PAGE TWELVE and happiness. of the human heart. ” and good will toward men o¥ ALDERSON CHARGE The Christmas Cantata, “The Na- tivity Song” by Roy E. Nolte will be given by forty members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship Groups of Alderson-Noxen Charge on Sun- day evening at 8 in Alderson Meth- odist Church. Mrs. Fred Swanson is directing the choir and Mrs. War- ren Montross is organist. Members are: Nelson Ashburner, Grace Ann Bachman, Walter Bron- son, Leroy Butler, Marilyn Condon, Nelson Condon,Peggy Coole, Judy Evon, Alan Field, Janet Gebler, Margaret Gunton Richard Harding, Dick Hobbs, James Hunsinger, Patsy Keener, Jackie Lonie, Mar- garet Lyons, Wilma Lyons, Joyce Meeker, Roy Meeker, Dorothy Miers, David Pellam, Julia“ Patton, Sara Patton, Carlton Patton, > Audrey Race, Richard Race, Roger Race, Joyce Shalata, Anette - Shalata, Emily Sickler, Joan Sickler, Connie Smith, Allen Swanson, Gloria Sut- ver, Eunice Traver, Marilyn Traver, Verna Lee Wagner. The Cantata will be repeated on Sunday December 27th at 3’ in Noxen Church and at 8 in Kunkle Church. 3 ; The Kunkle Church worship ser- vice on Sunday will be held at 6:30 p. m. The Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Sterl Chere with Mrs.” Fred Dodson, organist, will sing “Wind Through the Olive and “Beautiful Saviour.” The pastor will preach. Kunkle Sunday School will be held at 10 a. m. Please note change in hour of church service from 7:30 to 6:30 on December 20. The morning worship service in Alderson Church with ‘the pastor preaching will. be held at 11:15. The choir will sing, “There Were Shepherds,” by Holton. Sunday School will be held at 10:15. Ruggles Church service will be held at 8:45 a. m. with Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Noxen Church service will be held at 10 a. m. with Sunday School at 11 o'clock. Christmas Programs Christmas programs of the Church Schools of Alderson-Noxen charge will be held as follows: Ruggles Church, Monday, December 21 at 7:30 p. m.; Kunkle Church, Tuesday, December 22 at 7:30; Alderson Church Wednesday, December 23, at 7:30 p. m.; Noxen Church, Friday, December 25, at 6:00 p. Bn, EAST DALLAS METHODIST Sunday School 10:30; Church Service 11:30. § W. 8S. C. S. Christmas party, Thursday at noon, at the home of Mrs. Ted Wilson. Covered dish. Minister, Rev. Thomas C. Davis. BERTI * Franklin St., Dallas & SON Phone 4-7396 to depend on i paper! READ AND ENJOY or word “of mouth ori THE DALLAS POST ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN A Christmas Party will be given for Nursery, Beginner, Primary, and Junior Departments of the Sunday School on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. The program will include the showing of Christmas pictures by Ralph Gerhart, the tell- Walter Gosart, the singing of car- ols, and the playing of games. The Luther League will decorate the church on Saturday afternoon. The president, Frank Fischer, asks all Leaguers to come and help. Sunday School will be held at 9:45 o'clock and will provide classes for all ages. The celebration of Christmas will begin on Sunday with the service at 11 o'clock in the morning. At this time the can- tata “The Dawn of Christmas” by Roy Nolte will be presented by an augmented choir under the direc- tion of Mrs. Paul M. Winter. Mrs. Newton H. Hess will be at the con- sole of the organ and will accom- pany the choir. At six o'clock in the evening the Christmas Festival of the Sunday School will be held with a program presented by the Nursery, Beginner, Primary, and Junior Departments. Following this at 7 o'clock the other departments of the Sunday School will present a program of carol singing and a pageant with music ‘No Room in the Inn” will be given by the Friendly Young Adult Bible Class. There will be a nursery for pre- school children at the 11 o'clock service. The climax of the Christmas cele- bration will be Christmas Eve at 11 o'clock. At ‘this time the tradi- tional Christmas. Candle Light Serv- ice will be held and the Lord’s Supper administered. DALLAS FREE METHODIST Rev. Joseph Spreule, Pastor Services will follow the usual schedule on Sunday, preaching ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,, Sunday School at 10 a. m., Young Peoples service at 6:30. Tuesday evening prayer meeting and Bible study is at 7:30. The Christmas entertainment will be given Tuesday evening at 7:30, so as not to interfere with Trucks- ville Free Methodist program the following night. [ “Open Friday Afternoons Until 5 P. M. For Your Convenience” The Kingston National Bank Kingston Corners FOUNDED 1896 (Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Brass Planters Upper Rd., Shavertown SHAVERTOWN METHODIST Rev. Robert DeWitt Yost Sunday: 9:30, Church School Christmas exercises in social rooms. 9:45, Men's Bible Class, ‘teacher, Luther Powell. 11:00, Nursery dur- ing Church Hour for pre-school chil- dren. 11:00 Christmas Sunday morning Worship with special Christmas music and Christmas ser- mon by the pastor. 6:00, Inter- mediate M. Y. F. 6:30, Senior M. Y. F.; meet at church to go carol- ling. Monday: 3:30, Brownies, Troop 115. 7:30, Girl Scouts, Troop 9. Tuesday: 4:00 Girl Scouts, Troop 66. 7:30, Boy Scouts, Troop 231. Wednesday: 3:45, Jumior Choir rehearsal. 7:00, Girl Scouts, Troop 75. Thursday: 3:30, Brownies, Troop 105. 11:30, Christmas Eve Candle- light Communion Service. The following children were bap- tized in the Shavertown Methodist Church on Sunday, December 13, 1953: Pamela Sue Rood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rood; Mich- ele Alwen Swingle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Swingle; Van Guth- rie Williams, son of Mr .and Mrs. Donald T. Williams. DALLAS METHODIST CHURCH Church School, 10:00 a. m. Church Worship, 11:00, with thir- ty minutes of Christmas music pre- sented by the Senior and Junior Choirs concluding the program with singing of ‘Alleluia Chorus.” The sermon topic will be “Let Us Go To Bethlehem.” Sunday 2:30, Country Couples Christmas party at Church. Sunday 6:30 p. m., Junior M. Y. F. Christmas party. Choir party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Sunday School Christmas program, parents and friends invited. Sunday, December 27 Student Recognition Sunday, all college and Dallas Club Chorale Dallas Woman’s Club Chorale re- turned to the Back Mountain at 1:30 Tuesday morning, after a full day in New York. They left on scnedule Monday morning, reaching New York at 12:30, where they scattered until 4:15, meeting time designated at Grand Central Station. Most members patronized the Museum of Modern Arts or Music Hall, a few went shopping. From 3-5:30 they sang to a huge crowd from the north balcony, noting that it was the very familiar Christmas carols which were accorded the most enthusiastic reception. After dinner at Hotel Commodore, they started home by chartered Martz bus, rout- ed along Fifth Avenue to see the Christmas lighting and displays and Rockefeiler Plaza in its holiday dress. Most of the membership had never been in New York just before Christmas. Elaine Allen reports that it was a breath-taking sight, long to be remembered. cial guests. Directly following the service coffee will be served by the W. S. C. S. During this same ser- vice an honor roli will be placed in the church honoring boys in the armed forces. Parents and friends of the boys are cordially invited to attend. PRINCE OF- PEACE Rev. William McClelland, Jr. Sunday, 8 a. m. Advent Corpor- ate Communion for men and boys. Breakfast served in the Parish House following ‘the service. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Nur- sery department. : Monday, 7:30 p. m. Boy Scout Troop meeting. Wednesday, 7:15 p .m. Boys and Senior Choir rehearsal. Thursday, 11 p. m. Holy Com- munion and Sermon. they lose their home? Call — 30 Lake St. CCC ECS g A Christmas Necessity E 3 “ E CE CENCE C3 IE ET CRE - Xmas Begonias Dallas 4-7331 Phone 4-7526 I » ‘MONDAY IS SHORTEST DAY OF THE YEAR AND THEN DAYS LENGTHEN The days will begin to grow longer after next Monday, which is the shortest day of the year. The sun, after touching the southernmost point in its an- nual swing, will start back up- / hill, but that will not mean warmer weather. There is an old saying, “When the days begin to lengthen ,the cold be- gins to strengthen.” The weath- er man lays this prenomenon to the wastes of snow which act like a mirror, reflecting the sun and preventing it from warming the cold earth, but snow or no snow, the coldest weather invariably comes after the turning point of the sun’s journey south. Anyway, there’ll be more sunshine, and a prom- ise of orange crocus in late February. STRAINED 6+ 59¢ Night Market Pierce Street KINGSTON Capons Eggs Flowers Turnips Poultry Carrots Brussels Spts. Onions Cauliflower Endive Cider Turkeys Beets Squash STORE UP ON WINTER CABBAGE, APPLES, POTATOES Open at 5:30 p.m. FRIDAY ONLY HOME - MADE JELLIES, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, COOKIES JUNIOR 4-59 SUNKIST Concentrated Lemonade 2 :&%39¢ Orangeade 2 ::..39¢ PERSONAL ms : : Bar iw y wi + a > 25¢ 3 ne 106 5% Ox 90 Pkg. 7 Oa. Pkg. ’ 12 Oz. Pkg. Lb. Pkg. SDE Bot. 100's i i { £0» 5 PILLSBURY’S 9 Oz. Pkgs. CUT CORN » x