The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 17, 1954, Image 9

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Farm Topics
Timely Reminders from
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Agriculture
Save Stored Grain—Fumigation
will prevent loss of wheat caused
by stored grain insects, says Edgar
Udine, Penn State extension ento-
mologist. One of the best and saf-
est fumigants is a mixture of car-
bon disulphide and carbon tetra-
chloride. Precautions include: do
not inhale it, preferably wear a gas
mask, and do not work alone.
Cull Poultry Flock—When large
flocks are to be culled, or if neces-
sary to handle each bird, use of a
culling hurdle speeds up the job
considerably. F. H. Leuschner, Penn
State extension poultry specialist,
describes the hurdle as several pan-
els covered with poultry netting.
Frames may be made of wood or
iron pipe.
Feed the Lawn—A strong healthy
turf before winter means a better
lawn next year. Albert Cooper,
Penn State extension agronomist,
suggests feeding the lawn now. Ap-
ply 25 pounds of an organic nitro-
gen carrier and 15 pounds of a 5-
10-5 or 5-10-10 fertilizer per 1000
square feet when the grass is dry.
Plant Healthy Bulbs—In replant-
ing tulips, all diseased bulbs should
be discarded, reminds Allen Bauer,
Penn State extension plant patho-
logist. By replanting healthy bulbs
in a new bed, the danger of losses
from botrytis blight can be reduced.
Cheap Feed for Hogs—Dairy by-
products, such as skim milk and
butter milk, are available to many
farmers for the hauling or at low
prices. These by-products can be
fed to pigs with good results, says
Dwight Younkin, Penn State exten-
sion livestock specialist.
Elmer 7.
Open Daily to 5:30 @
267 Wyoming Ave.
Open Friday Evening ’til 9
Phone BUtler 7-4514
Nossir! ...
| like new.
5:5 / /
are now open
Physicians Will
Call Ambulance
Need Authority
For Hospital Trip
According to the by-laws, doctors
will have to make contact with Dal-
las Community Ambulance Associa-
tion in order to have a patient
moved to the hospital. ..Complica-
tions have arisen in one or two in-
stances when a doctor has said the
patient could go, but had not called
the association to authorize it in
person. It is felt by drivers and
crewmen that the responsibility is
grave, and that if such a patient
should die enroute, they might be
held liable without a doctor’s direct
A number of grateful patients
have written thanking the associa-
tion for service and enclosing extra
checks for deposit to the general
Procurement of oxygen equipment
for the ambulance is a necessity, the
subject of general discussion at Fri-
day night's board meeting in the
Borough Building. With an extra
tank of oxygen, and a bag and mask
borrowed from the Dr. Henry M.
Laing fire truck, both pieces of
equipment would be safeguarded
with resuscitator service. Norti
Berti, president, hopes that a com-
plete resuscitator outfit with three
sizes of masks will be donated but
in the meantime the extra tank of
oxygen would be a safeguard.
Whether the ambulance should
accompany fire apparatus to major
fires is something which will be tak-
en up with the fire company. There
have been two bad fires within the
past three months, but no need for
an ambulance at either. The con-
census of opinion of board members
was that it was wiser not to clutter
up the streets with another piece
of heavy apparatus, and that with
so many drivers of ambulance also
on the fire crew, it would be a
simple matter to summon the am-
‘bulance if necessity arose.
Snow tires and chains will be pur-
chased well in advance of winter
~ Home Topics >
Timely Reminders from
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Agriculture
Eggs Needed—Angel food needs
eggs for lightness. Measure egg
whites rather than count them.
One cup egg white for one cup
flour is a good proportion. Then it
doesn’t matter whether the eggs
are pullet or large and you can take
advantage of the current low price
of pullet eggs. This same method
can be used for sponge cake, Mar-
jorie J. Wormeck, Penn State ex-
tension nutritionist, points out.
Fight Moths — Vacuum cleaners
and carpet sweepers are armor in
the fight against moths. They
should be used at least several
times a week. Breaks, creases,
seams, folds, and baseboard areas
need special attention. Sanna Black,
Penn State extension home man-
agement specialist.
Select Pears—Pears that are soft
or yield to pressure at the base of
the stem are usually mature and
ready to eat. But they're too ripe
to hold for future use, says Elsie
Bamesberger, Penn State extension
Hanging Fiberglass Drapes—If you
use fiberglass for draw or traverse
draperies, hang them just off the
floor and slightly away from win-
dow sills or other objects. Other-
wise they might rub and snag the
fabric, warns Doris L. Conklin,
Penn State extension home man-
agement specialist.
Between 40 and 50 per cent of
America’s farmers produce less
than $1,000 worth of food each year.
from Your Friendly
Business Neighbors
and Civic and
Social Welfare Leaders
On the occasion of:
The Birth of a Baby
Engagement Announcements
Change of Residence
Arrivals of Newcomers to
Dallas 4-1101
4-6406 after 6 P.M.
They landed Wednesday at Le
Too many people are high blood
pressure conscious.
“Doctor, is my high blood pres-
sure dangerous?”
“How high is my blood pressure,
doctor ?”’
“Is normal blood pressure 100
plus my age?”
Heart specialists are aware now
that with many people, as they age,
their blood pressure normally creeps
upward far beyond the limits arbi-
trarily set by law of average sta-
Among these persons, at age
sixty for example, their normal
blood pressure may be 180 or 190.
Among the older age group, in
those with arteriosclerosis, the very
small arteries in the kidneys de-
velop scarring and calcium deposits
which slow up the flow of blood.
The tissues of the kidneys would
starve if an increase in blood pres-
sure did not compensate for the
smaller channels, and thus the body
maintains a balance.
When an increase in blood pres-
sure has been discovered in a rou-
tine examination and is not causing
any symptoms, there is no emerg-
Moderate increase in blood pres-
sure is often a normal physiological
aging adjustment which may re-
quire no treatment.
If the patient is overweight, a re-
duction is encouraged, and this may
reduce the pressure.
If the patient is overextending
himself physically, mentally, or
emotionally, he should be urged to
adjust himself to a moderation in
living habits.
Fear and apprehension should be
allayed in regard to the possible
Jap Beetle Incursion
Dry weather discouraged emer-
gence of Japanese beetles this sum-
mer in Pennsylvania.
Few reports of heavy infestation
compared with other years were
received by the State Department
of Agriculture.
However, the presence of the
pests and the damage they do are
recognized in a department an-
nouncement today that restrictions
on movement of fresh corn on the
cob will be continued until Septem-
ber 30. Clearance following Fed-
eral-State inspections has been ob-
served since June on only the in-
terstate movement of fresh fruit
and vegetables, trucks, refrigerator
fresh corn on the cob, all restrict-
ions were lifted on August 27.
Reduction in reported beetle
numbers in Pennsylvania this year
is attributed in part to eradication
campaigns conducted for many
years by the State Department of
of wasp parasites and the distribu-
tion of “milky disease” in heavy
infested areas. Neither parasites
nor milky disease harm anything
except Jap beetle grubs which they
kill before the grubs can turn into
beetles to emerge from the ground,
observers explained.
President Monroe was the last
man in public life in this country
to wear knee trousers.
danger of hypertension to individual
health and welfare.
Worrying about high blood pres-
sure doesn’t help matters.
Plato preached that health in
mind and body could be obtained
through music.
Memorial Highway, Dallas
Phone Dallas 4-2447
* Gasolene -:- Fuel Oil -:-
Dallas 4-3462
Dallas 4-0426
Kerosene -:-
67 Public Square
Bank Bldg.
Phone VA 4-4696
Phone 2625
Brink In Germany
ULM, GERMANY — Pvt. Leo C.
shared honors with others of the
84th Field Artillery Battalion in
Germany after it was recently nam-
ed the 9th Infantry Division's best
field artillery unit in VII Corps
competition. a
Brink, a truck driver in the bat-
talion’s Service Battery, has been
overseas since last September. He
entered the Army in July 1951 and
completed basic training at Fort
Knox, Ky.
Music PTA Meeting
Louie W. Ayre will entertain the
parents of her pupils at a Parent-
Teacher meeting Sunday, Septem-
ber 19 at 4:00 p.m. in St. Clement's
parish house, Lockhart Street,
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