The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 03, 1954, Image 15

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Observe Penna.
Week Oct. 10
Luzerne County is going all-out to
assure the widest possible observ-
ance of Pennsylvania Week, October
10 through 17, it was announced to-
day by Ross L. Leffler, of Pittsburgh,
State Chairman.
Leading citizens of large and
small communities in the County
are busy forming local committees
and planning for Luzerne'’s role in
the gigantic State-wide tribute to
the Commonwealth’s historic herit-
Home of Governor John S. Fine
and Secretary of Commerce Andrew
J. Sordoni, Luzerne is part of an
eleven-county Pennsylvania Week
A handy tool box or tool
carrier made of wood will not
injure the sharp edges of
tools. It provides ready access
to the tools, and the crafts-
man can see at a glance if
he has all the needed tools
before he starts a job.
A box approximately 8 by
18 inches will be sufficient for
most repair work. Built of
1-inch lumber, it consists of
six easily-produced pieces: A
base or floor piece measuring
18 inches; two ends, 4 by 10
inches; and a separator-handle
piece sawed from a piece 6 by
18 inches.
The handle is first drawn
with pencil to produce the
tapered design shown in the
drawing. The hand-grip slot
is made by boring a 1-inch
hole at each end of the slot,
and then sawing out the slot
with a coping saw or keyhole
saw. The slot edges may be
smoothed with a rasp or sand-
The handle is fastened in
the center of the base with
2-inch wood screws (No. 7)
from below. The side and end
- .
Sleigh-riding in the Good Old
Summer Time is one of those things
that Lehman has dreamed up to
beat the heat. Sleigh-riding, as en-
gineered by Dr. H. A. Brown, is
strictly for the kids, with the excep-
tion of the driver. An old sleigh
body, mounted on a large garden
tractor, and furnished with supple-
mentary wheels at the rear, runs all
over Dr. Brown's property and down
onto the school grounds with its
freight of squealing children sing-
ing “Jingle Bells” to carry out the
Dr. Brown likes kids, and kids
like Dr, Brown. It's easier to roll up
your sleeve for a shot in the arm
if the doctor who is helping get you
ready to go back to school can be
depended upon to give you a free
ride after office hours.
East Dallas WSCS
East Dallas Methodist Church
WSCS will meet September 16 with
Mrs. Jennie Moore, who will be as-
sisted by Mrs. Leslie Spencer and
Mrs. Blanche Swank. Plans for a
bazaar and ham supper September
23 will be completed.
i organization of the Northeastern pieces likewise should be fast-
! Region, of which Victor C. Diehm, ened with screws. Country Party Tomorrow nad Fixtu To Be Sold
i president of the Hazleton Broadcast- haat Lavmbes Mapatamurers Associstios : ’ I » Merchandise and Fixtures To Be So A
i ing Corporation, Hazleton, is vice Raper he os Night At Art Newman S armers 1J t 4
% chairman. . ey
i ; ] . ‘Dallas Township Women’s Civic COME ONe...COME ALL 2
Rid Diehm pointed omy shat muni- Club is planning a country party at Market :
& ‘cipalities In Luzerne aunty are the Arthur Newman home near New And Bid On Anvthing or Item You
5 bending efforts. to speed the devel- Goss Manor tomorrow at 7. Pierce St., Kingston y & 4
i gpment of local Toss ; A corn and wienie roast is plan- For the Bost in Wish To Buy i
ji Luzerne County will play an im- ned. There will be amusement for Canning and Freezing :
| portant role in the observance of the children and a baked sale, to
Pennsylvania Week,” said Mr. which donations are solicited. PRIZES EVERY TOOLS — SHOES — BOOTS
Diehm. “The resources of the Members.of Dallas Ambulance As- 1, HOUR STARTING 3 5
County, its record of achievements, sociation and their families are in- AT 6:00 P. M. All Kinds Of Hardware
historical and cultural assets, and AW Preces 11ach THK ~= vited, so that Township’ residents SWEET CORN
potentialities, are integral part of may become acquainted with other
A the greatness of the Common- subscribers and patrons of the as- |] Peaches Potatoes re
: wealth.” sociation. Tomatoes String Beans Post Classified Ads Get Besults
a To consolidate planning behind rr Apples Squash
| the October observance, Mr. Diehm Mountain P ost Plans Melons Cucumbers ’
v has appointed a special Advisory L a
; : = myn Flowers Cauliflower BB
A Board composed of A. J. Sordoni, Labor Day Festivities w
ow Jr., of Forty Fort; Mrs. J. Stewart Eggs Eggplant x
i Williams, of Kingston; Mrs. Warren Eighth Annual Labor Day Picnic Chickens Mangoes
P. Murphy, of Hawley; Willis Jones, and Bazaar of the Mountain Post || Strawberries Frosted Cider \
! executive secretary of Scranton 781, American Legion, will be held |
: Chamber of Commerce; and the fol- Sunday and Monday at the Post on BAKED Sons
4 lowing from Wilkes-Barre: Frank / the Alberts-Nuangola Road. There Mt. Zion Methodist
o Burnside, former Luzerne County will be baked goods and art objects oR . ) Checker hoard News
it A Chairman; Robert Eyerman, former “ contributed by the Ladies Auxiliary, |] OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY
5 ~ State President of the Junior Cham- plenty of refreshments, and a hot AND FRIDAY .
; ber of Commerce; Vincent Guten- dinner. by Jim Huston Jr. AE = ne ®
dorf, 1952 Regional Vice President; 1 NTS :
Sterling; William Sword, and Her-
bert Morris. They will cooperate CHECK THIS LIST Pickens Js us fellow who has uh
closely with William W. Davis, ’ never raise em.
i y: ma nd Penn- H r he thin ou’ Back in grandpa’s day noth- Go
Wilkes-Barre, postmaster a ore are t things you’ll HE eons La. 3
lvania Week Coordinator of Lu- 1 ( y need to get that laying house I ver seem o bother the 5
Shes I a 64 North Franklin Street RI H ARD H. DISCO E ready for pullets coming in from hardy chicken expect a “cold. whi
J h ? he 11 t , the range: Today, however, there’s a list oF
ers throughout the ill-county area. Wilkes-Barre 3 of diseases as long as your arm 2
Mr. Davis said the group seeks F U N E R A 1. H O M E [] A SHOVEL — for to harass the flock owner. The
! to formulate a program which will : leant t old lit list of treatments is just as long
fi] be “second to none in Pennsylvan- ® St rs i —each treatment designed for a v2
i ia.” : : specific disease. i
i Don H. Williams, attorney, has y a : the floor, Most diseases can’t be identi-
3 been appointed Wilkes-Barre Com- Memorial Highway, Dallas Phone Dallas 4-2447 [] A BROOM — for fied definitely “on the ot > It
- : : : . 2 : takes laboratory tests to elimi-
x ily Chistian Su. fe Moyer of Serving The Greater Dallas Area dusting off walls and pate other possible diseases,
Hi 1lkes-barre, Luther . niien. @ nests, roosts, doors ’ .
j J Eh FS fa. Mavor of : A ests, QSLS, > That’s why we're all fortunate to
+ Josep ; aporita, ye window sills and the ‘have the Poultry Diagnostic
| Pitts, Bey nppeinted © on » a like. Laboratory located in Tunkhan- 1:
Al Pu : iki hol 2 Activities J [14 hanvieg 48D ik diagnostic work is done
No Charles Prohaska, Burgess of s . NAILS — for tight- 1 tat thologist, Dr. W. G. j
. Larksville, has been asked to issue HAROLD C. SNOWDON, Director — Tel. VA 38-0400 ening loos boards. Clark. His es |
a proclamation for a celebration of R 0 N S O N _ has already helped a number of Fi
Pennsylvania Week in that com- 2 [UPUBINS -DISIN poultrymen in this area, but he 1
i munity. } i FECTANT — for wants to help every poultry- ff
Xi Irvin M. MacAfee, of MapVal L U N . R A [ S L R V C F Ed Sgrabuing Teo 1° i 5 gn / 3 : "
3 Farm, Milan, has advised Mr. Diehm Tire Oo rail. Bots CPG 18 — charge for this
8 : hat he is developing a program g , » service, so don’t wait until too
i N tha e Dp! roosts. late. When you notice sickness
bs NN with special emphasis on the ob- Aled 5 Mildred A in your flock either call us or
| servance. IN : RE . in . [J] PURINA INSECT take a couple of live birds to
i Thomas J. Reese, Secretary of the OIL CONCENTRATE the laboratory yourself.
3 Kingston Borough Council, in a let- —for mixing with oil ‘The Lab is there for YOU to
] ter to Secretary Sordoni, has of- fan and sprinkling on use. Please use it!
E fered his cooperation in shaping a “We are as mear to you as {hse 04 the dirt floor — kills
i program at Kingston. Mr. Reese has our hone” = carryover worm
& named Burgess William I. Martin y telep Na’ eggs, coccidia and all It’s Never Too Late
: other common poul-
4 and Willard M. Jenkins, co-chair- tre disente ‘agents
J men of the Pennsylvania Week com- . :
0 mittee there. Dial Sweet Valley 7-2244 [] NEW LITTER— ;
a Olin W. Evans, Chairman of the ® . ~1
Am ’ ji tt down aft- 3
he Luzerne County Republican Com- : ill 0 Oil has 4
' x eo eo ®
: mittee has communicated with State : has dried for a couple of 1
) Chairman Leffler, pledging assist- | : days. ; !
i i cooperation of his organi- [] A PURINA LAY-
0 Secretary of Commerce Sordoni : : ; . ‘ pm ING RATION — to 4
| has appealed to all Mayors, Bur- Farm Bureau's polio policy helps you win . . i the felony, Keeps |
1 gesses, Presidents of Chambers of against Polio! ALL MEDICAL COSTS to $9,000 jens? Jaying |
Comatares, and Joma) Biitiors, wg 9-YEAR COVERAGE. Family polic : 2 |
i ing them to take the initiative in per case. ot] Vuh. . y Pp y : [] PURINA CHEK- |
setting up a Pennsylvania Week for $10.00 includes children to 18. Individual R-TON or CHEK-R- Even though it’s late in the |
committee and program. _ policy, $5.00. Make that phone call today to . . . FUNERAL HOME TON GRANULES — pasture season, it's never too i
h M / for worming pullets Li » Jar fesiiny Purina
» = just before they Bulky Lasito your milkers. Lots
i Practice For Inpire] g G A Y Machen A move into the laying of you oles already as Bulky
| ache venue house. as as a pasture supplement for t
i Starts Wednesday t 30 Lake S Ph 4-7526 cows milking under 350 pounds |
3 Any member of the Dallas Senior or e St. & one 4- of fat yearly. Some of you may 1
| 3 y W 's Club who wishes to i ’ . already know that Bulky Las |
A unior Woman's Club w 23 i Dallas, Pennsylvania When Sickness Hits comes in those big 5-bushel
i) take part in the October 15 an i : bags; that it often actually costs
3 Back Mountain Jubilee, may come 3 There’s plenty of truth in the less per bushel than grain; that xy
] & to the first practice Wednesday 3 ARM BURE AU old statement that the only fel- it’s a body builder and milk- {
§ evening at 8 in the Library Annex. = 3 DIAL DALLAS 4-4101 low who has never had sick maker. 5
5 Members of the cast of 1952 279 | OMPANY - EEEE = EEE am
urged to do it again, and new tal- LIFE i uy = my : su yl ml
ent is welcome. Committee mem- : Hio ] u HER EE EEN HE i
5 bers for the Minstrel Show met HOME OFFICE: COLUMBUS, O i
= Tuesday night at the, home of Mrs.
Whether You Buy Milk at the Store EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 8, [954
. . DOWN ALAM. | P.M. | PM. DOWN AM.|AM. | PM. | P.M. | PM. DOWN AM. P
Or have it delivered to Your Door East Dallas 8:50] 10:30] 1:25] 4:55 | | Carverton eT wT ST ow as
i Maplewood Heights 8:58] 10:38] 1:83] 5:03| | Sutton’s Store n 10:3 n| =n 5:04 10 5:50 :
: Fernbrook 9:00] 10:40] 1:35] 5:05| | Hefft's Pond n [10:400 n | n | 5:08 10:15] 6:00 I
-8 1) og Beach & Franklin 9:02f 10:42| 1:37] 5:07] | Checkerboard 9:00] 10:42 1:35] 8:45] 5:12 10 n |
y e Su re it S ‘Youngblood Road 9:03] 10:45] 1:38] 5:08] | Meadow Crest 9:05] 10:45] 1:40) n 5:16 10 6:15 ot
£ Center & Lehigh 9:06] 10:46] 1:41] 5:11} | Trucksville £9:15[t10:55| t1:50] t3:50] t5:20 10: 6:20 Tage
: Maple St. 9:08] 10:48] 1:43] 5:13| | Wilkes-Barre 9:85] 11:15] 2:10] 4:10] 5:45 10: 6:30
Lehigh & Harris Hill 9:13] 10:53] 1:48] 5:18 BUS LEAVES MARTZ'S TERMINAL TF = :
i i 1 : :50| t5: \
i sulle i gs | | _u® ADP. | PAL | PAL PM. BUS LEAVES MARTZ'S TERMINAL
a : Wilkes-Barre 9:40] 12:40] 2:15] 4:10] 5:50 UP AM.| P.M.
| BUS LEAVES MARTZ’S TERMINAL Kingston Corners 9:50] 12:50] 2:25] 4:20] 6:00 4:30 !
UP AM. |P.M. | P.M. | P.M. | P.M. || Union St. 9:54] 12:54] 2:20] 4:24 6:04 1:40 Ha
9:40] 12:40] 2:15] 4: :50 | | Luzerne 9:57] 12:57] 2:32] 4:27] 6:07 4:45 i 1]
1 2:25] 4:20] 6:00} Trucksville 10:00] t1:00] t2:35] t4:30] 6:10 4:48 {
) | 2:29] 4:24] 6:04|| Meadow Crest 10:05] 1:05] 2:40] 4:35] 6:16 1:50 4
Hi 2: 4: 6: Checkerboard 10:10] 1:10] 2:45] 4:40] 6:20 4:55 1
pi : : : Hefft’s Pond 10:17] n | n | 4:45] =n 4:57 :
hi 2:37] 4:32] 6:12 | Sutton’s Store 10:21] _n | n | 4:48 n 5:05 ad
bv i oy - Carverton 10:25] n | n | 5:00] n 5:08 ; 3 |
§ Jer & 5:45] 4:40] 6:20 n—No Service. 5 = 4
Pet Sid7 4: t—Transfer 5 = En
po Ey : . Special — Thursday : 10:00] 5:45 |
37 : - 5 : 2 2 Bus leaves Mate JF Terminal Freight Picked Up and Delivered. 3
om Dallas or Nanticoke Y : : ML
DI AL s ’ For Trucksville and East Dallas.
i 'S Call ENterprise 1-0813 No Service Sundays or Holidays
° .
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