The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 15, 1954, Image 4

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im Haley, popular foreman at
Richardson Garage, returned
is home on Elizabeth Street
Slay after a week at Pittston
‘Hospital where he was a patient.
~ Mrs. Amanda Yaple has been ill
this week at her home on Claude
Street, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilger, new-
lyweds, now of Rochester, N. Y.
spent the weekend at Beaumont
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Kozak and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pilger. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood, Mrs.
~ Harold Rood and Mrs. Antoinette
Mason of Lehman Avenue, spent
hday at Binghamton visting Mr.
Mrs. Wesley Oliver.
and Mrs. James Cooper,
ksville, have purchased and
ved into a home on Trucksville
D. 1. Mr. Cooper is with the
[dson Coal Company.
s. William Deal has been ill at
home on Demunds Road.
and Mrs. Gilbert Bartman
iH family have taken up residence
on Trucksville R. D. Tech. Sergeant
Bartman is stationed at Red Rock.
He recently returned from Okinawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rees, New
York City, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. D. T. Scott, Huntsville Road,
last week. The Reeses recently re-
turned from a vacation on the Vir-
gin Islands. Howell is former editor
' of the Dallas Post. a)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boylan and
son have moved from N. Main
Street, Wilkes-Barre to Dallas R. D.
3. Mr. Boylan is with the F.B.L
! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wybier-
acki and sons, formerly of Luzerne,
have moved to Yeager Avenue,
Shavertown. Mr. Wybieracki is with
the Knox Colliery in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross have
returned to their home on Machell
Avenue after spending their vaca-
tion in Bermuda.
Mrs. Harry Ohlman, Machell Ave-
nue, spent the weekend in Potts-
* jtown visiting her daughter and son-
|in- -law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
| Wisner and Charles 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Schlegel have
moved from Elizabethtown, Pa., to
Main Road, Trucksville. Mr. Schleg-
el is chief petty officer in the Naval
Reserves at Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laurence and
children, formerly of Larksville,
have purchased and moved into a
Boom home on Chase Road, Trucksville.
r. Laurence is with the Ridon
en Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yunsa have
moved from » Larksville to Chase
Road, Trucksville. Mr. Yunsa is
with the Newport Excavating Com-
pany at Glen Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. George London and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Heitsman, Centermoreland, left
Tuesday to spend the winter in
Homestead, Fla., where they will
resume their work growing green
| Mrs. Richard Rowlands, Main
Road, Trucksville, celebrated her
birthday anniversary on Wednesday
with a family dinner. Present were
«...Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Miller and San-
dra, Mrs. Morgan Rowlands and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Fennell.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gelsleichter
have moved into their new apart-
‘ment on Terrace Drive. Mr. Gels-
~ leichter is employed at Bloomsburg
Mills, his bride at Natona.
Mrs. Charles Wheaton Lee has
returned to her home on Country
Club Road after a short trip to
~ Washington, where she was accom-
panied by Mrs. F. H. Kroll, Harveys
~ Lake. They were guests at the J. H.
-— 1, cdger home.
“Lenora Wardan, Trucksville, is a
patient at Nesbitt Hospital. Louise
Hazeltine is the attending nurse.
Mrs. Z. R. Howell, East Center
Street, Shavertown, will have as
. weekend guests her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mari-
no and daughter, Donna.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Spring
Street, expect to move into their
newly built home on East {Center
Street, Shavertown.
L. L. Richardson, Terrace Street,
Dallas, attended the Pennsylvania
Dealers’ meeting at Williamsport
Country Club on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlan Frantz, East
Center Street, Shavertown, spent
the weekend in Williamsport. Mr.
Frantz is serving on Federal Grand
Jury at Scranton for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robinhold,
Camp Hill, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Haycox at Cen-
termoreland. Danny was guest of
Don Besecker and Judy, of Mrs.
Jean Kuehn.
Miss Helen McCord has returned
from General Hospital and is re-
cuperating at her home at Holcomb’s
Mr. and Mrs. William Donachie,
Church Street, have purchased the
home on Lehman Avenue formerly
owned by Mrs. Edna King.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins and
family, Camp Hill, former Dallas
residents, spent the weekend in
‘Wilkes-Barre visiting Dave's par-
ents, Mr .and Mrs. Ben Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton and
Betty Little, Harveys Lake, spent
the weekend with their son and
daughter-in-law, Rev. and Mrs.
George Sutton, East Orange, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoover and
Mrs. Robert Hoover, Harveys Lake,
have returned after visiting rela-
Constance Marie Bush
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bush, 86
Church Street, Dallas, announce the
birth of a daughter, Constance Mar-
ie, Thursday, Oct. 7, at Wilkes-
Barre General Hospital. This is
their second child. They have an-
other daughter, Betsy. Mrs. Bush is
the former Betty Jane O’Malia,
daughter of Mrs. Thomas J. O’-
Malia, 130 Old River Road, Wilkes-
Barre. Constance Marie Bush is
Mrs. O’Malia’s 20th grandchild. She
also has one great grandchild.
Mr. Bush is the son of Mrs.
Charles Bush, Schuyler Avenue,
Kingston. He is with the Sunday
Independent advertising staff and
also serves as Back Mountain area
Edward Charles Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Darnell,
Loyalville, announce the birth of a
baby boy, Edward Charles, at Nes-
bitt Hospital September 21. The
Darnells have two other children,
Shirley Ann, member of the Senior
Class at Lake Noxen High School
and Bernadine Ruth, at home.
Mrs. Darnell is the former Mild-
red Nienius of Loyalville. Chief
Darnell of Portland, Oregon is with
the U. S. Navy, having served for
seventeen years. He is now aboard
the U.S.S. Princeton, an aircraft
carrier operating in the Pacific
Ocean. He will leave shortly for a
five month tour of the Far East.
Have Baby Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skopic,
Trucksville R. D., announce the
birth of a daughter, Nancy Marie,
at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Sep-
tember 18. The Skopics have anoth-
er daughter, Jo Ann, aged 4%. Mrs.
Skopic before marriage was Alma
Court Our Lady, Fatima
Will Meet On Wednesday
Court Our Lady of Fatima, Cath-
olic Daughters of America of the
Back Mountain Area, will meet
Wednesday at St. Therese’s audi-
torium at 8 p.m. Mrs. Ann Pese-
vento, grand matron, will preside.
Mrs. Loretta Johnson will pre-
sent the following in a Rotary
Pageant: Mathilda Beline, Florence
Allabaugh, Mary Andrews, Cather-
ine Barlow, Dora Blaze, Madeline
Baur, Alice Borton, Mary Borton,
Fredericka Breslin, Florence Banks,
Laura Banks, Martha Barry, Selina
Bilbow, Betty Bush, Louise Borzone,
and Nan Brad. Mrs. Beline is in
charge of refreshments.
Mrs. Warkomski Will
Entertain Committee
Mrs. Joseph Warkomski will en-
tertain members of her Community
Chest Committee Tuesday at lunch-
eon. Committee members are Mes-
dames James Huston, Bruce Ren-
ard, Frank Burnside, H. Myron
Wetzel, W. H. Pierce, William
Deets, Arthur Engler, Bruce Wil-
liams, Harry Sgarlat, and Malcolm
tives in Philadelphia.
Betty and Clara Sutton and Flora
London, Johnson City, spent the
weekend with John Suttons at Har-
veys Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scott, Mt.
Greenwood Road, Trucksville, spent
last week in New York City visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tracy and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Cochenener of Los
Angeles. The 'Cocheneuers and the
Scotts became acquainted on an
Alaska trip. Lee is Mrs. Scott's
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Powers, Elm-
crest, have announced the birth of
a baby boy at Mercy Hospital Octo-
ber 6.
Mr. and Mrs. James Correia,
Sweet Valley, announce the birth
of a baby girl at General Hospital
October 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eyerman
III, Grandview Avenue, announce
the birth of a second son, Donald
Dean, a‘ Nesbitt Hospital, October
8. There is another son, Edward IV.
Mrs. Eyerman is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tretheway of
Yeager Avenue, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ornan Lamb, Ma-
chell Avenue, will have as weekend
guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheri-
dan and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Kaiser,
from Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Fagan, Ardmore; and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Miliard, Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hoover and
son Jackie have returned to their
home in Plainfield, N. J. after visi-
ting their parents in Trucksville,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hoover and Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Belles.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Roth,
Church Street, attended the gift
show in Philadelphia on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Davis of
Perrins Marsh have purchased the
store property of Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert Britt at Sweet Valley. The
Britts will build a new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Siglin, Noxen,
have announced the birth of a baby
girl at General Hospital October 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller,
Huntsville Road, Dallas, have an-
nounced the birth of a baby girl
at Nesbitt Hospital October 12.
Mrs. H. H. Zeiser, Huntsville
Road, and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mill
Street, Dallas spent the week in
Nanticoke as guest of Miss Agnes
Shelley. They were called there by
the death of their cousin, Margaret
Joseph Sekeras, Guests
At Housewarming Party
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sekera were
guests of honor Friday evening at
a surprise housewarming at their
home on Center Hill Road, Dallas.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Sordoni, Helen Speece, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Sordoni, Mr. and Mrs. William
Sarley, Mr. and Mrs. Crozier Wile-
man, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Am-
brose, Patricia Reynolds, Mary Weir,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. John
Stenger, Colonel and Mrs. Peter
Butler, Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooke, Mr
and Mrs. Arthur Culver, Helen Fos-
ter and the host and hostess.
Mrs. Mary Nienius Is
Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Mary Nienius, Loyalville,
was guest of honor at a birthday
party last Saturday evening. This
was the first time in fifteen years
that her six children were able to
be together.
taken of the group.
Present were Mrs. Michael Elexa,
Edwardsville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Meeken, and daughter, Marilyn of
Hunlock Creek; Mr. and Mrs. An-
thony Truskowski and John Anth-
ony, Janet and Daniel of Wyoming;
Mr.. and Mrs. Victor: Nienius, Vic-
tor Jr., Marlene, Plymouth; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald MacDermott and Don-
na of Huntington Mills; Mrs. Ar-
thur Darnell, Shirley Ann, Berna-
dine and Edwards, Diana Nienius,
William Nienius, Loyalville; Joseph
Ellis and the guest of honor.
Philip Templin Earns
Degree At U. of Pitt.
At the summer commencement
of University of Pittsburgh, Philip
Russell Templin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. W. Templin of Wood-
lawn Drive, received his Master's
Degree in science. The title of his
thesis was “The Coefficient of Vol-
ume Expansion for Typical Petrole-
um Waxes and Pure Normal Parra-
Phil was graduated from Dallas
Borough High School, class of 1938,
and from Susquehanna University,
class of 1942. At both institutions
he was an outstanding athlete; in
his senior year at Susquehanna he
was co-captain of the football team
and captain of the basketball team.
Following his graduation from col-
lege he was employed by the E. IL
Dupont Company at Louisville, Ky.,
Claremore, Oklahoma, and Morgan-
town, W. Va., where he worked on
one phase of the atom bomb pro-
ject. He is presently employed by
the Gulf Refining Company at Har-
warsville, Pa., where he is head of
During the past three years he has
been doing research work on seal-
ing waxes for the Gulf Company at
the Mellon Institute. His findings
have been published in the Indus-
trial trade journals.
Phil is married to the former Bar-
bara Keener of Morgantown who
was one of four laboratory assist-
ants while he was employed with
the Duponts there. The couple has
one child, Philip John.
Mrs. Robert Steltz Is
Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Robert Steltz, Shaver Ave-
nue, Shavertown, was pleasantly
surprised Tuesday evening, when her
friends dropped in to give her a
party on the occasion of her sev-
enty-seventh birthday.
Present were: Mrs. Dayton Gar-
nett, Mrs. Peter Evelock, Mrs. Ern-
est Bell, Mrs. Benjamin Panghorn,
Mrs. Russell Edmondson, Mrs. Floyd
Hoover, Mrs. William Belles, Mrs.
Samuel Keat, Roxie Hoover, Mrs:
Elmer Hoover, Mrs. John Allen,
Mrs. Robert Moore, Mrs. Oscar ‘Culp,
Mrs. Eugene Kocher, Mrs. Johnson
Miers, Mrs. Ralph Fitzgerald and
the guest of~honor.
Horace Cooks Leave
For St. Petersburg
Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Cook,
formerly of Lehman, left last week
to take up residence at 410 Fifty
Second Avenue, St. Petersburg, Fla.
En route they visited their son,
Robert Benning and family in Balti-
more, Md. and Mr. and Mrs. Inex
Kulp of Lynchburg, Va. The Kulps
are former Dallas residents.
The Cooks recently had as guests
Mrs. Cook’s sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. William Hatha-
way of Monterey Park, Cal.
Mrs. Cook is sister of Louie W.
Ayre of Trucksville and Mrs. S. C.
Watson of Kingston.
Football Mothers Plan
Money Raising Party
Westmoreland Football Mothers
met at the Y.M.C.A. Building, Shav-
ertown, Tuesday evening to make
plans for the forthcoming card
party to be held at the High School
Tuesday, October 26 at 8 p.m. Door
prizes will be given and refresh-
ments served.
Mrs. Robert Shotwell is chairman
of the paxzty, proceeds of which will
be used for the players, cheerlead-
ers and managers banquet and to
buy jackets. The Club has already
presented the School with markers
and flags for the field.
At a very pretty wedding, Satur-
day, October 2, at 10 a.m., Rita
Petroski, daughter of Mrs. Domonic
Petroski of Sweet Valley, became
the bride of Edward J. Stempien,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Kasmir Stem-
pien of Muhlenburg. Rev. C. J.
Sikorski performed the ceremony in
Church, Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
Lake Silkworth before an altar
banked with “palms and white glad-
ioli and chrysanthemums.
The bride, given in marriage by
her brother, Barney Petroski, wore
gown of white lace and tulle design-
ed “with fitted lace bodice, man-
darin collar and long tapering
sleeves. Her apron skirt of lace
with tulle back fell into a chapel
length train. Her Juliet cap was
attached to a plain hand rolled veil
of French illusion and she carried a
Colonial bouquet of white roses.
Maid of honor 'was Eleanor Sles-
insky, cousin of the bride of Bing-
hamton, N. Y. and bridesmaids, Do-
lores Kosakowski, Hunlock Creek,
Dolores Lisinski, Muhlenburg and
Marie Pucci, Glen Lyon. They all
ed with strapless bodices, matching
stoles, bouffant skirts, and matching
hats. They carried yellow roses tied
with shrimp streamers.
Mrs. Petroski, mother of the
bride, selected gray taffeta street
length dress with powder blue ac-
cessories and Mrs. Stempien, moth-
er of the bridegroom, mauve lace
dress with matching accessories.
Mrs. John Selinski, Forest City, ma-
ternal grandmother of the bride,
chose burgundy lace dress with
matching accessories. All wore
shoulder bouquets of orchids.
Following the ceremony, break-
fast for about fifty guests was serv-
ed at St. Michael's Hall in Breslau.
In the evening a reception for
about two hundred guests was held
at St. Michael's Hall after which
the couple left for Florida.
Mrs. Stempien is a graduate of
Lehman Ross Township High School
and has been employed at the Dolly
Dress Shop in Wilkes-Barre. Mr.
Stempien attended Lehman High
School and owns his own farm at
Muhlenburg where he raises prize
Guernsey cows.
, Lois Jean Ide, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert Ide, of Loyalville,
married Fred P. Hughes, son of
Mrs. Geraldine Hughes, ‘South Welles
Street, Wilkes-Barre, and Fred A.
Hughes, of Dover, N. J. Saturday
at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Albert Hillard
performed the double ring cere-
mony in Loyalville Methodist Church
before an altar flanked with bou-
quets of white gladioli and carna-
tions and lighted by tall white tap-
ers. Following the ceremony the
bridal couple received Holy Com-
munion. :
Mrs. Cletus Holcomb played the
wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore floor length white
satin gown, styled with strapless
bodice and long sleeved lace jacket,
high neckline and bouffant skirt.
Her fingertip veil of nylon lace feil
from a coronet edged with seed
pearls and she carried a bouquet
of white roses centered with an
Mathilda Meyers, of Wilkes-Barre,
was maid of honor. She selected
floor length gown of gold net, fash-
ioned with tight bedice and full
skirt, velvet jacket and net stole.
carried talisman roses. Miss Meyers
made her own gown and that of
the bride.
Both Mrs. Ide, mother of the
bride, and Mrs. Lewis, mother of
the bridegroom, selected navy street.
dresses, matching accessories: and
shoulder bouquets of red roses.
Best man was Ivor Hughes, broth-
er of the groom, and ushers, David
and Richard Ide, brother and cousin
of the bride.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held in the church parlors
and the couple left for their new
apartment at 59 Second Avenue,
Mrs. Hughes is a graduate of Leh-
man High Scheol and has been em-
ployed at Natona Mills. Mr. Hughes
was graduated froma GAR High
School and served for eleven years
with the U. S. Army.
Five foreign students of College
Misericordia, telling of customs and
conditions in their own countries,
presented a thrilling program at the
meeting of Dallas Senior Woman's
Club held in the library annex
Wednesday evening. They were
Maude Wadestrauslt, Haiti, Mary
Otero, Lima, Peru, Delores Nagai,
Honolulu, Mary Therese Wu, Form-
osa, and Camilee Ueiia, British
A menu of foreign foods under
the direction of Mrs. James Huston
and Mrs. L. E. Jordan was served.
Business consisted of welcoming
of Mrs. William Reniska as new
member, pledging an additional $5
to March of Dimes, pledge of $25
to Community Chest, announcement
of County Federation Meeting at
County Club, October 20, appeal
for children’s clothing for the Value
Shop by Mrs. Charles W. Lee, and
appointment of Mrs. Walter Elston
as new chairman of the art group
and allottment of $5 for children’s
hearing aids. Mrs. [Harris Haycox
Present were: Mesdames Harris
Haycox, Joseph Sekera, Francis Am-
brose, Vernon Ash, Robert Price,
Robert Bachman, Verne Groff,
Boyd White, Alva Eggleston, Wes.
ley Himmler, Ralph Hallock, R. B.
Wallace, Donald Clark, Richard
Staeffer, William Renisko, Merrill
Faegenburg, Jack Williams, Stephen
'Hellersperk, L. L. Richardson, E. J.
Davis, Carl Henderson, William
Pethick, Charles W. Lee, W. B.
Allen, Jr., L. E. Jordan, M. H.
Shaver, Thomas Robinson, Ralph
Dixon, James Huston, Robert Van
Horn, Robert Maturi, Clyde Cooper,
William Clewell, Paul Kautz, Sheld-
on Evans, John Vernon, Robert
Milne, Michael Vario, Arthur Ross,
Ornan Lamb, Fred Smith, A. G.
Rutherford, John DeWitt, Sr., Har-
ry Swepston,
William Sarley, Catherine Ruff,
Harry Harter, C. A. Woodruff, Os-
wald Griffith, W. Allen; Mary Weir,
Patricia Reynolds, Grace Cave.
Next meeting will be a birthday
party at the Library Annex.
Saturday, October 9 at 2 p.m.
Ethel Clara Patton, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Patton of Noxen,
became the bride of Harry W.
Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wright
Wells of Bryantville, Mass. Rev.
Ruth Underwood performed the
ceremony in Alderson Methodist
Church before an altar flanked with
vases of white carnations and roses.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore white lace over
satin gown, ballerina length, fash-
ioned with high neckline, tight bod-
ice and long tight sleeves tapered
at the wrist. Her fingertip veil of
nylon net fell from a cap edged
with seed pearls and she carried a
Nancy Space, niece of the bride
of Noxen, was maid of honor. She
chose blue net over satin strapless
gown, ballerina length, and stole.
She wore matching hat and carried
Bridesmaids, Mrs. Rich-
ard Patton, sister-in-law of the
town, selected pink net over satin
gowns made like that of the maid
of honor, matching hats and Amer-
ican Beauty roses.
wore navy street dress, matching
accessories and Mrs. Wells, mother
of the bridegroom, dusty pink lace
with matching accessories. Should-
er bouquets of both were gardenias.
Best man was Frank Reed, Han-
son, Mass., and ushers, Richard Pat-
‘ton, brother of the bride of Noxen,
and Donald Harvey of Tunkhan-
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion was held in the Church base-
ment and the couple left for Niag-
ara Falls. On their return, they
will reside at 50 Kingston Avenue,
Mrs. Wells is a graduate of Beau-
mont High School and attended
Bloomsburg State Teachers College.
She has been employed by Natona
Mill. Mr. Wells was graduated from
Pembroke High School and served
for three years with the U.S.A. Air
Corps. He is employed by the Elm
Farm Food Company in Quincy,
Christine Crispell Is
Shower Guest Of Honor
Christine Crispell, brideelect, was
guest of honor at a variety shower
given at her home, Demunds Road,
by her sister, Mrs. Melvin Compton
of Levittown and Mrs. Oliver Mas-
on, Dallas, Saturday evening. Chris-
tine will marry Robert Lewis next
Saturday at 2 p.m.
The party table was attractive
with centerpiece of white wedding
bells and individual favors of white
and yellow pompons.
Present were Mrs. Willard New-
berry, Mrs. Joseph Polchanis, Mrs.
Clarence Lewis, Mrs. John Bogdon,
Mrs. Andrew Ondish, Mrs. Curtis
Bynon, Mrs. Charles Seward, Mrs.
Harry Crispell; Betty Davis, Theresa
Macy, Bertha Dickson, Marian Lew-
is, Helen Ondish, Louise Brzyski,
Catherine Miller; the guest of honor
and the hostesses.
Fred Templin, Woodlawn Drive,
Dallas, has enrolled at Bloomsburg
State Teachers’ College.
Alderson Pork Supper
a roast pork and sauerkraut supper
Wednesday night,
5:30. Trimmings will include cand-
ied yams, lima beans, and pumpkin
pie, true harvest specials. Mrs.
Howard Higgins is general chair-
Read The Post Classified
Child Care
Teacher will take care
of your children at her
home by the hour or
day. Rates reasonable.
Nice yard. Call after 9
Dallas 41-5455
Soecilry Shop
our wonderful
TOWN and
Shadow plaid tweed in
as trim a suit as you're
likely to see. Precision
tailored all fine
line and special detail-
ing. Sketched just one
from a collection of the
easy-skirted suits with
jackets in sizes 10 to
Specialty Shop
21 North Franklin St.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
~~ ~
” HER ~
2 wo ot = \ Bottle of 36 $ 5
7 VITAMIN PR - ORE FOR 5 weeks! suppl & 2 9
{ GIES ¥
§ knOWN REXALL 72’ s $ 79! .
THA pad; $
\ you MONEY Ss $395