and
four children, have moved from
Ashley to their newly built home on
Pinecrest Avenue. Mr. Czajkowski
owns and operates the Dallas Drug
Store next to the Acme Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Williams,
Orchard Street, Shavertown, have
announced the birth of a baby girl,
Jo Ann, January 7. Mr. Williams is
employed by Natona Mill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Petrella and
family have moved from Kingston
to Memorial Highway, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stookey,
Parrish Street, left last week to
spend several weeks in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elston
have returned to ‘their home at
Kunkle, after spending three weeks
in Florida. Mrs. Elston’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles IS. Nicol of
Shavertown, stayed with the chil-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henning,
Harveys Lake, have announced the
birth of a baby boy at General Hos-
© pital on January 23.
Miss Frances Dorrance returned
from Philadelphia Monday after
spending ten days as guest of Mrs.
Howard Taylor. Parson Dorrance en-
joyed a ten day vacation at the
Robinson Kennels.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey,
Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. George
Weintz, Lehman, spent Sunday in
Bound Brook, N. J., visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Prideaux.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliver,
Binghamton, N. Y., were guests of
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs:
Ralph Rood over the weekend.
Hale Coughlin returned to his
home at Huntsville this week after
being a patient at Massachusetts
General Hospital for several weeks.
He is greatly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titman, Lake
Street, will leave this week to
spend the rest of the winter in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reardon
and son Billy, formerly of Goss
Manor, now of Massachusetts, are
spending several days visiting
friends in Dallas and vicinity. Their
three other boys remained at home.
Carol Evans and Cricket Call,
students at Skidmore College ar-
rived yesterday to spend the mid-
semester vacation with the form-
er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Evans of Harveys Lake.
Roxanne and Donna Lee Sekera,
twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Sekera, ‘Center Hill Road,
will celebrate their third birthday
anniversaries on February 18.
Stanley Kubasti, son of Mrs. Vic-
* tor Kubasti of Roushey Plot, Fern-
brook, left last week for service with
the armed forces at Fort Dix, N. J.
Before enlisting, he was employed
at Bloomsburg Mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spengler and’
to Mt. Airy Road, Shavertown. Mr.
Spengler is with Kraft Foods, Forty
Ensign Joseph Tondora, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Tondora of Poplar
Street, Fernbrook, has resumed his
duties aboard the Destroyer Hugh
Purvin at Newport News after
spending the holidays at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Atkins and
family have sold their home on De-
munds Road and moved to Mt. Airy
Road,. [Shavertown.
Mrs. F. Gordon ‘Mathers will re-
turn to her home at Knob Hill,
Trucksville, this weekend, after be-
ing a surgical patient at Robert
Packer Hospital, Sayre. She is get-
ting along nicely.
David Kunkle, student at Temple
University, arrived yesterday to
spend. the mid-semester vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. War-
dan Kunkle of Machell Avenue.
ill at her home on Woodlawn Drive
this week.
family have maved from Edwards-
ville to Sutton Road, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs.
boys and three girls. Mr. Cummings
house in Forty Fort.
to Clearview Ave., Trucksville. Mr.
in Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs.
girl, Sharon Lindsay, January q.
four and one and a half.
Mr. and Mrs.
Two things are notable about
perky little Lynn Cypdiff. She is
holding her head up In a manner
seldom seen among the two weeks
old crowd and she was born on her
father's and grandfather’s birthday,
missing out on her paternal grand-
father’s birthday by a matter of a
few hours.-
Lynn herself was born November
18 in Newark, N. J., daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cundiff, formerly
of Huntsville. Ed’s birthday is No-
vember 18, also Harry Decker’s,
Lynn's maternal grandfather. Kyle
Cundiff, Ed's father, celebrated his
birthday the day after Lynn was
born. He lives on Maple Street,
Dallas, the Deckers at Huntsville.
Lynn has a sister Fay, 5, and a
brother David, 4.
Miss Glenda E. Steele
To Marry Air Corps Man
Mrs..Edna Laycock, Sweet Valley,
announces the engagement and ap-
proaching marriage of her daughter,
Glenda E. Steele, to Wilfred E. Ains-
worth, Ironton, Ohio. The ceremony
wil! be performed in Maple Grove
Methodist Church on February 1.
Miss Steele is a student at Leh-
man-Jackson High School. Mr. Ains-
worth is stationed at Red Rock with
the U. S. Air Force.
The couple will reside temporarily
with the bride elect’s mother.
Margellina Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Margellina,
Idetown, announce the birth of a
daughter, weight six pounds and
eleven ounces, in General Hospital
Tuesday morning. There are two
sons, Robert, 8, and Paul, 4. Mrs.
Margellina is the former Doris La-
Bar, daughter of Mr. end Mvs. Her-
man LaBar, Shavertown.
Pledged To Sorority
Marilyn Lundy, member of the
sophomore class at American Uni-
versity, Washington, D. C., has been
pledged to Kappa Delta Sorority.
Marilyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert A. Lundy, attended Wilkes-
Barre Day School and was grad-
uated from Wyoming Seminary.
She will arrive next Friday to
| spend the mid-year recess with her
Married Twenty Years
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Elenchik,
Overbrook Road, will celebrate their
twentieth wedding anniversary Sun-
day with a family dinner. The
Elenchiks have four children: Mar-
jan who works for the Common-
wealth Telephone Company, Elean-
or Ann, tenth grade student at
Dallas - Franklin Township High
School, Betty and John, students at
Gate of Heaven School.
Fraternity Honors
Goddard At Lehigh
William P. Goddard, Hilldonia
Avenue, Dallas, has been elected
vice president of Sigma Chi, nation-
al social fraternity at Lehigh Uni-
Eck In Magazine
The January issue of Auditgram,
national magazine of bank control
and operation, contains a picture
of Frederick J. Eck, assistant vice
president of Miners National Bank
along with pictures of other out-
standing Pennsylvania bankers.
Harry J. Deckers Are
Wed Thirty Six Years
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decker, of
Huntsville, will celebrate their thir-
ty-sixth wedding anniversary quiet-
ly at their home tomorrow.
Mrs. Decker is the former Cassie
Swire, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Swire of Loyalville.
Mr. Decker is son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Decker of Hunlock
The couple was married in West
Nanticoke and went to housekeep-
ing at Hunlock Creek where Mr.
Decker was a farmer. In 1946 they
moved to their home at Huntsville
where Mr. Decker engages in the
carpenter trade.
There are four children: Harry
of Romney, Ind., Esther Lamoreaux
and Frances Cuadiff, Newark, N. J.,
and Peggy Riekihof of Elizabeth,
N. J., also seven grandchildren.
Mrs. Albert Hillard,
Hostess To Society
Rev. and Mrs. Albert Hillard en-
tertained members of the Maple
Grove Woman's Society of Chris-
tian Service at their home last
Thursday evening. Hostesses were
Mrs. Hillard and Mrs. John Graham.
Guest speaker was Mrs. Everett B.
Lord professor at Wyoming Semin-
ary. A devotional service and pro-
gram was presented by Mrs. Elwood
Ruckel and Mrs. Earl Payne based
on the theme “The Family That
Prays Together, Stays Together.”
Two new members, Mrs. Duane
Wickard and Mrs. Floyd Wolfe were
Present were Mrs. Lord, Mrs.
Charles Lord, Mrs. Jessie Shupp,
Mrs. Walter Pall, Mrs. Burton Steltz,
Mrs. Floyd Wolfe, Mrs. Duane Wick-
ard, Mrs. Earl Payne, Mrs. Elwood
Ruckell and the hostesses.
Dallas Womans Club
Holds Board Meeting
Dallas Senior Womans Club Board
held a routine business meeting in
the Library Annex Monday evening
at 8, Mrs. Arthur Cuiver and Mrs.
Robert Van Hora serving as hos-
tesses. Corrections and additions to
by-laws, presented by Mrs. Charles
Lee, will be brought up for action
at the next general meeting. An
art contest sponsored by General
Federation of Womans ‘Clubs and
Hall-Mark Cards will be entered into
by the local club, to afford Back
Mountain High School students a
chance to compete.
Mrs. Harris Haycox presided.
Others present were Mesdames Don
Clark, L. L. Richardson, Edward
Davis, Marion Harter, W. B. Allen,
Philip Cheney, Byron Creasy, Stefan
Hellersperk, Ralph Dixon, Wilson
Maury, Sheldon Evans, Francis Am-
brose, William Wright, James Hus-
ton and Mary Weir.
Mrs. Robert Belles
Hostess At Shower
Mrs. Robert Belles,
entertained at a stork shower
Wednesday night honoring Mrs.
Thomas Longmore. Guests were Mrs.
Julia Denmon, Eleanor Humphrey,
Mrs. Irene Zaleskas, Mrs. William
A. Austin, Mrs. Doris Balewski, Mrs.
Elsie Hilbert, Mrs. Louise Hilbert,
Mrs. Clara Hadsel, Mrs, Helen
Eggleston, the guest of honor and
the hostess.
Mrs. Homer Moyer Is
Hostess To S.S5. Class
Mrs. Homer Moyer, Lehman Ave-
nue, entertained members of the
Durbin Sunday School Class at her
home recently when it was voted to
give $500 to the Church for kitchen
equipment and to buy games for
the M.Y.F. Mrs. Joan Husband was
introduced as a new member. Mem-
bers of the serving committee were
Mrs. James Oliver, Mrs. Homer
Moyer, and Mrs. Vern Groff. Mrs.
Alva Eggleston presided.
Others present were Catherine
Evans, Mrs. Robert VanHorn, Mrs.
Josephine Ostrum, Mrs. Ruth
Sprout, Mrs. Harry Ohlman, Mrs.
William Lancio, Mrs. Vern Groff,
Mrs. William Heapps, Mrs. Ray-
.mond Kuhnert, Mrs. Lawrence Up-
dyke, Mrs. Thomas Cease, Mrs. Hor-
tense Shaver, Mrs. Harriet Miller,
Mrs. Niles White, Mrs. Samuel Hol-
vey, Mrs. Hilda Mosier, Mrs. Thom-
as Cease and the hostess.
Next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Harry Ohlman on
February 15.
At a very pretty wedding, Sat-
urday, January 15, Carol L. Price,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Price of Nanticoke, became the bride
of William J. Ashton, son of Mrs.
Mary and the late Irving Ashton of
Jackson Township. The double ring
ceremony was performed in First
Reformed Church, South Franklin
Street, Wilkes-Barre, before an al-
tar flanked with baskets of white
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore white nylon over
satin floor length gown fashioned
with tight bodice and full skirt,
high neckline and long tight sleeves
tapered at the wrist. Her fingertip
veil fell from a coronet of chantilly
lace edged with pearls and she car-
ried a bouquet of white carnations.
Nancy Thomas, cousin of the bride
of Kingston, was maid of honor.
She chose pink net over taffeta
gown, matching hat and carried
a colonial bouquet of pink roses.
Joan Nelson, daughter of Mr. and
Miss Patricia Phi
Mrs. Bud Nelson, of Dallas, and
niece of the bridegroom, and Karen
Jones, cousin of the bride, of Wilkes-
Barre, were flower girls. They wore
rose and yellow dresses respective-
ly, matching hats, and carried bas-
kets of pink and yellow roses.
Mrs. Price, mother of the bride,
selected powder blue street length
dress, matching accessories and red
roses, and Mrs. Ashton, mother of
the bridegroom, navy print, black
accessories and red roses.
Albert Ashton, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man, and Irv-
ing Ashton, another brother and
Jack Jones, of Wilkes-Barre, ush-
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of the
bride and the couple left for Wash-
ington, D. C. and Virginia.
Mrs. Ashton is a graduate of Ber-
wick High School. Mr. Ashton was
graduated from Lehman High School
and is employed by Natona Mill.
The couple resides with the bride's
lips Is
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Phillips,
Noxen, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Patricia, to Donald
Pilger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
A. Pilger of Beaumont. Rev. Ruth
Underwood solemnized the double
ring ceremony in the Alderson
Methodist Church January 15.
The bride wore street length dress
of white faille and matching acces-
sories. Her shoulder bouquet was of
pink and white rosebuds.
Carol Whitesell, Sweet Valley, was
maid of honor. She selected pink
Roxie Hoover Is Guest
At Going Away Party
Lorraine Keller, Idetown, enter-
tained at a farewell party for Roxie
Hoover last Thursday night. Roxie
will leave the first of the month to
take a position in Newark, N. J., as
church secretary. Present were Mrs.
John Garinger, Mrs. Russell Rogers,
Mrs. Corey Meade, Mrs. James
Brace, Mrs. Walter Meade, Mrs. Al-
fred Hadsel, Mrs. Floyd Hoover,
Mrs. Ruth Ide, Lois Cooke, Patsy
McKenna, Eleanor MceKnna, Jane
Boice, Barbara Williams, Mrs. Loren
Keller, the guest of honor and the
Mrs. Fred Hughes Ts
Hostess To Ladies =.
Mrs. Fred Hughes, Second Ave-
nue, Kingston, entertained mem-
bers of the W.S.C.S. of the Loyal-
ville Methodist Church at her home
last Tuesday night when a program
consisting of a talk by Mrs. Mild-
red Darnell and a reading by Diana
Nienius were enjoyed.
Present were Mrs. Ruth King,
Bess Klinetob, Mrs. Dora Ide, Mrs.
Walter Wesley, Mrs. Pearl Ide, Nan-
cy Cragle, Diana Nienius, Mrs. Jos-
efa Hummel, Mrs. Mildred Darnell,
Mrs. Carol Hillard, Shirley Darnell,
Mrs. Lillian Hirlinger, and the
Mrs. Carol Hillard will be hostess
to the February 15 meeting.
Lake Scouts Enjoy
Skating Party
Harveys Lake Girl Scouts, Troops
173 and 65, enjoyed a skating party
Monday afternoon at the Police
Dock, where snow had been cleared
from the ice under direction of
Chief Edgar Hughes.
Present were Margaret McHose,
Barbara Rood, Susan Dodd, Ray
Ann Harvey, Claire Scholl, Diane
Gregg, Sandra Evon, Flora Fran-
coni, Nancy Hoover, Lynn Jones,
Tera Milbrodt, Mrs. Floyd Milbrodt,
Mrs. Harry Rossman, and Mrs. Ray
Harvey, senior leader.
Veterans Of Foreign Wars
_ Veterans of Foreign Wars will
meet at Kingston Township Veter-
ans Association Home Sunday after-
noon at 2:30 to register with Sandy
McCullough. The charter is to be
prepared for activation.
Work on the Great Wall of China
began in 255 B. C.
faille street length dress, white ac-
cessories and shoulder bouquet of
pink rosebuds.
William Smith, of New Jersey,
acted as best man. There were no
Mrs. Pilger is a graduate of Lake
Noxen High School, class of 1954.
Mr. Pilger was graduated from
Beaumont High School, class of
The couple resides at Rochester.
N. Y., where Mr. Pilger is employed
by the Eastman Kodak Company.
Lois Simons Is Engaged
To William Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Simons,
Demunds Road, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Lois,
to William Watkins, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Watkins of Larksville,
Miss Simons is a graduate of
Dallas-Franklin Township High
School, class of 1954. She has been
employed by Dallas Radio and Tele-
vision, Main Street, Dallas. Mr.
Watkins was graduated from Larks-
ville High School and served with
the U. S. Navy and Marines. He is
also employed by Dallas Radio and
Rev. Robert Mordt will perform
the ceremony in East Dallas Metho-
dist Qrneh on February 6.’
Local Couple Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malkemes,
have announced the engagement of
their daughter, Carol Ruth, to Air-
man 3/C David Hess, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Westfield of Harveys
Lake. Miss Malkemes is a graduate
of Westmoreland High School. She
is attending Mansfield State Teach-
er College. Airman Hess was grad-
uated from Lake Noxen High School
and is serving with the U. S. Air
Force at Denver, Ohio.
No date has been set for the
Sandra Martin Engaged
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Sandra Jean
Martin, daughter of Mrs. Mildred
Martin of Sweet Valley, to Cecil
James Traver, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Traver of Noxen. No date
has been set for the wedding.
Miss Martin is a student at Lake
Noxen High School. Mr. Traver was
graduated from Lake Noxen High
School. He is suiployed at Blooms-
burg Mill. . ;
Value Shop
Friday 10 a.m, to 9 p.m.
1,014 OFF
on many articles
Ruth Evans Is Married
To Pvt. Bruce F. Slocum
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Ruth Nancy Evans,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard
B. Evans, Market Street, Wilkes-
Barre, to Pvt. Bruce Fowler Slocum,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd S. Slocum
of Dallas R. D. 1. Rev. William H.
Heaps performed the ceremony in
Dallas Methodist Church January
17 ati2 p.m.
Attendants were Mrs. Raymond
O'Donnell of Scranton and Floyd S.
Slocum, father of the bridegroom.
Barry Slocum, brother of the bride-
groom of Dallas, and J. Norman
White, brother-in-law of the bride-
groom, ushered.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held at the home of the
bridegroom and the couple left for
Temple, Texas, where they will re-
Mrs. Slocum is a graduate of Cen-
tral High School, Scranton, and
Moses Taylor School of Nursing.
She was employed at the State
Hospital. Pvt. Slocum was also grad-
uated from Central High School and
attended Babson Institute at
Wellesley, Mass., and University of
Scranton. Prior to entering the ser-
vice, he was employed by Fowler
and Williams Inc. He is stationed
at Fort Hood, Texas.
Shavertown Brownies
Celebrate 4th Birthday
Brownie Troop 105 of Shaver-
town celebrated their fourth birth-
day anniversary recently with a
flag ceremony. Edith Carey ‘and
Joan Phillips lighted the candles on
the birthday cake as the girls re-
peated their promise. In the color
guard were Eleanor Williams, Anna
Burger, Joan Ray and Barbara
Johnson. Others present were Ruth
Ann Jones, Jeanne Merolla, Marion
Olenick, Dorothy Curtis, Marsha
Sowden, Joan Monte, Lois Werk-
heiser, Verna Miers, Edith Chap-
pell, Adair Cranston, Beverly Eck,
Linda Woolbert, Sue Kitchen, Leth-
ia Bevan, Dorothy Breeden, Joann
Jewell, Mrs. D. P. Merolla, assistant
leader and Mrs. Jack Appel, leader.
Mrs. Loren Keller Is
Hostess To W.C.T.U.
Mrs. Loren Keller entertained
members of Dallas District W.C.T.U.
at her home at Idetown on Tues-
day. Mrs. Della Parrish presided,
Mrs. D. A. Waters gave the treas-
urer’s report, Mrs. Addie Searfoss
and Mrs. H. P. Riley led devotions
and Mrs. C. J. LaBar led the dis-
cussion. Hostesses were Mrs. Mar-
vin Scott, Mrs. O. L. Harvey, Mrs.
Edward Stair and Mrs. D. A. Waters.
Present were Mesdames William
Heapps, D. A. Waters, John Hilde-
brant, Z. E. Garinger, Herbert Riley,
C. S. Hildebrant, Edith Fiske, O. L.
Harvey, David Evans, C. J. LaBar,
Edward Stair, Carlton Reed, Marvin
Scott, Archie Major, F. Raymond
Searfoss, Ernest Fritz, W. S. Kitch-
en, Della Parrish, Mattie Hadsell,
Loren Keller, Daniel Brown, Eliza-
beth Parks.
Announce Engagement
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Ann Balleck,
daughter of Mrs. Mable Balleck,
Plymouth, to John Whitesell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Whitesell,
Hunlock Creek, R. D. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Miss Balleck is a graduate of Ply-
mouth High School and has been
employed at Isaac Long's. Mr.
Whitesell attended Shickshinny
High School. He is employed by
Duplan Corporation in Berwick.
Only $5. 00
John Races Are Hosts
To. Idetown S.S. Class
tained members of the Serving and
Waiting Class of Idetown Methodist
Church last Thursday evening. Mrs.
were Mrs. Merle Shaver, Mrs. Emory
Hadsel, Mrs. Chloe Spencer, Mrs.
Fred Schultz, Mrs. Frank Wright,
Mrs. Howard Reilly, Mrs. Thomas
Stacey, Hazel Gordon, Mrs. Walter
Kitchen, Mrs. Della Parrish, Mrs.
Raymond Spencer, Mrs. Ernest Fritz,
Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Oscar
Swan and Mrs. John Race.
Engaged Girls . . . It's
Yours For The Asking!
A reference bridal magazine is a
“must” for girls who are plan-
ning Spring weddings! Mr. Louis
Hess, owner of the Zimmerman
Bridal Salon, Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, offers free copies
of the Spring 1955 issue of
“Modern Bride” or “Brides Mag-
azine” to engaged girls. Mr. Hess"
said, “Girls, it’s yours for the
asking . . . no strings attached!
Just stop in our Public Square
store and ask for your free
Many of the lovely bridal gowns |
and bridesmaid’s gowns featured
in these two magazines are also
found in the Zimmerman Bridal |
Salon. Zimmerman’s feature the
largest collection of bridals found
in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Mr. Hess points out that some
of his loveliest Spring gowns will
be shown at a private Bridal
Fashion Show at the Zimmerman
store on February 14, 8 pm.
Engaged girls and their attend-
ants may ask for their free tick-
ets at the same time they pick
up their magazine.
And just one more hint to pros-
pective brides. Watch Zimmer-
man’s bridal display window on
Public Square. Soon you'll see
displayed there the lovely free
gifts to be given Zimmerman
brides and their attendants this
*(Author’s name. below)
This wise saying is oth
truer now, than when it
| was written over 2000 years
ago. Vn ol |
If you know anyone that
has been sick for a long
time tell him “There is
Hope”. New discoveries are
constantly being released
for prescription use, and if
he will only keep closely in
touch with his Physician,
one of these new medicines
may ‘“‘cure’”’ him. We stock
them in our prescription de-
partment as rapidly as they
are available.
Dallas 4-4161
Pick up your prescription
if shopping near us, or let
us deliver promptly without
extra charge. A great many
people entrust us with the
responsibility of filling their
prescriptions. May we com-
pound yours? Sul
“Registered Pharmacist
On Duty At All Times”
Main Highway Shavertown
Phone Dallas 4-4161
*Quotation by Marcus Cicero 60 B.C. :
Copyright 2W255
Charleston, West Virginia. Mrs. Wil-
son travelled by TWA plane from
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Covert have
moved from Forty Fort to Fern-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tretheway,
Yeager Avenue, are spending some-
time in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and
family have purchased and moved
into a home on Terrace Drive,
Shavertown. They are former Scran-
ton residents. Mr. Miller is with the
Bird Shipping Company in Plym-
Mrs. P, P. Dohl and Mrs. Charles
Smith, Overbrook Road, Dallas, will
leave shortly to spend the winter
at Hotel Lucerne, Orlando, Fla. |
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perrego,
formerly of Lee Park, have moved
to Shaver Avenue, Shavertown.
One Coat Flat Paint
540 Pierce St., Kingston
Just Off The North St.
B., all colors 16¢ ea.
1.49 sq. yd.
69c sq. yd.
‘4h ea.
2.79 gal.
2.49 gal.
Phone BU 7-9929
Bridge—Next To Rayco /
For A
Limited Time Only
Flannel Pajamas * Jerseys %
25 OFF
Skirts, Jackets * Sweaters
Knit Suits, Jumpers * Shorts
38 9
vw — Istelle’s — ©