fl, an RAT a Se ne Sn -— — ————r ET tn a Civic Program Virginia Vigneron To Speak On P.S.A. Virginia Vigneron, Forty Fort, will speak to members of the Book Club at Wednesday's meeting on the Book Club, scheduled for 2 p.m. in Back Mountain Memorial Library Annex. The speaker, introduced by Mrs. Peter D. Clark, will talk on *P.CA., It Is Youl” Miss Vigneron covers thirteen counties in Northeastern Pennsyl- vania for Pennsylvania Citizens As- sociation, an organization with head offices in Wilkes-Barre. The asso- ciation is State-wide, dedicated to promoting legislation for the public welfare. Janet Smith will preside over the business meeting. Chairmen of host- esses are Mrs. A. G. Rutherford and Mrs. Floyd Sanders. Hostesses are: Mesdames Stanley Rinehimer, Robert Rinehimer, How- ard Risley, James Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Harold Rood, Winthrop Sargent, J. H. Schaffhauser, R. M. Scott, Thomas Shelburne, Ray Shib- er, Nathaniel Silverman, and Her- bert A. Smith, Jr. "YOUR HEALTH We speak enthusiastically about the wonder drugs of today. bk EI. 3 Let us not forget of the wonder drug of yesterday—insulin. Bo No recent medical discovery has surpassed insulin in its spectacular effect on the medical world of thirty years ago. * * Pk It immediately saved thousands of lives and permitted those doomed to an early death to live instead a normal life with a full span of years. * Ed % Insulin, unlike most other won- der drugs, has never been synthe- sized and is still procured, some- what expensively, from the pan- creas of animals. Ao Similarly with the newer drugs, insulin was found to be a two- edged sword capable of doing harm as well as good. ole Vie In order for insulin to be of benefit to the patient, it must be used as a calculated part of an over-all regiment of treatment. * * # The basis for medical care of the diabetic patient calls for education about each case and its control. * Pi * To determine the best insulin dosage for the individual diabetic patient requires careful observation on a controlled daily diet with fre- quent tests for sugar in the urine. * * bx As to the amount of insulin the diabetic patient will need, it is nec- essary first to establish the amount of food he will require for health and work, and when it is to be eaten. * * ok Physical exertion and sickness also influence the requirement for insulin. ok WE Most elderly patients who have diabetes do not require insulin for its control. *® 3 " Overcomplication of treatment discourages many diabetics while oversimplification leads to laxity of control and increased complica- tions. = = ® DO YOU KNOW? Yellow fever killed ten per cent of the entire population of Phila- delphia in 1793. WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Engagement Announcements Change of Residence Arrivals of Newcomers to City PHONE GRACE C. LEE Dallas 4-1101 or 4-6406 after 6 P.M. DOT LANDIS 4-3211 1 _§m§m"—° ld Err erry oats t————k SRR Ts ee eer eg THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA FROM YOUNG PORKERS — LEAN, MEATY Ihe Heigl BY UPTO 3% LBS, 45 Lh. Roasts or Chops LEG, RUMP or SHOULDER se \ Lh. VEAL ROAST LOCAL DRESSED and DRAWN FRYERS EXTRA FANCY, LARGE SHRIMP Lb. “Pantry $399 Savers” TOMATO Soup 1 RIB END UP TO 372 LBS. Lh. 21/25 count 103-0z. Cans — \ IDEAL WHOLE 16-0z. S IDEAL VEGETARIAN OR 3 16-0z. S PORK and BEANS 4 IDEAL ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT 16-0z. S Q IDEAL 27-0z. 9 Cans > PURPLE PLUMS ~ PRODUCE FEATURES Frozen Food | Features Tender, Crunchy Calif. IDEAL BRAND CARROTS _FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS cm 53 _CHOPPED BROCCOLI Cc _CAULIFLOWER Fresh Tender —MIXED VEGETABLES [ll PASCAL CELERY | vour choc 2 19c cello pkgs. 10-0z. pkg. 19: |“YOWLL BE SATISFIED BETTER AT Acme ” large bunches /