The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 05, 1954, Image 5

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a Chance
Church School 10 a.m.
Church Worship Service 11 a.m.
Sermon topic, “The Ghost of Fear.”
Junior MYF 6:30 p.m.
Senior MYF 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday; 7:30, WSCS meeting at
the church.
Wednesday, 7:30, Midweek wor-
ship and Bible Study Hour. Interest
in this service appears to be im-
proving. Everyone invited. Bring
a friend and bring your new Stand-
ard Version of the Bible.
Thursday, Carol Choir
Senior Choir 8 p.m.
Thursday, 1 p.m., Boy Scouts.
An important meeting of the Fi-
nance Commission of the church
will be held Monday evening, Feb-
ruary 15 at the home of Peter
Clark. Mr. Clark will preside. It
is the task of this Commission to
prepare the church financial bud-
get for the year 1954 to 55. Mem-
bers of this Commission are Peter
Clark, William B. Jeter, Paul Phil-
lips, David Evans, Edward Stair,
Percy Love, Lawrence Updyke, Roy
Evans, Rev Heapps and Harold Tit-
4 pm.
Rev. William McClelland, Jr.
Sunday, February 7th—8 am,
Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11 a.m., Holy Communion
_ and Sermon.
Monday, 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout
troop meeting in the Parish House.
Tuesday, 8 p.m., Vestry meeting
in the Parish House.
Wednesday, 10 a.m., Auxiliary
sewing for the Bazaar; 7:15 p.m.
Boys and Senior Choir rehearsal.
Lies At Lehman
Death Releases Her
Sunday Morning
Mrs. R. Bruce Shaver, 73, highly
esteemed Idetown woman, was
buried Wednesday afternoon in
Lehman Cemetery. Rev. Frank Ab-
bott and Rev. William Heapps con-
ducted funeral services from the
home in Idetown.
Mrs. Shaver was released from
suffering Sunday moming. She had
been increasingly ill for eight
months, successive surgery during
the past twelve years, proving of no
lasting value. It was Mrs. Shaver's
heartfelt desire that she be allowed
to live out her days at home, and
not be sent to a hospital. Mrs.
Dean Shaver, her son’s wife, cared
for her.
She was the former Elizabeth
Parrish, daughter of the late Victor
and Ann Tannery Parrish of Beau-
mont. Mrs. Parrish died as a young
woman. There were several chil-
dren, some of whom did not sur-
vive infancy. Her father was a car-
Mrs. Shaver, upon marriage to
her husband, left Beaumont to make
her home in Lehman, and shortly
thereafter to Idetown, where the
couple lived for the past forty years.
Mrs. Shaver taught the primary
class in Idetown Methodist Church
Sunday School until two years ago.
She was a member of the WSCS
and Serving and Waiting Class, in
which she served as treasurer. She
belonged to Order of the Eastern
Star, the WCTU, and was active in
community affairs. Her delight,
especially since illness narrowed her
horizon, was the culture of African
violets. Thirty of her prize plants
were in bloom for her funeral.
She is survived by her husband,
a prominent well-driller of the area;
a son, Dean, at home; one grand-
daughter; two sisters and a brother,
Frank Parrish and Mrs. Lena Ra-
bert, Forty Fort; and Mrs. Edith
Hobbs, Manchester, Conn.
Pallbearers were Jesse Boice, Gil-
bert Husted, Howard Boice, Harold
Cragle, Harold Donnelly and How-
ard Reilly.
Arrangements by Alfred Bronson.
Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost
Sunday: 9:45, Church School with
classes for all ages. 945, Men's
Bible Class, teacher, Luther Powell.
11:00, Nursery during church hour
for pre-school children. 11:00,
Morning Worship Service, Dr. Ralph
W. Decker, president of Wyoming
Seminary, our guest minister. 3:00,
Youth Rally as sponsored by the
Wyoming Valley Council of
Churches at First Presbyterian
Church, Wilkes-Barre. Speaker, Mrs.
Isabella J. Jones, deputy secretary
of Department of Welfare of Penn-
sylvania. 6:00, Intermediate Meth-
odist Youth Fellowship.
Monday: 3:30, Brownies, Troop
115. 7:30, Girl Scouts, Troop 9.
8:00, Kings Daughters meeting in
chapel room.
Tuesday: 4:00, Girl Scouts, Troop
66. 7:30, Boy Scouts, Troop 231.
Wednesday: 3:45, Junior Choir
rehearsal. 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop
75. 8:00, W. S. C. S. monthly meet-
ing in chapel room.
Thursday: 3:30 Brownies, Troop
105. 7:30, Senior Choir rehearsal.
Rev. Joseph Sproule, Pastor
Communion will follow the 11
a.m. service. Sunday School at 10,
Young Peoples Service at 6:30,
preaching at 7:30. Tuesday evening
prayer meeting at 7:30.
Alfred Root Loses
Brother In Death
Alfred Root, Franklin Street, Dal-
las, lost his brother in the death of
Clarence Root in West Exeter Tues-
day night. Mr. Root’s brother was
employed in his transfer business.
Born in Root Hollow, he leaves a
number of relatives in the Back
Mountain, among them four broth-
ers: Lime and Steve, Noxen; Alfred,
Dallas; Harry, Centermoreland; and
a sister, Mrs. Leona Sorber, Center-
Hltar & Rosary
Elects Officers
Mrs. Jack Shappert
Heads Lake Society
The following officers were elect-
ed at the monthly meeting of Altar
and Rosary Society of Our Lady of
Victory Chapel, Harveys Lake:
President, Mrs. Jack Schappert;
first vice president, Mrs. Charles
Derr; second vice president, Mrs.
Thomas Meighan; secretary, Mrs.
Charles Raklewicz; ‘treasurer, Mrs.
Robert, Schaller.
Committee chairmen: Ways and
means, Mrs. Myron Williams; cards,
Mrs. Carl Nardell; Sacristy, Miss
Anna Polachek; flowers, Mrs. Mich-
ael Novajosky; refreshments, Mrs.
Roy King; publicity, Mrs. Robert
Plans were made for sundry
money making projects to be pur-
sued during the coming months.
A report was given on the Christ-
mas card sale. The individual pro-
jects of each member raising ten
dollars is progressing.
The hostesses were Mrs. Ike Ser-
han, Mrs. Robert [Schaller and Mrs.
Arthur Engler.
7. Platt Bennett
Heads General
Z. Platt Bennett, Huntsville, has
been reelected president of the
General Hospital board for the sev-
enth consecutive term. Reelected
as first vice president was Julius
Long Stern.
Mr. Bennett, Judge Ben R. Jones
and Harrison J. Smith were re-
elected for three-year terms on the
board of directors. »
King's Daughters Meet
Monday Evening
Meeting of King’s Daughters
Class will be held Monday night
at Shavertown Methodist (Church
parlors, with Mrs. George Jacobs
The program will be short sum-
marizations by those who enter-
tained foreign students during
Christmas vacation: Mrs. Martin
Porter, Mrs. Clarence Laidler, Mrs.
Charles Mannear, Mrs. Charles Eb-
erle, Mrs. Malcolm Borthwick, Mrs.
Odus Moore, Mrs. Philip VanBlar-
com, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Wil-
bur Lawry, Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs.
Carl E. Hontz, and Roger Paget.
On the serving committee are
Mrs. Stanley Xatacinski, Mrs.
Charles Kishbaugh, Mrs. Carl E.
Kaschenbach, Jr., Mrs. Ben Klep-
pinger, Mrs. Wilbur IS. Lawry.
only is His love self-giving,
but He craves our love in
Altar And Rosary
Altar and Rosary Society of Gate
of Heaven Church heard two read-
ings by Mrs. Francis Girvan at Mon-
day night's meeting. In charge of
the program were Mrs. George Kel-
ler and Mrs. Michael Campbell, as-
sisted by Mrs. Louis Vitale, Mrs.
Frank Ferry, Mrs. Harry Flussi,
Mrs. Thomas Hudak, Mrs. Lester
Sharkoski, and Mrs. Joseph Simp-
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Joseph Simpson, Mrs. Harold
Widman, Mrs. Thomas French, Mrs.
Julius Muha, Mrs. Joseph Hughes,
Mrs. Lester Sharkoski, Mrs. Michael
Quare, Mrs. Eugene Hindricks, Mrs.
Willard Parsons, and Mrs. George
Stolarick. Over thirty members
were present.
Joy Class Party
Joy Class will hold its annual
Valentine party Tuesday evening at
Kunkle Community Hall. It will be
a covered dish supper, with meat,
rolls, coffee, and dessert furnished.
Members, husbands, and friends are
Vive Le Groundhog
If Tuesday morning, with its
bright sunshine and spring-like tem-
peratures, is any indication of what
the legendary Groundhog can pro-
duce in the way of weather, our
feeling is that there should be bigger
and better groundhogs.
More Business Leaders
On Bank Committee
(Continued from Page 1)
has won numerous citations from
the Rexall Drug Company for his
advertising and merchandising pro-
He played a large part in the
establishment of Prince of Peace
Church and aided Rev. William Wil-
liams in arranging the first service
in Shavertown Fire Hall. He was
one of the first vestrymen. During
his youth he was one of four broth-
ers who served as choirboys at the
same time at St. Stephens Church,
Wilkes-Barre, a record that has not
since been equalled.
Born in Ashley, the son of Wil-
liam and the late Ida Thomas Evans,
he graduated from Forty Fort High
School, when his family moved to
that community. He received his
pharmaceutical degree from Phila-
delphia School of Pharmacy and
Science and for a time served as
eral Hospital.
He is a member of Luzerne
County Pharmaceutical Association,
Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Asso-
ciation, and National Retail Drug-
gists Association.
He is married to the former Al-
menia Reese of Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. Evans is a member of George
M. Dallas Lodge F. & A. M., Cald-
well Consistory and Irem Temple.
Like his father, he is an active
sportsman, his hobbies being hunt-
ing and fishing. His store was one
of the first in the county to act as
a distribution center for State hunt-
ing and fishing licenses.
Other members of the Committee
are: A. C. Devens, Frederick Eck,
Thomas Garrity, Edward Hall, How-
ard Isaacs, W. B. Jeter, Clifford
Space, David Schooley, Howard Ris-
ley, L. L. Richardson and Harold
Good Crowd For
First Aid Class
Course Stars In
Borough Building
First Aid classes under instruc-
tion of Charles Davis, Wyoming
Valley Red Cross, started Monday
night in. Dallas Borough Building,
with thirty members of Dallas Com-
munity Ambulance Association in
attendance. Mr. Davis laid a foun-
dation for first aid by explaining
basic principles, stressing the point
that a first-aider’s only function is
to reassure the patient and give
temporary relief before the doctor
arrives. He emphasized the value of
warmth in case of shock and spoke
on the circulatory system, and con-
trol of bleeding in case of a severed
Members of the class were asked
to bring bandages to the next lesson,
February 8, at the same hour. Harry
Holy Name Society
Father John A. Balberchak will
lecture and show movies at the
meeting of Gate of Heaven Holy
Name Society Monday evening at
8 o'clock.
Refreshments will be served.
Brown lent ‘triangular bandages for
demonstration at the first lesson.
A mumber of interested persons
were unable to attend but expect
to join next week.
Signing cards for the nine-weeks
course were: Norti Berti, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Stanley, Elmer Williams,
James Gansel, Leslie Warhola, Rich-
ard Disque, [Charles Flack, Al Shaf-
fer, Russell Honeywell, Lawrence
Delet-Kanic; Rene Jones, Harry
Brown, Velma Davis, Mrs. Edward
Sidorek, Mrs. Wilbur Lawry, Mar-
garet Roberts, Dorothy Ruckel, Mrs.
Irene B. Davies, Mrs. Alberta Lancio,
Catherine Gansel, Martha Griesmer,
Alma Fry, Joseph Allen, Ray Titus,
and Steven Glova.
Local Agent—Farm Bureau
Main Highway, Shavertown
Mutual Auto Insurance Co.
Phone 4-7156
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