The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 17, 1954, Image 4

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James Wheatcroft of Stamford,
Conn., formerly of Goss Manor,
spent Labor Day weekend with
David Goddard, Bob Van Horn, and
Walter French.
Mrs. Raymond Carlin, Sr., East
Dallas, celebrated her eighty-first
birthday on Sunday.
Melanie and Holly Susan Martz,
Bethlehem, spent last week with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Martz, West Center Street,
Shavertown, while their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Martz, vacationed in
New York (City.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martz, Shaver-
town, will leave Sunday for a
monthis tour of California.
House guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Nolf, Demunds Road,
this past week were R. !C. Nolf, of
Franklin, N. Y., and Mrs. Cora
Stone, Douglastown, L. I., who were
in the vicinity to attend the funeral
of a near relative, Mrs. Bertha Hey-
er, Wyoming Avenue, Kingston.
Mrs. Harry Nolf is able to be up
and about again after a heart at-
tack suffered early last week.
Mrs. James A. Martin and daugh-
ter Charlotte Dowler Martin, head
dietician at Lyons General Hospital,
New Jersey, are visiting friends in
Milwaukee, Wis., Rochester, Minn.,
Chicago, Ill., and Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dickson, form-
er Edwardsville residents, have
moved to Main Road, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers,
Luzerne, have purchased and moved
into a home at 82 Terrace Avenue,
Shavertown. Mr. (Carruthers is with
the Connelly Excavating Company in
Forty Fort.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tait and
family, former Parsons residents,
have bought and moved into a home
on Overbrook Road. Mr. Tait is as-
sociated with the International (Color
Press Company at Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ritts, form-
er Wilkes-Barre residents, have
purchased a new home at Oak Hill,
Dallas R. D. 1. Mr. Ritts is owner
of the Ritts Sunoco Service Station
in Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kern and
family, Idetown, will move to Phila-
delphia this week where the form-
er will continue his studies at Tem-
ple University.
Mr. and Mrs. R. IC. McNeil and
family have purchased and moved
into a new home on Sunset Drive,
Oak Hill. The McNeils are former
Kingston residents. Mr. McNeil is
salesman for the IBM at Endicott,
Mr. Earl Lamoreaux and son, Lee,
have returned to their home at Ide-
town after spending the summer at
North Lake. Mrs. Lamoreux has re-
sumed her duties as teacher at Dal-
las High School.
Earl Henwood, Trucksville, is a
patient at the Veterans Hospital.
Lt. and Mrs. William (Cushing,
former residents of. Panama City,
Fla., have taken up residence on
West Center Street, Shavertown. Lt.
Cushing is stationed at Red Rock
Air Force Base.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Weiss,
rented one of the Hedden apart-
ments on Machell Avenue. Mr. Weiss
is associated with his father in the
Triangle Shoe Store.
Herman Garinger, Harveys Lake,
is a patient at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis and
Herbert, Jr., and Joyce Lowe of
Chester, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Harriet Rauch at Harveys Lake.
June MacCloskey and Blanche
Thomas, New Goss Manor, will
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rose, Mea-
dow Crest, Trucksville, have an-
nounced the birth of a baby girl
at Mercy Hospital September 11.
Jane Bartells, daughter of Fred
Bartells, Ridge Street, Shavertown,
has left to enter Germantown School
of Nursing. She is a graduate of
‘Westmoreland High School.
Mrs. Donald Smith and "children
Eileen, Marline and Donald have re-
ton, Md., after spending three
weeks with the children’s grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith
of Carverton Road.
Mrs. George Shaver, Jr. and in-
fant son are home from Nesbitt
Hospital where they spent eighteen
days following complications. Mrs.
Shaver is confined to her bed with
phlebitis, but is improving slowly.
There are two other children, Skip-
py and Tommy.
Robert Brian Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Marion A. Porter
announce the birth of a son, Robert
Brian at the U. S. Naval Hospital,
Corona, Cal., September 2. This is
the couple’s first child. Mrs. Porter
is the former Cora Mae Rood, R.N.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corey
Rood, Lehigh Street, Shavertown.
Mrs. Rood is now visiting her new
grandson in California.
Garry Stolarick
Mr. and Mrs. George Stolarick,
Holcomb [Road, Shavertown, an-
nounce the birth of a baby boy,
Garry Anthony at General Hospital
September 11. The Stolaricks have
a daughter, Marie, aged eight, and
another baby boy, George, Jr., aged
twenty-two months. Mrs. Stolarick
before marriage was Pauline Debold.
Carol Marie Beline
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beline, Fern
Road, Fernbrook, have announced
the birth of a six pound, thirteen
ounce baby girl, Carol Marie, at
Nesbitt Hospital September 8. This
is their first child. Mrs. Beline is
the former Christa Anderes, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Anderes,
Memorial Highway. Mr. Beline is
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beline,
Trucksville. This is the senior Be-
lines first grand Smughter, fifth
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ‘Shacochius
and Mr. and Mrs. James Davenport,
Meeker, spent the weekend in At-
lantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hemenway, of
Hillside Farms, had as recent house’
guests Mrs. Hemenway’s brother
and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hollis, with Lucy and Keith, from
Tan, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoover
and son Jackie have returned to
their home in Plainfield, N. J. after
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Hoover, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ley Belles, in Trucksville. Mrs.
Hoover is the former Dora Belles.
Barbara and Carol Malkemes,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Malkemes, Shavertown have start-
ed college together at Mansfield
State Teachers College. Carol is a
recent graduate of Westmoreland,
Barbara has been employed in the
Army Map Service in Washington
for the past two years. Carol will
take up Home Economics, Barbara
elementary education.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otto, Frank-
lin Street, Shavertown, will move
to New Castle, Pa. within a few
weeks, as soon as arrangements for
housing and moving can be made.
Mr. Otto, with the Wilmot Engin-
eering Company, was transferred to
New Castle in mid-summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Simons and
children, of Lake Road, Noxen,
spent Labor Day weekend with
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith,
in Syracuse, N. Y. where they en-
joyed a visit to the New York State
Mr. and Mrs. Rodell Kocher, Har-
veys Lake, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Emory Garnett, Plymouth
Mountain, spent a week fishing at
Ganaque, (Canada, returning the
Saturday before Labor Day. Mr.
and Mrs. Garnett celebrated their
silver wedding anniversary while on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey,
Woodlawn Drive, had as guest for
the past week, Mrs. Frances Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Creasy and sons, Larry
and Dick, Mrs. Frances Dunn, recent-
ly enjoyed a fishing trip to Canada.
They caught over a hundred fish in
two hours on Saturday.
Miss Frances Dorrance has re-
turned to her home on Church
Street after spending a month in
Mrs. Freda Huey, Demunds Road,
will entertain members of the Ella
Moore Sunday School Class Tuesday
evening at 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polacky anf
family and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wallop and family spent Sunday at
Bainbridge, Md., where they had a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Polacky’s
son, Joe, who is taking his boot
training there.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn,
Lake Street, recently spent a week
fishing at Pigeon Lake, Ontario,
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carson
of Philadelphia.
Robert R. Bedner, en route from
Chicago to Boston where he is with
Hearst Publications in the advertis-
ing field, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
wm {
Thomas Garritys, Hosts
At Birthday Parties
day anniversaries.
Mr. and Mrs.
Joyce Lowe,
Mrs. Roger Owens Is
Hostess To Bridge Club
entertained members of her bridge
club at her home Monday evening.
Present were Mrs.
Mrs. Robert Bachman, Mrs. Sher-
man Harter, Mrs. James Hunt, Mrs.
Robert Fleming, Mrs. Robert Hale,
Mrs. Harry Peiffer and the hostess.
Friends To Hold Party
For Mrs. Harry Peiffer
Mrs. Kenneth Rice and Mrs. Rob-
ert Rice, Orchard Farm, will enter-
tain this evening at a shower hon-
oring Mrs. Harry Peiffer, Sterling
Avenue, Dallas. Guests will be Mrs.
Robert Maturi, Mrs. Raymond Goer-
inger, Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Mrs.
Harry Harter, Mrs. R. E. Neal, Mrs.
Sterling Machell, Mrs. Marian Hart-
er, Mrs. George L. Rice, the guest
of honor and the hostesses.
Dallas Couples Club
Holds Corn Roast
Couples Club, Dallas Methodist
Church, held a corn and wiener roast
Sunday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Bayliss, Center Hill
Road. Guests were these couples:
Bud Nelson, Robert Williams, Harry
Lefko, Fred Stevens, Donald Bul-
ford, Bruce Davies, William Baker,
Jr., Ray Daring, Robert Moore, Rob-
ert Johnston, William Evans, Evan
Powell, Fay Hopkins, Bruce Moen,
Leslie Tinsley, Ralph Garris, Robert
Garris; Rev. and Mrs.
Value Shop Has Use
Of Another Room
The Value Shop, Dallas Womans
Club project, has been given a third
room above the Harveys Lake Light
Company offices at 15 Church
Street, by Senator Andrew Sordoni.
This room will be used for men’s
and boys’ clothing, under the direc-
tion of Mrs. Byron Creasy. The
shop will be open to the public
next Friday, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Merchandise will be received today
and Tuesday, from 1 to 9 p.m., but
no sales made.
Mrs. Charles Lee is chairman of
the Value Shop, Mrs. Herman
Thomas receiving chairman. Patricia
Reynolds is treasurer, Mary Weir
secretary. Mrs. Ornan Lamb and
chairmen, Mrs.
chairman of posters.
Children’s snow-suits are needed,
also boys’ toppers and jackets.
Blan Fred Updyke
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Updyke, Sweet
other son, Merwin, aged two. Mrs.
Avenue, Dallas.
Franklin Street, Dallas.
Plans for a month of the year
party to be held at Lake Noxen
High School September 23 were out-
lined at Harveys Lake Service Club’s
meeting at the High School Thurs-
day night. Mrs. Joseph Rauch was
named chairman, reservation chair-
man, Mrs. Donald Smith. Entertain-
ment consisted of a hat show put
on by Pomeroys Millinery Depart-
ment. Club members were used as
Members present were: Mesdames
Fred V. Swanson, Dean Kocher, A.
J. Yudisky, Clarence Oberst, H. E.
Payne, Russell Scott, Sr., Malcolm
Nelson, George C. Bray, Herbert
Payne, Hattie Wesley, Edgar W.
Hughes, Sr., Virgie Wolfe, Joseph
Rauch, ‘Carl T. Swanson, Elwood
Whitesell, Reese Finn, Fred Dodson,
Ralph Lutes, Harold Gebler, Delmare
Wintersteen, Stephen Hartman, Sr.,
Garvin Smith, Walter Kitchen, Wil-
fred A. Ide.
Mesdames Robert Payne, Thomas
Garrity, Anthony Serhan, Arthur
Engler, Earl Payne, Elwood Davis,
William Kelley, Donald D. Smith,
Walbridge Leinthall, Harvey Kitch-
en, Julian Balavage, Frank Bialo-
gowicz, John Stenger, Dick Williams,
William Deets, Clarence Montross,
Otis Allen, Fuller Ashton, Harry
Allen; Eleanor Humphrey, Jessie
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen
Is Hostess To WSCS
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Idetown,
entertained members of the Alder-
son Methodist Church W.S.C.S. at
a covered dish luncheon last Wed-
nesday. Mrs. Donald Smith assisted
her and Mrs. Fred Swanson pre-
sided at the business meeting. Re-
ports were given by secretaries and
A sauerkraut supper was planned
for October and a harvest home
supper for November. Christmas
candy will be sold in December.
Present at the meeting were Mrs.
Harry Jones, Mrs.
Mrs. Howard Higgins, Mrs. Herman
Garinger, Mrs. Edgar Hughes, Mrs.
John Bennett, Mrs. Otis Allen, Mrs.
Joseph Rauch, Mrs. James Garey,
Mrs. Walbridge Leinthal, Mrs. Ste-
phen Hartman, Mrs. Robert Avery,
Mrs. William Deets, Mrs. George
Armitage, Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mrs.
Clarence Montross, Mrs. Garvin
Smith, Mrs. Harry Allen, Mrs. Elm-
er Hoover, George Armitage, Shar-
on Leinthall, Donna Smith and the
“Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Devine, Fern-
brook, will spend the weekend in
Atlantic City.
NoMa l li /
like a
alley ? ie
$1.98 qt.
e 4.1441 SHAVERTOWN |
Mrs. Henry Schafthauser
Heads Scout Committee
Troop Committee, Shavertown
Senior Girl Scouts, met recently at
the home of Mrs. Martin Porter.
Welcomed to membership were Mrs.
‘Charles Poad and Mrs. Ross Kimball.
Frances Mericle, captain succeeding
Mrs. Poad, reported that Troop 9
would begin its fall activities Mon-
day evening. She will be assisted
by Nancy Lozo.
Mrs. Henry Schaffhauser was
elected chairman; Mrs. Russell Hous-
er, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Watkins,
publicity. Other members of the
committee are Mrs. Ralph Whipp,
Mrs. Marshall Downes and Mrs.
Oscar Dymond.
, Pinecrest
Borough PTA To Meet
At School Monday 8 p.m.
School bells will ring for parents
at the Dallas Elementary School
Monday evening at 8 when the
first parent teacher meeting will
be held. Personal discussion with
teachers in the class room will fol-
low a business meeting led by Mrs.
There will be a social hour with
sixth grade mothers in charge of
Doris Mallin Heads
Legion Auxiliary
Mrs. Doris Mallin was installed
as president and Mrs. Max Dreher
as vice president at the meeting of
Daddow Isaacs American Legion
Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs.
John Garbutt last Thursday night.
Other officers were: Mrs. William
tha Reese, corresponding secretary,
Mary Fiske, recording secretary,
Mrs. John Garbutt, treasurer, Mar-
ian Harvey, chaplain, Mrs. Stanley
Wroblewski, sergeant at arms.
Frank Ferry reported on future
plans of the Legion and Mrs.
George Brenner on the work done
at the Veteran's Hospital.
It was decided to change the
day of the month, next meeting to
be held at the home of Mrs. Frank
Ferry, Machell Avenue
Present were: Mesdames George
Brenner, John Garbutt, Joseph La-
velle, Stanley Wroblewski, Frances
Dunham, Alma Vavrek, William
McNeal, Gerald Richards, Thomas
Balutis, Frank Ferry, Thomas Reese,
Loren Fiske, Doris Mallin and Har-
old Brobst.
Durbin Class Plans
Corn and Wiener Roast
Durbin Sunday School Class, Dal-
las Methodist Church, will hold a
corn, wiener roast and covered dish
supper at the home of Mrs. Henry
Hess, Demunds, Tuesday. Mrs. Alva
Eggleston will preside, Mrs. Laverne
Race, lead devotions. Those wish-
ing to attend should meet at the
Acme parking lot at 6:15 p.m.
bring corn, wieners, buns, a cover-
ed dish and her own table service.
Dessert will be served.
Plans will be made for the musi-
cal reading to be held Tuesday,
October 19th, Mrs. Robert Van-
Horn, chairman.
think, Mr. Customer.
Dallas 4-3888
If you had been sick
8 eREaT sang