2 EP EC BE PA A AE EAE es Echoing through the land j . joyous chants of hope 3 CSA SE and cheer. May we join x the ringing chorus in wish- 2 ing you and your loved % ones all the warmth and 3 verriment the season of- 3 CHRYSLER - \ {MOUTH : »: 2 Sales '& SY¥vice % Dallas 4-131 3 | % CTL TR BE RR RR RE TE PR SR PR ERR Rr Vemrssee ee SERA RR a : Bright as candle-glow Sei warm as our family gath- ; ering round the hearth . may this Holiday Season fulfill your fondest hopes. Sr “May its light remain with you always. Dall Drugs _ For Prescriptions Phone 4-3001 SE ERIE RR RE RR PERT RE RE RE BR RRR. RET Nest to Acme Dallas i Perszsmem n " A ER : Our holiday wish for all our friends and neighbors: RORNRNRN § IT ET ETE GT RE TTA ‘may your Yuletide be as bright as holly berries . . . “as everlastingingly beauti- BRS SLI ful as its evergreen leaves. Boyd R. White Frigidaire Appliances and Furniture 13Main St., Dallas Phone Dallas 4-1171 i a RRR RRR TS TS BSS RST SRST RETRIAL ¥ : ¥ Gay as the decorations on i 3 ) ’ your Christmas tree are 2 ¥ x ’» ’ D the wishes we extend to all A ¥ i i Q of you this Season. May # ¥ NOEL yory : 3 ¥ EL , your Holiday be a merry x i NOEL 3 ’ one! 3 : CI A | SEVSSICNSERVICE | 5 : Wellington Ave., Dallas — 4-3151 } a BT i ¥ EE g throughout the New Year. _ Circle Cleaning & Dyeing Co. May the blessings of good health, good cheer and abundance shine upon you on Christmas morn and mE a 1231 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort Main St., Dallas ro Bram SSAREREARERERTRERE 1 \ * x 4 TETETETEPATENE dL A big bundle of Yuletide happiness is our wish for all our friends and neigh- bors! May Santa supply all your heart's desires! TRIE TE EIST TERE REET TE TRIES Henry, Your Jeweler Main Street Dallas Phone Dallas 4-7124 A SEE RA RR pm RR KARR RR ISI RRR RR RR ZL CR RAE CEREBRO TS ZB 2K i : Fs EAR a RS ST SS RS REST RATES IESE Hooray! It’s the Holiday Express - . . and it’s bring- ing a full carload of our very best holiday wishes to all our friends and pat- rons! ISR IRR RR ARB TRI RR sas : jo Rave's Nursery Your Neighborhood Nurseryman Main Highway Shavertown A PR ET RR i Seen f NSS SS SS SS SE RS ASA RA RESIS ESE Merry Christies everyone! 3 We sincerely hope that this jolly Yuletide season will herald many and many a day filled with joy . rich in contentment . . . for you and dll of your family. Earl's Drug Store “Next to Post Office” Phone 4-6666 Main Road Trucksville LIE TE TERE REDE TEETER OR OR ERE TER PR PR BE BE TE TE BR OR RE RE BR os rn S Sr a Ed All of us here want to ex- tend to all of you — our good friends and neigh- bors—sincere wishes for a happy holiday, filled with warmth and cheer and hearty fellowship! Paul Shaver Electrical Work of All Kinds Dallas, Pa. Phone Dallas 4-0526 A EE EEE EE TET TE IETS TELE TLEILS A ta Es Ed bo fos a a bb a 3 May a full measure of # Holiday cheer be yours SANS throughout the coming year. Have the merriest 2 ] E> m, I~ Christmas ever, chock-full of life’s blessings. Hislop's Market 12 Main St. Phone 4-6126 Dallas ASE aE A ee EE BESS J. . when a hush of peace and rever- SREY RHR HRA RAIA IIE O night divine . . ence falls over the world as gently as snowflakes. May the season bring you all its blessings—for now and always. Berti and Son COAL and GENERAL HAULING “The Housewife's Friend” Telephone Dallas 4-7396 SS RPP Fo SEP PETE FETT P ETE FETE RIPPER A good old-fashioned Yule- i tide is our wish for all our » friends and neighbors. May your Holiday be a happy one indeed, filled 8 with gay surprises and hearty fellowship. 5 a DIXON'S Town and Country Restaurant DALLAS, PA, TE TC TO TT EE TOE TE TET TET TE SP RB A A RS RERSERSS As the bells hail the com- : ing of the Yuletide season, we pause to extend our very O¢st wishes to our RHEE RRR Yy friends overywhere for a healthy, happy year to come. oo ETE TETELET Davis Cleaners “At The Y'"” Trucksville ET SE SE SE SER IELETELELE: oe AS wn TE EE ET i i RS i i 0 oT Oe i TTR OE 02 A TP a “ a 3 Hi there! We're just peek- ing in to say a quick hello and to wish you and your family the brightest, mer- AN See riest, most heart-warming 2 Holiday Season ever! Dallas Motels Formerly Dallas-Trav-E-Lodge Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hughes, Prop. Tunkhannock Highway Dallas 4- Bi SR eS RR So oP A AP Za, y g i a To all our friends and ? patrons who have helped # make our year a prosper- TERR, ous one . . . may peace and good cheer reign in your household this Holigny, 3 season, and throughout the year! The Grace Cave Shoppe Main St. Dallas a 1 REA ARA RRR can mm say A i Ie i SB TE CE TRAE ETE TETED PNA. ae Bright as dle, our folic to you. N of the sec your hear Mary Dora, Desalle [pax D.T. Scott & REALTOR, S TK REAR TET TEER ERRSE RE RR: A PR AEH Wy he friends b e . ; Now t son’s 1° warmly s for a pe Ray Chappell’s § | Luzerne-Dallas Highway RR AR RA AR ARR A RR RR IRI TTR Straight er, right t we ta fo hustle-jbu day selasc one a Pe mas. Dallas Service Phil Chengy At the corner — Lake and Chu 20 SE Wt Wt ht hr WA STE Sh gag St 4