The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 27, 1953, Image 4

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bi we
Paul Shaver, Lewis Hallock,
James VanCampen, Paul Sedler and
Paul Shaver, Jr., spent Monday at
Camp Quiwaumick, Pike's County,
bear hunting. They didn’t see a one.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ambrose
and family, West Dallas, and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Brooke and family,
Trucksville, will be Thanksgiving
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Sekera, Park Place, Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna,
Wyoming Street, Dallas, will enter-
-tain at a family dinner on Thanks-
giving. \
Mr. and Mrs. Francis: Ambrose,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooke and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sekera attended
the Lehigh-Lafayette football game
on Saturday. 2
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vopleus have
returned to their home at Orange
after spending sometime at Long
“Island, N. Y. :
Mr. and Mrs. James Campfield
have feturneed to their home in
Binghamton, N. Y., after spending
the past week as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry [Sickler of Orange.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kiern of
Philadelphia were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Henry on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson and
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus
Tinker, old friends. -
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marchione
and Philomena and Velma of Phila-
delphia will spend the Thanksgiving
weekend with Mrs. Marchione’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Sprenkel, Church Street, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Gail. and
son, Ian, Huntsville Road, Dallas,
will spend the Thanksgiving week-
end in Philadelphia visiting Mrs.
Gail's sister, Mrs. Eleanor Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail will celebrate
their twentieth wedding annivers-
ary. Mr. Gail and Ian will attend
the Cornell-University of Pennsyl-
vania football game.
Dr. Adelaide Ellsworth Weston
and after an extended trip to Mex-
ico will return to her home in
Jamestown, N. Y. for the winter.
Clifford Fink, Lehigh Street,
Shavertown, spent Sunday in New
York City visiting his wife who is
a patient at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Fink is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie,
Druid Hills, Shavertown, spent sev-
eral days this week in New York
Jack Nothoff, Harveys Lake, is
able to be out and around again
after being a hospital patient.
- Walter Wolfe has recovered at
his home at Harveys Lake after a
recent illness.
Mrs. Isabell Reakes, Wanamie, is
spending the holiday week with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Niezgoda at Lehman.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phillips,
Wilmington, Del., spent the week-
end visiting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Griesing and Mrs. Flor-
ence Phillips. Mrs. Phillips and
Mrs. F. M. Gordon returned with
them to spend the holiday week.
Allen Root has, been ill at his
home on Franklin Street this week.
Mrs. Charles Stookey, Parrish
Street, and Mrs. Harold Brobst,
Ridge Street, Dallas, are spending
the week at Huntington, L. I. visit-
ing the former's daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rog-
ers. The Rogers will leave for
Harry Decker who has been con-
fined to his home on Huntsville
Road by illness is able to be about
Norma R. Walters, former Mt.
‘Greenwood resident, has been se-
lected as assistant editor of the
Grapevine, a weekly newspaper
published by the Mare Island Naval
Shipyard, Vallejo, Cal. The Grape-
vine is an eight page paper.
Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Kunkle, is a
patient at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kreidler
enport Street, Dallas, to the Hill-
side Farm, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steinhauer
will celebrate their thirtieth wed-
ding" anniversary on Thanksgiving
Day. They will have as guest their
daughter Virginia of Hartford,
Conn. 3
Mary Elizabeth Schooley, student
at Penn State College, will spend
the weekend at the home of her
mother, Mrs. S. R. Schooley, Ma-
chell Avenue.
Mrs. Earl Monk, Pinecrest Ave-
nue, will have as Thanksgiving din-
ner guests Mr. and Mrs. Martin
"Quinn, White Haven, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Denmon and Warren and
Andrew Jr. Main Road, Hillside,
‘Mr. and Mrs. Tex Wilson and Tex
‘and Catherine of East Dallas, Billie
and Susie Allabaugh, Mrs. Doris
Mallin and Jackie and Valerie.
Nancy Brader, student at Cedar
Crest College, will arrive tonight: to
spend the holiday vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood
Mr. and Mrs. Norti Bert
Mark 21st Anniversary
Mr. and/Mrs. Norti Berti are cele-
brating their twenty-first wedding
anniversary on Wednesday. Mrs.
Berti is the former Hazel Smith, of
Wilkes-Barre. There are three chil-
dren: Billy, nearing twenty; Jackie,
fifteen; and Hazel Myra, who will
be five in February.
The couple has lived in Dallas
for nine years, buying their present
home on Main street when they
first moved to this area. Mrs. Berti
is active in women’s organizations,
belonging to Library Book Club, x
Durbin Class, Dr. Henry M. Laing
Auxiliary, and Dallas Woman's
Club. Mr. Berti is an important
member of the Dr. Henry M. Laing
Fire Company, and a strong booster
for Dallas, serving as past and pres-
ent transportation manager for the
Back Mountain Library Auction. He
is a member of George M. Dallas
Lodge, Caldwell = Consistory, and
Irem Temple, and is also a member
of IOOF.
Celebrate Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper,
former Lehman residents, now of
South Bend, Ind., celebrated their
first wedding anniversary on Sun-
day. Mrs. Cooper is the former
Dorothy Niezgoda, daughter of
George Niezgoda of Lehman. Mr.
Cooper is employed by the Bendix
Plant in South Bend.
Kathy Elston
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Elston Jr.,
Main Highway, announce the birth
of a five pound baby girl, Kathy, at
Mercy Hospital November 21. This
is their first child. Mrs. Elston is
the former Nancy Moore of East
End, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Elston,
“Jiggs” is son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Elston of Kunkle.
Randall Kevin Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Ray, Har-
ris Hill Road, Trucksville, announce
the birth of a son, Randall Kevin,
at Mercy Hospital November 9. The
new arrival weighed eight pounds,
three ounces. There are two ather
children, Barry and Karla Penman.
Mrs. Ray is the former Laura
Catherine Martin, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry L. Martin of Trucks-
Mrs. Ralph Dixon Is
Hostess To S. S. Class
Meetings for the coming year
were outlined at the meeting of
Durbin Sunday School Class at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Dixon Friday
night. January meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Harry Ohlman;;
February, Mrs. Verne Groff; March
Mrs. Robert VanHorn; April, Mrs.
David Jenkins; May, Mrs. Raymond
Elston; June, outdoor picnic; Sep-
tember, Mrs. L. L. Richardson; Oc-
tober, Mrs. Peg Williams; Novem-
ber, Mrs. Ralph Dixon.
Mrs. Verne Groff retired as presi-
dent of the Class and Mrs. Alva
Eggleston, new president, took over.
Other officers: vice president, Mrs.
Sheldon Mosier; secretary, Mrs.
Harry Peiffer; treasurer, Mrs. Thom-
as Cease.
Mrs. Wilson Maury announced
that $380.75 was cleared on the
1953 birthday calendar. Plans were
made to hold a Christmas party at
the Library Annex December 29 at
8 p.m. when mystery sisters will be
revealed and gifts exchanged.
Christmas carols will be sung and
Santa will be present.
New committees were appointed:
telephone, Mrs. Raymond Elston; fi-
nance, Mrs. Verne Groff; sick, Mrs.
William Heapps; publicity, Mrs.
Ralph Dixon and Mrs. Thomas
Present at the meeting were: Mrs.
Alva Eggleston, Mrs. Harry Peiffer,
ardson, Mrs. Robert VanHorn, Mrs.
Harry Ohlman, Mrs. Ornan Lamb;
Mrs. Norti Berti, Mrs. William
M- and Mrs. Corey Rood, Lehigh
Street »Shavertown, announce the
marriage 3%, their daughter, Cora
Mae, to Maron A. Porter, son of
Mr. ? and Mrs. Hired. Porter of San
Antonio, Texas. COTOOnY Was
The double ring S
performed Saturday, Yovember 21
at 5:30 pm. in the Wie Kirk o
Heather, Los Angeles, Cal. .
Attendants were Mildred McGin-
nes, Coatesville, Pa., who is &. Cali-
fornia, and Robert Jones, brdher-
in-law of the bridegroom of %°S
A reception followed the cere-
Mrs. . Porter is a graduate of
Westmoreland High School, Nesbitt
Hospital School of Nurses, and at-
tended College Misericordia. She
is now serving with the U. S. Navy
at Corona, Cal.
Mr. Porter was graduated from
Thomas Jefferson High School, San
Antonio, and attended San Antonio
College. He spent two and a half
years aboard a destroyer in Korea
and is now stationed at Corona
with the Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Woolbert, Holly
Street, Trucksville, will observe
their golden wedding anniversary
Sunday, November 29 with open
house from 3 until 5 and 7 until 9.
No invitations have been issued.
The couple was married in Lu-
zerne November 24, 1903 by the
late Rev. Clinton B. Henry. ;
Mrs. Woolbert is the former Mil-
lie K. Anderson, daughter of the
late Asa and Ann Anderson of
Bunker Hill. Mr. Woolbert is son
of the late Almon and Sarah Wool-
bert of Beaumont.
The couple went to housekeeping
on Holly Street, just down the road
from their present home, where Mr.
Woolbert conducted a dairy busi-;
ness. About forty-five years ago
they moved to the house they now
occupy and just thirty years® ago
Mr yioolbert switched ‘to the gro-
isiness, Main Highway, which
coy by ‘his son, Nelson, still ‘oper-
oo > and Mrs. Woolbert are
in oxasllont health and take an
active’ part Bi the Little White
Church on thi, Hill, ; having been
members ever sitcc Barrage. Mes
. member of the
ole the Reynolds Bible Class
: others Club. Mr.
and the Service NE of the Men’s
Woolbert is a meml;
Bible Class, the Offa! Board and
serves as a trustee.
There are three so : %
Trucksville, Willard of} "Ladelphia,
and Nelson’ at hom?’ d
pi enneth,
grandchildren, Ann ak Ww
7 : oolberts
children of the Kennet; hildren. of
and Nancy and Willard,®
the Willard Woolberts.
as, Kenneth of
Alice Fiske, Installed
By D. of A. Members
Mrs. Alice Fiske was installed as
District Deputy at the meeting of
Mount Vale Council 224, Daughters
of America, at the meeting held
with Friendship Council 21 in the
I.O.O.F. Hall, Wilkes-Barre, last Fri-
day night.
Those taking part in the presen-
tation of gifts were: Mabel Mitchell,
Marian McCarty, Goldie Ide, Mabel
Davis, Genevieve Mead, = Sarah
Strausser, Ruth Poynton, Anna
Kingston, Marjorie Meeker, Flor-
ence Ruff, Ruth Fiske, Dorothy Per-
rego. Others present were Audrey
Ide and Elizabeth Rowlands.
Mount Vale Council 224 won the
banner for having greatest percent-
age of members present.
Dallas Woman's Club
Decides On Food Orders
Dallas Woman's Club Executive
Board decided at Monday night's
meeting to distribute food orders
and toys this Christmas in place
of the usual baskets, following a
suggestion that many families might
prefer to select their own groceries
according to individual taste.
Several projects were discussed,
but without definite action. ‘Among
these was foundation of a scholar-
ship “for school or nurse training;
possible support of the Wooden
Church crusade sponsored by Fulton
Lewis; participation in restoration
of Independence Hall, Philadelphia;
serving of an International Lunch-
eon some time during the winter
with recipes of dishes for sale _-
Separate officers for the Value
Shop came under discussior fo be
proposed at the next busir’ r
ing. Mrs. Ross Lewin »v d Mrs. Fred
Eck were appointed as’ 2 scholarship
ee os «Irs. Roland Klisch,
West Dallas. assisted by Mrs. Robert
Vian Horn” Mary Weir presided.
Present Were Mesdames Milford
H. sraver, Wilson J. Maury, Ross
Lew: Charles W. Lee, Stefan Hel-
lersPerk, Ornan Lamb, Mitchell
nkins, W. B. Allen, Joseph Sekera,
arthur Culver, Francis Ambrose,
Algert Antanaitis, Anna ‘Stenger,
Alfred D. Bronson, Fred Eck, the
Heapps, Mrs. Raymond Elston, Mrs,
Alton Sprout, Mrs. Verne Grof"
Mrs. Arnold Williams, Mrs. LaVer 2€
Race, Mrs. John Yaple. Mrs. Thor 2$
E. Cease, Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mrs.
Robert Bodycomb, Mrs. Rolf d
Klisch, Mrs. Ralph Flannigan, /YT'S:
Ralph Dixon. /
Mrs. Elizabeth Celestine vicEvoy,
West Center Street, Shaverf©WVD 18
a patient at Mercy Hospite!" where
she. is reported as doing fe ell.
dent at
Sherwood Wilson, st 5
will,” arrive to-
Se jay weekend
day to spend oli
with’ his paren nd Mrs. Jack
! Farm. Sher-
i ' the freshman
all team at the
wood, a mem
class, made t {
une ity, ig k Street Dal
terlin, we PE
las, is oe t Mercy Hospital
where he i g from a heart
tudent at Deerfield
the holidays
hostesses, and Misses Mary Weir
and Patricia Reynolds.
A-3 C. Robert MacHenry
Is Honored In Texas
A/3 C. Robert S. MacHenry,
Brooks « Air Base, San Antonia,
Texas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo-
dore MacHenry of Orange, was se-
lected last week by the Board of
Directors of Good Will Industries
for outstanding service performed
for handicapped employees.
In making the formal plaque pre-
sentation, R. A. McNess said, “This
award is presented to you for your
activities above and beyond your
normal duty with the U. S. A. F.
It is with great pride that I present
the award to you.” :
Airman MacHenry enlisted in the
U. S. A. F. in 1952, received his
basic training at Sampson, N. Y.,
after which he was sent to Brooks
Air Force Base at San Antonio.
He will spend twenty-one days
the holidays.
Township High School, he was em-
ployed by Fernbrook Mill before
entering the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Watson,
Shrineview, left for St. Petersburg
where they will spend the next five
ith his par [r. and Mrs. Ray
Hoe / chél enue. The fam-
ily will attend the Cornell-Univer-
sity of Penn: game at Phila-
delphia o ving Day.
Mr. and Krs/ haver, Hunts-
ville Road, guests this week
their daugh Stephen Monka
and baby Washington, D. C.
Steve will, 1p for the holiday
weekend. #875 :
months ‘at the ‘Gulf Winds Apt.
Mrs. George Dymond Is
Honored At Shower
113 3 tertained
Mrs. 1 5
rs. William Alling en = ster,
at a surprise shower for hg
Mrs. George Dymond, on We gnes-
day evening. The table was oan
fully decorated in the Thanks} "8
scene. 7
Games were played, after wich
a delicious luncheon was served 2
the following: Madams Joyce Si/"
ler, Doris Bedford, Marion M2
Henry, Janet Dymond, Gloria Be(,
ford, Edith Camfield, Jean Ear,’
Maud Armstrong, Fred Dymond
Glena Rozell, Miss Vivian Dymond
the honored guest and the hostess;
Banquet Committee
Meets At Richardsons
Westmoreland High School Foot-
ball Mothers annual banquet com-
mittee met at the home of Mrs.
L. L. Richardson, Terrace Street,
Dallas, Monday evening to complete
plans for the banquet to be held
in the Westmoreland cafeteria Sat-
urday, December 5 at 6:30 p.m.
Letters and awards will be pre-
sented to Senior players, cheer-
leaders and managers at the dinner.
Entertainment will be furnished b
a student quartet made ur,"
Vann, Ralph Fitch, Jo! Stahl and
Ted Jones, Bit. > xrnaford, accom-
SInginS he meeting were: Mrs. Carl-
on Heslop, co-chairman with Mrs.
.chardson, Mrs. John Johnson and
Ns. Robert Shotwell, dining room
chairmen and Mrs. Fred. Anderson,
Mrs. John Stahl and Mrs. Harold
Widdman, decoration chairmen.
Mrs. Henrietta Miller
Is Getting Better
Mrs. Henrietta Miller, nearing
ninety, and at the point of death
last Saturday at her home in Shav-
ertown, is improving. Convinced
that she will recover, Mrs. Miller
now shows good appetite, and fixes
her mind upon getting out of bed,
“tomorrow.” Dr. H. A. Brown,
Lehman, seeing her on Saturday,
considered it a matter of hours.
The death of her only son, Mr. I. R.
Elston, last December 4, was the
blow which undermined her already
failing health. .
Phyllis Hanna, Guest
On Second Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna en-
tertained at a birthday party at
their new home on Wyoming Street,
Dallas, Monday honoring their two
year old daughter, Phyllis. Baskets
filled with goodies were favors and
party hats furnished the fun. A
lovely blue cake with pink decora-
tions was the party table center-
Present were: Grandma Mrs. Fred
Welsh, Greatgrandma Clara Shook,
Mrs. Paul Shaver, Mrs. Stephen
Monka, Jr., Christine Monka, Janice
Hanna, baby Phyllis and Mommy
and Daddy Hanna.
Hospital Auxiliary
Back Mountain Branch Nesbitt
Hospital Auxiliary will meet at the
Library Annex Friday, December 4,
at 2 P. M. for a Christmas party.
Mrs. James Hutchison and Mrs. Zel
committee. Mrs. Edgar Brace wi.l
lead in carol singing and Mrs. Lil-
lian Bevan and
‘serve. Be
Mrs. Alva Eggleston,
Featured At Concert
Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Vernon, was
general chairman and soloist at the
second annual « Wyoming County
Concert held in the Tunkhannock
High School Saturday evening.
Mrs. Eggleston, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Himmler of Lake
Street, Dallas, started the study of
piano at the age of ten and the
study of voice at the age of thir-
teen. While at College Misericordia
she was soloist of the College Cho-
ral, Jr. Mozart Club, Montani Music
Club and College Radio Guild.
While an academic student at Wyo-
ming Seminary she was a member
of Madame Fitzmaurice’s Glee Club.
She has served as pianist at Dallas
Methodist Church and Vernon Bap-
tist Community Church.
Other local people on the pro-
gram were Daisette Gebhart, Sut-
ton Creek, Atty. William Valentine,
Meeker, Sylvia Jones Schooley, and
Sandra Baird.
Mrs. Marian McCarty,
Hostess To D. of A.
Mrs. Marian McCarty entertained
members of the Past Councilor’s
Club, Mount Vale Council, Daugh-
ters of America Wednesday eve-
ning, when they enjoyed a skit en-
titled “An Interrupted Telephone
Call.” Mrs. Alice Fiske, Mrs. Anna
Kingston and Ruth Fiske taking
part. Plans were made to hold the
Christmas party at the home of
Mrs. Genevieve Mead Friday eve-
ning, December 18.
Present at the meeting were:
Ruth Fiske, Anna Kingston, Alice
Fiske, Dorothy Perrego, Mabel Mit-
chell, Audrey Ide, Goldie Ide, Lena
Misson, Genevieve Mead, Mabel
Elston, Ruth Poynton and the
hostess. °
Dick Ide, student at Mercersburg
Academy, and Sally Ide, student at
Northampton School for Girls, will
spend the Thanksgiving weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Ide, Huntsville.
At a very pretty wedding, Satur-
day at 3 p.m. Polly Lou ‘Cooper,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Cooper of Wyoming Street, Dallas,
became the bride of Cpl. Jay Van-
den Hout, son of Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Vanden Hout, Grand Rapids,
Mich. Rev. William Heapps per-
formed the double ring ceremony
before an altar decorated with
white chrysanthemums.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore twilight taffeta
street length gown styled with V
neckline, princess bodice, three-
quarter length sleeve and unpressed
pleated skirt. Her cap was of
matching seed pearls and she car-
ried a Colonial bouquet of white
roses and pompons. :
Priscilla Cooper was her sister’s
attendant. She selected gray peb-
ble satin street length dress, fash-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meighan
Sr., Carpenter Road, Harveys Lake,
and their family will have a joint
celebration on Thanksgiving Day
when the Senior Meighans will cele-
brate their “forty-fifth wedding an-
niversary, their son-in-law, Michael
Dean and grandson, Lee, their
birthday anniversaries, and a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Francis Britt and her hus-
band, their seventh wedding anni-
Mrs. Meighan is the former Eliz-
abeth Farringer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Farrington of
Forty Fort. Mr. Meighan is son of
‘the late Mr. and Mrs. James Meig-
han of Wilkes-Barre.
The couple was married in St.
Mary’s Church, Wilkes-Barre, and
went to housekeeping in the city.
Thirty-five years ago they bought
two cottages at the Lake and start-
ed spending the summers there
where Mr. Meighan could relax
ioned with high neckline, dolman
sleeves and straight skirt. She wore
a cap of dusty rose seed pearls and
carried a Colonial bouquet of pink
and orchid mums.
Mrs. Cooper, mother of the bride,
chose a gray flannel costume suit,
gold accessories and shoulder bou-
quet of yellow mums and Mrs. Van-
den Hout, mother of the bride-
groom, brown and white print,
brown accessories and bronze
Polly Lou is a graduate of Dallas
Borough High School and Miseri-
cordia ‘College. For the past year
and a half she has been teaching
in Towson; Md. Cpl. Vanden Hout
is stationed at Fort Meade with the
U. S. Army. He will receive his
honorable discharge in April after
which the couple will make their
home at Grand Rapids.
started enjoying the Lake the year
recently, Mr. Meighan retired, and
now devotes his time to upkeep of
the cottages and puttering around
the house. od
Both Mr. and Mrs. Meighan are
active members of Our Lady of Vic-
tory Church, Mrs. Meighan now
serving as vice president of the
Altar and Rosary Society, and Mr.
Meighan as head usher, which posi-
tion he has held ever since he
started spending the summer at the
Lake. Since suffering a heart at-
tack this summer, Mrs. Meighan
has had to curtail many of her
There are four children, all of
whom, with their families, will be
and Mrs. Thomas Meighan Jr. and
Mary Lou and Thomas III, Luzerne,
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean and
Michael, Mary Elizabeth and Lee,
Hazleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Britt and Maureen of Plymouth.
50 for $7.00
choice from our
eaneaanana asa abana. neta sean ne nahana
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Semana laASns anes oa nesas ns nanan aEaa ne aaanannssnanesanenssaansanny
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Your choice
The most
shown below.
mmsaqssnasnaasnasssssa anes nane eH
Mrs. Paul Crosley
rs. Paul Lrosley
Mrs. Paul Crosley
My. &P aul Crosley
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