The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 08, 1954, Image 4

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Mr. 254 Mrs. James Davenport,
Lehman, entertained at Christmas
for Mr. and Mrs. George Weintz, of
Meeker; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mack-
ert, Schenectady; Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Hoats, Barbara, Garry and Boyd,
of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Harvey and Karen, Dallas;
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shacochius,
Pittston, and Mrs. Marjorie Marple,
‘Mrs. Edwin Stolarick has re-
turned to her home on Ridge
Street, Fernbrook, after submitting
to surgery at General Hospital. Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Stolarick have re-
turned to their ‘home in Lehman
after a stay in Fernbrook with the
Edwin Stolaricks.
Barbara Hoats, Wilkes-Barre, is
spending her vacation with Margo
Davenport in Lehman.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosman of
Harveys Lake, had as New Years
Day guests Mr. and Mrs. Lee Honey-
well and Sally Brown of Idetown.
The Rosmans were dinner guests at
the Worth home at Ruggles Satur-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton, Dallas,
had as New Year weekend guests
their daughters, Betty and Clara of
Johnson City, N. Y. Robert Sutton
and sons, Robert and Herbert, spent
Saturday with their parents. The
Suttons were New Years eve guests
of Mrs. Mable Lamoreaux, Hunlock
Flora London, Johnson City,
spent the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard London,
Harveys Lake. )
Mrs. Minnie Hoover and grand-
daughter spent the New Year week-
end in Philadelphia visiting rela-
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Minchin
have returned to their home at Oak
Hill, Idetown, after visiting their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles F. Seybold and chil-
dren at Pitman, N. J. En route
home, they spent some time with
their daughter, Mrs. Mark James
McQuilkin, Mrs. McQuilkin flew to
Camp Pickett, Va. to be with her
husband during the holidays.
' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Pio-
neer Avenue, spent the holidays
with the former's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irving
Roe and family at Lancaster.
Mrs. Theodore W. Hall and Carol
are spending two weeks with Mrs.
Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Nichols, Wardan Ave. Trucksville.
Mr. Hall will drive down for them
over the weekend.
~ Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jeter, Lake
Street, spent the holidays in Har-
risburg as guests of their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Dennison and family.
Capt. and Mrs. Thomas Hicks and
children of Lake Packanack, N. J.,
spent the holidays with Capt. Hicks
parerts, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. B.
Hicks, Pioneer Ave. Warren Hicks
and family, Lake Packanack, were
also dinner guests. Warren formerly
edited the Dallas Post.
A/C Walter E. Crispell has re-
turned to Arizona Air Base after
spending the holidays in the Back
Mountain Area and attending the
funeral of his nephew.
Mrs. Norman Buckwalter, Kings-
. ton, spent several days as guest of
Smith, Huntsville Road, last week.
Ira Hoover has returned to Prac-
tical Bible Training School, Bing-
hamton, N. Y., after spending the
holiday vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoover of
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Frick spent
the weekend in Washington, taking
part in the fiftieth anniversary of
Mt. Rainier Christian Church, of
which Rev. Frick was pastor prior
to his return to his pastorate at
Huntsville Christian Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sevick,
Syracuse, N. Y., spent the weekend
with Mrs. Sevick’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bertram, at Chase.
Mrs. Antoinette Mason, Dallas,
was called by illness to the home
of a friend in Ogdensburg, N. Y.
on the closing day of school, re-
turning to Norton Avenue before
New Years. Her mother, Mrs. Ada
G. Coolbaugh, spent Christmas with
James Coolbaugh, her son, at Camp
Hill, returning to Dallas on Thurs-
House guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John D, Brewster, Dallas,
for the Christmas holidays, were
their sons Ted and John, and John’s
fiancee, Miss Mary Tarasovic, of
* Bridgeport, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman
entertained at Christmas, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Keefer and son Larry,
of Tunkhannock; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stevens and children Linda, Charles
and Freddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Arthur Newman, Dallas Township,
leaves for England today to visit
his family in London and Cam-
Pfc. Ronald Goodwin has re-
turned to Fort Meade, Md., after
spending a seven day leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Goodwin, in Beaumont.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton have
moved from Harveys Lake to Shav-
er Avenue, Shavertown.
Monk-Hart Wedding |
Set For January 16
Invitations have been issued by
Mrs. Helen Hart, Rochester, N. Y.,
for the wedding of her daughter,
Jean, and Robert Monk, son of Mrs
Earl Monk, Pinecrest Avenue.
The ceremony will be performed
January 16 at 2 p.m. in St. Paul's
Lutheran Church, Shavertown. Rev.
Frederick Eidam will officiate.
Jean is a graduate of Dallas
Township High School and College
Misericordia. She has been em-
ployed in Phillipsburg at the Bake:
Chemical Company. Bob was grad-
uated from Dallas Borough High
School and is mainstay of the
Monk Plumbing Company.
Donna Lee Bertram
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Bertram, Jackson Township, a
daughter Donna Lee. The baby, &
Christmas present for her little
brothers Eugene and Ronald,
weighed seven pounds. o
Clarence LaBars, Hosts
At Holiday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. LaBar, Norton
Avenue, entertained at a family
dinner on New Years Day. Present
were Lt. and Mrs. Ralph C. Antrim
Jr. and children of Athens, Ohio,
Mr. and Mrs. Clive D. Hope Jr.
Collegeville, Dora LaBar, Washing-
ton, D. C. and Mrs. Sterling Ma-
chell, Machell Avenue.
after spending the holidays with
the LaBars and with Ralph’s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antrim
at Elmira, N. Y. 2
Vida Kocher, Engaged
To Harold C. Birth
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Vida Ruth
Kocher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sterling S. Kocher of Noxen, to
Harold C. Birth, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde W. Birth of Mount
Greenwood Road, Trucksville.
Miss Kocher was graduated from
Laketon High School and is em-
ployed at Natona Mill. Mr. Birth
was graduated from Wyoming Semi-
nary and attended Pennsylvania
State College. He is stationed at
Lackland Air Force Base with the
U. S. Air Force.
No date has been set for the
Byron Ides Are Guests
Bt Housewarming Party
A surprise house warming party
was held Monday night honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ide of Trucks-
ville who recently moved into their
newly constructed home on Lewis
Avenue. Games were played and
prizes won by the following: Mrs.
Earl Gregory, Mrs. Kenneth Rice,
Mrs. Leroy Elliott, Mrs. Byron Ide,
Mrs. Richard Gregory and Mrs. Dar-
rel Crispell.
Others present were: Mrs. George
Rice, Mrs. Ray Gregory, Mrs. Ray
Kuhnert, Mrs. Luther Gregory, Mrs.
Howard Ide, Catherine Gregory,
Melba Gregory and Debby Ide.
Rev. Joseph Sproule, pastor of
Dallas Free Methodist Church, has
left for St. Petersburg, Florida,
where he will conduct special meet-
ings January 10-24th. Rev. William
Gendall, grandson of a former pas-
tor of the church, will supply the
pulpit during Rev. Sproule’s ab-
D. J. Joseph, Dallas, left yester-
day for Salt Lake City where he is
scheduled to make a survey of
mines in Utah for Glen Alden Coal
Emily Hedden has resumed her
teaching at Carlisle, Pa., . after
spending the holidays with her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymon Hedden, Machell Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Naugle,
Sweet Valley, recently entertained
at a family dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Williams,
Huntsville Road, celebrated their
thirty-fifth wedding anniversary
last Tuesday.
Ruth and Esther Boston, "Mt.
Greenwood Road, Trucksville, en-
tertained a number of friends and
relatives at a twenty-fifth New
Year's Day dinner.
Mrs. Helen Hart, Rochester, N.
Y., is spending some time as guest
of Mrs. Earl Monk, Pinecrest Ave.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, Par-
rish Street, entertained Saturday |
night at dinner for Mr. and Mrs.’
Theodore MacHenry, of Orange;
Miss Beatrice Race, Centermore-
land; A/3C Robert MacHenry, Tex-
as; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown,
Nancy and Phyllis, of Elmira.
Mrs. Lester Sharkoski will enter-
tain bandleaders of the Altar and
Rosary Society of Gate of Heaven
Church Tuesday evening at: 8.
Six-year old Skippy Shaver, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver,
Fernbrook, is a patient at Nesbitt
Memorial Hospital, recovering from
pneumonia, and very anxious to get
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ray and
Nancy Jane Jones, Shavertown,
have returned after spending the’
New Years weekend with Mrs. John |
Lang in Bridgeport, Conn.
Saturday evening at 7, Sally Ann
Lashér, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Reuel Lasher of Demunds Rd., Dal-
las, married Airman 3/C Frank E.
Wagner Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank E. Wagner of Demunds Road,
Rev. Thomas C. Davis performed
the double ring ceremony. Francis
Willis was soloist and Mrs. John
Thomas, pianist.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a white Chantilly
lace and tulle gown which was
floor - length. It featured a man-
darin collar and long sleeves. Her
fingertip veil was attached to a
Juliet cap of Chantilly lace. The
bride’s only adornment was a gold
cross, a gift of the bridegroom. ‘She
carried white roses with an orchid
center and streamers of baby’s
breath. . :
Maid of honor was Peggy Ann
Maza, Goss Manor, cousin of the
bride. She was attired in a floor-
length gown of pink tulle over taf-
feta, with a matching headpiece of
pink tulle. Her bouquet was of pink
roses and baby’s breath.
Airman 3/C Robert S. MacHenry
of Orange was best man and Carl
and John Vavrek of East Dallas
The bride’s mother was attired
in an ice blue dress and black ac-
cessories and wore a corsage of red
roses. The bridegroom’s mother
wore a pink suit with white acces-
sories and a corsage of pink roses.
A reception followed at the home
of the bride.
The bride, a graduate of Dallas-
Franklin High School, is employed
by the Miners National Bank of
Wilkes-Barre. The bridegroom. at-
tended Dallas-Franklin High School.
He is on a thirty-day furlough from
service with the Air Force in Weis-
baden, Germany.
Mrs. Wagner will join her hus-
band there some time later.
The marriage of Miss Patricia
Ann Nieman, daughter of Mrs.
Louisa Nieman of Kansas City, Mo.,
formerly of Beaumont, and the late
Paul Lester Nieman, to Charles
Bigelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bigelow of Beaumont, took place
Monday, December 28, at 4 p.m. in
the home of Pastor Arden Lan-
caster at Kingston, Pa.
Pastor Lancaster officiated in the
double ring ceremony in the pres-
ence of the immediate families after
Mr. Dale Hess of Berwick played
“Because,” and the bride's mother,
Mrs. Louisa Nieman, sang “Jesus,
Like a Shepherd Lead Us,” fol-
lowed by Mr. Hess playing Lohen-
grin’s “Wedding March.”
Clara Patton and Warren Dy-
mond, both of Beaumont, were the
The bride was most attractive in
her navy blue semi- formal suit
trimmed with white fagotting, white
jeweled hat, and white accessories.
She wore a corsage of red roses.
Miss Patton chose a navy blue
suit with pink accessories and a
corsage of pink roses.
The bride's mother had a two-
tone grey suit, grey accessories and
yellow roses, and the groom’s
mother, a blue crepe dress with
navy blue accessories and a cor-
sage of yellow roses.
The bride’s grandmother, Mrs.
Mary Downs, wore navy blue crepe
with blue accessories and a corsage
of yellow roses.
A reception for one hundred
twenty-five guests was held in the
Sunday School room of the Beau-
mont Union Church at 7:30. The
Sunday School room was banked
with evergreens while the tables
were centered with a four tiered
wedding cake, white tapers and a
silver coffee service sent from Ger-
many for the occasion.
Rev. Truman Reeves of the Beau-
mont Union Church asked blessing
before a tasty lunch and punch
were served.
For her going away outfit the
bride chose a grey orlon suit
flecked with white.
Mrs. Bigelow was graduated from
Beaumont High School and at-
tended Mansfield State Teachers
College. She was employed recently
at Natona Mills.
Mr. Bigelow was graduated from
Beaumont High School and was for-
merly employed by John Girvan. He
is now employed by the Lacka=
wanna Railroad.
The out-of-town guests at the re-
ception were: Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Nieman of Wyoming, Mrs. Gertrude
Hapeman and daughters Mary, Alice
and Shirley of Wilkes-Barre, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Blannett of Wilkes-
Barre, Mrs. Paris Callendar and sons
Fred and Andrew of Berwick, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Downs of Mans-
field, Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bigelow
of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Merl Bigelow of Shavertown, Miss
Louise Bigelow of Trenton, N. J,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stark of Tunk-
hannock, and Miss Jessie Eres of
Kansas City, Mo.
After a wedding trip the couple
will be at home at 48 Dart Street,
Buffalo 13, N. Y.
At a very pretty candlelight wed-
ding, Mary Patricia Wilson, daugh-
ter of Ernest Wilson of East Dallas,
became the bride of Robert Ralph
Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Harris of Claude Street, Dallas,
Christmas night at 8 o'clock. Rev.
Frank Whitesell, uncle of the bride-
groom, performed the double ring
ceremony at the home of the bride-
groom in a living room festively
decorated for the holidays.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore ice blue street
length dress of taffeta with black
velvet accessories. Her shoulder
| bouquet was of light blue carna-
tions. Nancy Carey of Dallas was
maid of honor. She selected light
blue taffeta street length. dress,
matching accessories and pink car-
nations. Mrs. Harris, mother of the
bridegroom, chose grey flannel
dress, red accessories, and red car-
Kenneth Swan of Lehman, cousin
of the bridegroom, was best man.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Harris are
graduates of Dallas Township High
School, class of 1952. Mrs. Harris
is employed by Fernbrook Park
Mill. Mr. Harris is employed by the
Pennsylvania Quarry Construction
Company in Williamsport.
The couple resides in the Bradley
Apartments, Walnut St., Luzerne.
Bernice E. Ramsbottom
Weds Robert Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Ramsbottom
of Collingswood, N. J., announce
the marriage of their daughter,
Bernice Ethel to Robert J. Stephen-
son of the United States Coast
Guard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Stephenson of New Goss Manor,
Dallas, on Saturday afternoon, De-
cember 12 at a 3 o'clock ceremony
in the First Baptist Church, Col-
lingswood, N. J. The Rev. Stanley
Nodder officiated at the double ring
ceremony. .
The bride was given in marriage
by her uncle, Chandler Brandt
Grover of Moorestown, N. J. Maid
of honor was Dorothy Hummel of
Collingswood. Charles W. Dixon Jr.
of Wilkes-Barre, acted as best man |
for the groom.
Following a reception held at the
bride’s home, the couple left on a
brief honeymoon. Upon Mr. Ste-
phenson’s release from the Coast
Guard in March the couple will re-
side in their new home on Grand-
view Avenue, New Goss Manor,
Florence Truska To Wed
Edward Boyle Next Week
Florence Truska, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Taft Truska of Harveys
Lake, will become the bride of
Master Sgt. Edward Boyle, North
Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, Satur-
day, January 16 at 10 a.m. The
ceremony will be performed in St.
Ann’s Roman Catholic Church, Lu-
Mrs. Josephine Evans, Pittston,
sister of the bride, will be matron
of honor.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion will be held at the home of
the bride.
Miss Truska is a graduate of Lake
Township High School, Class of
1953. Sgt. Boyle was graduated
from: Coughlin High School, Wilkes-
Barre, and is “stationed at Reading
with the U. S. Marines.
The couple will reside in Reading.
Billy Butcher Entertains
Bt New Years Eve Party
Billy Butcher, son of Mrs. William
E. Butcher, Columbia Avenue, Dal-
las, entertained ten of his friends
at a New Years Eve party in the
basement recreation room of his
home. Guests were: Janice Roberts,
Brenda Mannear, Beverly Gosart,
Margie Stooky, Sandra Sprout, Ted
Hons, Wilfred Anderson, Tony
b Hodgson, Jimmie Edwards, and
Billy Strausser. ~
Alice Louise Clark
To Wed Theodore Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Clark,
Beaumont, have announced the be-
trothal of their daughter, Alice
Louise, to Theodore Stone, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone of Me-
hoopany R. D.
Miss Clark, a graduate of Tunk-
hannock High School, is employed
as secretary for General Electric
Corporation at Syracuse, N. Y. Mr.
Stone, also a Tunkhannock gradu-
ate, works for General Electric in
No date has been set for the
Jacob Simons, Hosts
At Christmas Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Simon of
Noxen entertained at a Christmas
party and dinner at their home on
Christmas Day. Among the guests
were their children, John, Sandra,
Joseph and Michael, Mrs. Albino
Sopko and son, Adam, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Krohn and children, Berna-
dine and Christine, all of Swoyer-
ville; John Sopko of Buffalo, N. Y.,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cwiklik of
Nanticoke and Dorothy Bonomo and
Thomas Simon of Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. Krohn who is serving with
the U. S. Navy at Newport, R. I,
has returned to his base.
Miss Lathrop Purchases |
New Children’s Books
Miriam Lathrop, Back Mountain
Memorial Library, reports 240 new
children’s books purchased for the
juvenile department on Tuesday's
buying trip to Scranton. Miss La-
throp takes advantage of post-
Christmas sales to replenish stocks,
as children’s books get hard wear
from small borrowers at the li-
brary, and need frequent replace-
ment. Books purchased on Tuesday
include stories suitable for all ages
and will be put in circulation as
soon as they are catalogued.
Holy Name Society
To Meet Monday
Holy Name Society of the Gate
of Heaven parish will hold its
monthly meeting at Gate of Heaven
school on Monday evening at 8.
The newly elected officers of the
society will be installed followed by
a short meeting at which time plans
for the coming square dance will be
discussed. Refreshments will be
The men of the parish will re-
ceive communion in a body at the
9 o'clock Mass on Sunday.
Barbara Sweezy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sweezy, Canfield,
Ohio, became the bride of William
Vogan, Youngstown, Ohio, Decem-
ber 22. The candlelight ceremony
took place in the Canfield Presby-
terian Church before an altar
banked with palms and chrysan-
themums, Rev. Harold Kaser offici-
The bride wore a winter=white
faille street length dress and car-
ried a white prayer-book with roses
and carnations. Mrs. Richard E.
Reed, Princeton, N. J. was her
sister’s matron of honor, wearing a
powder-blue faille street length
dress, and carrying a bouquet of
yellow roses.
Earl Harris was best man,
Ruth MacMillan, Bride
Of Tunkhannock Man
In a setting of holiday greens at
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Noxen,
Ruth L. MacMillan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jeddie MacMillan of Nox-
en, became the bride of George
Jurista, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Jurista of Tunkhannock R. D.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
George Macialek of Tunkhannock
The bride wore white bridal gown,
finger tip veil and shoulder bouquet
of white roses. Mrs. Macialek chose
beige gown fashioned like that: of
the bride and red roses.
Mrs. Jurista is a graduate of
Noxen High School. Mr. Jurista was
graduated from Tunkhannock High
School and is engaged in farming
at Tunkhannock R. D. where the
couple will reside.
Mrs. Lester Sharkoski
Heads Altar and Rosary
Mrs. Lester Sharkoski was in-
stalled as president, and Mary Weir
as vice president, at the meeting
of the Altar and Rosary Society of
Gate of Heaven on Monday. Other
officers, second vice president, Mrs.
John Kaschak, secretary, Mrs.
James Duffy, treasurer, Mrs. Victor
Borzone, financial treasurer, Mrs.
William Stewart. :
Hostesses for the evening were:
Mrs. John Elenchik, Mrs. William
Wasser, Mrs. Carl German, Mrs.
Harry Flussi, Mrs. William Morgan,
Mrs. Stephen Bombick' and Mrs.
Edward Cavan.
President Of Auxiliary
Mrs. Olive McDonald was chosen
president, and Mrs. Ruth Guyette,
vice president, at the meeting of
Woman’s Auxiliary of Kingston
Township Veterans’ Association held
in the Club Rooms, Main Highway,
Trucksville, recently. Other officers:
treasurer, Mrs. Jane Thompson,
secretary, Mrs. Jean Yanolonis, pub-
licity, Mrs. Teresa Smith. o
lash Bulbs
ast Developing
Dial 4-3888
ushers were Richard Reed and Db
Swigert. ;
Following a reception in thie
church parlors, the couple left for
a trip to Washington, D. C. nD
their return they will reside at 359
E. Boston Avenue, Youngstown. |
The bride is a graduate nurse of
the Youngstown Hospital School| of
Nursing, and a member of the staff
at Mahoning County Tuberculésis
Sanitarium. The groom, son of
and Mrs. James Vogan, Youmgs-
town, served four years in the
Navy, two of the four in Japan,
and is now ar-engineering student
at Youngstown College.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swe ezy,
parents of the bride, are former
residents of Shavertown. = |
Irene Young, Engage .
To Kenneth A. Mea le
Announcement hes’ Teoh aie of
the engagement of Irene R. Young,
Young of Buffalo, N, Y., formerly
of Sweet Valley, to Kenneth A.
Meade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Meade of Sweet Valley. .. .
Miss Young is a student at Gen-,
eral Hospital. Mr. Meade is a mem-~
ber of the Sophomore Class at East-
ern Christian Institute, Orange, N.
J. He is minister at the Green-
point, Brooklyn, Church of Christ.
Returns To School
Sarah Ann do,
Northampton School
a senior at
“for Girls,
her studies after spending the holi-
days at Huntsville. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Ide. Word comes’ from Northamp-
ton that Sally took part in a pag-
eant, Our Heritage of Christmas
Customs, and was a jester at the
annual Old English Christmas Din-
ner before her vacation; ’ :
Entertains At Party >
Mrs. M. J. Brown, Dallas" Sud
Plymouth, entertained a number
of friends at a Christmas’ party in
Plymouth last Monday - ‘evening.
Highlight of the evening was the
unexpected arrival of an old friend,
Mrs. Melvin Estey. ;
“Present were Mrs. James Thon,
Mrs. Ray Evans, Mrs. Louise Col-
well, ‘Mrs. Florence Phillips, Mrs.
Henry Peterson, Cor Pian, prs
Estey and the hostess. ed
Dallas, Pa.
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