The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 04, 1953, Image 12

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Church League Opens Season
Tomorrow Night At Dallas Gym
With Saturday, December fifth | year. Cornell, their fine rebound
slated as opening date, eight teams | Mam, will not be with the team
in the Back Mountain Church Bas- this year, and that could hurt their
ketball League, backed by their re- chances. J :
spective churches, are ready to see Dallas Methodist will be handled
action. The league again this year | Py Harry Hefko, and St. Paul's Lu-
will be guided by Charles Stein- theran by Art Kitchen. At last re-
hauer serving his second term, he port, these teams were uncertain
will be assisted by Jack Porter and about their personnel, but can al-
Earl Fritzges. . ways be depended upon to come up
5 3 with some surprises.
Games for the first week will be Last year it cost the league over
$850 to operate, with expenses for
gyms, officials, dry cleaning of uni-
ing: from there to Westmoreland’
gym for the. vest of the schedule. forms, used in a March of Dimes
Teams entered are Trucksville| game two new balls for league
Methodist, Huntsville Christian, games, score books and other inci-
Shavertown Methodist, St. Therese’s dentals. Part of this money was
Catholic, Alderson Methodist, East raised by selling chance books, and
and St. Paul's Lutheran. There is’ qoor and by franchise money the
be replaced or combined with Car-
Trucksville, last year’s play-off
champs, will be under the direction
of Ralph Anthony, and with the
‘player contributing a certain sum.
But whether you contribute or not,
the teams would like to play to full
houses, so this Saturday night at
Dallas Borough gym, starting at
6:45, let’s one and all get out and
root for our favorite team.
Games of Dec. 5th, Dallas Bor-
ough gym:
6:45—St. Paul's Lutheran vs.
Trucksville Methodist
7:45—Alderson Methodist vs.
Shavertown Methodist
8:45—East Dallas Methodist vs.
Dallas Methodist
9:45—Huntsville Christian vs.
St. Therese’s Catholic
point maker, will present the same
team it had last year, but lacking
ability. The champs are bound to
find the going tough.
Huntsville, led by Harold Brobst,
will also have about the same team,
one good enough to bring them
straight season honors last year.
Shavertown Methodist, with Earl
Fritzges serving as coach, lost a big .
player in Hons, but still has reserve
power to take up the slack with a
small but fast team.
St.. Therese’s, under the direction .
of Tom Makravitz, has the making
of a good team. With last year’s
team complete, four new players
joined the Saints with John Hardi-
man and Tony Greener to share in
starting roles.
East Dallas Methodist, led by
“Porky” Martin, a team that al-!
ways had plenty of speed, still re-
tains it and comes up with plenty
of height in signing Bob Berlew, 6
foot 6 inch giant. Berlew teamed
up with Fowler and Martin might
go all the way.
Alderson Methodist — Dick Sear-
foss will handle the reins of this
club and if it catches some of Dick's
spirit it could be very tough. Dick,
along with Garringer, formed two
of the highest scoring forwards last
Stationed In Germany
Bremerhaven, Germany — Arden
D. Kocher, 24, whose wife, Bernice,
and parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Kocher, live on Harvey's Lake,
RFD 1, was recently promoted to
corporal while serving in Germany
at the Bremerhaven Port of Em-
Located on the North Sea, Bre-
merhaven is the major supply point
in Germany for NATO forces and
is the only principal seaport in
Europe under U. S. control.
Corporal Kocher, an engineering
supervisor, arrived overseas in July,
1952. He entered the Army in
January, 1952, and completed basic
training a Fort Belvoir, Va.
For Your Convenience
Dr. A. S. Lisses
5 Main St., Dallas
Prone 4-4506
DAILY: Tues. & Fri. 1-5 P.M.
EVES: Tues., Wed., Fri. 7-8:30 ©
54 S. Main St., W.-B.
Prone 3-3794
DAILY 9:30 - 5 P. M.
Eyes Examined © Quality Glasses ® Optical Repairs
Club To Give Prizes
For Large Deer Racks
Harveys Lake Rod & Gun Club
at its meeting Monday night at
Herman Kern's Restaurant decided
to award two prizes during the deer
hunting season.
The first prize of $10 and a year’s
membership in the club will be
awarded to the hunter bringing in
the deer with the largest rack.” Sec-
ond prize of $5 and a year’s mem-
bership will be awarded for the
second largest rack. Herman Kern
will be judge and all entries must
be presented to him for inspection.
The awards will be made at a
club dinner in February.
Motion pictures of fishing in Can-
ada were shown following the for-
mal program by Lou Sykes of
Wilkes-Barre. John Stenger fur-
nished the project.
Altar And Rosar
Christmas Dinner
Altar @and Rosary Society of St.
Therese's Church will hold its an-
nual Christmas dinner in the
church auditorium, December 10, at
6:30 p. m. Women of the parish
and friends are invited.
Guest speaker will be Esther
Barry, member of the faculty of
Larksville High School.
Dinner committee: Honorary
chairman, Rev. J. J. O'Leary; chair-
man, Mrs. William Boyd, co-chair-
man, Mrs. William Purcell, decora-
tions, Mrs. Philip Coniglio, reserva-
tions, Mrs. Albert Pesavento, public-
ity; Mrs. Thomas Dorosky. The din-
ner will be served by the Kingston
House. Those attending are asked
Mrs. Guy May had another set-
back in her illness which has caused
her to remain in bed the past few
Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mr. William
Lewis, and Miss June Maguire of
Wilkes-Barre cane up to help Dor-
othy Beryl, youngest daughter of
the Warren Johnsons, celebrate her
third birthday Sunday.
Nancy Gunton and Jeanette Tra-
ver, who are doing their student
teaching at Bloomsburg, spent Wed-
nesday before Thanksgiving observ-
ing ‘the real thing in the elementary
school. :
The Frank Bittenbenders of New
Jersey, Glen Scovell, Jr., Mrs. Caro-
lyn Scovell, and Jacob Andrews had
Thanksgiving dinner with the
Charles Hilberts.
sey City, N. J., were with Mrs. Vio-
let Garey for the Thanksgiving
Mrs. Gus Norbutt is able to be in
the gas station again after having
a virus infection.
The Lend - a - Hand Club Christ-
mas Party will be at the home. of
Mrs. Alden Dietz, Thursday, Decem-
ber 10, when fifty-cent gifts will
be exchanged.
Mrs. Heber Belles, Sr., is spend-
ing some time with her daughters,
Mrs. Kenneth Woods and Mrs. By-
ron Woods, at Fairfax, Va.
Gus Norbutt has kindly consent-
ed to handle the adult unit for the
Bookmobile when it comes on its
December rounds.
Terry Wetzel, daughter of the
Willard Wetzels, had many friends
in to celebrate her birthday, Satur-
day, November 21st.
“Let Face It, Folks . . .
+. Pll Be Back
Again Next.
Be prepared
with a Christi:
Club Savings Plan.
You'll never miss the small amount you set
aside each week for your Christmas Club
account but it will look mighty good when
you receive that check in 1954. Better join
With The Valley’s Most Modern
Bry Cleaning Equipment
————————————— 1953 Club Payment $295,000
b 4
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Order Your Christmas
Hotel people, who should know,
report that rentals of TV sets
are at their highest for the big
sports events . . . which makes
gEmroday’s com-
nents by a top
I'V sportscaster
>f interest to a
‘ot of viewers.
Mel Allen has
een calling the
lays on the
ast- to -coast
collegiate football
decide whether he talks too
much or too little. Mel figures
that to the experts he probably
gabs too much, but to the non-
experts he doesn’t do enough
explaining of the play as it un-
Mel also handles telecasts for
the New York Yankee baseball
games during the horsehide sea-
son, but claims that he only
runs into trouble when the foot-
ball season comes around . . .
and the mail starts pouring in.
Most of it is in favor of more
talk. Mel adds, “I feel that I'm
shirking my duty ‘as a reporter
if I don’t try to help those who
don’t understand the intricate
plays and formations cooked up
by our college coaches.”
In order to do a good job of
explaining, he visits the training
camps of the teams he’s going to
talk about and watches films of
the teams in action. As he ex-
plains it, he’s really a scout for
television. You have to be your
own television scout when it
comes to choosing a TV set.
You'll be on the right trail once
you set your sights on a Crosley
TV set. Headquarters for the
display and sales of Crosley sets
Main Rd., Trucksville
Phone 4-7101
Beautiful Gifts
Unusual Novelties
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can mean to you this WINTER!
To keep your home warm and comfortable during the cold
months, be sure you get a dependable product with a real
reputation for clean heat and comfort. That's improved Gulf
Solar Heat . . . the finest heating oil we've ever sold and made
with a special ingredient to prevent clogging, to keep it free-
flowing and help you get the maximum in clean heat for your
A tankful of improved Gulf Solar Heat will convince you
that all the good things said about it are true! All we ask is that
when you are ready to order, you .
Read The Classified Column
Main Highway Phone 4-3376 Trucksville
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For Regular Delivery
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For World Famous Products Of Top Quality
Plus Unexcelled Day and Hight Service Call
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