PAGE TEN Hillside Bulls Rank As Pedigree Sires Hillside Farms has two regis- tered Holstein-Friesian bulls which have been rated Preferred Pedigree Sires by The Holstein-Friesian As- sociation of America. They are: Mallary Rag Apple Select; and Whirlhill Wozard of Oz. This honor, based on achieve- ments in both milk production and body conformation of parents on both sides, is granted through the Selective Registration Program de- signed as an additional means to breed improvement , and differs from all previously established be- cause it is based on parental achievement rather than accom- plishment of the animal itself. The Preferred Pedigree rating is the highest honor awarded through Selective Registration system. An integral part of the registration system, the ratings for these bulls will be indicated on their certifi- cate of registry and on all records of the association. RANSOM REUNION Twentieth reunion of the de- scendants of Chester’ and Harriet Ransom was held at the Corey B. Ransom home, Demunds Road, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess and family were hostesses. Dinner was enjoyed by all at 2 p. m. after which the business meeting was conducted by presi- dent, Henry Hess. Corey Ransom gave the treasurer's report, and Liva Garinger, the historian’s re- port. A short program followed. Present were Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Rosengrant, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Waterbury, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Smith, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Austin, Johnson City, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wilkins, Owosso, Mich.; Mrs. Allen Keil, Lockport, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Z. E* Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Garinger, Joan Riaubia, Dallas; Mrs. Robert Harlos, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr, Kings- ton; Mrs. Loren Keller, Lorraine Keller, Frank Prutzman, Idetown; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Lina Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Garinger, Mrs. Joseph Rauch, Brad- ley and Kendall Rauch, Lloyd Gar- inger, Corey Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Nancy, Mary, Richard and Harry, Jr. Mrs. Laidler Entertains Leaders At Buffet Supper Leaders and Committee women of Shavertown Girl Scout Troop 66, were entertained at the home of Mrs. Clarence Laidler, Pioneer Avenue, at a Thursday evening buffet supper. At the business meeting following, Mrs. Laidler thanked these women for their work: Mrs. William Burnaford, secretary, and Mrs. Fred Eck,as- sistant; Mrs. John Clause, treas- urer; Mrs. William Pethic, tele- phone squad; Mrs. Fred Anderson, publicity; Mrs. Fred Stevens and Mrs. Fred Eck, cookie sale; Mrs. John Clause and Mrs. William Pethick, bake sale. ‘Gold pencils were presented to Mrs. D. P. Merolla, leader, and her capable assistants, Mrs. Lawry and Mrs. John Johnson. Donation to fund: for purchase of a plaque hon- oring Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weckesser, was voted. The plaque is to be erected at Wildwood, ‘their gift to Wyoming Valley Council of Girl Scouts. Waddya Read? Our country has 7,500 public libraries and 1,450 book stores— far too few of each, say worried intellectual leaders. . . . But we do have more than 116,000 newsstand outlets which sell millions of paper- back books and magazines. Survey shows there are four times as many radios in use in U. S. as TV sets; that 13% million The doggie in the window, look- ing wistfully at children passing a fixture at Bond’s tailor shop ever since it opened September First. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bond have no children, so Snooky is a pampered pup. Right now, with summer sun- shine pouring into the window and super-heating it, Snooky abandons her favorite station in the middle of the day, returning to it after things cool off. Correction In the Post last week it was erroneously stated that Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozich had celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary. Heaven forbid! It was their twenty-ninth. Buction Holidays Back Mountain Library and the Dallas Post will be closed Friday and Saturday, Auction days. In case of emergency, come over to the Risley barn. William Jeters, Guests At Anniversary Dinner Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jeter, Lake Street, were guests of honor at a surprise birthday dinner party at Irem Country Club Saturday evening when they celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary. Pres- ent were members of a card club of long standing: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eder, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arbogast, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. James Brownlee, Mrs. E. I. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Filmore, Mr. and Mrs... Harry Filmore, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Mebane, Dr. and Mrs. J. Preston Sturdevant, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Millard, their children, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Den- nison, Harrisburg; Mr, and Mrs. Harry R. Jeter, New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. William Jeter, Jr., Dallas. Judith Ann Schneider To ‘Be Honored At Party Judith Ann Schneider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider of Parrish Street, will be guest of honor at a birthday party to help celebrate her sixth birthday anni- versary. Present will be Dora Williams, Peggy Reese, Cathy Reese, Patsy Peiffer, Alice Reese, Janine Dierolf, Marjorie Gallagher, Robbie Weaver, Freddie Mintzer, Billie ‘Tredinnick, Kennie Ridall, Edward Gallagher, Joe Schneider and the guest of honor. Kennel Club To Care For Library Ruction Livestock Back Mountain Kennel [Club will again. take charge of caring for animals brought for sale to the Library Auction in Dallas, Friday and Saturday. They will see that puppies and geese and pigs have water to drink and that their crates are located in the shade. Read The Post Classified our pre-vacation servicing) Trojan greases. trouble points. MAIN HIGHWAY TRUCKSVILLE radios were made last year, 7 mil- lion TVs. PO BOX 127, DALLAS BUILDING SUPPLI ROUTE 115 Uebuet! * Swoingti Acme Goes To Bat For You! IDEAL FROZEN SLICED 2b 20° STRAWBERRIES “A Real Family Treat When Served With Our Virginia Lee Ice Cream” ] IDEAL FROZEN (Conc.) Cans 30 PEAS = 2:29 DRESSING Jot TEA BAGS “A Healthful, Refreshing Thirst Quenching Drink” PRINCESS BRAND 29 “Perfect for Salads and Sandwiches’ “Delicious Hot or Iced” DOLE JUICE IDEAL FROZEN FRESH SALAD Quart PRINCESS BRAND Pkg. of 30° 48 “Sacrifice Hits” Fancy, Large California Santa Rosa PLUMS Fresh, Crisp Solid Heads ICEBERG LETTUCE Universal Standard, Funk & Wagnall ENCYCLOPEDIA w 19¢ 7 large Je heads WN Extra Heavy Weight—Size 547x712” TABLE CLOTH Vol (RED © GREEN © YELLOW eo WRITE) olume 13 With Reg. With a Now on Sale 0Q¢ Ba Any $298 $479 ea 3500 Only Purchase Value! Purchase : Only or More Continue Building Your Set Each Week Easy to clean—will not crack or peel. Colors will not fade—made of finest Vinylite material—heavy gavge—a real value. r 7 : WEEK! sing dictions or 9ve 7 Baseball scores! No knowledge ot bee is necessary FREY 1 Li +) Lu i) ehall Bonus Score ¥ Ce PRCA r favorite [RL I PILG pratt Swe. IRE UR A nam ERIC stub in IS a LL vr be TL ooviil “Here’s Wi DOLE PINEAPP] 14 Ca 0; IDEAL FROZEN (C LEMONA | IDEAL FROZEN | ORANGE Bk VIRGINIA LEE Golden 1 PINEAPPLE FILL § BUNS SUPREME" WHOLE : WHEAT Br es