. SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 945, Church School 11:00, Nursery during Church Hour for pre-school children. 11:00, Morn- day in Lent—Family Sunday, when families are asked to be present in Church as a family unit. 6:00, In- termediate Methodist Youth Fel- lowship. 6:30, Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship. 7:00, Sunday night Lenten Service. Dr. Ralph W. Deckerwi ll continue his Lecture Series on the Life of Christ. 8:30, Couple’s Club meeting in Chapel Room. Monday: 3:30, Brownies, Troop 115. 4:00, Confirmation Class in Chapel Room with Pastor. 7:30, Girl Scouts, Troop 9. . Tuesday: 4:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 66. 7:30, Boy Scouts, Troop 231. 7:45, Commission on Finance in Chapel Room. Wednesday: 3:45, Junior Choir Rehearsal. 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 75. Thursday: 1:30, Marth Circle at home of Mrs. Gordon Edwards. 1:30, Naomi Circle at home of Mrs. Wil- liam Bond. 1:30, Priscilia Circle at home of Mrs. Lewis Evans. 1:30, Sarah Circle at home of Mrs. John Henninger, 3:30, Brownies, Troop 105. 7:30, Senior Choir rehearsal. Friday: 8:00, Keller Class meet- ing in Chapel Room. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHURCH NEWS Church Services with the pastor preaching, and Sunday School, will be held in Methodist Churches of Alderson-Noxen Charge on Sunday as follows: Ruggles Church service, 845 a. m. Sunday School, 10. Noxen Church service, 10: Sunday School, 11. Alderson Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. Alderson Church ser- vice, 11:15. Kunkle Sunday School, 10. Kunkle Church service 7:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship groups of the Charge will meet at 5:30 p. m. in Alderson IChurch. The fourth topic is the series of discussions on “Vo- cations’ will be “Engineering.” The speaker will be Donald Smith, elec- trical engineer of Roushey and Smith, engineers and consultants. Rehearsal of M. Y. F. groups for the Easter Cantata will be held Monday at Noxen; Wednesday at 6130 each evening. Commission won Education of Noxen Church will meet Tuesday evening at the A. J. Casterline home. . Youth Fellowship groups of Alder- son-Noxen Charge will haye a Box Social in the Ruggles Church hall on Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. All young people of the Charge are invited to attend. Ruggles W. S. IC. S. will meet Thursday evening, March 18 at eight at the home of Mrs. Clarence Oberst. PRINCE OF PEACE Rev. William McClelland, Jr. Sunday, 9:30 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m., Morning Prayer and Sermon. Immediately follow- ing the morming service a Brunch will be served by members of the Couples’ Club in the Parish House. Tickets may be purchased from members of the Couples’ Club, adults 75 cents, children 50 cents. Monday, 7:30 p. m. Boy Scout Troop meeting in the Parish House. Tuesday, 8 p. m. Meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary in the Parish House. Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. Holy (Com- munion. 10 a. m., Auxiliary sewing for the Bazaar. 7:15 p. m., Boys and Senior Choir rehearsal. Friday, 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer and motion picture. DALLAS FREE METHODIST District Quarterly Meetingof Dal- las Free Methodist Church will be held at 11 a. m., Sunday, March 14. District Superintendent Herbert Olver will be in charge. Commun- ion will follow. Sunday School, 10 a. m., young people’s meeting, 6:30, preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Church School, 10:00 a. m. Church Worship, 11:00 a. m. Ser- mon “Moral Codes of the Christion.” Junior M: Y. F.'and (Church mem- bership class, 6:30 p. m. Senior M. Y. i". Service 6:30 p. m. Lenten Service, 7:30. The guest speaker will be Rev. Russell J. Hawke, District Superintendent of Scranton Methodist Churches. Public cordially invited. Sunday, March 28. New members will be recived into the member- ship of the church. Some will be received by Confession of Faith and others by Letter of Transfer. Palm Sunday, April 11. A group of Junior Boys and Girls will be re- ceived into the membership of the church. Rev. Heapps, who has been giving them Christian teaching, will be in charge of the ceremony. New oak chairs are on order for both the Junior and Senior Choir lofts. These are being presented as memorials. The Sunday School room next to the church sanctuary is also being equipped with new oak chairs. le Believe | tion comes not by our own of merit. It is the free gift ~ Every striving or any achievement of God's grace who “shows Sunday The Search Is On For Mrs. Wyoming Valley Mrs. Frank P. Speicher, Wilkes- Barre, is general chairman for the 1954 “Mrs. Wyoming Valley” con- test sponsored by Jay-Cettes, aux- iliary of Wilkes-Barre Junior Cham- ber of Commerce, in conjunction with the 1954 Parade of Progress April 26th to May 1st at Kingston Armory. The contest is open to all resi- dents of any community within Wyoming Valley, and all local or- ganizations as well as individuals are urged-to submit candidates for nomination. A “Mrs. Wyoming Valley’ candi- date must be married, have at least one child, be between the ages of 21 through 35, exhibit outstanding qualities of leadership and commu- nity service, homemaking schieve- ments, and religious work. The winner of the contest will be announced at a special “Mrs. Wyoming Valley” Night during the Parade of Progress. A $500 Bond plus other valuable and useful prizes will be awarded the winner, with gifts also to the semi-finalists. Judges will be a panel of promi- nent citizens who will carefully read each application and then se- lect semi-finalists, from which group a winner will be chosen. Last year’s winner was Mrs. Edgar Griffiths of Wilkes-Barre. Applications may be had by writ- ing to: Mrs. Wyoming Valley Con- test, 266 Miners National Bank, Wilkes-Barre. All nominations must be received by midnight March 31 in order to be eligible. Cub Scout Pack 155 Stages Annual Dinner Newly reorganized Cub Scout Pack 155 enjoyed its annual Blue and Gold dinner Friday night in Trucksville Fire Hall, with sixty cubs, parents and officials present. Three new boys were inducted as bobcats, Donnie Anderson, Cobb, Ricky Farr. Two new dens will be organized to meet demand, under leadership of Mrs. Edward Jenkins and Mrs. B. R. Irwin. Pres- ent dens are headed by Mrs. H. H. Butler and Mrs. Carl Bradbury. Dr. Carl Bradbury is Cubmaster. Among the guests were Morris Gejewski, from Wyoming Valley Council of Boy Scouts; Mr. and Mrs. Don Finney and Rev. and Mrs. Ar- thur Mayo. Awards went to nine boys. Wil- lard Bullock got the wolf badge, gold arrow point, service star; Rob- ert’ Pritchard, assistant: denner’s stripe, star; Howard Steele, wolf badge, silver and gold arrow points; William Greenley, denner’s stripe, 2 service stars; Carlton Sprow, wolf badge, gold and silver ‘points, star; Gerald Coopey, bear badge, gold point, 5 silver arrow points, assist- ant denner’s stripe, star; John Lan- dis, denner’s stripe, gold and 3 sil- ver points, 2 stars; Jon Terry But- ler, bear badge, gold and silver points, star; Roger Bradbury, wolf badge, gold and silver points, star. Dramatics Club Names Cast And Committees Powder and Wig Club members who will collaborate in the senior play, “Feudin’ Over Yonder,” to- night at Dallas-Franklin high school auditorium, are: ’ Cast, under direction of Daniel Williams — Jane ' Owens, Priscilla Moore, Rose Ann Patner, Barbara Vavrek, Ellen Shively, Peggy Ann Maza, David Pellam, Delmar Shupp, Irwin Kistler, Thomas Schmidle, Louis Katchko, Paul Balshaw. Hillbilly Band: Dianne Bowman, Joe Wrobleski, Dorothy Stash, Mar- ilyn Welsh, Rowena Sedler and Annjane Layaou. Other characters: Thais Rozelle, Anne Woicekowski, Nancy Dy- mond, Lois Simon, Norma Shaver and Joanne Lewin. Usherettes: Susan Wileman, Jean Mead, Mary Ann Emmanuel. Properties: ‘Delmar Shupp, chair- man; David Pellam, Thomas Schmi- dle, Mary Ann Emmanuel, Anne Woicekowski. ’ Programs: Peggy Ann Maza, Ro- wena Sedler, Thais Rozelle, Nancy Dickson, Priscilla Moore, Nancy Dy- mond. Simon, Marilyn Welch, Thomas Schmidle, Illa Lou Wilson, Ellen Shively. Tickets: Janet Rogers, Bertha Dickson, Annjane Layaou, Jane Owens. Make Up: Rose Ann Patner, Gladys Wilson, Norma Shaver. Stage manager, Joe Wrobleski with Irwin Kistler and Louis Katch- ko in charge of lighting. Illa Lou Wilson is assistant di- rector. Dianne Bowman, Heads County Board Harry L. Ohlman, member of Dal- las Borough School Board; was elected president of Luzerne County Board of School Directors this week. SHOP Pomeroy’s FIRST i's easy to get tol by McFeatters STRICTLY BUSINESS “All they do 1s form a committee to appoint a board or appoint a board to form a committee!” Read The Classified Column Mr. Poultryman: TI-O-GA QUALITY FEEDS give you — The New Improved G in tasty mash or easy to eat crumble form — plain or medicated DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner PHONE 4-7T141 — DALLAS, PA. ° A BOO. 9.5. CAT. OFS. Scottish Rite Masons Have New Commander James G. Law, 33rd degree Ma- son, Commander-in-Chief of Cald- well Consistory, Bloomsburg, an- nounces that George Edward Bush- nell, 33rd degree Mason of Detroit, former Grand Lieutenant Com- mander and Deputy for Michigan, assumed the office of Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Juris- diction .on January 1st, following the resignation of the Most Puissant’ vin Maynard Johnson, 33rd degree. Mr. Bushnell is a Justice of the Supreme Court of Michigan. He was born in Virginia sixty-six years ago. He began his Masonic’ journey in Salem, Virginia in 1908. He was active membership on the Supreme Council in 1934. Since 1937 he has heen Deputy for Michigan and 1945 he was elected Grand Lt. Com- mander, succeeding the late John SAGE FIFTEEN Harvey’s Lake Edwin Delaney, Mrs. Peter De- laney, Joseph, Bradley and Jack Rauch spent Sunday in Chester, vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Walbridge Leinthall announce the birth of their second daughter in Wilkes-Barre General Hospital on March 5. Mrs. Leinthall is the former Hilda Allen. Bradley Rauch has returned to scheo! after being ill with the mumps. remains the same. Jerry Evan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Evan, fell from the swing and broke his foot. He is getting’ along micely, and will be able to walk soon. Scofield ‘Wallace of New Castle, Pa. There. are 2161 members of Cald- well Consistory living in Luzerne County, 162 of whom live in Dallas, and. about 350 in the Back Moun- tain Area. Caldwell is one of the 67 Consistories in the Northern Ma- sonic Jurisdiction. Z ‘1 Zz No endorsers . . . WILKES-BARRE 67 Public Square. PLYMOUTH 1 W:. Main St. FIRST WINNERS! ~ Dodge 40th Anniversary All-America Contest Ef = mt 2 oe wr ate og eve Major David Parker Topeka, Kansas +: Phone: VA 4-4696 Phone: PR 9-9505 SAAR EEA EEE EERE TEE ins N Sn hi, Sn IML SS Sri Mt Ws i oth i, vind. vy | PT aS \ What a Car! The crowning touch to any vacation —an elegant new ’54 Dodge! Wher- ever you go in your Dodge, you go in luxury and style . . . thrill to flashing performance, enjoy gas-saving economy! Dodge set 196 official AAA records . . . topped all ‘eights’ in the Mobilgas Economy Run! elegant new "54 LN ¥ i